Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: Dinner and a Bath As Hana finishes her pee and the newest apprentices leave to head home, Poppu shakes her sister back to her senses before telling her, "Kaa-san said we could spend the night with Hana-chan." "Yay! Hana-chan get to have a sleep over with Doremi-mama and Poppu! We can spend all night making babies in each other's bellies!" At that moment, all three girl's stomach's growl, prompting Poppu to comment, "perhaps we should put some food in our bellies before putting more cum in our bellies." "Yeah, Hana-chan can magic up some supper for us!" adds the blonde, turning towards the nearest table and crossing her arms, preparing to cast, "I know Poppu wants Pudding like Hana-chan, and Doremi-mama would like some steak, but what else should we have?" "We need some vegetables as well," replies Doremi, "Perhaps a salad and some baked potato." "Okay!" Cries Hana before casting, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Steak dinner appear!" As the blonde's magic does it's job, three plates of sizzling steak appear on a nearby table, along with three bowls of salad, three saucers of pudding, and a trio of foiled wrapped potatoes. Drooling, Doremi is nearly in a trance as she approaches the food, a single cry of "Steak!" falling from her lips, only for her plate of steak to be yanked out from in front of her. Looking up, the redhead spots a grinning Hana holding the plate above her head, but before the preteen can protest, Hana announces, "If Doremi-mama want steak, Doremi-mama must promise to fill Hana-chan's tummy with plenty of Doremi-mama's cum! And no using magic to clean Hana-chan out this time!" "What!?" cries the redhead, outraged at being manipulated by her own daughter like this, "That's completely unreasonable! You're way too young to even be thinking about being cummed in!" "Well," replies Hana, "If Doremi-mama doesn't want to put a baby in Hana-chan's belly, then Doremi-mama can just watch Hana-chan and Poppu eat steak!" With this, Hana grabs a fork and lowers the plate to chest height before starting to bring a bite-sized piece of steak to her mouth. Doremi's stomach soon wins out over her common sense, and she declares, "Okay, I'll do it!" "Yay!" cries Hana, sitting down the plate and reclining on a nearby chair, grabbing herself under the knees and spreading her thighs in invitation for Doremi to sink her girlcock in the blonde's girlhood. "Can it at least wait until after we eat?" Asks Doremi, "I don't want the steak getting cold." Hana opens her mouth, ready to insist Doremi hurry up and give her another load of cum, only for her stomach to growl loudly as she gives in. Undoing their transformations, leaving Poppu tenting her skirt and Hana with her jean shorts straining to contain the blonde's futahood, but leaving Doremi naked as Hana had vanished the clothes Doremi had worn to the MAHO-Dou, the trio sit down to enjoy their meal, but as the main course is finished, and Hana is about to start in on her pudding, Poppu makes a proposal, still feeling worked up from the display her friends had put on prior to their departure, "Hey, Hana-chan, would you like to try some of my special sauce on your pudding?" "Sure." replies Hana, not really understanding what the pinkette means at first, but growing excited as the second grader whips out her futahood and after a few quick strokes, drizzles a generous amount of cum atop Hana's pudding. Trying a spoonful of the cum topped pudding, Hana's eyes light up as she exclaims, "Amazing!" before gobbling down the rest of her dessert and offering to give Poppu's pudding some of the blonde's sauce in return. Their bellies full, the trio decide a bath is in order, and after the two younger girls strip out of their street clothes, letting their members free once more, and all three let down their hair, Crimson and Golden lockes trailing to their respective owner's butts and the pinkette's feathery pigtails giving way to shoulder length hair, Doremi sits on one bath stool, and placing a second between her legs, offers, "Come here, Hana-chan, let mama wash your back." Poppu stepping back to see what Hana does before making a move. "Okay Doremi-mama!" cries Hana, walking over and lowering herself as to sit on the offered stool with her back to the redhead, Doremi's girlcock twitching involuntarily at the sight of Hana's heavenly half-moons being all but shoved in the preteen's face. Doremi closes her eyes and adopts an expression as if she's silently scolding herself for finding her daughter in all but blood sexy only to let out a moan and have her eyes shoot open as Hana takes advantage of her distraction to sit down, not on the stool, but on Doremi's lap, the disguised toddler's tight twatty engulfing her mother's girlcock. "Hana-chan!" cries Doremi in surprise, "Get off!" "No way!" replies the blonde, "Doremi-mama promised