Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: At the Cafe As the quartet walk through the streets of Misora, Doremi notices a slight bulge in Poppu's skirt, but the Pinkette simply continues walking carefreely with her arms crossed behind her head even as the elder sister worries about how she'll conceal her new anatomy once her bladder starts to fill and it starts to swell. Before long, the quartet have reached a quaint, little cafe crowded with elementary and middle school aged youths, mostly other groups of girls or teenage couples taking advantage of a day off from school to have adate, though there are a few boys either sitting alone or in small groups with their buddies. It takes a few minutes, but the quartet are eventually seated at a table and given menus to order from. After a few minutes of perusing the menu, the sisters both order Strawberry roll cake, reminded of the roll cake Doremi and her friends learned to make to cheer Poppu on for her first Piano Recital, though neither comments on that memory, neither quite in the mood to bring up happier moments of sibling bonding at the moment. Meanwhile, Kumiko orders chocolate cake with raspberies and Sayaka orders a custard pudding with whipped cream and a cherry. At the older girl's recommendation, the trio decide to try the barley tea. As they wait for their food, an awkward silence falls over their table, only to be replaced with the sounds of eating when their food arrives. While Doremi and Sayaka slowly sip at their tea, Poppu and Kumiko practically guzzle theirs and are soon ordering refills. Poppu remembers the roll cake she recieved before her first recital as being better than the one she's currently eating, but still upset with her older sister for what happened that morning, the pinkette lies, "This roll cake is much better than the one Doremi's friends made!" Doremi gives her little sister a glare, but her cheeks are currently too full with pastry to even do her trademark triple huff of annoyance. Done with their first round of dessert, the three younger girls each order a sundae, large ones for Poppu and Kumiko and a small for Sayaka. As the three start enjoying their cold treats, Doremi can't help salivating at the sight, but resists the urge to order herself one, sure the three have already cleaned out her allowance. Just as Doremi's starting to feel the effects of the barley tea on her companion's bladders, subtly adjusting her skirt to accomodate her now semi-rigid girlcock that has grown to typical sixth grader size, she's brought back to reality by a shout of, "Hey, Dojimi!" Turning to the sound of the voice, she spots the spikey, bluish gray hair of the last person she wants to see right now: Tetsuya Kotake. Resisting the urge to grab the boy by the ear and scream at point blank range and trying to ignore the twinge in her bladder and the throb from her futahood, the redhead greets her classmate coldly, "Kotake, my name is Doremi! Do-Re-Mi!" Ignoring the correction and noticing the younger girls at the table, the boy replies, "What's the matter, Dojimi, so much of a cluts only little kids want to hang out with you?" Kumiko looks ready to rip into the older boy until Poppu places a calming hand on her shoulder, and the three younger girls watch as their senpai continue to bicker, enjoying their ice cream in lieu of popcorn, Poppu debating whether to interrupt. Her sundae devoured, Poppu lazily sips at her tea and spots a waitress approaching just as her straw makes a hollow sound against the bottom of the glass. Fearful the approaching young woman is on a mission to kic them out, the pinkette thinks fast. Stirring the leftover ice in her glass with her straw, Poppu comments nonchalantly, "You two bicker just like an old married couple." Causing the two older gradeschoolers to go silent, matching blushes on their faces, "You know what I'm talking about, right Onee-chan?" asks the pinkette in her most mature yet innocent tone, "You've seen the way Kaa-san and tou-san fight." Before either sixth grader can stammer out a response, the waitress arrives at the table, asking, "Is there a problem here?" "No, waitress-nee-chan," replies the pinkette, acting as spokesgirl for the table, "but could we get a round of waters to wash down those incredible sweets?" ""Right away, customer-chan." replies the older female before running off. Poppu is starting to feel the effects of the barley tea on her bladder, and glancing at her two oldest and dearest friends sees subtle signs that they're in the same situation, and concludes that Doremi's embarrassment must be at least as much from the fear of showing her desperation or having her by now throbbing futahood discovered. Wondering what the older boy would think of Doremi's girlcock, especially if its grown to be bigger than his boyhood, Poppu feels her own futahood throb at the thought. Deciding to play matchmaker a bit more, Poppu comments, "I don't know what you see in Onee-chan, Kotake-senpai, but if the two of you feel that strongly for each other... perhaps you two should get a room and make up." At this suggestion, the preteens' faces turn from matching Poppu's hair to matching Doremi's, Kotake stammering out "Th-that clutzy girl..." Only to be matched by Doremi stammering, "Wi-with that loudmouthed boy?" as the pair point at each other. "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, you know." adds Poppu before deciding on a different avenue of teasing, "Of course, if this is just an effort by senpai to impress a trio of naive, little girls by acting all macho, I'm sorry but," The pinkette pauses to pull both of her friends into a hug, "We're already in a happy relationship." Sayaka simply blushes at Poppu making such a proclamation in such a public place, but Kumiko decides to help along the teasing by giving Poppu a kiss on the cheek. The shocked silent boy finally takes a seat, but Poppu is certain she saw him tenting the fly of his jeans. As the trio