Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Orgy at the MAHO-Dou When the quartet arrive at the accessory shop owned by the sister's mentor in magic and opperated by Doremi and her friends, they are greeted by an excited blonde, rushing out and glomping Doremi with a squeal of, "Doremi-mama! Hana-chan is bored! Please play with Hana-chan!" The brown-eyed blonde has her hair in its usual gigantic twintails and is wearing her usual skimpy outfit consisting of a sleeveless white blouse with a feathery ruff on the shoulders and a couple of flowers ironed on and blue jean shorts that barely cover more than the buruma of the Misora First Elementary Gym uniform a pair of heart-shaped patches serving as pockets, though her feet are currently bare, the girl having apparently not paused to put on shoes before rushing out to greet her mama. Staring at the excitable blonde, Poppu's friends asks, "Why did you call Poppu-chan's Onee-chan Mama?" "Ummm..." Says the blonde, realising her mistake too late and not sure how to cover her slip. "Calm down, Hana-chan, I told them my secret this morning." says Poppu before turning to her friends and explaining, "Hana-chan was born from a rose in the Witch Queen's Garden, and Onee-chan and her friends were assigned to be her mothers because they witnessed her birth. She's really like two, but she used her magic to age herself up so she could go to school with her Mamas." Letting go of Doremi, Hana pulls both of Poppu's friends into a hug as she says, "Hana-chan is happy to meet Poppu-ba-chan's friends." Tilting her head, the blonde asks, "But why did you come here since the MAHO-Dou is closed, and why does Doremi Mama have a bulge under her clothes?" "Hana-chan," starts Poppu, "Sayaka-chan and Kumi-chan wanted to become witch apprentices. Are Plushie-chan and Lala here?" "Yeah, they're here, but that doesn't answer Hana-chan's question." replies the blonde witch, staring at the massive erection barely concealed by the redhead's uniform. "Um..." starts Doremi, initial reaction being to keep the day's activities from her adoptive daughter, "Uh, gotta use the bathroom! Tell Majorika and Lala we're here!" cries the redhead, grabbing the younger girls by their wrists and dragging them into the MAHO-Dou and then into the shop's customer restroom. Once locked away from the toddler in preteen skin, Doremi hisses to her little sister, "Undo this curse before Hana-chan figures out what's going on!" "What's wrong, onee-chan? I bet Hana-chan would be a lot of fun to play with... but if you insist." Transforming once more, the pinkette carelessly casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Undo the curse on Onee-chan!" As the red notes from Poppu's poron do their job, both sisters collapse to their knees in pain, one from having her girlcock squeezed painfully, the other from having her urethra stretched painfully as Doremi's girlcock shrinks to more normal proportions while still plugged up with Poppu's. Gritting her teeth, Poppu grabs the base of her detached girlcock from where it is protruding from Doremi's tip, both Harukaze sisters wincing as it's yanked from the older girl's urethra, only to sigh in shared relief as it comes free. Their relief is short lived, however, as with Doremi no longer plugged up and Poppu no longer constricted, both sisters start peeing full force, creating a rather impressive puddle on the bathroom floor before they manage to regain control over their respective swells. With Sayaka and Kumiko's futahoods still plugging up Doremi's ass and pussy, Poppu walks up to the shorter of her two friends, and pulling the brunette's panties aside, the pinkette buries her girl cock in her friend's cunny before examining her sister. Though her girlcock has shrunk to much more normal proportions making it far less noticeable, Doremi still looks off, the redhead's figure having gone a bit pear-shaped from the combined waste waters sloshing around in the older girl's bladder, womb, and bowels. Before the quartet can do anything else, a shout of "SHE did WHAT!?" reverberates through the MAHO-Dou, evidence that the shop's cursed and short-tempered owner has gotten the message Hana was asked to give her. Ignoring the puddle, Poppu exits the restroom, her friends and sister in tow as the quartet confront Majorika and Lala. "Hey, plushie-chan." Greets Poppu, using her nickname for her mentor. "DOn't you Plushie-chan me, you Ojamajo!" replies the tiny, green-blob-like witch frog from her flying dustpan. As their mentor rants over Poppu's reckless behavior, the pinkette can't help wondering if a good dicking would mellow out the old witch any, while Doremi is scrutinized by Hana-chan, the redhead hoping the blonde won't notice