Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7: Punishment and Reconciliation Laying Hana down on the pillow of the blonde's twin bed, Poppu places a kiss on the toddler's forehead before deciding to be bolder and deliver a second kiss on the lips, whispering, "I love you, Hana-chan... good night and sweet dreams." "Hana-chan love Poppu..." is all the blonde can muster in response before the tender moment is broken by a still dripping Doremi bursting into the room with her incantation on her lips, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Give Poppu a cock ring two sizes too small!" Grabbing her girlcock and wincing at the tightness of the metallic pink ring that just materialized to constrict the base of her futahood, Poppu turns to face her fuming sister just in time to see the older girl grab the pinkette's poron from where she had dropped it on Hana's carpet, Poppu gulping as she realizes she's defenseless. "Now, what should i do with my naughty, perverted imouto?" Asks the redhead with a evil smile. "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto!" casts Doremi once more, "Bind my naughty sister!" As the spell hits Poppu, the pinkette finds herself flat on her back, her knees pressed against her chest, and a band of pink musical notes binding her arms under her legs as her older sister starts circling the prone girl. "Hmmm... Seeing as you seemed hellbent on ensuring both me and Hana-chan get pregnant, perhaps I should give you a taste of what being pregnant would be like." Raising her poron, the redhead cries out, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Beach ball appear!" As the notes from her poron materialize into a deflated and folded beach ball, Poppu lets out a gulp and asks, "What are you going to do with that, Onee-chan?" "You're about to find out." Is Doremi's only verbal reply as she twists her poron in her grip, the beachball twisting itself into a slender cord and starting to spin like a drill before rocketing towards Poppu, shooting up the pinkette's pussy and vanishing from sight. Starting to panic as she feels the foreign object force its way up her passage and past her cervix, Poppu cries out, "What are you doing!?" However, Doremi ignores her little sister as she casts, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Inflate the beach ball!" This time, the pink notes form into a length of pink rubber tubing with an airbulb at one end, the tube working it's way into Poppu's pussy as the bulb starts to squeeze itself. Poppu gasps as she feels the folded and twisted beach ball unfurl within her womb, her legs forced apart as it inflates, though the earlier binding spell holds her hands together as if she were wearing invisible handcuffs. By the time the beach ball is fully inflated within the second grader, she looks about nine-months pregnant, and as she gets over the initial shock, she becomes aware of a rather pressing side effect. "OH Kami! I've got to pee! Now!" cries the pinkette, the fact she doesn't wake Hana a testament to how much she wore out the toddler earlier. "Is that so?" Asks Doremi, removing a pink glove and running a finger along the bulge of Poppu's urethra, "I guess that beach ball must be putting lots of pressure on your bladder... Not that I have any intention of letting you cum or pee anytime soon." With this, Doremi wraps her hand around Poppu's shaft and gives her little sister several featherlight strokes, the resulting sensations more frustrating than pleasurable. Dropping to her knees, Doremi gives Poppu a slow lick from pussy to the tip of her girlcock, prompting the bound girl to cry out, "Please, Onee-chan! Please let me cum!" Rising up a bit and sliding Poppu's tip along her own opening, Doremi replies, "I bet you would love to sink into your sister's snatch and shoot your seed all over my womb like you did to Hana-chan..." Bending Poppu's prick until it's pressed to the entrance of the pinkette's pussy, "Though, with how you made me shoot myself full of my own seed, perhaps I should return the favor..." Tapping a finger against her chin while continuing to threateningly prod her sister's opening with her sister's cockhead, the redhead eventually says, "Though, if you can convincingly apologize for being such a pervert and promise me to not fuck Hana-chan again, maybe I'll let you cum in the place of your choice." Getting an evil grin, Doremi adds, "Though, if you insist on staying defiant, maybe I'll just remove the size limitations on your girlcock while keeping that cockring the same size. Who knows, maybe it'll eventually get so tight you're dick will just fall off." Ignoring her sister's threats, Poppu cries out, "Please, Onee-chan! Let me pee!" as her crushed piddle pot pulses painfully. Letting go of Poppu's prick, the bound girlcock springing back to upright, Doremi lines up her own tip with Poppu's pussy and slams herself to the hilt in the