Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: Poppu's Secret and Payback The three quickly get dressed, Poppu wearing kitty print panties under her usual pale blue blouse and dark purple skirt ensemble, Sayaka wearing the panties she slept in under her ruffly purple dress, and Kumiko deciding, "I'm gonna let my girlhood air out today." as she wears nothing but her pink shirt under her blue dress. As the three are about to head to the kitchen, Poppu's nose crinkles up as she's reminded of how her friends took their morning pees, declaring, "Maybe we should dump that first." Between the three of them, the liquid filled wastebasket isn't hard to move as they carry it to the bathroom, and deciding the tub would be the best place to dump it, they lift it onto the side of the tub, and using the shower curtain to protect themselves from splashback, pour out as much of the liquid as they can without dumping the trash. That done, Poppu ties off the bag, opens the spare bag she keeps in the bottom of her waste basket, and the three wash their hands as they head for the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, the trio find neither of Poppu's parents present, but a plate with a stack of half-a-dozen hot cakes in front of three of the seats, a fourth seat taken by Doremi as the redhead is nearly done devouring her own stack, starting on her last one as her little sister and her friends take their seats. Glancing at her sister, Poppu is torn between wanting to get revenge on the older ojamajo for the tinkle torment the redhead put the pinkette and her friends through that morning and thanking her for the opportunity it provided for Poppu and her friends to grow closer. Hearing a grumbling from her stomach, Poppu puts her sister out of mind as she reaches for the bottle of syrup, Kumiko and Sayaka reaching for the milk and orange juice in turn. Taking turns with the various bottles and jugs, the three younger girls each pour themselves a glass each of milk and orange juice and smother their hot cakes in syrup before taking up knife and fork and digging in as Doremi uses the last few bites to mop up syrup from her plate and takes her emptied plate to the sink. Despite the inherently messy meal, Poppu's fastidious table manners allow her to eat her breakfast without so much as a drop of syrup ending up anywhere aside from her mouth or her plate. By comparison, Kumiko eats with as much decorum as her friend's older sister, crumbs of hot cake glued to her syrupy cheeks, and leaving syrupy hand prints on both her milk and juice glasses. Sayaka tries to emulate the pinkette, but she can't help letting a few drips of syrup land on her dress. As they eat, all three girls guzzle down their juice and milk, each getting at least one refill of each, the crumbly hot cakes making them thirsty and the syrup making their mouths sticky and requiring they wash it down. By the time the trio have finished their breakfast, they have consumed a half-gallon each of milk and juice between them, and Poppu decides to get herself one last glass of milk, wanting to relive the surprisingly pleasant experience of her overly full bladder from earlier in the morning, thinking that her accident in the shower, despite having two witnesses was far more pleasant than the time she wet her panties during her second year of kindergarten when her mother let her run an errand unsupervised for the first time. As the trio take their dirty dishes to the sink and Poppu rinses them to make things easier for whoever has dish duty that evening, the pinkette's thoughts drift back to her older sister and all kinds of naughty thoughts swirl in her head. After the trio of second graders have washed their hands and faces and Poppu has helped clean Sayaka's dress of stray syrup, the two dark-haired girls follow the pinkette back to her room to find it still strewn with pillows and blankets that they had been too distracted by their pillow fight to clean up. Gathering her courage, Poppu announces, "Sayaka-chan, Kumi-chan, there's something I want, no need to tell you..., but it's a secret, so I need both of you to pinky swear you won't speak of what I'm about to show you." As Poppu holds out both her hands, balled into fists except for extended pinkies, her two closest friends extend their own hands to wrap a pinky around each of Poppu's before hooking pinkies on their free hands. Standing in their triangle of clasped pinkies, the two dark haired girls say in unison, "I swear to keep Poppu-chan's secret!" Sighing in relief, Poppu releases her friend's pinkies and pulls out her tap, presses the central button and lets the magical device float into the air. As it turns into her red apprentice uniform, Poppu jumps up to pull the petal-skirted outfit on, forcing her head out the neck hole, her gloves and boots materializing as her arms pop out of the arm holes and her legs unfold from under the skirt. As the Jingle from her tap finishes, she pulls her hat down on her head, strikes a pose, and shouts, "Pretty Witchy, Poppu-chi!" At their friend's transformation, Sayaka and Kumiko cry out in unison, "Wow! Super cool!" "If you think that's cool," starts Poppu, as she plays the melody to summon her poron, "watch this! Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Clean up this mess!" In a spray of red musical notes, the blankets and pillows are lifted from the floor, the blankets fold themselves, and then the makeshift bedding is stacked neatly on Poppu's twin bed." "Wow!" cries Kumiko, "So Poppu-chan really is..." The navy-haired girl is cut off as a panicked Poppu dashes forward, bear hugs her friend from behind and slams a gloved hand over the other girl's mouth. Hissing, Poppu scolds, "Don't say it! Remember plushie-chan from year 2 of kindergarten?" Feeling Kumiko nodding against her palm and seeing Sayaka, startled into silence by the pinkette's outburst doing the same, Poppu continues, "That was really my magic mentor. She was cursed into that form because Doremi, who is my senior apprentice, called her out for what she is. Unless you want me to end up like Plushie-chan, the w-word is far worse than the b-word it rhymes with. Do you understand?" At Sayaka's declaration of, "Yes, Poppu-chan!" and Kumiko's second nod, the red apprentice lets out a sigh of relief and removes her hand from her friend's mouth. "Anyways," I hope you two can understand why I kept this secret for so long. I didn't know plushie-chan was anything more than a stuffed toy when I took her to Sonotine, but when I discovered Doremi and her friends' secret a couple of months later, they made me their junior apprentice. My sister is higher ranked and has more raw power than me, only still being an apprentice because she and her friends all did forbidden magic for the right reasons, but I'm actually more skilled." Getting a big grin, she continues, "Anyways, the reason I decided to show you my magic is that I've got an idea for getting back at Doremi for what she forced us to do this morning, assuming the two of you are okay with holding your pee some more." Gripping herself through the ruffles of her dress's skirt, Sayaka replies, "I'm already regretting drinking so much milk and juice at breakfast, but I'll try to endure if Doremi gets to feel the humiliation I did when I was force to use Poppu-chan's wastebasket." "I'm in!" adds the navy haired girl. "Great, than we're in agreement!" cries the red apprentice, lifting her poron with a devilish smile. "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Make Doremi's bladder hold as much as the three of us combined and make it so Doremi can only pee if one of us pees!" A Ring of musical notes is emitted from the tip of the pinkette's magical focus, but seems to do nothing aside from flying at the wall her bedroom shares with her sister's bedroom. "That should make her feel even worse tinkle torment than we went through, and she won't even be able to relieve herself on the toilet, and we can make her pee herself just by letting go!" cries Poppu, "But I had another idea for how we could have some fun with Doremi while she suffers." Brandishing her poron again, she casts once more, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Give the three of us a boy's thingy!" After another spray of musical notes, all three girls are tenting their dresses, and the two without magic can't resist lifting their garments to examine their new bits of anatomy. Both of them are average for boys their age, though they find their new futahoods quite sensitive, and Sayaka finds her panties completely inadequate to cover her little stiffy. The two are broken out of their xplorations by Poppu declaring, "Let's go!" and leading them to Doremi's bedroom. Entering the older ojamajo's bedroom, the trio find the older girl hobbling towards the door, both hands down the front of the redhead's shorts and her face contorted in discomfort. Apparently, what is just enough for the younger girls to start feeling the need is enough, when combined, to render the older girl paralyzed with desperation. Still, Doremi manages to let out a pitiful wimper of, "Pop...Poppu... why...why are you transformed?" Instead of answering her older sister, Poppu casts two spells in quick succession as her friends pull their dresses over their heads, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Seal this room! Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Tie Doremi down!" With twin sprays of musical notes, the door and window slam shut, glowing red as they are magically sealed, and Doremi finds herself flat on her back, her limbs pulled taut by her little sister's magic. "OH KAMI! Let me go, or I'm going to PEE!" Yells the bound redhead, desperately trying to break her binds and close her thighs as Sayaka and Kumiko remove their panties and shirt respectively. "Not with the spell I cast before we came in here!" declares Poppu with an evil grin, "You won't be peeing unless one of us pees. In the meantime, Doremi's bladder will contain as much pee as Sayaka-chan's, Kumi-chan's, and my bladders. Before Doremi can comment on the curse Poppu put on her, she notices her sister being flanked by the two dark-haired girls who spent the night, both naked, and both sporting small, but stiff, girlcocks, making Doremi's eyes go wide, "Poppu's friends have cocks!?" Reaching an arm around each of her friends to pull them close and give their futahoods a few strokes, Poppu replies, "Isn't magic wonderful?" releasing her friends, Poppu crosses her arms, hands gripping opposite shoulders as she continues, "But the boy parts I gave them are nothing compared to the one I gave myself." With a grin, Poppu swipes her arms down, vanishing the body of her apprentice uniform and her underclothes to reveal her own proud erection. While Sayaka and Kumiko are about average for second graders, Poppu's girlcock is more in line with the boys in Doremi's class, and the more well-endowed ones at that. "Come on, Sayaka-chan, Kumi-chan," declares Poppu, bobbing her futahood a bit, "I think Onee-chan is over dressed." With that, the three younger girls tackle their prone senpai. The two dark-haired girls make quick work of unzipping Doremi's lavender vest and pushing the pink t-shirt beneath it up to reveal the redhead's not quite A-cup breasts, each girl taking a nipple into their mouth and sucking as hard as they can, making Doremi moan in pleasure despite her painfully pounding piddle pot. Meanwhile, Poppu pulls down Doremi's shorts, relieving some of the pressure in the redhead's piddle pot, but only able to get the garment as far as the pink apprentice's knees thanks to the magic holding the older girl's legs apart. Undeterred, Poppu plops down in the triangle formed by her sister's shorts and thighs, the heels of her boots pressing into the older girl's hips, and using one hand to pull the gusset of Doremi's panties aside and the other to start stroking her own shaft, prods her tip at the redhead's virgin entrance. Poppu feels her sister shiver from the contact, but she's not sure if in excitement or dread, and before Doremi can comment, Kumiko decides to straddle the redhead's neck and force her futahood down the prone girl's throat, turning the redhead's oversized odango into hand holds as the navy-haired girl fists her tiny hands in the massive buns. Seeing Sayaka standing up and looking a bit lost even as the brunette presses her thighs together and starts a bit of a potty dance, Poppu decides to shift her position, keeping her tip at Doremi's opening but getting on all fours with her ankles pinning the older girl's shorts as she offers, "Come on, Sayaka-chan, how 'bout you cram that cute, little cock in my cozy, little cunny?" Accepting the invitation, Sayaka walks up behind Poppu and hilts herself in her oldest friend. Poppu winces as her cherry is popped, but the enthusiastic way the shorter girl thrusts into the pinkette's pussy quickly drowns out the pain with pleasure. Even as she moans under Sayaka's assault, Poppu manages to keep her surroundings within her awareness, torn between the temptation to claim her sister's virginity, claiming the tempting twatty Kumiko is all but thrusting in her face, and feeling Sayaka starting to twitch deep within the Pinkette, returning the favor and becoming Sayaka's first cock. Before Poppu can make a decision, she feels Sayaka's thrusts growing faster and more erratic as the brunette's fingers dig into the pinkette's hips, and glancing over her shoulder, the red apprentice sees the shorter girl's eyes rolled back and her mouth hanging open in pleasure. "Poppu-chan!" cries out Sayaka, "It...It feels like something is gonna come out! I...I don't think I can stop it!" Seconds later, Poppu feels something warm and gooey bloom in her belly as Sayaka hilts herself in the pinkette, the short girl trembling from head-to-foot with the force of