anything out of the ordinary, and the soon-to-be new apprentices admiring the tiny, but very pretty fairy familiar of their soon to be mentor. As she finally loses steam, Majorika forms a tendril into a hand, and snapping her fingers, causes a pair of taps like Poppu's to fly in from another room. "Since there's really no choice, I present you two with Magical taps. Taking the magical devices, the two girls, having seen Poppu do so several times that day, quickly transform. "Pretty Witchy, Sayaka-chi!" Cries the brunette, striking a pose in a plum-colored apprentice uniform with burgundy and lavender accents. "Pretty Witchy Kumiko-chi!" Cries Kumiko, now standing in a cerulean blue uniform with cyan and navy accents. The pair gush over each other in their respective uniforms briefly before playing a melody on their taps to summon their porons, eager to cast their first spells. Whereas Poppu's poron is topped with a bulb that gives it the look of a handheld microphone, the handle a clear tube containing a stack of magical tri-spheres, Sayaka and Kumiko's are little more than long tubes, filled with single spheres. "Why is Poppu-chan's wand so different?" asks Sayaka. Smiling widely, Poppu answers her junior apprentices, "It's because mine is a more powerful model, You'll have to pass the Level 6 Witch Exam before yours can be upgraded. And they're called Porons." After a bit more beginner explanations, Kumiko takes the lead, casting, "...! Give all of us sexy bodies like Lala!" Hana is the first to be hit by the navy-haired girl's spell, Growing more than a head in height, her body filling out in all the right places. The spell doesn't affect her clothes to the same extent, however, the toddler turned preteen turned young adult's shorts, already scandelously skimpy turning full-on daisy dukes as the blonde's blossoming bubble butt stretches the denim near the breaking point, her top reduced to little more than a tankini top as the young witch grows a rather nice set of breasts. Everyone, human, fairy, and witch alike stare at Hana's newly acquired, cute super model appearance, none noticing that Kumiko's spell fizzled out before it could affect the rest of its intended targets, all four of the futas feeling their girlcocks twitch, the three little girls imagining what little those skimpy bits of cotton and denim conceal, and Doremi screaming mentally, 'She's my daughter! She's really just two!' However, Hana-chan is blissfully unaware of the stares on her as she exclaims, "Hana-chan has boobies!" before breaking out into a chorus of "Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy!" as she fondles herself through her small top, oblivious to the effect she's having on her audience. The show doesn't last long, however, as with a puff of smoke, Hana is suddenly back to her preteen form, her hands now groping empty air, the disguised toddler moping, "Hana-chan's titties are tiny again." Regaining her voice,,, ,Poppu comments, "That was very nice, but probably a bit advanced for someone who hasn't even taken the Level 9 exam yet. Would you like to give it a shot, Sayaka-chan?" "Su-Sure," replies the brunette, a bit nervous to be put on the spot as she glances around the room. Just as Majorika and Lala are recovering from their shock to scold Kumiko's inappropriate use of magic, Sayaka spots a little dog plush, presumably one of Hana's toys, and casts, "...! Give the doggy a dick!" The centuries old witch and her fairy familiar stunned into silence once more as the plush dog pushes itself off the floor to sit on its haunches and a bright red doggy dick emerges from a splitting seam on its crotch, reaching about a third of the plushies body length before it stops growing. With its not very articulate paws, the animated toy starts to stroke its newly acquired bit of anatomy, a red felt tongue lulling out of its mouth as it pleasures itself. "That's really cute, Sayaka-chan, but it seems a bit lonely." Glancing around, Kumiko spots a cat plush, and casting herself, "...! Give the pussy a pussy!" Pushing itself off the floor, the cat plush saunters over to the dog plush before turning her butt to the male toy, kissing the floor and raising her butt in the air, a seam splitting on her crotch to reveal a tiny twatty. Accepting the invitation, the dog mounts the cat, and before long, the two toys are rutting like its mating season, letting out little yips and mewls as they do so. "How cute!" gush Sayaka and Kumiko at the results of their first spell and first successful spell respectively. "Really good!" Compliments Poppu, giving both of her friends a pat on the back, "Onee-chan's friend, Hazuki-senpai only managed to make a mouse toy scamper across the floor with her first spell, or