Chat with the Harukaze Sisters by Imouto Kitten As you click on the redhead's picture, the screen is filled with a blinking, pink eye, which pulls away to reveal the rest of its owner's face and her two massive odango as she asks, "Is this thing on?" The sound and video quality are noticeably better than with Aiko's equipment, though not as crystal clear as Hazuki's. As she sits on a wooden desk chair in front of the camera, the silken, sleeveless night gown she's wearing comes into view, the pastel pink setting off the darker pink of her eyes quite nicely, the front hem reaching mid shin as she crosses one leg over the other and pulls the gown down over the knee of her raised leg, her bare foot tapping in mid air as she greets the audience, "Hello, everyone, nice to meet you." As her hands fidget in her lap as she waits for the first comments from the chat, her bedroom can be seen in the background, somewhat messy and looking a bit cramped, especially with the slanted ceiling following the slope of the roof. Chat: Hello how are you doing Chat: Its nice to meet you to Doremi you seem fidgety are you nervous? "Yeah," starts the redhead, "This is my first time doing something like this, so I'm a bit nervous." Chat: is your bladder full Chat: *Nods* I can tell that you are but anyways how are you doing Doremi? A light pink dusting her cheeks, Doremi replies, "I actually used the toilet and took a shower right before starting the stream, so I'm pretty much empty." Chat: What are some interests you like? Chat: Well that means we are going to have to fill you up then Chat: Do you have particular interests? Chat: So how free are you, how much time do you think you can keep the camera on? "Um..." Starts the odango-headed girl nervously, "That's actually a question I've been struggling with since I started highschool. All of my closest friends are passionately following their dreams... Hazuki-chan has her violin, Ai-chan wants to be an Olympic Runner, Onpu-chan has her International acting career, and Momo-chan wants to be a world-class patissiere, while I'm just kinda stuck in a rut. Even my little sister is studying hard to follow in our mother's foot steps as a concert pianist." Reaching for a glass out of frame, she wets her lips before continuing, "Aside from school and my part-time job as a shopkeeper, about the most I've got going is being the manager for my school's soccer team, and I took that up more because I'm kinda dating one of the players." Shifting a bit in her seat, switching the order of her crossed legs, she continues, "As for how long I can stream for, I don't have school tomorrow, and while both my mom and little sister are home, as long as I don't cause any commotion, they won't complain about me staying up late." Chat: Do you have any hobbies or something of the like? Chat: *Nods* What are your interests? Rubbing the back of her head nervously, the redhead replies, "I don't suppose eating counts as a hobby... I really love steak, and the cakes, pastries, and other sweets Momo-chan makes are always really yummy." as her eyes start to glaze over and a little bit of drool can be seen dripping from the corner of her mouth. Chat: Are there any drinks you like? like milkshakes or some flavor of juice? "I do like milkshakes," replies the girl, wiping some drool from the corner of her mouth, "especially strawberry or cookies n' cream. I also quite like Oy! Cola and iced barley tea is great on a hot summer's day." "Umm... Is anyone still watching?" asks the redhead, scratching the back of her head nervously. Chat: We are still here sorry! So enjoying food and drink. Other than dating one of the players, what convinced you to be a manager of a soccer team? How did the opportunity come up? "Well," starts the redhead, "I should probably back up a bit. I've known the boy in question since Kindergarten, and he's been on the school soccer team since at least the third grade. He spent most of elementary school picking on me, making fun of my clumsiness and my poor grades, even calling me Dojimi." Taking a sip of water, she continues, "In sixth grade, I started noticing a softer side of him and that he had struck up a rivalry with another boy I was crushing on pretty hard at the time, and he even blurted out what seemed like a half-concealed confession on the day of our Elementary school graduation." "However," Her expression darkens at this point, "When I worked up the courage to give him a love letter in middle school, he rejected me pretty hard. I was so distraught that I cut off most of my once waist length hair. After that, he spent most of middle school ignoring me." "Then, during my freshman year of highschool, after reuniting with my friends who went to middle school in a different prefecture or in the case of Momo-chan, in America, they got the story out of me and suggested he might just be playing hard-to-get. He wants to join the