helpless girl, aiming her thrust so it feels like a punch to poppu's poised to pop piddle pot. "Onee-chan! Have mercy!" cries the pinkette. "Promise. Me. You. Won't. Fuck. Hana. Chan. Any. More!" replies the redhead, punctuating each word with another tinkle tank throttling thrust. "I promise!" cries Poppu. "What do you promise?" asks Doremi. "I promise, I won't fuck Hana-chan anymore! Now, plese! Let me pee!" "That's more like it!" replies Doremi before slamming in to Poppu's cervix one last time, erupting without warning right against the younger girl's cervix. However, the valve of the beach ball is lined up with the pinkette's cervix, and the force of Doremi's cumshot is powerful enough to force it's way through cervix and valve, the beach ball growing heavier and firmer as it fills with cum, the air being compressed in the process. By the time Doremi is done cumming and has withdrawn, Poppu has recovered enough to spit out one last retort to her older sister's treatment, "Not that my promise means much. After tonight, Hana-chan is totally going to be addicted to dick and probably pussy too! If she can't get it from either of us, she'll just seek it out from her other mamas or even the other boys and girls from school!" Doremi had been reaching for the cock ring to free Poppu, but as the pinkette's words sink in, Doremi retorts, "You're right, and it's all your fault!" as she pulls her hand back and brandishes her poron, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Make Poppu's prick grow without limit and pulverize her pussy!" As the pink notes swirl, Poppu's futahood visibly thickens, the root bulging to either side of the cock ring as like a snake it curls down to prod at the pinkette's pussy before plunging in with greater force than any of Doremi's thrusts. Soon enough, the length of prehensile penis plundering Poppu's poor pussy is nearly as thick as the pinkette's waist, or at least prior to having her womb inflated with a beach ball, and the part repeatedly thrusting itself in to her depths measures more than a foot in length. She'd scream from having her snatch stretched to such an extreme, but anticipating such a reaction, Doremi had cast a spell to silence her little sister, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Keep Poppu quiet so she doesn't wake Hana-chan!" Eventually, the girth of the giant girlcock surpasses the limits of the cock ring, and while Doremi had kind of hoped it would end up severing her sister's futahood, the metal gives way first, and as the band of metal shatters into a spray of musical notes,,,, Poppu's prick erupts like a geyser deep within her, finishing what Doremi started with forceably replacing the air in the beach ball with cum, but also overflowing, a deluge of thick, pearly white futa jizz spraying out around the intruder obscenely stretching Poppu's pussy lips. But Poppu's prick isn't done as the firm, cum-filled beach ball bearing down on her bladder is finally too much, her golden liquid erupting like a second geyser only to immediately gush out around the base of the length of giant girlcock plugging her pussy. Examining the mess, Doremi comments, "Wow, you let out a lot, Poppu!" before stifling a yawn. Poppu wants to rant at her older sister's brutal treatment, but still being silenced and quite tired from all the day's activities, she eventually slumps in her magical bonds, subconsciously adopting a pouty, watery-eyed expression. Finishing her yawn, Doremi spots the look on Poppu's face, and remembering how the pinkette would use that expression to keep the redhead wrapped around her tiny finger back when she was a toddler, Doremi's heart melts and she realizes how extreme some of her reactions have been that day. With a sigh, Doremi casts one more spell, far more subdued than usual when using magic, " Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto, clean Poppu up." As the spell goes to work, Poppu is lowered to the floor, her limbs sprawling everywhere as her bindings melt away, the pinkette letting out a sigh of relief as she's unmuted and her futahood shrinks back to a more normal, if still well-endowed for a second grader size, slipping from her passage in the process. As Poppu lies prone, pinned beneath the cum-filled beachball in her belly, her titanic tummy trembles, and with a gasp, the beachball shifts within her. Clutching her distended belly, the pseudo pregnant Poppu cries out, "Oh kami, I think my womb is trying to give birth to this beachball!" and before either sister can do anything, Poppu's cervix is forced open and the beachball starts to descend... However, Doremi's desire to be gentle seems to have come through her spell, and whereas being forced to fuck herself with a monstrous member had been painful, Poppu actually finds herself moaning in pleasure as the beachball stretches her snug snatch to a much greater extent than her super-sized futahood