at least I'm told, Hazuki-senpai and onee-chan were witch apprentices for a few months when I discovered Onee-chan's secret." Meanwhile, Doremi has been trying to cover Hana's eyes, not wanting her adopted daughter to see what her little sister's friends are making the blonde's toys do, but the redhead has little success between her swollen, sloshing mid-section hindering her own movement and the blonde being hellbent on seeing what her junior apprentices can do. "Yeah, it's really cute," Comments the toddler in preteen clothing, "But what is Pocchi-kun doing to Neko-chan?" "Well you see," Starts Poppu, "Boys and girls have different parts between their legs and-" Doremi's efforts to muffle her little sister with a hand over the mouth proves far more successful than her attempts to blindfold Hana. "Poppu!" hisses the redhead to her little sister, "Hana-chan is much too young to be learning that stuff!" "Hey, that's not fair!" pouts the age enhanced blonde, "Hana-chan learned all the math and Japanese Poppu knows and then some, even the boring parts! Hana-chan is curious what's going on, and if Poppu knows it as a second-grader, than Hana-chan should know it as a sixth-grader!" Trying to think of a come back to her adoptive daughter's argument, which seems quite logical to the redhead, especially given the ocean of accumulated pee she's being forced to hold, eventually blurts out, "Even Poppu shouldn't know as much as she does!" Meanwhile, Sayaka and Kumiko are still watching the pair of animated plushies lost in the act of mating, and deciding its been far too long since she was on the recieving end of a cock, Kumiko casts another spell, "...! Give the kitty a cock!" Before laying down on the tiled floor and calling out, "Here, Koneko-chan, here's a cozy cunny to use your new cock on." as she pushes the petals of her uniform skirt out of the way. Sitting up to reveal the feline futahood Kumiko just gave her, the cat plush lets out a needy mewl that has the dog plush hugging her tightly from behind as the pair waddle over to Kumiko, the dog helping the cat line up with Kumiko's pussy. At the sight of one of her best friends having a threesome with a couple of plushies, Sayaka reaches a hand under her own petal skirt, and gripping the base of Poppu's prick, starts sliding it in and out like a ultra-realistic dildo. Observing the scene before her, Majorika declares, "I must be drunk... and the booze must have been tainted." when she finally finds her voice. "Not even a new pair of Ojamajo can cause this much chaos so quickly." With that, the blob-like witch frog flies off, her dust pan traveling in a wobbly path. Following her mistress, Lala agrees, "you must have spiked my tea or mixed up the kettle and sake warmer. Even that womanizer Oyajide isn't this bad when Onpu-chan's around." None of the gradeschoolers notice their mentor and her fairy familiar leaving, but the argument between Doremi, Poppu, and Hana is suddenly interrupted as Poppu falls to her knees, moaning in pleasure as she grabs her crotch and its at this moment that Doremi realizes the cocks buried in her ass and pussy are growing harder and her own cock is doing the same in response. " Recovering from the initial spike of pleasure, Poppu climbs to her feet, and ignoring her older sister and adoptive niece, the pinkette wraps her brunette friend in a tight hug, pinning Sayaka's arms to her sides as Poppu pushes the shorter girl's hand aside to take over driving her detached futahood into the smaller girl's passage, giving the plum apprentice a good fucking as she's reduced to a moaning, quivering mess in her taller classmate's embrace. As her sister's friends continue to get fucked, one by her sister, the other by an animated plush toy, Doremi can feel their futahoods twitching in her holes, her own arousal growing the point she neither notices the flow of pee into her bowels and womb increasing as the two girls relax or Hana's declaration, "Hana-chan will get to the bottom of this!" Pulling out her compact, Hana Transforms, crying out, "Pretty Witchy Hana-chan-chi!" her frilly white apprentice dress and twin-tipped witch hat materializing before she crosses her magical wristbands over her chest and casts, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Make everyone naked!" In a storm of white musical notes, the three young apprentices are stripped of their petal-skirted uniforms, leaving them only in their gloves, boots, and witch hats. Doremi's conjured serafuku and Hana's own apprentice uniform are likewise affected, leaving the redhead completely naked and Hana with only her gloves, boots, hat, and wristbands. Now that all five girls are effectively naked, Hana can clearly see where the cock on the