J-League and someday represent Japan in the World Cup, so I decided to take an interest in the school's soccer team in hopes of getting closer to him. He's really focused on making his team the best in the prefecture, but along the way, I discovered that he's got quite the fanclub and that my predecessor as the team's manager was a Senior looking to train her successor. Manager is about the only role related to the team available to a female student, and I needed an extracurricular activity, so it seemed like a good way to, I think the expression Momo-chan taught me is 'kill two birds with one stone', both giving me a leg up over his fangirls and filling my extracurricular requirement." Sipping more water, she adds, "He still seems more focused on playing well enough to get scouted than on having a relationship, but he seems to pay more attention to me than all his fangirls combined." Chat: Are you any good at football? What position does your boyfriend play? Scratching the back of her head, Doremi replies, "I'm not very athletic or graceful, and I'd probably trip over my own feet if I even tried playing the game seriously." Smiling, she continues, "As for what position he plays, depending on which formation the team is using, he usually plays either second striker or attacking midfield, though he's also a reserve center forward and in a good position to take that position full-time when the current holder graduates." Chat: Seems pretty interesting. Have you ever tried asking him out again? "I did," she starts, "But he asked me to wait until the school could qualify for this important soccer tournament for his answer. I forget what the name of the competition is, but I remember having trouble pronouncing it." Finishing her glass of water, she asks, "Mind if I go get something to drink? Didn't think to get more than a glass of water before I started, and my camera is wired to my computer." Chat: Go ahead Chat: We'll wait for you. In fact, why not bring a pitcher of water so you don't have to leave as much? "Okay, I'll be right back." announces the redhead, standing up, showing off a bit of thigh as her nightie is pulled up by the straightening of the teen's body, the pink silk falling to mid thigh as she walks out of frame. A few minutes later, she returns with a large, clear pitcher, filled dangerously close to the rim with water and no sign of ice to take up space and reduce the effective capacity. Her foot falls seem a bit heavier than necessary and the surface of the water seems to ripple with every step she takes. Sitting down the pitcher out of frame and taking her glass in one hand, the sound of water splashing in the glass can be heard before she sits down, crossing her legs once more, but not bothering to pull her night gown down to cover her knees. She brings her glass to her lips and starts drinking, but while this conceals her mouth, the rest of her face seems contorted as if she took a drink to try and conceal a scowl. Chat: Is there something wrong with the water? You don't seem happy with it Sitting her glass down just out of frame, Doremi lets out a sigh before replying, "Nothing's wrong with the water. It's just that I ran into my little sister on the way back from the kitchen. She took one look at the pitcher I was carrying before suggesting I should sleep with a towel between my legs if I drink all of it. She's four years younger than me, but she often outdoes me and isn't above gloating, and she's long teased me for being immature and that it would make more sense if our ages were reversed, but she's become downright insufferable ever since she got into Karen Girls' Academy on a scholarship!" Chat: So are you going to accept her challenge? How long do you have before it's time to go to sleep? Chat: Does your sister have a bigger bladder than you? "I don't have school tomorrow, so as long as I don't make too much noise, I can stay up basically as late as I want." replies the redhead. "As for my little sister, I don't know if she has a bigger bladder... but if she's not currently doing a stream of her own, maybe I could talk her into a holding contest." Chat: I'd say wait on telling her about this until she's old enough without getting in trouble by law. What kind of things do you do at this time of night? Chat: I think a holding contest would be fun. If she's streaming as well then perhaps we could turn on her stream and view yours simultaneously, so you wouldn't have to be in the same room if you didn't want to. Chat: Yes, I think a holding contest would be fun for the both of you. And it'd be a great way to pass the time. Finishing her glass of water, Doremi sits her glass down and replies, "I'll go see if she's up to the challenge." before standing up and leaving the room. A few minutes later, Doremi returns with a pinkette in tow, her hair in pigtails that resemble feathery wings. The younger girl is about a head shorter