Poppu's Retribution by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: A desperate Morning As the sun rises high into the skies over Misora, we find an adorable scene in the bedroom of the youngest member of the Harukaze Family. The night before, Poppu had been joined by her long time friends Sayaka and Kumiko for a sleepover, and having unanimously agreed the pinkette's twin bed was too small for the three of them, this morning finds the trio of young girls in a puppy pile in the middle of Poppu's bedroom floor, numerous blankets and pillows strewn around the room. The Three were uncovered, their shared body heat more than enough to keep them warm through the night. Poppu was wearing her favorite yellow nightie adorned with purple eighth notes, the hem pushed up to her waist to reveal plain, white cotton thanks to the leg hugging Sayaka's thigh to her panty-clad girlhood, the pinkette all but grinding against the smaller girl as they sleep. Sayaka, in a frilly pink nightie with plenty of ribbons and lace lays on her back, sandwiched between the two taller girls, while Kumiko, the most tomboyish of the trio sleeps in a white tank top and royal blue spandex shorts so tight a careful observer can see the outline of her girlhood through the fabric and would conclude from the lack of visible panty lines that she's going commando under those stretchy shorts. Sayaka is the first to stir, her troubled tinkle tank tiny compared to her two best friends, but unfortunately for the diminutive girl, she's trapped between two taller, stronger classmates who are nearly three times her body weight combined, Poppu and Kumiko's arms crossing over Sayaka's flat chest in a gesture that's probably meant to be protective, but at the moment just prevents her from getting up and heading to the toilet without disturbing her friends, and the way her legs are being held apart, the right pinned by Poppu's right leg, and the left by Kumiko's left leg, doing nothing to help. Squirming as much as her position will allow and not even trying to keep the panic out of her voice, Sayaka cries out, "Poppu-chan, Kumi-chan, wake up!" Fortunately for Sayaka, the other two's pint-sized piddle pots, though not quite poised to pop, are starting to pound, making the task of waking them easier as they groggily ask, "What's wrong, Sayaka-chan?" Trying to grab her girlhood, but unable to extracate her arms from where they're pinned between her bedmates and herself, Sayaka replies in a barely audible whisper, "I gotta tinkle." Poppu was a bit miffed for being awoken from the rather nice dream she was having, but between what Sayaka just said and the realization of just how little fabric separates the pinkette's girlhood from the smaller girl's thigh, the youngest Harukaze can't help wondering about possibly making her interrupted dream a reality. For you see, not only had the three girls been nearly inseparable since their first day at Sonatine Kindergarten, but the pinkette had recently realized a crush on her two closest friends, and though she had ultimately chickened out on suggesting anything more intimate than their current sleeping arrangement the night before, the dream she was just having is temptingher to rectify that, and glancing across Sayaka to Kumiko, she picks up on little tells that indicate, that though nowhere near being the trembling, tinkle troubled mess Sayaka is at the moment, the third member of their little trio could, like Poppu, go for taking her morning pee as soon as possible. Though both Poppu and Kumiko could do with some more sleep, seeing their trembling friend on the verge of tears thanks to her tinkle torment nearly breaks their hearts, so instead of ignoring Sayaka's pleas and trying to go back to sleep, they disentangle their limbs from around the smaller girl and push themselves into a sitting position. As soon as her limbs are freed, Sayaka snaps her legs together, crossing them tightly as her hands bunch up her nightie around her girlhood. "You okay, Sayaka-chan?" asks Kumiko after getting to her feet and stretching out her limbs, working out the kinks from a night of sleeping in an unusual position. Looking up with tear-filled eyes, Sayaka replies, "I don't think I can standd. Getting to her feet as well, Poppu comments, "Guess we have no choice but to carry Sayaka-chan to the bathroom." Bending down and looping an arm each under their trembling friend's armpits, the two taller girls have little trouble lifting Sayaka from the pile of blankets, and walking with arms interlocked, the trio exit Poppu's room, Poppu