cat plushie is being driven repeatedly into Kumiko's snatch, the way Poppu is dildoing Sayaka's tight twatty with the pinkette's portable prick, and the pair of detached girl cocks buried in her Mama's ass and pussy as well as the erect member jutting out from under the redhead's swollen abdomen. Tilting her head in confusion, the blonde asks, "What are those things everyone is sticking up their pee pee? And why does Doremi-mama have one in her butt and one sticking out from her pee pee like Pocchi-kun and Neko-chan?" As Doremi stares at her adoptive daughter like a metaphorical deer in the headlights, trying in vain to cover herself, a task made harder by her swollen mid-section, the toddler turned preteen declares, "Whatever it is, it looks like everyone is having fun, so Hana-chan wants one!" Before Doremi can try to stop the younger than she looks girl, Hana is crossing her wristbands over her flat, naked chest and casting, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Give Hana-chan a thingy like Doremi-mama!" In a burst of white notes, the blonde's clit swells until it has turned into a girlcock to match Doremi's. Wrapping a gloved hand around her new bit of anatomy, Hana shivers in pleasure before declaring, (Wow! Just touching it feels amazing." Looking around, her eyes land on Poppu's perky posterior before she declares, "Since everyone else already has one in her pee pee, Hana-chan will stick Hana-chan's thingy up Poppu's pee pee!" Before kneeling behind the pinkette and stuffing the shorter girl's snatch without hesitation or even a thought of asking if the older girl is okay with it. As soon as the blonde feels her new futahood engulfed in a warm, wet pussy, her brown eyes roll back in pleasure and her mouth hangs open as drool drips from the corner, and before Poppu can even react to having a cock inside her, Hana-chan gives in to the sensations and within a matter of seconds is rutting with the shorter girl at full speed, pinning both Poppu and Sayaka beneath her in her unbridled lust. Part of Doremi is glad to see her little sister seeming to have met her match as Hana, on all fours, ruts the pinkette like a alpha wolf dominating his bitch, but the sight also gives the redhead a good view of the only virgin pussy left in the room as well as Hana's cute butt... but she can also hear discomfort mixed in with the cries of pleasure from the two girls trapped under the blonde. Sayaka grunts underneath Poppu and Hana, the combined weight of the two girls making it hard to breath, and noticing her friend's discomfort, Poppu struggles to push herself on to hands and knees, extracting her pinned arm from beneath the smaller girl. Poppu's elbows buckle under the strain of Hana's relentless assault on the pinkette's pussy, but the red apprentice manages to keep herself and her latest lover from crushing her friend any further, Sayaka taking a deep breath now that her lungs have room to expand before rolling over in the tight space beneath Poppu to meet the pinkette's eyes. Despite nearly suffocating under the combined weight of two much taller and heavier girls, Sayaka's eyes still shine with lust, which combined with how she's being ravaged byHana only enhances Poppu's desire, and realizing how perfectly lined up they are, Poppu wills her girlcock to reattach as she starts thrusting into Sayaka's snatch in time with the thrusts Hana is giving Poppu's Pussy. Too lost in lust to pay much attention to the squirming girls beneath her as long as neither tries to escape, Hana glances over her shoulder as she declares, "Poppu's peepee is making Hana-chan's thingy feel amazing!" reaching back, Hana spreads her pussy, the only virgin pussy left in the room as she adds, "Hana-chan wanna make Doremi-mama feel good too! Please, Doremi-mama, stuff your thingy way up Hana-chan's peepee!" Doremi can't help stroking herself at the sight before her, or at least as best she can given her pee inflated state, and yet, the redhead can't quite bring herself to fulfill her daughter's request, part of her holding on to the notion that such would be supremely immoral even if the blonde witch isn't her actual flesh-and-blood. As lust and responsibility war within the eldest girl in the room, Doremi doesn't knotice Kumiko standing up, the cat plush's kitty cum leaking from her cunny as she sneaks up behind the redhead. With a sudden shove from the shorter girl to Doremi's half-moons, the taller girl stumbles before landing on all fours, her face buried between Hana-chan's quite lovely buttocks. Before the redhead can recover, the scent of her daughter's glistening girlhood invades her sinuses, her futahood throbbing painfully with the need to be sheathed in a snug snatch, the temptation to