to cum in Hana-chan and Hana-chan gonna make Doremi-mama keep Doremi-mama's promise!" Starting to bounce upon the futahood buried deep in the white witch's warm, wet folds, the blonde's cervix rubbing against the redhead's tip repeatedly, ready to recieve the pink apprentice's seed. "I know, but-" replies the redhead as she grips the sides of her stool in awhite knuckled grip as she tries to resist how Hana's hot, horny hole is trying to milk her dry. "No buts!" cries Hana, determined to make her mama erupt as quickly as possible, "Hurry up and shoot your cum deep in Hana-chan's pussy! Put a baby in Hana-chan's belly!" Squeezing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth, nearly biting through the lip trapped between them in an attempt to hold back her moans, Doremi wishes she had earplugs so she could block how Hana's words, the naive child's inexperienced and innocent dirty talk all the more exciting for the fact without having to relinquish her grip on the wooden stool beneath her even as she lets up a silent prayer to any gods willing to listen that she can outlast Hana's unbridled energy. Meanwhile, Poppu, who has been observing the by-play between mother and daughter while lazily stroking her own shaft, sneaks up behind her older sister, sitting down a stool before assaulting Doremi's back with soapy washcloth, hoping to break the redhead's concentration enough that she cream's Hana's cunny, the pinkette rubbing her own futahood against the cleft of the older girl's ass for good measure. As Poppu reaches Doremi's butt, she massages those half-moons for several minutes before lifting them up in preparation to penetrate the older girl. Doremi's ass would be easy to reach, but Poppu pushes until she can thrust deep into Doremi's pussy, eliciting a cry of "Poppu!" "Wow," replies the pinkette, "Onee-chan's hot twat is so much tighter than before. Onee-chan must really be struggling to not give Hana-chan's no doubt incredibly cozy and comfy cunny the creampie Onee-chan promised Hana-chan." Whimpering at the strain of resisting the pleasure assaulting her nerves, the redhead cries out, "No fair ganging up on me like this!" "Oh, come on onee-chan, just let it all out already. Besides, wouldn't Hana-chan look really cute with a big, beautiful baby bump?" "SHUT UP!" cries the elder sister, shaking her head as if trying to get rid of the mental image her little sister planted there. "Yeah, Doremi-mama, squirt all that wonderful, sticky stuff in Hana-chan. Then Hana-chan can swap places with Doremi-mama and squirt in Doremi-mama while Poppu squirts in Hana-chan!" "Mmm... that does sound nice!" replies Poppu, speeding up her assault on her sister's snug snatch at the same time Hana increases her bouncing upon the redhead's straining girlcock. Tears squeezing past her closed eyelids, Doremi cries out, "No no nononono! It's going to come out!" "Yes, Doremi-mama!" cries Hana-chan as Poppu cries out, "Yes Onee-chan!" before they say in unison, "Squirt Hana-chan full!" Unable to resist any further, Doremi erupts, Hana pressing her hips back against Doremi as hard as she can as rope after rope of sticky seed shoots forth right against the blonde's cervix, quickly flooding the white witch's womb. At the same time, Doremi's pussy clenches in climax as well, causing Poppu to shoot her own load, not that Doremi notices as her double orgasm makes her mind go blank even as Hana's horny hole also starts convulsing in an effort to milk as much of the pink apprentice's seed as possible. The trio sit there in afterglow for a few minutes before Hana breaks the silence with a cry of, "Thank you for cumming in Hana-chan, Doremi-mama... but Hana-chan's girlcock feels really achy now!" Doremi is the next to regain her senses following her most recent climax, catching the blonde off guard as she roughly shoves the pretend preteen off her lap, Hana landing hard on the tiled floor, knees and palms skidding on ceramic as a fuming Doremi stands over her daughter, "Hana-chan has been a very bad girl! First you blackmail me into promising to cream your cunny and then you practically rape me!" Rolling over and looking scared, Hana tries to crab walk away from the almost literally fiery redhead, but she doesn't get far before Doremi has grabbed her, bent the blonde over one of the bath stools, pinning her achy girlcock between wood and flesh, and holding Hana's arms crossed over her back with one hand, Doremi brings her other hand down with a resounding smack upon Hana's left butt cheek, the white witch letting out a cry of pain at the bright red hand print left on her tender flesh. Alternating between left and right cheeks, Doremi continues to harshly spank her adoptive daughter, the blonde's various cries of "Doremi-mama, please have mercy!" and "Hana-chan will be a good girl!" along side incoherent sobs falling on deaf ears as Poppu exits the room to retrieve