and Kumiko practically dragging Sayaka between them, the smaller girl too focused on not drenching her panties in piddle to support her own weight. Once the trio is in front of the bathroom door, Poppu and Kumiko lower Sayaka to her feet., and once Poppu is sure Sayaka is stable enough for Kumiko to keep the shorter girl upright without the pinkette's assistence, Poppu turns to try and open the bathroom door. Only to discover that the door is locked, making Poppu grumble under her breath, of all of the mornings for Onee-chan to actually get up early." To make matters worse, as the pinkette raises her fist to knock on the door, the trio hears the sound of running water as the shower starts, followed shortly by Sayaka's whimpers as her tears staart flowing down her cheeks. Banging on the door with all her might, Poppu shouts "Onee-chan, open up! Sayaka-chan needs to pee!" Buttttafter a half-minute of this, there's no response and Poppu is forced to conclude, "Guess she can't hear me over the shower." "But...but..." lets out Sayaka with a sniffle, tears streaming down her face as she does a potty dance in Kumiko's embrace, "My...My bl-bladder is gonna burst! I...I'm gonna piddle in my panties if I don't find a potty soon!" Dropping to a whisper, she adds, "And... And I didn't pack any spare panties." Poppu had thought of suggesting a holding contest to try and make the wait for Doremi to get out of the shower more tolerable, but the pinkette can see that would be insensitive, bordering on cruel given Sayaka's current state. Kneeling to put herself eye-to-eye with the shorter girl, Poppu cups her friend's tear soaked cheeks in her palms and says soothingly, barely above a whisper, "Sorry, Sayaka-chan, thanks to my stupid sister, we'll need to find an alternative." Gazing into her oldest friend's watery, coffee brown eyes, Poppu wishes she could think of something to relieve the shorter girl's distress even as she fights the urge to capture the tiny, trembling, tinkle tormented girl's pouty lips in a kiss. Resisting the urge to kiss the shorter of her crushes, Poppu shifts the smaller girl from Kumiko's embrace to her own, ignoring the way Sayaka's petite posterior puts pressure upon Poppu's piddle pot, the Pinkette's pint of pent-up pee wanting out almost as much as Sayaka's waste waters. Reaching a hand under Sayaka's nightie, Poppu pushes the smaller girl's hands out of the way as the pinkette slips her hand into the brunette's panties to grab Sayaka's girlhood directly, the taller girl doing her best to squeeze her friend's urethra shut, and even pressing the tip of her index finger firmly against the shorter girl's pee hole. As the two waddle away from the sound of the shower and back towards Poppu's bedroom, Kumiko walking along side them, Poppu whispers in Sayaka's ear, "Come on, Sayaka-chan, you just need to hold it for a few more minutes." as the pinkette's other hand snakes its way up the smaller girl's nightie to caress sayaka's swollen sack of piddle, trying to relax the trembling, tinkle tormented girl's taut tinkle tank. Squeezing her eyes shut against her continuing tears, Sayaka whimpers in response, "I'm not going to make it." "Yes you are!" insists Poppu in reply. However, despite the pinkette's white knuckled grip on Sayaka's girlhood and continueing to whisper words of encouragement in the brunette's ear, Poppu feels a small spurt slip Sayaka's spincter security to dampen the pinkette's palm as Sayaka shrieks, "IT'S COMING OUT!" Thinking fast, Poppu orders the third member of their little trio, "Kumi-chan, grab my waste basket!", the navy-haired girl catching on to what Poppu is thinking and placing the waste receptacle in front ofSayaka's trembling form. With not a second to spare, Poppu quickly hikes up the smaller girl's nightie and pulls her panties to the side, getting the brunette positioned over the trash can just in time for Sayaka's feeble control to shatter completely, a slim but strong stream shooting from between Sayaka's thighs. As the smallest girl's golden liquid gushes into the pinkette's wastebasket, the resulting pitter-patter of piddle plastering paper refuse brings Kumiko and Poppu's own pressing pee needs to the forefront of their minds even as Sayaka lets out a long, contented sigh of relief as she empties her torturously taut, terribly throbbing, truly tiny, tinkle tank. Once done, Sayaka goes limp in Poppu's arms, placing even more pressure on the pinkette's pounding piddle pot, but Poppu does her best to ignore it as she asks, "Kumi-chan, hand me some tissue so I can