than her sister, and she's wearing a white tank top and hot pink, spandex shorts, the former tight enough to show off her a-cups including her already erect nipples, the latter tight enough to show off her perky, little posterior and to give her a camel toe, and only a couple centimeters of fabric separate the inside of her exposed thigh from her covered girlhood. "Hey, boys, and I guess any girls who are into other girls, I won't judge. I hear you're desperate enough to see Onee-chan wet herself that you thought she stood a chance against me at holding." "Hey, Poppu, what about that time you wet yourself when I tailed you when Kaa-san sent you on an errand alone?" "I was, like four when that happened!" replies the pinkette before turning to the camera and asking, "Since I can't trust Onee-chan to be honest, how much water did she drink in front of the camera before going to get me?" Chat: Like 4? That doesn't sound very accurate? Oh, and just the two glasses of water so far. Chat: A couple of glasses of water, if she's telling the truth about when she last peed "Okay," declares the pinkette, "Two glasses of water sounds like a good start." Walking over to the pitcher, Poppu pours herself a glass of water and downs it in one go. As she refills her glass, she adds, "Yeah, I was in my second year of kindergarten when Kaa-san let me run an errand on my own for the first time. I only found out much later that Onee-chan trailed me, and listening to her and her friends tell her side of those events, she had more problems than I did." As Poppu sips her second glass of water, the taller girl retorts, "No need to rub it in." Finishing her second glass, Poppu shoots back, "You're the one that brought it up in the first place." Chat: Were there any occasions when the big sister felt like the little sister though? Or the other way around? Chat: Poppu, have you had any other times when your bladder has been full and uncomfortable? "Yeah, Poppu makes me feel like our ages are reversed far more often than I'd care to recount." replies the redhead, her shoulders sagging and a dejected look crossing her face. As the older girl was speaking, Poppu opens her mouth as if to interject or provide examples, but shuts it upon seeing Doremi's expression, as if not wanting to rub it in her sister's face all the times the pinkette showed up the redhead. Instead, Poppu's face alternates between matching her hair and matching her shorts as she confesses, "Well, when I entered Karen Girls' Academy, I underestimated how long the Entrance Ceremony would take and neglected a trip to the ladies room before hand. I didn't wet myself, and I managed to maintain the poise expected of a Karen Girl throughout the ceremony and my brisk walk to the toilets, but I barely got into a squat and my panties and skirt out of the way before the dam broke." "I didn't know about that." replies Doremi, now grinning like someone who just got some juicy blackmail material. Not meeting her older sister's gaze, Poppu quickly pours and starts sipping her third glass of water to avoid giving further details in front of her sister. Chat: Sounds interesting. What about Doremi? Can you relate a story where you only just made it just like Poppu did? Chat: Poppu, when did you last pee, again? "I can't recall any close calls," starts the redhead, "but when my friends and I first started taking care of a baby named Hana-chan, the newborn overflowed her diaper and soaked the entire front of my outfit twice in one day." She refills her glass and starts downing her third glassful of water as her sister pulls her own glass from her lips. "I last went right after dinner." replies the pinkette, shrugging her shoulders as she adds, "Even with all this water, it'll probably take a while for me to start feeling it." Chat: Have you guys done anything like this before? Finishing her third glass of water, Doremi replies, "This is my first time doing any kind of streaming, and not only have I never been in a holding contest before, I can't recall ever deliberately holding my pee." Finishing her own glass, Poppu adds, "Same here. First stream, first deliberate hold, first holding contest." Grabbing the pitcher, Poppu refills her glass and starts sipping at her fourth serving of water, prompting the redhead to follow suit. Chat: alright, but when was the last time you guys were desperate? Pausing in her drinking, Poppu answers, "Probably the Karen Girls' Entrance Ceremony. I've had to hold it through class or a piano practice a few times since, but nothing nearly as bad as that time." As Poppu resumes sipping at her fourth glass of water, Doremi halts in her own sipping to reply, "Can't remember the last time I got really desperate to pee, though I'm glad the manager doesn't have to stay as well-hydrated as the players during soccer practices. Even with all that sweating, I'm sure I've seen Kotake rushing for the locker