take advantage of her daughter's warm, wet, and willing hole nearly driving the sixth-grader crazy. Stepping up behind Doremi, Kumiko experiments a bit to figure out which of the fleshy dildos plugging up the older girl is her own girlcock before reattaching it and proceeding to pound Doremi's pussy while using Sayaka's like a dildo on the redhead's rear passage. Reaching her free hand around to grip Doremi's dick, Kumiko pulls the taller girl upright and steps forward until the redhead's tip is rubbing against Hana's virgin petals. "Go ahead, senpai, Hana-chan clearly wants it, why not give it to her." "Yes, Doremi-mama," starts Hana when a canine whimpering and a feline mewling draw her attention ahead, where she spots her animated toys standing, cocks erect and an angry red in need of stimulation, both members glistening with leftover jizz and girl juice and a creampie oozing from the kitty's kitty. "Huh?" asks Hana, staring confused at the pair of animated toys in front of her, temporarily forgetting about wanting to be filled with her Mama's thingy, "What do Pocchi and Koneko want?" "They probably want to be sucked and licked." comments Poppu from beneath the naive blonde before reaching for the cat plush, and after putting the kitty on all fours above Sayaka's face, the pinkette buries her tongue in the tabby's tiny twatty, soon followed by Sayaka wrapping her lips around the kitty's cock. "Oh, Hana-chan sees!" exclaims the excitable girl before pulling the doggy plush to her and swallowing it's puppy prick. Meanwhile, Kumiko continues teasing Doremi, rubbing the redhead's tip along Hana's virgin slit as she tries to convince the older girl to give into temptation, "Come on, Doremi-senpai, Hana-chan's horny hole looks really inviting... I bet her cunny is cozier than any of ours." "N-no..." replies the pink apprentice, her resistence crumbling, but not fast enough for Kumiko's liking, "Its bad enough me and Poppu fucked each other... but Hana-chan is... Hana-chan is my baby!" Losing patiennce, Kumiko line's the redhead's tip up with Hana's opening and gives the taller girl another shove, Doremi letting out a gasp of pleasure as her throbbing futahood is forcibly buried cervix deep in her daughter's warm, wet, wonderfully tight toddler twat. However, the Odango-headed girl's bliss is short-lived as a pained yelp from the puppy plush causes everyone to freeze. As the toy yanks away from Hana's mouth, a wince can be seen on the blonde's face, and it becomes apparent she must have bit down as Doremi popped her cherry as she groans out, "IT HURTS! Hana-chan thought it would feel good, but IT HURTS!!" Doremi tries to pull out, but Kumiko just grabs Hana's hips, holding mother and daughter together as Poppu pauses in her licking of plushie pussy as she says soothingly, "It does hurt a bit the first time, but it should feel good soon." "Hana-chan hopes Poppu is right." the blonde manages to choke out as she grips the pinkette's hips and resumes thrusting into the red apprentice as the younger girl resumes licking the stuff toy's snatch. Doremi tries to hold still even as her daughter's pussy pulses around the odango-headed girl's prick, but after a minute or so when Hana announces, "The pain is starting to fade." and starts working her hips back against her mother's futa meat, the redhead's resistence crumbles and she grips Hana's hips, starting to pound the pretend preteen's pussy. Having licked itself to ease the pain from Hana's bite, the doggy doll walks over to Kumiko before jumping up to claim the navy-haired girl's pussy as she continues fucking Doremi's holes with her own futahood and the one she borrowed from Sayaka. After several minutes of group rutting, Hana announces, "Something is building in Hana-chan's thingy, it kind of feels like Hana-chan has to pee, but different at the same time." The girls all realize Hana must be about to shoot her load and realize that they're on the verge as well. The plushies are the first to cum shortly before going limp as the magic animating them wears off, but all five futanari are on the edge and about to fall over. "Hana-chan is probably about to-" Poppu tries to explain to the blonde what is happening, only to be cut off as Sayaka's super snug snatch suddenly squeezes the pinkette's prick like a velvet vice, the smallest girl's vaginal climax triggering the pinkette's penile climax and starting a chain reaction. Knocking the now lifeless cat doll out of the way, Poppu crashes her lips upon Sayaka's, the pair swallowing each other's moans as the pinkette's pussy starts convulsing in climax around Hana's futahood. The sensation of being milked by her adoptive aunt's cozy, little cunny is mor than Hana can handle, the blonde