clean Sayaka-chan." Retrieving the box of tissues sitting on Poppu's desk, Kumiko holds it out so Poppu can grab a few sheets to dry the remnants of Sayaka's close call. As she's cleaning her oldest friend's girlhood, Poppu finds herself tempted to take advantage of the situation to play with the smaller girl and can't help noticing the way Sayaka's head has lulled to the side exposing the pale flesh of the brunette's neck, and in counterpoint to these temptations, there's the throbbing tinkle tank threatening to pour a pent-up pint of piddle into the pinkette's perilously positioned panties, and if the way Kumiko is fidgetting is any indicator, the navy-haired girl isn't doing much better. Dropping the last tissue into the wastebasket, the liquid level about halfway up the side on account of all the paper waste, Poppu let's Sayaka's panties slide back into their proper place as she repositions one arm to get a better grip on the shorter girl before sliding her hand into the brunette's panties once more. Poppu's thumb and pinky remain extended, coming to rest upon Sayaka's thighs as they slide out the leg holes to either side of the gusset. Meanwhile, the pinkette's index and ring fingers curl against the shorter girl's nether lips while the tip of Poppu's middle finger traces Sayaka's slit. As the taller girl starts to tease her tiny twatty, Sayaka starts to squirm in her friends embrace, this time from pleasure rather than desperation, her perky little rump grinding forcibly against the pinkette's protruding piddle pot, and no longer having the crisis of Sayaka's potty emergency to deal with, Poppu has to admit, at least to herself, that she kind of likes the feeling of having a bloated, overburdened, bursting bladder and having her bestfriend's cute, little butt pressing against her bladder bulge only makes her more excited. Meanwhile, Kumiko, too distracted by her own torturously taut, terribly throbbing, twatty tormenting tinkle tank's threats to totally drench her shorts to notice what her best friend is doing to her other best friend, pulls the wastebasket towards her, yanks her spandex shorts to her knees to reveal her lack of underwear, and gripping the rim of the trashcan behind her to avoid falling in, sits atop the waste receptacle just in time for a truly titanic torrent of tinkle to jet into the wastebasket, shredding the wet tissue Poppu used to clean Sayaka and splashing loudly against the shorter girl's waste waters. "Barely made it..." mumbles the navy-haired girl as her piddle pot deflates and the tension she's been trying to ignore since Sayaka woke her gives way to bone-dissolving relief. Once Kumiko is empty, she stands up, shorts still around her knees and picks up the box of tissues she dropped in her haste to pat herself dry. As she adds the tissues to the trashcan, Kumiko notices that the small receptacle is nearly filled to the brim. At that moment, Poppu makes the bold decision to plunge her middle finger into Sayaka's immature, virgin passage, causing the brunette to let out a squeal of, "Poppu-CHAN!" as she grips the taller girl's arms with both hands. Kumiko turns to her two best friends just in time to see Poppu freeze in place, one hand in Sayaka's panties, the other hugging the smaller girl tightly as the pinkette asks in a worried tone, "Did I hurt you, Sayaka-chan?" "No," pants the brunette in reply, "It feels really good. It just surprised me. Please, Poppu-chan, please don't stop!" Curiosity piqued, Kumiko lets her shorts fall to Poppu's carpet before walking over and kneeling in front of Sayaka to get a better look at what the pinkette is doing to their diminutive friend and is soon mesmerized by the way Poppu's fingers are moving within the brunette's panties. Watching Poppu finger Sayaka coupled with the smaller girl's obvious enjoyment makes Kumiko start feeling tingly in her girlhood, and in a different way than when she has to tinkle. Without the navy-haired girl really thinking about it, Kumiko's hand soon finds its way to her exposed mound, her fingers doing their best to replicate what Poppu's fingers are doing in Sayaka's panties. Before long, both of Poppu's closest friends are moaning their pleasure, the harmony of two little girls losing themselves in ecstasy for the first time driving the pinkette crazy with desire, both to pleasure her crushes and to be pleasured in return. Poppu attacks the pale, exposed flesh of Sayaka's neck, planting open-mouthed kisses everywhere from where the brunette's nightie hangs off her shoulder to just under the shorter girl's