her first male climax. Her seed spent, Sayaka slides from Poppu's pussy, landing on her cute, little butt as her legs give out, panting heavily. As her friend catches her breath, Poppu notices a pearly thread connecting Sayaka's tip to Poppu's opening. Opening her eyes to see Poppu staring at her, Sayaka starts to apologize, "Sorry, Poppu-chan! I don't know what that white stuff is, but I'm sorry for squirting it in you! BBut it felt too good to stop, and by the time I realised what was happening, it was too late." "It's Okay, sayaka-chan," replies Poppu with a smile before her own neglected futahood throbs with need. "Hey, do you think you're up to getting us something to drink?" "Sure thing." replies Sayaka, not bothering with panties as she fumbles for a dress, grabbing Kumiko's by mistake. Once passably decent, the brunette scampers off, the spell Poppu used to seal the room allowing Sayaka to open the door thanks to Poppu's intent to only lock her older sister in. Watching the girl who just gave her her first creampie leave, Poppu decides to go for her other friend's virginity first. Silently creeping forward, the pinkette lets Sayaka's seed drip onto the buldge of Doremi's bladder before plopping down on the swollen sac, Kumiko gasping as the redhead groans around the navy-haired girl's member. Once sure Kumiko is too lost in Doremi's blowjob to notice Poppu, the pinkette strikes, gripping her friend's hips tightly and yanking her backwards. Before Kumiko can complain about the loss of stimulation as her girlcock is pulled from the redhead's mouth, she is being impaled on Poppu's significantly larger member, both second graders moaning loudly at their union, Kumiko spared a painful deflowering thanks to having torn her hymen during a gymnastic stunt on the playground sometime before. Tuning out her sister's protests of having the two bouncing on her bloated bladder, Poppu, eager to do to Kumiko what Sayaka did to the pinkette, wrapps her arms under Kumiko's knees and starts pistoning her friend on her big for a sixth grader cock. Reaching down, Poppu wraps a hand around Kumiko's girlcock and starts stroking vigorously, and thanks to how worked up the navy-haired girl got while in Doremi's mouth, it isn't long before Kumiko is shooting her first load of male ejaculate. The sight of her friend spraying seed on her sister's nearly flat chest, couple with Kumiko's cunny choosing then to clamp down on Poppu's girlcock in climax as well is more than enough to have the pinkette unloading deep in the navy-haired girl. Though annoyed by being cursed to hold so much pee and having 40-some kilos of little girl sitting on her bladder, the sight of those same two little girls fucking with such passion and then having one of them spray her budding breasts with hot seed has gotten Doremi quite aroused as she tries uselessly to press her thighs together for a different reason. "Please," whines Doremi in sexual frustration, "If you're going to torture me like this, at least fuck me as you're doing it!" Pulling out of Kumiko and making sure the navy-haired girl doesn't hurt herself in her post-orgasmic haze, Poppu slides back down, declaring "Sure, I could go another round!" as her tip teases the not quite teenager's twatty. Realizing what her sister is implying, "Wait, I can't let my sister fuck me! That would be incest!" Sliding her tip up and down her sister's slit, Poppu smiles at the way Doremi squirms from the contact as she teases, "Oh, but I bet Onee-chan's cunny feels realy good and that my cock could just drive you crazy... but if you don't want me to deflower you, I'm sure I could have lots of fun with Kumi-chan and Sayaka-chan while you watch." With this, Poppu stands up and pulls Kumiko to her feet, hugging the navy-haired girl tightly as the pinkette's futahood slips between Kumiko's thighs, making the athletic girl look like a double-dicked dickgirl. and giving Doremi a great, snail's eye view. Before Poppu can get into playing with Kumiko to tease Doremi, Sayaka returns with a pitcher of lemonade and several plastic tumblers, the load nearly enough to make the shorter girl topple over. Taking the pitcher from her friend, Poppu pours a drink for the three second graders, declaring, "No point giving Doremi any, since her bladder is synced to ours." before starting to down her own. Kumiko follows Poppu's lead without hesitation, but Sayaka seems more reluctant as she drinks her own lemonade. Once the three have finished their beverages, Poppu sneaks up behind her shorter friend and lifts Sayaka up until the brunette's virgin pussy is at the height of Kumiko's