letting out an incoherent cry of ecstasy as her eyes roll back and her erect futahood erupts deep in Poppu's pussy. Hana's first female orgasm isn't far behind her first male orgasm, and as Doremi feels her daughter's passage pulsing powerfully around the redhead's girlcock, the odango-headed girl nearly panicks as she desperately tries to hold off her impending eruption and tries to pull out of the toddler turned preteen. However, between the way Hana's toddler twat tightens around her mama's member and Kumiko's thrusts pushing the redhead back into the caress of that cozy, cum craving cunny, Doremi's efforts are for naught and the redhead can only bite her lip to hold back a whimper as her unavoidable climax builds. Kumiko erupts before Doremi, but the sensation of fresh seed shooting into her womb is more than enough to send Doremi over the edge, her whimper turning to a strangled scream of pleasure as she gives her daughter in all but blood the mother of all creampies. With the last of her strength, Kumiko yanks Sayaka's detached futahood from Doremi's bowels, shoving it up her own rear just in time for the circle of climaxes to complete, Sayaka cumming in the navy-haired girl's butt right before the girls that where kneeling or standing collapse to all fours. The quintet lay in afterglow for a minute or so before Sayaka lets out a strangled cry of "Can't breath!" prompting the taller girls to hastily clamor off top the smallest of their number, several girlcocks sliding from well-fucked pussies in the process. As the brunette catches her breath, Hana notices the sticky, white liquid dribbling from most of their peeholes and cunnies, and tilting her head in confusion, Hana asks, "What's that white stuff dripping from the tip of everyone's thingy and from everyone's pee pee?" Entering lecture mode, Poppu explains, taking advantage of her sister still being in shock from shooting off in Hana's hot, horny hole, "That white stuff has many names, but one of the most common is cum. When a cock," with this, Poppu wraps a gloved hand around Hana's shaft, stroking the blonde back to full erection, "Which is what this is called, feels really good, cum erupts from the tip as part of an orgasm. If a cock shoots cum in a girl's pussy, that's the hole between a girl's legs she doesn't use for peeing, it can start ababy growing in a girl's belly." "Huh?" Asks the blonde, tilting her head to the other side, "I thought babies came from flowers?" Sayaka and Kumiko, the latter having just returned Sayaka's cock to the brunette during Poppu's impromptu sex ed lesson, stare dumbfounded at the blonde for a few seconds before Poppu continues, "Witch babies do come from flowers, but human babies are made by a boy sticking his cock up a girl's pussy and squirting his cum inside so a baby grows in her belly." "So," starts Hana, placing a hand on her belly over where she can still feel the warmth from where Doremi flooded the young witch's womb, "Since Doremi-mama shot her cum in Hana-chan's pussy, does that mean Hana-chan now has a little sister growing in Hana-chan's belly?" Finally recovering, Doremi interrupts the discussion between her adoptive daughter and little sister with a cry of, "Not if I have anything to say about it!" before transforming, only the hat, gloves, and boots of her apprentice uniform materializing before she casts, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Clean my seed out of Hana-chan!" Before the blonde can protest, she feels the warmth of her mother's seed vanish from her belly, and though none of the girls notice, the magic doesn't vanish the redhead's sperm, but instead transfers it to the pink apprentice's own reproductive tract. "Awww," pouts Hana, "Hana-chan liked the idea of having a baby with Doremi-mama!" Stroking the blonde's baby maker a bit more, Poppu suggests, "If Onee-chan won't let you carry the baby, maybe Hana-chan should try making a baby in Onee-chan?" "Hana-chan likes that idea!" cries the white apprentice and before her mother can react, Doremi has been tackled to the floor, her back pinned to the tiles as Hana once more starts to rut like a wild animal. Unfortunately for the redhead, the hard jabs of Hana's girlcock towards the preteen's prodigiously protruding piddle pot and the way the toddler in preteen's clothing carelessly lays atop the pink apprentice's truly titanic, terribly trembling, tremendously taut tinkle tank only gives the older girl a painful reminder of the curse she managed to put out of her mind for the most part as she tried in vain to stop her little sister from corrupting her baby. As Hana plows her mama's pussy, oblivious to the redhead's discomfort, Doremi isn't sure which would be worse, carrying her daughter's