earlobe, seeking out any particularly sensitive spots. At the same time, Poppu increases the pace at which she drives her finger into Sayaka's virgin passage, adding her ring finger to further enhance her friends pleasure. "Poppu-chan! It...It feels too good! I'm...I'm gonna go crazy!" cries Sayaka, her young body barely able to process the sensations the taller girl is giving her. Poppu then finds what she's pretty sure is the most sensitive spot on Sayaka's neck, the brunette letting out a gasp of pleasure as the pinkette latches on to it and starts sucking like crazy. As Poppu's mouth works to give Sayaka the mother of all hickies, the Pinkette starts grinding her palm heel against Sayaka's mound, inadvertantly crushing Sayaka's immature clit in the process. This sends Sayaka over the edge, the entirety of her tiny body trembling in Poppu's embrace as the brunette experiences what the trio will only later learn is her very first orgasm. Before all sense is driven from her by pleasure, Sayaka manages to stuff her fingers in her mouth to muffle her pleasured screams. When Sayaka's climax passes and the diminutive girl goes limp in Poppu's embrace, the pinkette withdraws her hand from the brunette's panties and pulls away from her neck to admire the mark she left there as she sucks her fingers clean of the shorter girl's juices. As her senses start to come back to her, Sayaka turns around in her taller friend's arms, her eyes glazed over in afterglow as she exclaims, "That was amazing, Poppu-chan!" And throws her arms around the pinkette's neck and captures her friend's lips in a kiss. At the same time, Sayaka jumps up to wrap her legs around Poppu's waist, the action causing the taller girl to overbalance and fall backwards, landing flat on her back on the pile of pillows they've yet to clean up, the smaller girl landing atop her. Fortunately, Sayaka didn't land directly on Poppu's painfully pounding, powerfully pulsing, prodigiously protruding piddle pot, an incident that could only have one outcome: the doom of the pinkette's perilously positioned panties as a pint of pent-up pee poured forth to soak them. That said, Poppu is sure Sayaka can feel the pinkette's tremendously taut, terribly trembling, torturously throbbing tinkl tank rubbing against the smaller girl's tender twatty. However, as much as Poppu wants to pee, she also wants to taste more of Sayaka's delectible nectar, or to even go further with the smaller girl, but before she can make a decision, Kumiko reminds her friends of her presence by asking, "Can I join Poppu-chan and Sayaka-chan?" Getting an idea that should please all three of them, Poppu replies,"Sure, just follow my lead." before rolling Sayaka off top of her, leaving the brunette near the middle of the pile of pillows they slept on the night before. Poppu rolls over herself, trying to keep her weight off her throbbing tinkle tank before crawling over to the shorter girl and removing her panties. "What is Poppu-" starts Sayaka, only to be cut off by a gasp of pleasure as the pinkette plunges her tongue deep into the diminutive girl's tiny twatty, the twitching flesh still tender from the taller girl's earlier ministrations. In response, Sayaka wraps her legs around the pinkette's neck, nearly throttling the taller girl with her thighs as the brunette resumes sucking on her fingers to muffle her moans. Noticing that her two friends are laying so they form a triangle with one side missing, Kumiko realizes what Poppu must have had in mind and lays down in the gap before yanking down Poppu's panties, robbing the pinkette of being the only one with a panty-clad pussy. As Kumiko's tongue starts wriggling inside Poppu's pussy, Poppu starts moaning into Sayaka's snatch, making the brunette's eyes snap open wide as saucers, allowing her to see Kumiko's cunny right in front of her face. Sayaka soon completes the circle, each girl licking their friends most precious place as their friend licks their other friend and their other friend licks their own in turn, all three losing themselves in pleasure, their moans muffled against the next girl's privates, further increasing their pleasure. Poppu can feel something quickly building in her belly, and though she doesn't know what it is, she's pretty sure it's going to burst and take her bloated, overburdened bladder with it if she lets Kumiko continue. Not wanting to gross the navy-haired girl out by peeing in her mouth, and not quite ready to give up the surprisingly pleasant sensations of having so much waste water washing over the walls of the witch