Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: In the Park As the quartet reach the park, Poppu pulls out her change purse to by herself and her friends a couple cans of soda, the trio sipping away as they stroll along a scenic nature path, Doremi growing more and more fidgety as their combined liquid intake works its way to the redhead's cursed bladder, the older girl needing to adjust her clothes to avoid an obvious tent in her skirt, Poppu periodically glancing at her sister, the pinkette's own futahood throbbing in response to the odango-headed girl's plight. Once they're deep enough into the park's cultivated wilderness that she's comfortable they won't be found, Poppu turns to her sister and declares, "I think its time to see how much Doremi has grown." "Wait, what?" asks the older girl. "Either you can show us, we can strip you, or I can vanish your clothes with magic." replies the Pinkette, feeling a rush of power at the control she holds over her older sister at the moment. Blushing at what her little sister is implying, but sure the younger girl is dead serious about her threat, Doremi replies, "O-okay..." as she lifts the hem of her uniform blouse to reveal several inches of thick girlcock poking up out of the waistband of her skirt, the elastic pinning it against her belly and the tip nearly touching the bottom of the redhead's sternum. Staring wide eyed at the engorged futahood, now much bigger than even Poppu's, all three girls approach their senpai, each running a finger along the exposed shaft, Doremi biting back a moan as Poppu declares, "Wow, Doremi has grown even faster than I expected. You must be near your usual limit if its this big." Bringing her hands to her older sister's waistband, the pinkette adds, "Now, let's see the rest of it." "Wait, haven't you seen enough?" shouts Doremi in protest, trying to get away as Kumiko and Sayaka help their friend in yanking down the older girl's skirt and panties. In the process, Doremi loses her footing and finds herself flat on her back with her bottoms around her ankles and three little girls standing over her, nearly a foot of rock hard girlcock pointed skyward. Before the sixth grader can recover from her fall, Poppu plops down on her sister's stomach, though thankfully above the bulge of Doremi's bladder while Sayaka and Kumiko each straddle a thigh. The three girls each reach out a hand to grasp the older girl's shaft, Doremi's dick long enough that all three can wrap a hand around it without touching each other and thick enough that, even squeezing with all their strength, none of them can touch thumb to forefinger. They give the massive member a few strokes, making Doremi moan in pleasure before leaning in to kiss her tip. Before long, the trio have worked out a rhythm whereas one is licking up their senpai's shaft, the second is suckling at the tip, and the third is licking down a different side of the shaft. Thanks to the trio's combined ministrations, it isn't long before Doremi cries out, "I...I think I'm gonna cum!" This announcement only seems to encourage the trio of little girls, and as chance would have it, Poppu has her mouth around her sister's tip when the redhead's colossal girlcock erupts. The pinkette reflexively swallows the first mouthful of futa seed, but she then pulls back, letting her big sister's girlcock geyser great, gooey gobs of futa cum high into the air before it comes splashing down on the trio's heads, the older girl's eyes glazing over and rolling back as her entire body trembles in the euphoria of her first futa ejaculation. By the time Doremi is done shooting her load, all three of her young lovers look like they just got a pie tin of jizz to the face, though Doremi is too out of it to notice, panting heavily as she mumbles a barely coherent, "That...was...amazing!" as the younger girls wipe their senpai's seed from their eyes. Having wiped most of her sister's seed from her face, Poppu licks her palms before declaring, "Well, after giving her such a massive orgasm, I think it's only fair that Onee-chan milks out our loads as well." Turning around, Poppu buries her hands, still sticky with her sister's semen in the redhead's oversized odango and before the older girl can recover from her climax, buries her much more modest member down Doremi's throat. THe redhead's eyes shoot open and she tries to speak around her little sister's shaft, but her muffled speech only serves to stimulate the second grader, who replies threateningly, "Bite me, and I'll seal a literal ocean in your bladder! Now, be a good, little cocksucker and properly thank me for making you cum." as the pinkette starts rhythmically pumping her futahood in and out of her sister's mouth. Meanwhile, Kumiko and Sayaka play rock-paper-scissors for the chance to plunge their petite pricks into their friend's older sister's pussy, Sayaka letting out a little cheer at her victory before dashing forward to do just that. Removing Doremi's skirt and panties from