rooms looking like he was on the verge of soaking his shorts after a few practices. If I tried matching the team's water intake, I'm sure my bladder would burst!" Chat: Maybe you should try to match them sometime, Doremi. Do you see the girls football team much? Have you seen them run for the bathroom too? Have you seen them leak? "I'm not sure my high school even has a girls' team." Answers Doremi, scratching her head. Finishing her glass and sitting it down, Poppu adds, "And before any of you ask, Karen Girls' Academy isn't really known for its athletics. Plenty of Karen Girls go on to be successful artists, musicians, teachers, academics, and businesswomen, but I can't think of any alumni who were scouted for a professional or olympic sports team." Noticing Poppu's empty glass, Doremi guzzles the rest of her own before sitting the empty vessel down as well. Chat: Can you guys say you've ever peed in a weird place? "Well," starts the redhead, "There was this one time, I think it was during third grade, one of my classmates was acting strange, so I decided to trail him after school. Turns out he was taking care of a stray dog and didn't know how to ask his parents about taking the puppy in, so he was keeping the dog at an abandoned construction site." Blushing, she continues her story, "Well, while I was spying on him and the dog, I needed to pee, so I found somewhere where I didn't think he'd find me and popped a squat." "I thought it a bit unusual," adds Poppu, "but mine seems downright mundane compared to Onee-chan's story. I was in like first or second grade when I was walking along a forest path and needed to pee. There were no toilets nearby, I was alone, and not wanting to repeat the incident Doremi so rudely mentioned, I stepped off the path, found a tree that provided good coverage, and watered its roots." By the time she's done, Poppu's cheeks are as pink as her hair. Chat: Have you ever been with the other person while they were desperate? Also, can you tell that I'm just doing this to help the process along and make you think more about peeing? Chat: What drinks make you /really/ need to pee? "Well," starts Doremi, "That incident I mentioned from when Poppu was in Kindergarten, I didn't want to let her know I had been trailing her, but I saw the whole thing, from her noticing her need, to her rushing off the main path towards a public restroom, to her slowing to a waddle with hands clasped over her crotch to-" "ONEE-CHAN!" shouts the pinkette, her face matching her sister's hair. "You're lucky I can't think of any incident where I witnessed you desperate!" Taking a few deep breaths, Poppu continues, "Not sure if its the water or all the talk of past omo-related occurrences, but I am starting to feel a few twinges from my bladder. As for drinks, can't really think of anything specifically." "As for me, Barley Tea seems to go right through me, but I'm not sure if its due to the drink itself or just that I tend the guzzle the stuff in a very unlady-like fashion." As the two girls sit facing each other, Doremi in her desk chair, Poppu on the side of her sister's bed, both unconsciously cross one knee over the other, though not all that tightly. Chat: Ooops, we appear to be telling too many stories of you. Have you witness others just as desperate? "well," starts the Pinkette, "My friend Sayaka has always been one of the shortest girls in my grade, and I think she has a bladder to match, as I've seen her showing outward signs of desperation on several occasions. It's been years since she last had an accident though, at least as far as I know." "Ummm..." adds the redhead, "Can't really think of anything unless you want to count Hana-chan right before she wets her pull-ups back when she was being potty trained." Chat: Do you guys take note of the smaller details of peeing? Like maybe if your pee makes a hissing noise and how loud it is? Both girls' faces match their hair as they reply in unison, "I've never paid attention to such details!" Before staring at each other, seemingly surprised at their agreement. Chat: What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done? Naughty as you define it, of course. "Not counting doing a stream like this," starts the pinkette, "Probably the naughtiest thing I've done was dressing up as a ghost to scare a boy in my class for bullying my friends." "I did disguise myself as one of my friends in an attempt to find out why a boy in my class was always picking on me... Actually, it was the boy from the soccer team, though this happened before I realized I had any feelings for him." Chat: Can you describe exactly how you're feeling bladder-wise right now? Chat: Well, this seems like you're doing good, bladder wise. Maybe you could do some challenges? "Hmmm..." Poppu taps her finger to her chin before answering, "I'm starting to feel it a bit.. It's definitely at the level I'd head to the toilets