break their hug, the waitress returns with five glasses of water, and all of the gradeschoolers start sipping as the dishes from the now finished sweets are taken away and the table falls into a tense silence. Before Poppu can think of something else to tease the older grade schoolers with or the sixth graders can find their voices, A squirming Sayaka tugs on Poppu's puffy sleeve and says barely above a whisper, "P-Poppu-chan, I gotta tinkle." blushing nearly as badly as Doremi and Kotake at the admission. Feeling herself throbbing with arousal, Poppu responds, "Come on, Kumiko-chan, let's escort Sayaka-chan and leave these two love birds alone for a bit." As the trio enter the restroom, Poppu drags both of her companions into a stall with her and locks the door. Sayaka pulls her panties to her knees and sits on the toilet, but before she can relax enough to let her piddle pot empty, Poppu has droppped her kitty-print panties to her ankles, lifted the brunette's legs high in the air and buried her throbbing girlcock in Sayaka's snug snatch. Squirming in both pleasure and desperation, Sayaka whines, "Poppu-chan, I really need to pee!" "Don't worry, Sayaka-chan, I'll be quick." replies the pinkette, mercilessly pounding the smaller girl's pussy while trying to avoid jostling her bladder too much. Growing hard at the sight, Kumiko is happy she decided to go commando today as she sinks her own futahood into Poppu's passage, the pinkette having to bite her lip to avoid letting out a scream of pleasure that will give them away. Knowing they need to be quick, it doesn't take long for Poppu and Kumiko to shoot their respective loads, sending Sayaka and Poppu's cunnies into convulsions. As they separate, Poppu decides to use magic to spy on her sister and Kotake while Kumiko, realising Sayaka is now too hard to pee sits in the brunette's lap, riding the shorter girl with as much fervor as Poppu pounded her pussy. "Pretty Witchy, Poppu-chi!" Cries the pinkette as her transformation completes before summoning her poron and casting, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Show me what Doremi and Kotake are up to!" The musical notes from Poppu's poron solidify into a handheld screen showing their table, where Doremi is just finishing paying the bill. A thought bubble overlays the image to show that Doremi is thinking, 'There goes my allowance and my savings.' before being replaced with one saying, 'Could Poppu be right about Kotake having a crush on me? Nah, if he liked me, then why is he always so mean to me? But I guess it couldn't hurt to ask.' Gathering her courage, Doremi asks, "So, Kotake, is my little sister right? About you having a crush on me, I mean?" The dark-haired boy replies, "Me, crush on a clumsy, ditzy girl like you?" replies the boy even as a thought bubble declares, "There's no way I can admit that that little girl saw right through me." "I knew it!" exclaims the pinkette in triumph before grumbling, "Too bad I can't just use magic to compel him to confess." Not bothering to continue watching the scene, Poppu turns her attention back to her friends just in time to hear Sayaka cry out, "It's gonna come out!" right before the brunette first shoots her load deep in Kumiko's tummy and then uses the navy-haired girl as a urinal. Before Sayaka can manage an apology, Kumiko declares, "I guess we're even now, Sayaka-chan." and helps the smaller girl to her feet. Taking advantage of the opportunity of their location and their new anatomy, Poppu and Kumiko aim their girl cocks to pee while standing, their streams crossing as they cascade into the toilet. Finishing up, Poppu dabs her tip on a bit of toilet paper before glancing back at her magic screen, the two older youths sitting in an awkward silence. Getting an idea, Poppu casts several spells in quick succession, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Make Kotake's cock grow harder and bigger and his bladder fill faster each time he denies his feelings! Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Let me whisper in their ears!" The spells take effect just in time for Poppu to witness Kotake declare, "That little sister of yours has it all wrong." followed quickly by a thought bubble declaring, 'Damn, why do I have to pee so bad all of a sudden?' and 'I hope Doremi doesn't notice me tenting my jeans.' Poppu smiles devilishly as her friends huddle around the magical screen as Poppu uses it to whisper in Doremi's ear, "He's lying." only to immediately say to the older boy, "You should just confess to her." "For some reason, I'm not convinced you're being honest with me." Declares the redhead, a look of confusion on her face as a thought bubble reads 'Where did that voice come from?' "I'm telling ya, there's no way any guy in his right mind would find you attractive, Dojimi." retorts the boy, his thought bubble reading, "Ugh, I hope those little girls get back soon, I'm gonna piss myself if I sit here much longer.' "Glance at his crotch.' Poppu whispers in her sister's ear. Doremi notices the growing bulge in the boy's jeans, and despite it being very unladylike, she can't help teasing the poor boy, "If that's true, then why are you pitching a tent?" A panicked look crossing his face, Kotake's thought bubble reads, 'Crap! She's on to me!' even as his mouth spits out, "The waitress is cute.", but before either Harukaze sister can say anything else, his thought bubble changes, "Oh crap! Screw looking manly, gotta go before I completely humiliate myself!' before jumping to his feet and bolting for the mens' room, a hand gripping his boyhood through his pants. "Dang it!" hisses the pinkette, snapping her fingers in frustration. "Looks like my attempts to convince him to confess failed." Canceling her spells and transformation, Poppu guides her friends back to the table before declaring, "Guess he must have left. What do ya say we head to the park?" "Sounds good." replies Doremi, Poppu's classmates nodding in agreement.