girlcock as the pinkette announces, "Kumi-chan, I think it's your turn to stick your thingy in a girl's kitty and Sayaka-chan's turn to have a thingy inside her." Stroking her own girlcock, Kumiko walks up to her friends and lines her tip up with sayaka's opening, Poppu's prick brushing the navy-haired girl's cunny in the process. Wrapping her arms around Poppu's neck, sandwiching Sayaka between the two taller girls, Kumiko crashes her lips on Sayaka's before thrusting cervix deep in her friends virgin passage, shredding the brunette's maidenhead and swallowing the resulting scream of pain. Overwhelmed by how much warmer, tighter, and wetter Sayaka's pussy is compared to Doremi's mouth, Kumiko doesn't notice her friend's discomfort as she starts to fuck the smaller girl with the same enthusiasm the smaller girl showed when she plucked Poppu's cherry minutes earlier. As Doremi is forced to watch her sister's friends fucking like rabbits, her own arousal grows stronger, made all the worse by her inability to stimulate herself in any way and the fact that her bladder is growing more bloated at roughly three times the rate of the younger girls. Swallowing her pride, the redhead exclaims, "I don't care anymore, just someone fuck me! Even being fucked by my own sister would be less torturous than this!" As her own, currently neglected, futahood throbs, Poppu is tempted to leave her friends to their own devices to claim Doremi's virginity, but she's got a number of other holes to choose from, including several virgin butt holes and even her own. However, before Poppu can decide, sayaka, who is no longer in pain from her torn hymen, breaks the kiss with Kumiko to loudly declare a different kind of discomfort, "Kumi-chan, if you don't stop being so rough, you're gonna make me pee!" Remembering what Poppu said about how she cursed the redhead's bladder, Doremi squirms against her magical bonds as she begs, "Please, Sayaka-chan, hold it in!" Shifting the smaller girl's wait so she's being held more by Kumiko than Poppu, the pinkette declares, "I'll leave it to Kumi-chan to decide what to do about Sayaka's troubled tinkle tank." before skipping over to her prone sister. Not wanting to be peed on, but too excited to stop, Kumiko turns her smaller friend around in her arms, the brunette's butt coming to rest upon the bulge of Kumiko's own bursting bladder, the navy-haired girl hugging Sayaka to her chest in a way to pin the shorter girl's arms to her sides and her knees to her flat chest. As she continues to drive her futahood repeatedly into Sayaka's snug snatch as quickly as she can manage, Kumiko wraps a hand around Sayaka's shaft, stroking and squeezing trying to make the littlest futa's girlcock feel good while also preventing any leaks. "Kumi-chaaaan!" whines the brunette, "Your thingy...is pummeling my poor piddle pot! Please, I'll pee if you don't stop!" Meanwhile, Poppu is focused on her sister, and deciding Doremi's position isn't very conducive to fucking the pink apprentice, the pinkette casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Free Doremi's legs!" As the redhead's lower body is freed from her magical bonds, her thighs slam together with an audible smack, but the horny futa witch apprentice ignores her sister's attempts to relieve her desperation to finish stripping the older girl from the waist down. Forcing Doremi's thighs apart, Poppu throws a leg over each shoulder as she presses her tip to her sister's virgin opening, teasingly prodding at the redhead's most precious place for several seconds before suddenly hilting herself in her sister's depths, the older girl letting out a scream as the last virgin in the house is deflowered. Kumiko was much tighter than Doremi, but there's a certain naughty thrill Poppu feels at being buried in her sister she didn't get from being buried in her friend, and the pinkette can't help smiling at the pain her sister is in from having her cherry popped. 