her tap. As she re-enters the bathroom, brandishing her poron like a battle mace, Poppu cries out, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Restrain onee-chan!" In a swirl of red musical notes, Doremi is yanked away from Hana and slammed against a nearby wall, arms out to her sides in a t-shape, and legs parted in an x-shape, elbows and knees locked out straight and magical bonds holding every part of Doremi's body tightly against the wall tiles, only her erect girlcock allowed to stick out. "Okay, maybe Hana-chan's been a bit of a brat this evening, but you've been trying to exclude her from the fun and that punishment was way too harsh!" exclaims the irate pinkette as Hana rises to a kneeling position and rubs her tender bottom, both butt cheeks red from the repeated strikes of Doremi's palm. "But," starts Doremi, only for her little sister to reach up and stuff a wash cloth in the redhead's mouth, the pinkette not bothering to check if it's just wet or wet and soapy. "No buts, onee-chan." declares Poppu before walking over to her niece and asking, Are you okay, Hana-chan?" Still sobbing, the blonde manages to reply through her tears, "Ha-hana-chan bu-butt really hurt! And Hana-chan girlcock still all achy!" Taking a clean, dry washcloth, Poppu dampens it with warm water to wash Hana's face before removing her gloves, and squirting a generous dollup of body wash into her palm, wrapping one hand around Hana's futahood and reaching the other around to rub the blonde's burning butt. As she soothes both Hana's hard-on and half-moons, Poppu says gently, It's okay, Onee-chan was being a big meanie and Hana-chan didn't deserve that." Starting to feel a heat in her own girlhood and realising it's been a bit since she last had a girlcock in her, Poppu lays down on the stool Doremi had bent the blonde over and spreading her legs, asks, "Would Hana-chan like to cream my cunny?" Knee walking to between Poppu's legs, Hana is about to sink into her aunt's depths when she notices the pinkette's own erection standing tall and getting an idea to satisfy both girls on both sides. Standing up and turning around, Hana starts to squat, giving the red apprentice a good view of the white witch's still reddened hiney before the blonde grabs both of their girl cocks, guiding them so Poppu's prick slips into Hana's horny hole as Hana's hardon slides home in Poppu's pussy. Both girls let out loud moans at the sensations of mutual penetration, but Hana only pauses for a moment before she starts to bounce upon Poppu's prick, simultaneously riding the smaller but older girl at the same time she fucks the pinkette. However, just as they're really getting going, a nearly blinding light engulfes Hana, and Poppu suddenly finds her pussy empty, the cock that was filling her simply vanishing before the already tight twatty around her own girlcock suddenly shrinks, squeezing her almost painfully in the process. Opening her eyes, Poppu finds Hana still impaled on her futahood, but instead of her magically aged up preteen form, Hana is in her true, two-year-old body, prompting the Pinkette to exclaim, "What the hell happened?!" "Must be new moon" replies the young witch, "Hana-chan always turn back to normal at new moon. Hana-chan girlcock gone too!" with that, the toddler turns around to show that, indeed, the only thing above where Poppu's prick is stretching the now much smaller girl's snatch is an ordinary, hairless, female mound. Before Poppu can think of what to do, Hana's tiny hands shoot for her crotch and she starts squirming in place as she announces, "Hana-chan gotta go potty!" The sensations of the toddler squirming upon her girlcock are quite nice, but Poppu soon manages to focus enough to turn the child back around as she sits up, Hana sitting on her aunt's lap. Standing up, the Pinkette scurries for the toilet as the child in her arms cries out, "Hurry! It gonna come out!" and indeed, Poppu barely manages to get the blonde over the bowl and pull her hands out of the way before the toddler's tiny tinkle tank bursts, a tiny torrent of tinkle jetting forth from just above where Poppu's prick vanishes into the toddler's tiny twatty. It only takes about a quarter of a minute for Hana to empty her puny piddle pot, sighing in relief as she says, "Thank you, Poppu. Hana-chan nearly made pee pee on the floor." "But you didn't," replies Poppu, "You managed to pee in the big potty like a big girl. I think that deserves a reward." With that, Poppu wraps her hands around Hana's tiny thighs and starts to piston the young witch upon her girlcock, both aunt and niece moaning loudly in pleasure. Meanwhile, Doremi has been futilly struggling against the magical bonds and finally manages to spit out the washcloth, coughing up soap bubbles as she does so, crying out, "Stop fucking each other!" Ignoring her sister's demands, Poppu sits back down on her stool, continuing