between classes, but not yet at the level I'd be worried if I was still in the line when the warning bell rings." "I'd say I'm at about the same level." Adds Doremi before asking, "Did you have any particular challenges in mind?" Chat: Well, first of all, you'll have to keep drinking in between challenges, starting now, so...yeah. Second, why don't we start with you guys trying to talk to each other about peeing for five minutes? Just to see who has the mental upper hand. chat: Something you can always do is stay in some slightly uncomfortable position, like sitting on knees, legs askew, no holding. Or you can get some water running, the classics, y'know Nodding in agreement to the stated challenges, the sisters each pour themselves some more water, not quite filling their glasses as the pitcher is emptied completely. After Doremi adjusts the angle of her webcam to give a better view of the floor, both girls drop to their knees, parting their thighs as much as possible, and sitting down between their ankles the position only slightly uncomfortable as both girls are used to the occasional need to sit in the traditional Japanese style, knees together with their legs folded under them. Eventually, Doremi breaks the silence, "Um, I'm not sure what to talk about..." "Me neither," replies Poppu, "and we need to refill the pitcher, but I know Onee-chan's camera isn't mobile, I don't trust Onee-chan to not try sneaking to the bathroom, and I wouldn't expect Onee-chan to trust me either." Chat: You can talk about anything, do anything fun lately, gone someplace nice. As for refill, either you can go together, which might be kinda boring, or hold something hostage to assure goodwill? "I think," starts Poppu, "that if you want us to keep drinking, the only fair thing for us to do is leave you looking at an empty room for a few minutes." "I think Poppu is probably right," adds Doremi. "though perhaps one of you could suggest something more interesting than water to drink?" Chat: Maybe some tea? Chat: How about some lemonade 0 * DownvoteDownvote UpvoteUpvote × * // * Quote <#> * Share this post ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to post Share on other sites * // * // * // Imouto Kitten // 477 *Imouto Kitten * // 477 * Patron Saint of futaloli catgirls. * * * ⭐ Contributory Member * // 477 * 2,038 posts * //Report post * // "Yeah, tea and lemonade sound good." Says Doremi, a bit shakey as she climbs to her feet. Poppu does a better job of concealing her need as she stands, but a bladder bulge can be seen stretching the waistband of her spandex shorts. The two are gone for about ten minutes before returning with not one, but two pitchers, one filled with the cloudy yellow of lemonade, the other the rich brown of strong tea. Doremi fills her glass from thepitcher of tea while Poppu starts on the lemonade as they wait for further comment from the audience. Chat: I think I saw a bit of bloating in Poppu when she stood up, good she has been drinking plenty, can we check if Doremi is also bloated like that? it would be a nice indication she isn't somehow cheating Chat: Alright, now, I dare you guys to do some stretching exercises. You have to do the same ones as each other, of course. Blushing to match her hair, but not wanting accusations that she only beat her little sister because she cheated, Doremi declares, "O-Okay." before standing up and positioning herself to give the camera a close-up of her lower abdomen. Reaching for the hem of her nightgown, the redhead slowly lifts her outer garment, exposing first her creamy thighs, then her panty clad girlhood, her silken unmentionables a pretty pink and of a modest cut, and finally her navel. She stands there exposing herself to the camera for nearly half a minute, and while, thanks to the older sister having a thicker waist and wider hips, it isn't as prominent as Poppu's, a clear protrusion can be seen peeking past the pink panties, the gusset of which seems to darken slightly as Doremi rubs her thighs together. When she finally lets her night gown fall back into place, she turns to face Poppu to see the pinkette has finished her glass of lemonade, prompting Doremi to gulp down the rest of her tea. Doremi then pours Poppu a glass of tea as Poppu pours Doremi a glass of lemonade, and they each drain about half of their glass's contents before sitting the drinks aside and starting a set of stretches, mirroring each other's movements best they can. Both sisters lift their arms straight above their heads, Doremi nearly touching her sloped ceiling in the process, and both of them exposing hairless underarms to the camera and making their tops rise up a bit, exposing a bit more of Doremi's thigh and a bit more of Poppu's midriff. Keeping one arm raised, both girls bring their opposite hand to the opposite knee and then reverse. Holding their arms out to their sides, they tilt sideways, first