around the taller girl's ankles, Kumiko requests, "Hey, Sayaka-chan, lift up a bit so I can get at her butt." Lifting the taller girl's legs to rest Doremi's knees on her shoulders and hugging a thigh tightly with each arm, Sayaka pushes up with her legs, feeling her senpai's snug snatch tighten around her shaft as the littlest girl shifts her weight on to Doremi's bladder. In the process, Doremi's girlcock is pinned against her stomach, the tip pushed nearly to her collar bone and the redhead's butt is lifted off the ground as Sayaka's knees lock out. Nestling between the brunette's thighs, Kumiko soon finds Doremi's backdoor and slides inside, savoring the tightness of this hole for only a moment before starting to relentlessly rut the older girl's anus. As she feels her next climax approaching, Poppu can also feel the tip of her sister's futahood bumpping against the pinkette's butt and debates with herself whether she wants to cum down her sister's throat or somewhere else. Sayaka can see how close Doremi's dick is to Poppu's pussy, but she is distracted by her own impending eruption and a renewed throbbing in her tiny tinkle tank, the organ tired from repeated filling and emptying so far that day. As the trio of little girls gang bang the pink-eyed preteen, Doremi's body is wracked with waves of both pleasure and desperation, the latter made all the worse by Sayaka practically laying on top of her bloated bladder. The three little futa all cum in near unison, Poppu and Sayaka shooting their loads deep in Doremi's throat and pussy respectively while Kumiko manages to pull out of the red head's ass just in time to splash her seed all over Sayaka and Doremi's half-moons. Poppu is the first to recover, doing an about face to grab the tip of her older sister's super-sized futahood, parting the fleshy bulges around the older girl's pee hole and lining the tip of her own, much smaller girl cock with that so far unfucked hole. "Poppu, what are you doi-?!" the sixth grader starts to ask, only to be cut off by a scream as her urethra is stretched painfully as the pinkette stuffs her own member inside her sister's. Before Doremi can recover, Poppu starts sliding in and out of her older sister's pee hole, declaring, "Don't make a fuss, Onee-chan, and maybe I'll try stuffing this huge thing of yours in my snug snatch when I'm done shooting my load in your bladder. Meanwhile, Sayaka pulls out of Doremi's pussy, her seed seeping from the redhead's well-fucked hole and starts looking around for a place to relieve her exhausted waste water reservoir, but before she can come to a decision, Kumiko yanks the shorter girl's legs out from under her to impale the brunette's rear passage with the navy-haired girl's dick. The sight of one of her best friends taking it up the ass from her other best friend fuels Poppu's desire as she continues to fuck her sister's pee hole, and as the pinkette watches Sayaka's girlcock bob up and down, she can't help licking her lips. Leaning forward, Poppu wraps her lips around Sayaka's futahood and starts sucking greedily, prompting the smaller girl to cry out, "Poppu-chan! If you don't stop, I'm going to pee in Popuu-chan's mouth!" which makes the pinkette realize that, though she's far from desperate, she's full enough to let out a decent amount. Poppu sucks harder on Sayaka's girlcock, trying to suck out both the brunette's seed and pee, the diminutive girl squeezing the base of her futahood tightly with both hands as she cries, "Po-Poppu-chan, I'm really gonna pee!" adding a cry of "Ku-Kumi-chan, no fair!" when the navy-haired girl reaches a hand down to tease at the shorter girl's folds, making it harder to concentrate on holding back the impending flood. As Sayaka struggles not to use her best friend's mouth as a urinal, said best friend relaxes, using her sister's engorged prick to empty her own fairly full tinkle tank. Finding the sensation of having her urethra plugged with her little sister's girlcock quite unpleasant, Doremi manages to cry out between sobs, "Please, Poppu, please pull out." Only to cry out in indignity as she realizes she's being used as a urinal, "HEY! Stop peeing in me!" only for her pleas to fall on deaf ears. Deciding to fight fire with fire, or rather tinkle with tinkle, Doremi stops fighting against the pressure in her pounding piddle pot, hoping to force her sister out of her urethra. However, this backfires as every drop that slips past Doremi's sphincter is duplicated in her bladder, and the fit of one cock inside the other is too snug to allow pee to squirt out around where the two sisters are connected, the pressure deep in Doremi's urethra forcing some of the sister's mixed wee back into Doremi's bladder. At that moment, Kumiko erupts in Sayaka's rear passage, and as if that wasn't enough, the navy-haired girl decides to pull out only to rehilt herself in Sayaka's snug snatch, the resulting stab to the smaller girl's bladder causing her to spurt in Poppu's mouth, and that leak