to piston the young witch on her futahood, prompting the redhead to spit out, "I can't believe my sister is such a disgusting pervert!" Looping one arm under both of Hana's little legs, Poppu brandishes her poron in her freed hand, incanting, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Make Onee-chan's ochinchin prehensile!" As red notes swirl around Doremi's girlcock, the erect member turns flexible, moving around like a snake surveying its surroundings before looping down so the head can prod at the pink apprentice's own pussy. Anger giving way to fear, Doremi squeaks out, "Po-Poppu, what are you doing!?" "Go fuck yourself, Onee-chan!" cries the pinkette right before, as with a mind of its own, Doremi's dick slams cervix deep into the redhead's snatch, the girl gasping at the combined sensation of forcibly penetrating and being forcibly penetrated at the same time. Within seconds, the bound ojamajo is reduced to a panting, moaning mess as her possessed, prehensile penis pummels her pussy mercilessly, the eldest of the three girls too lost in pleasure to comtemplate the reprecussions of what her little sister is forcing her to do. Sitting aside her poron, Poppu grips both of hana's knees, pulling the toddler's thighs apart as she resumes fucking Hana's horny hole with even greater vigor, commenting, "Isn't that a delightful sight? Perhaps Onee-chan will put a little sister for Hana-chan in her own belly." "That...would...be...so...cool!" cries the little girl between moans, nearly senseless from her aunt's intense fucking. Between the erotic sight of her older sister literally fucking herself and the tightness of the toddler's tiny twatty, it isn't long before Poppu is erupting deep within Hana, her load seeming all the more copious for the blonde's small size, Hana's belly bulging quite noticeably as a result. Poking her niece's protruding tummy, eliciting a giggle from the young witch in the process, Poppu comments, "Looks like Hana-chan ate a bit too much pudding." "No such thing as too much pudding!" retorts the blonde, "Though it feels really good being so full of Poppu's pudding." "You know," comments Poppu, "If Onee-chan or I really did put a baby in Hana-chan's belly, Hana-chan's belly is going to grow even bigger before the baby is ready to come out." Before Hana can reply, a cry of ecstacy draws their attention back to Doremi just in time for them to see Doremi's dick bury itself as deep as possible in the pink apprentice's pussy, the loop left outside twitching and pulsing, the redhead clearly pumping her own pussy full of her own seed. Eventually, Doremi's dick goes limp and slides out of her passage like a limp noodle, a deluge of cum pouring out of the older girl in its wake. "So cool!" cries Hana at the sight of her mama with a selfcestuous creampie running down the inside of her thighs before spreading her mouth wide in a yawn and commenting, "Hana-chan getting sleepy." Whether from shock or afterglow, Doremi is silent for nearly half a minute as her seed runs down her thighs, not that Poppu notices as she focuses on gently washing the half-asleep toddler nestled on her lap, the pinkette's prick still plugging up Hana's tiny twatty. However, Doremi eventually snaps out of her nearly catatonic state as she launches into a tirade, "I can't believe my own sister is this much of a deviant! Fucking and cumming in a toddler, making me literally fuck myself and pump myself full of my own seed..." as her expression shifts from anger to horror, the redhead cries out, "What if I just knocked myself up!?" Continuing to mostly ignore her older sister, Poppu brandishes her poron as she stands up, holding her young charge in one arm as she casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Onee-chan, shut up!" In a swirl of musical notes, the older girl is silenced, though if her thrashing against her magical bonds and the furious flapping of her lips are any indicator, she's not slowing her tirade in the least as Poppu carefully climbs into the tub and relaxes with Hana in her lap, being careful to not let the sleepy child slip under the surface as she resumes their rather intimate bonding, though at a far more sedate pace. After depositing a few more loads in the white witch's womb and as they're starting to prune, Poppu slowly pulls Hana off her prick, the pinkette's pearly seed gushing from the little girl's puny pussy, both girls exclaiming, "Wow! Hana-chan was holding a lot of pudding!" After drying off both herself an Hana, Poppu turns her poron on her sister once more, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Make Onee-chan cool off in the tub!" and with that, the redhead is levitated over the tub and unceremoniously dropped into the water as Poppu exits the bathroom, Hana cradled in her arms and struggling to keep her eyes even half-lidded as the pinkette climbs the stairs to Hana's bedroom.