did, and as the pinkette cries out in climax once more, the foreign object pops out of Poppu's pussy, plopping in the puddle of pee and pearly seed before rolling so it's valve is down and seeming to suck up the mess. When Poppu finally catches her breath and pushes herself up to a sitting position, the only evidence of the ordeal she just went through is the large, heavy beachball, engorged with cum and pee to the point of looking more like an exercise ball than a beach ball, and one sized for an adult at that. "Wow, was that really inside me?!" "It did grow noticeably cleaning up the mess," comments Doremi, walking over to pat Poppu on the head, "but yeah... and I'm sorry for overreacting like that." Looking a bit chagrin, Poppu replies, "It's okay, I went overboard more than once today myself... and while I still think it's pointless at this point, I'll try to refrain from doing anything sexual with Hana-chan from now on." "And I'll try not to interfere with you and your little girlfriends." replies Doremi, tone only slightly teasing as she helps Poppu to her feet. The sisters smile at each other until a shared yawn ruins the moment, Poppu commenting, "Guess we should get ready for bed." Realizing that there's only the one bed and that it's two small for the sisters to share with the sleeping Hana even if she's currently her true age, Poppu casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Double bed appear!" a storm of red notes materializing into a second bed. "Good idea." adds Doremi, casting her last spell for the day, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Give us our usual sleepwear!" and within seconds, the sisters are standing in sleepwear adorned with purple eighth notes, a yellow nightie for Poppu and pink pajamas for Doremi. As the pair climb into the conjured bed from opposite sides and are about to wish each other a good night, they notice that they're both tenting their nightwear. "Umm..." starts Doremi, "Do you want to go one last round before bed?" "Uh... yeah." replies Poppu, blushing to match her hair. "Are you sure?" asks Doremi, "You're not sore down there, are you?" "Kneeling on the mattress Poppu replies, "I'm surprisingly fine, and it seems like everything snapped back to normal after I pushed out the beachball... I know we can't use healing magic, but I guess Onee-chan's spells just inflicted pain without causing actual injury..." As Poppu trails off, Doremi removes her pajama pants to reveal a pair of pink panties before laying down and offering, "So, would you like to go first?" "Actually," replies Poppu, removing the yellow panties that came with her conjured nightie, "I've got an idea that means we don't have to take turns." Before pulling Doremi's panties off as well and nudging the older girl's legs apart. Kneeling with her back to her sister, Poppu straddles Doremi's waist before hiking up her nightie to give the redhead a perfect view of the pinkette's plump, little rump. Pinning her nightie between her ribs and upper arms, Poppu bends down and uses both hands to line up both their tips to the other's opening, and with one, smooth motion, Poppu sinks down on her sister's girlcock as her own throbbing futahood sinks deep into the redhead's cozy cunny. As Poppu bottoms out, each girl's tip pressed firmly against the other's cervix, their respective pussy juices mingling around the roots of their girlcocks, Doremi voices what both of them are thinking, "Wow, this feels incredible! And so much more intimate than being sandwiched between two other girls." "Yeah." Is Poppu's monosyllabic agreement as she lifts up a bit, exposing the bottom third of their futahoods before dropping once more, their commingled moans of pleasure echoing off the walls, and thankfully, seemingly serving more as a lullaby than anything that would disturb Hana's sleep, not that either sister is thinking much of the room's third occupant as Poppu sets a slow and steady, but quite pleasurable pace. After so much frantic fucking throughout the day, the slow, tender lovemaking is a nice change of pace, and before too long, the sisters are spurting one last load of seed deep inside each other before Poppu collapses exhausted upon her sister's chest, both girls too tired to really notice as the last of the magic from that morning wears off, their girlcocks shrinking back to the tiny nubs of their clits as they bask in afterglow. Turning over so she's straddling her older sister's chest, Poppu gives Doremi a quick kiss on the lips before declaring, "I love you, onee-chan." "I love you too, Poppu." replies the redhead,brushing her little sister's bangs aside and placing a kiss of her own upon the pinkette's forehead. With a pair of yawns, the two sisters wish each other a "Good night." before quickly falling asleep in a mutual embrace, the conjured sheets responding to their creator's unconscious thought and tucking the pair in.