child or giving both of them a golden shower that'll never end. "Isn't that a lovely sight?" asks Poppu, stroking her throbbing futahood as she watches her sister and surrogate niece going at it like bunnies, "Kinda makes me want to go home and fuck my own mom as well." "Yeah, it's hot." replies Kumiko, stroking her own shaft and Sayaka can only nod in agreement, the brunette's eyes glazing over as her tiny hand works her girlcock. Oblivious to the commentary from her little sister, Doremi begs, "Please, Hana-chan, you can't cum in-" only to let out a gasp as Hana delivers a particularly strong thrust at the odango-headed girl's bladder, the redhead whimpering as she adds, "and please have mercy on my tired tinkle tank! Thanks to the curse Poppu placed on me, I've had to hold well beyond capacity all day!" But the blonde is too lost in pleasure to hear a word the girl pinned beneath her is saying, her brown eyes rolling back as she chants, "Hana-chan loves Doremi-Mama!" and the only mercy the toddler turned preteen has on her poor mother is when she sits up to stroke Doremi's member, the added pleasure draining what little strength the redhead has left. Deciding to join in, Poppu walks over and squats over Doremi's mouth, forcing her sister to eat her out as she guides Hana's free hand to her member, the blonde now stroking both sisters as Poppu suggests, "It also feels good when a girl sucks and licks a cock like a lollipop." and unlike Doremi's protests, these words actually manage to penetrate Hana's pleasure fogged mind as the youngest futa bends down to lick both sister's tips. Meanwhile, Kumiko and Sayaka, neither wanting to cut in on the family bonding decide to try some more magic. "... Give me a cock bigger than the biggest Doremi senpai's got today!" Cries out Sayaka, plum-colored musical notes swirling around her shaft as it grows until it's nearly as long as she is tall and as thick as her neck. "Wow," exclaims Kumiko at the sight of Sayaka's monster cock, the gigantic girlcock looking even bigger on the small girl's tiny frame. "I'll need something special to take care of that. ... Give me boobs bigger than Poppu-chan's mom!" in a swirl of blue notes, Kumiko is soon the proud owner of a pair of double-Ds that bounce noticeably with every step the navy-haired girl takes. "Come on, Sayaka-chan, I'll give you a titty fuck!" With that, Kumiko lays down, holding her breasts apart as Sayaka kneels at her feet and lays her massive member upon Kumiko's tummy. As Kumiko squishes her magically magnified mammaries around Sayaka's gigantic girlcock, the brunette starts to moan, only getting louder as Kumiko starts to lick Sayaka's tip and to use her feet to stroke the smaller girl's shaft near the base. Hana alternates between sucking Poppu's prick and Doremi's dick until she feels another climax building in her girlcock and announces, "Hana-chan think Hana-chan is about to cum again! And Poppu and Doremi-mama are twitching like crazy! Are Doremi-mama and Poppu gonna cum too?" "Yeah," starts Poppu, "I'm gonna cum real soon, and Hana-chan should totally cum in Onee-chan!", the Pinkette's muff muffling any protest the redhead tries to mutter as the blonde's thrusts grow more erratic. "Hana-chan gonna cum in Doremi-mama! Hana-chan gonna cum in Doremi-mama!" cries out the excited witch before practically swallowing her aunt's girlcock, oblivious to her mom's futile struggle to throw the other two girls off her. With one last thrust, Hana hilts herself in Doremi's depths, her girlcock gushing great gooey gobs of cum for the second time that afternoon, the redhead's body choosing that moment to betray her as her traiterous twat trembles in climax, convulsing around her child's cock, milking the toddler turned preteen for all she's worth. At the same time, Poppu pops her load down Hana's throat, and suddenness and sheer volume cause the blonde to gag as her Mama's cock erupts as well, but unlike the blonde and pinkette, the redhead's eruption is golden and of a decidedly more watery consistency. Meanwhile, Kumiko continues using her mouth, breasts, and feet to stimulate Sayaka's giant girlcock, and it isn't long before the brunette cries out, "Kumi-chan, I'm...I'm gonna cum!" the warning coming too late as Kumiko gets a faceful of cum before Sayaka's trembling legs give out, the smallest girl falling on her back, her seed shooting high into the air, splattering against the ceiling before raining down on the quintet. As the three ejaculating futanari come down from their orgasms, their respective streams slowing to trickles, Hana is the first to speak as she licks her lips and comments, "Poppu's cum is almost as good as pudding!" Before looking at Doremi's golden fountain and