'Serves her right for making me and my friends hold our morning pees.' thinks the red apprentice vindictively as she pulls back for her first thrust. As younger sister starts to fuck elder sister in earnest, Poppu is torn between wanting to go agonizingly slow to punish Doremi for not accepting her offer to fuck the redhead immediately and wanting to pound the pink apprentice's pussy in an effort to shoot as soon as possible. As a result, Poppu ends up alternating between long, drawnout thrusts and short, quick thrusts, though she does resist any temptation to grind her pubic bone against the older girl's clit and tries to aim her thrusts to give Doremi's magically bloated bladder a battering while minimizing stimulation of the redhead's g-spot. Poppu is distracted from fucking Doremi when Kumiko walks over, still holding Sayaka in her arms, the short girl having managed to bring her arms up to fist her hands in front of her chest as she chants, "i'll pee I'll pee I'll pee I'll pee I'll pee I'll pee!" Tears leaking from the corners of the brunette's squeezed shut eyes. At the same time, Kumiko, lost to Sayaka's words continues fucking the smaller girl with all she has, chanting, "Gonna squirt, Gonna squirt, Gonna Squirt!" As she stares transfixed at her friends, Poppu is sure the jet of white as Sayaka squirts in Kumiko's grip is joined by a squirt from the navy-haired girl as she creams the cunny of the shorter girl. Shortly there after, Poppu can feel Doremi's passage tighten around her shaft, the pinkette freezing in place. At about the same time, a jet of yellow escapes from both Sayaka's tip and Doremi's girlhood, the latter bathing Poppu's crotch. As Kumiko loosens her grip around Sayaka's shaft, the girl with the tiniest tinkle tank is helpless to stop the flow as the navy-haired girl aims her stream to give Doremi a golden shower. Thanks to the curse Poppu put on her piddle pot, Doremi is equally helpless to stop the flow, no matter how hard she contracts her internal muscles, as her own golden liquid washes over her sister's crotch. Poppu is surprised by just how nice it feels to be cervix deep in a girl as she pees and is sure she would've lost it if she hadn't stopped thrusting when she did, even declaring, "Nearly shot my load just then." just loud enough for Doremi to hear. As the tallest and shortest girls' synchronized streams trickle to a halt, Poppu resumes her thrusting, announcing, "I'm gonna cream Doremi's cunny!" A look of terror crossing her face, Doremi renews her futile attempts to break her magical bonds as she shouts, "No! I'm too young to get pregnant! I don't want to give birth! Hana-chan is enough of a handful even with her having 4 other mamas!" The second grader isn't sure if she can even get her older sister pregnant. After all, Doremi didn't start her period until she was in fifth grade, and what are the chances Poppu, no matter how much more mature than Doremi she is would hit puberty three years earlier than her sister did? Still, magic can have unexpected results, but if Poppu's spell gave her and her friends viable sperm instead of just making them shoot blanks, it would be unfair for Doremi to go without being inseminated when the others have all gotten a shot. Deciding not to slow down in the least and to play along even if she does end up shooting blanks, Poppu replies, "But I bet Onee-chan would look cute with a big, beautiful baby bump! and I bet Hana-chan would be thrilled to get a little sister or brother!" "NO!" screams the redhead, redoubling her efforts to escape even as this brings the pinkette closer to her inevitable eruption, "Please Poppu, you need to pull out before its too late!" Feeling herself on the verge and wanting to deepen her sister's despair, Poppu wills herself to pull out as she declares, "Okay, I guess I can just shoot on your trim tummy." Feeling her sister withdraw until the pinkette's tip is barely pressed to the redhead's opening, Doremi relaxes, her eyes fluttering open and her racing heart slowing down as Doremi thanks her sister, "Thank you, Poppu." As the sisters lock eyes, Poppu gives Doremi a devilish smile as without any warning, the pinkette slams herself balls deep into her sister's snug snatch, or what would be balls deep if the futa had external balls, erupting right against the older girl's cervix, flooding the redhead's unprotected womb. Doremi's face goes white as her eyes become big as saucers and her pupils shrink to pinpricks, the shocked girl petrified as her sister pours plentiful pints of potent seed into the pink apprentice's fertile womb. As Poppu continues to inseminate her sister, the older girl doesn't seem to notice as warm pee once more washes over the pinkette's crotch. Knowing the curse prevents Doremi from peeing of her own accord and sure she didn't lose control herself, Poppu glances up to see Sayaka with a weirded out expression on her face, and the pinkette's suspicions are soon confirmed as Kumiko's pee gushes out around the navy-haired girl's shaft as the brunette's pussy overflows. As Kumiko pulls out of Sayaka, releasing a deluge from the smaller girl's pussy to rain down on the nearly catatonic Doremi, the last few spurts from the navy-haired girl's own bladder joining in, Kumiko apologizes, "Sorry for being so rough, Sayaka-chan." Barely