feels nearly orgasmic to the diminutive girl. Sayaka tightens her grip around the base of her girlcock until her hands start cramping and tenses her every muscle in an effort to halt the flow, Kumiko grunting with the extra effort of thrusting into and pulling out of the littlest futa's ever tightening twatty. How ever, Sayaka's efforts are for naught, that first taste of pee having made Poppu redouble her efforts once more, the pinkette's sucking mouth too good to resist as a second leak and then a third slip past Sayaka's feeble control. With tears in her eyes, the brunette whines, "Poppu-chan, I can't stop it! It's coming OUT!" Just before the little girl loses control completely, her pee shooting full force down her friend's throat, the pinkette eagerly drinking the brunette's pee as she continues to fuck her sister's urethra. When Sayaka has finished peeing, she goes limp in Kumiko's arms, all tension leaving her body now that she's not desperately fighting to hold her pee. When she recovers enough to speak, she rambles out, "Please forgive me, Poppu-chan, I didn't mean to pee in your mouth!", Only to be silenced with a finger to her lips as Poppu pulls her mouth off Sayaka's wilting girlcock to give the smaller girl a warm smile. "It's okay, Sayaka-chan. I don't mind doing such dirty things with you and Kumi-chan." As the pair of second graders enjoy their moment, Doremi, her patience running out, starts thrashing beneath them, crying, "Get out of my pee hole!" Caught off guard, the trio soon lose their balance, Kumiko landing hard on her butt as Sayaka lands atop her own decently full bladder, the impact squeezing the navy-haired girl's piddle pot way past the limit, Sayaka's cunny becoming the third human orifice to be used as a urinal in as many minutes. Poppu lands hard on her sister's chest, her girlcock yanked from her sister's in the process, the older girl's futahood, engorged to equine proportions to match the amount of pee she's holding, springs skyward as the redhead's pee erupts into the air, the golden geyser cresting at over three meters before raining down on the quartet of schoolgirls. Though she feels no relief from her torrential tinkling, the curse replacing the pee as fast as it pours out, Doremi makes no effort to halt the flow. The trio marvel at the results of Poppu's spellcraft, enjoying their senpai's warm waste waters washing over them for several minutes before Poppu Stands up, and with more than a bit of effort, manages to replug her sister's urethra with her own girlcock as she asks her classmates, "So, how do you think we should punish my sister for fighting back?" "Plug up all her holes!" Cries Kumiko. "Make her hold all the pee we spilled!" Adds Sayaka. After a bit of thought, Poppu gets a devilish smile as she says, "I have a great idea combining both of those!" Pulling out her tap, it takes the pinkette a try or two, but she eventually manages to transform while still plugging her sister's peehole with her futahood. Summoning her Poron, the red apprentice cries out, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Give me and my friends magically detachable cocks!" The Pinkette stepping away, leaving her girl cock as a urethral plug as she helps her friends to their feet. The two non-Ojamajo are a bit bothered when they notice that Sayaka's futahood was left on the ground and Kumiko's came off while still buried in the brunette, but calm down as Poppu picks up the former and pulls the other out, the resulting sensations making it clear the detached cocks are still connected where it matters. Walking up to her sister, Poppu stuffs her friend's futahoods up the older girl's ass and pussy before casting again, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Make those holes water tight!" followed quickly by another, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! divide all this pee among my friend's bladders, duplicate any that leaks out, and lets us actually feel relief from peeing!" As her spells do their job, an expression of relief crosses Poppu's face as Doremi cries out, "Are you peeing in my peehole again?!" "Of course, wouldn't want the pressure to build up." Replies Poppu nonchalantly before turning to see her friends bent double in need, hands over their once again smooth pubic mounds. "Oh, no need to hold it, Sayaka-chan, Kumi-chan. Just let it out and let my sister hold it in her bowels and womb." As the two second graders relax, Doremi whines, "If you three keep using me as a urinal, I'm going to burst!", the magical seals her younger sister put in place ensuring nothing can escape. Undoing her transformation and helping her sister and friends make themselves presentable, Doremi's magically engorged cock now long enough it almost pokes out the collar of her conjured serafuku, the pinkette suggests, "How about we head to the MAHO-Dou to see about making Sayaka-chan and Kumi-chan witch apprentices?" "Cool!" exclaims the pair of girls as the two Ojamajo lead the way.