asking, "Why is Doremi-mama peeing so much?" Before anyone can answer the blonde's question, Sayaka catches a glimpse of the sky, now a deep orange through one of the MAHO-Dou's windows, and comments, "It's sunset already?!" "Aw, but I don't want to head home yet!" adds Kumiko to Sayaka's exclamation. "Well," comments Poppu, still muffling her older sister's protests with her pussy, "You could try using the MAHO-Dou's phone to call your parents and ask to stay over." As the two newest apprentices run off to do just that, Poppu turns to her adopted niece, "As for Onee-chan's golden geyser, she miscast a spell and it ended up cursing her with a bladder that can only get fuller... I'm better at magic, but since Onee-chan is higher ranked and thus has more raw power, I can't break it, so until it wears off or is broken by a stronger witch, she can pee forever, but never get any relief." "Poor Doremi-mama!" replies Hana before suddenly standing up, her girl cock pulling out of the red head and bringing a cascade of cum behind it, the blonde casts, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Break the curse on Doremi-mama!" As the white notes swirl around Doremi's bulging, bloated bladder and futahood, they have no readily apparent effect, at least at first, but after a half minute or so, Poppu notices her sister's tinkle tank starting to deflate. Poppu is a bit disappointed that her sister's torment has come to an end, but she announces, "I'm going to go check on Sayaka-chan and Kumi-chan." Leaving her sister, the redhead staring glassy-eyed at the ceiling as she can finally enjoy the relief of emptying her bladder, and Hana looking on in amazement at how much pee her mama was holding. "Hana-chan wonders what it's like to have so much pee inside." Comments the blonde, the only other person left in the room in no condition to respond, much less try to stop her as she casts once more, "Pororin Pyuarin Hana Hana Pi! Put all of Doremi-mama's pee in Hana-chan!" With another swirl of musical notes, the pee pooling on the floor gathers up into a golden waterspout before forcing it's way into Hana-chan's urethra, the blonde grasping her magically added anatomy as she moans from the sensation of reverse peeing, the toddler turned preteen's piddle pot soon starting to visibly inflate even faster than Doremi's tinkle tank is visibly deflating, and as the last of the spilled pee vanishes into the white apprentice's tip, Doremi's fountaining Futahood tilts under the force of Hana's magic, the stream shooting straight for the younger girl's girlcock. Following the tug of the spell she cast, Hana approaches her prone mother in all but blood until their erect members are kissing, mother now directly peeing into her daughter, both girls moaning at the intense sensations. Meanwhile, Poppu walks into the MAHO-DOu's kitchen where the phone is kept to find her friends taking turns licking each other of their mixed juices. Watching as the other two girls take turns licking first thighs, then privates, tummies, chests, and finally do the tongue tango with their girlcocks pinned between them, Sayaka's having returned to a 'normal' size, Poppu calls her own mother to seek permission for her and Doremi to spend the night with Hana. As she hangs up the phone, smiling widely at having gotten permission, Poppu turns to her friends, still in the middle of making out and asks, "Did your moms say you could stay?" Breaking the kiss, Kumiko replies, "Unfortunately, they told both of us to be home as soon as possible." "Yeah, guess we won't be able to stay and have more fun with you, your sister, and Hana-chan." adds Sayaka. "Well, that sucks" adds the Pinkette. "well, my magic should keep you futas for at least a couple more hours, so maybe you two can have some fun alone before bed." Meanwhile, Doremi finally finishes emptying her bladder of what feels like literal gallons of pee, Hana squeezing one gloved hand around her girl cock as she rubs her other hand over her now prodigiously protruding piddle pot, looking nine-months pregnant as the plentiful pints of pent up pee pulse and pound under her touch. Moaning in desperation, the blonde comments, "Wow, Hana-chan can't believe Doremi-mama held so much pee for so long! Hana-chan feel like Hana-chan gonna pop if Hana-chan doesn't go potty soon!" Looking around, the white witch spots the MAHO-Dou's back garden through a window, and running over, the blonde throws open the window before aiming her girlcock, and not a moment too soon as the dam breaks, a torrent of tinkle spraying out the window to water the flower beds outside. "Wow!" exclaim the two newest Ojamajo as they enter the room, having reverted to their street clothes, "Hana-chan can shoot a long way!"