coherent, the shorter girl can only stammer, "Being...peed in...feels...surpri...singly...good." as she collapses bonelessly against Kumiko, her legs too shakey to support Sayaka's weight. Done cumming and now the only one with a mostly full bladder, Poppu pulls out of Doremi and casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Put Doremi on her bed!" Red musical notes swirl around the redhead, lifting her off the floor and floating her over to her bed, where they suddenly vanish, dropping her on the mattress with enough force to snap her out of her post-insemination shock. "Ugh, what was that for?" asks the redhead from her prone position on the bed. "Just going to add one last bit of insult to injury." Replies Poppu before turning to her friends, "Hold her legs apart." Following the pinkette's orders, Kumiko and Sayaka each grab one of Doremi's ankles, bracing against the posts of the redhead's footboard to prevent the taller girl from closing her thighs Stepping over to a dry, unstained section of Doremi's carpet, Poppu aims her girlcock and declares, "I think it's about time to relieve my own aching bladder." Giving her sister a few moments to realize what this means. Realization dawning, Doremi cries out, "Please, don't make me-" but is cut off as Poppu starts peeing on the floor, leaving the redhead to mumble the rest of her sentence, "-wet the bed." as she does just that. As the sister's synchronized streams peter out, the older sister nearly in tears from having been forced to wet herself three times in about as many minutes, Poppu announces, "After we get cleaned up, I think Onee-chan should treat us to something special." Brandishing her poron once more, Poppu casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Clean us up!" As all four girls are cleaned in a swirl of red musical notes, the magic not touching the pee stains in Doremi's bed or carpet, Poppu taps a gloved finger to her chin as she muses, "How should we torment Doremi while we're out?" "Make her hold her own pee!" cries Sayaka. "Make it so she gets no relief from peeing!" Adds Kumiko. "Both good ideas!" declares Poppu before turning her poron on her still bound sister, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Return Doremi's control and make her bladder so it can only fill!" The only visible result of this spell as the notes run their course is the mostly naked redhead being freed from her bindings, rubbing her wrists as if she had been held by ropes instead of magic as she stands up and moves to one of the few dry spots left on her floor. "You're nearly empty now, but once my friends and I start to fill up, you're going to reach a point where failure to hold means peeing forever." On the verge of tears, Doremi replies, "Haven't you tortured me enough this morning?" ""All three of us nearly wet ourselves this morning thanks to your bad timing!" Yells the red apprentice as she turns her poron on the taller girl once more, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Give Doremi a cock that grows harder and bigger the more she needs to pee!", the pinkette all but jabbing the tip of her poron into her sister's lower abdomen as the spell connects. Doremi's clit swells into a penis, this time flaccid and smaller than even Sayaka's by a significant margin. Smiling devilishly, Poppu declares, "That thing is pathetically small at the moment, but eventually, it's going to be too big and hard to hide!" Before Doremi can protest, Poppu turns to her friends and asks, "I'm keeping my girlcock, what do you two want to do?" Stroking herself a bit, Sayaka replies, "I like it, can I keep it?" "Yeah," adds Kumiko, "Having both boy and girl parts is awesome!" "Okay then, that just leaves one last thing before we leave." Brandishing her Poron one last time for the time being, Poppu casts, "Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Dress us all!" As the red notes swirl around them, Sayaka and Kumiko are put back in their respective dresses and the body of Poppu's apprentice uniform rematerializes. Instead of her usual ensemble of pink t-shirt, lavender vest, and khaki shorts righting itself, Doremi's clothes shift into a generic school uniform. Undoing her transformation to leave her in her own clothes, Poppu announces, "Let's go!" Pushing Doremi into the hallway as the other two pull the older girl by the arms. "But what about cleaning my room?" Protests the redhead. "That can wait until later." Insists Poppu as the three younger girls retrieve their shoes and put them on before helping Doremi into her shoes and all but dragging the sixth grader out the door.