apprentice's waste water reservoir, Poppu places her feet on Kumiko's shoulders to push the other girl away. Before Kumiko can complain about being denied the pleasures of licking the pinkette's pretty pussy, Poppu brings Sayaka's sensitive snatch to a second climax, the smaller girl screaming her pleasure into Kumiko's crotch, which combined with how the navy-haired girl warmed herself up masturbating to the sight of Poppu playing with Sayaka, is more than enough to give Kumiko her very first orgasm. The sight of her two closest friends and crushes lost in ecstasy make Poppu wish she had joined them, even as the pounding and pulsing of her piddle pot remind her why she had pushed Kumiko away just short of reaching the point of no return. When the other two girls regain their senses, Poppu suggests, "We should probably go ahead and take a shower if we don't want to miss breakfast." Her companions agree, and while Sayaka and Poppu's nighties are sufficient to conceal their lack of panties, Kumiko slips back into her blue, spandex shorts to make herself decent to cross the hall. Once the three are standing in the shower together, Poppu and Kumiko reach a silent agreement as they soap up their hands and double team Sayaka, the smaller girl squirming in their combined embrace as the two taller girls alternate between trying to wash their friend, tickle her to tears, and searching out sensitive spots on Sayaka's skin, the shorter girl's movements causing her to get as much soap on her friends as they get on her, making the entire trio quite slippery. Once Sayaka is slippery with soap from the neck down, she teams up with Poppu to repeat the process with Kumiko, and then Kumiko teams up with Sayaka to wash Poppu. As the pinkette has her turn in the middle, she has little to distract her from her tinkle tank as it throbs and trembles, trying to expel its contents right then and there. Finding herself sandwiched between two of the cutest girls she knows, Kumiko pressed up against the pinkette's back and Sayaka against her front, Poppu is completely at their mercy. Being roughly the same height as Poppu, Kumiko nuzzles against the pinkette's neck while the shorter Sayaka's cheeks rub against the witch apprentice's nipples, which coupled with both girls using their slippery, soap slicked hands to explore their friend's body leaves the pinkette a moaning mess. Poppu lets out a gasp as Kumiko and Sayaka start to fondle her bladder bulge and buttocks respectively, but what really does the pinkette in is when they both reach for her girlhood, Sayaka from the front and Kumiko from behind, having stopped short when they were eating each other out and the various secondary stimulations in the shower leaving her on the verge. As a result, it takes very little for her two friends to set Poppu off, her mind going blank as she joins her friends in the O club. Unfortunately, Poppu doesn't have long to enjoy her afterglow as she becomes aware of a liquid gushing from between her legs instead of just the water gushing from the shower head. Realizing that she's in the middle of peeing, she tries to get out of the shower and rush for the toilet, but between her legs being wobbly from her first orgasm and everything and everyone in the shower being slippery with soap, she doesn't get far before stumbling, and she just so happens to land sprawled over the side wall of the tub, most of her weight landing squarely on her bladder as it is crushed against the rim of the tub. Her already futile efforts to halt the flow are made even harder as the added pressure turns her tinkle torrent into an absolute tinkle tsunami, the other two girls watching in amazement at the sheer force and duration of their friend's stream. After rinsing off, the three girls each grab a small, thin, but well cared for towel from the bathroom's linen closet to dry off and wrap around themselves. Returning to Poppu's room, the pinkette says, I think we should clean up the pillows and blankets from last night before breakfast." "Good idea." replies Sayaka, reaching for one of the pillows on the floor. Kumiko seems to be going along with the plan, but she soon pummels Poppu with one of the pillows, and soon, all three girls are engulfed in a pillow fight, their towels dropping forgotten to the floor, all three unbothered by their nakedness. By the time they finish their pillow fight, all three are out of breath, as much from laughter and squeals of joy as from the exertion of the fight when Poppu's mother calls out, "If you three want breakfast, you better hurry out here!"