away from the camera, and then towards, both times stopping only when the dipping hand touches thigh and the raised hand is pointing towards the ceiling. Placing hands on knees, both girls do five squats, both nearly landing hard on their butts from the added strain of their filling bladders. Standing back up, Doremi and Poppu stand back-to-back and hook their arms together before Doremi leans forward, Lifting her little sister off the floor, the younger girl's spine curving in the opposite direction from her older sister in the process. After holding that position for several seconds, Doremi straightens up, Poppu's feet landing on the carpet. Poppu performs the same maneuver, her legs buckling slightly due to Doremi's taller, heavier frame, but still managing to support the combined weight of both girls. Done with their stretches, the pair grab the drinks they poured each other and polish them off, bringing their tea and lemonade consumption to parity. Chat: Impressive set of stretches and exercises; but Doremi was there a small leak already? Blushing even harder than before, Doremi protests, "I swear I didn't leak..." dropping to a whisper, "Though the thought of who knows how many men watching me showing off my panties like that did...get me a bit aroused." "Hmmm..." replies Poppu, "I'm not sure I believe you Onee-chan." Grinning at the camera, the pinkette adds, "What do you guys and girls think? Should I inspect Onee-chan's panties to see if its pee or pussy juice?" Going red from hed to toe, Doremi stammers out, "Po-poppu!" Chat: Well...that was your idea, so you can go on ahead with it, in fact, yes, we need to know for sure. Oh, and here: If it turns out that it was pee, Poppu gets to punish Doremi by tickling her for thirty seconds. Chat: Well, soon enough we'll find out what it really is either way. Chat: Also we can see if Poppu leaks, unless she has multiple layers under her shorts. Doremi, you are currently covered and could hide leaks... "Yeah," starts Poppu, "I'm not wearing anything under my shorts... and in case you won't take my word for it." The Pinkette stands up and turns her back to the camera before bending over to look up at the camera through her parted legs. Holding this pose, stretching the spandex even tighter over her girlhood and butt, she reaches for one of the legholes near the crotch and pulls the fabric aside to give the audience a look at her most intimate place and holding the fabric so it's clear there's only one layer in her hand. Doremi is too shocked by her little sister's bold actions to put up a fight as the Pinkette lets her shorts snap back into place and stands up, towering over Doremi as she sits on the floor, and yanks the nightie over the redhead's head. "I guess it's a bit unfair if only Onee-chan is stripped to her underwear." Declares Poppu before pulling off her tank top and tossing it to join her big sister's nightgown. With Doremi in nothing but her panties and Poppu in nothing but her shorts, the pinkette pushes the redhead to lay on the carpet. "Po-Poppu!" cries Doremi as she finds herself under her little sister, both of them nearly naked. "What's wrong, Onee-chan, scared of a bit of sisterly skinship?" Asks Poppu, her voice growing a bit husky as she stares a bit at Doremi's breasts, the older girl sporting a pair of titties on the border between b-cups and c-cups. Sideling down Doremi's body, Poppu pushes the older girl's thighs apart, bringing her face within a few inches of her older sister's crotch. As the Pinkette's hips sway side-to-side with her butt the focus of the camera's view, she comments, "I don't see any yellow tinting, and it doesn't smell like pee, though it does remind me of how my fingers smell after I pet the kitty." As Poppu says this, a slight darkening can be seen on her own shorts. Chat: Poppu seems to be enjoying this a lot. Doremi, how do you feel about your sister being this...bold? Chat: Now it seems fairer to see if there are any leaks. And we can see the bladder bulges increase. Don't let this distract you from drinking! Poppu, you seem very comfortable with this, I am guessing this isn't your first rodeo? Chat: That was unexpected, are you comfortable with this Doremi? I love seeing your bladder grow but if you want to cover your chest with something that doesn't cover your belly I would understand Chat: I do hope that wasn't a leak on your part Poppu. Is it pee or something.... Else? Poppu keeps her back to the camera, though there's a bit of a hitch in her voice as she replies, "Um... well, I...I've never done anything like this with another person...though I have enjoyed checking out my classmates in the locker room at school and have even thought of them a few times while touching myself... and while she's not as pretty as Hazuki-senpai or Onpu-chan, Onee-chan isn't bad looking." Seeming to recover from the shock of being stripped and having her panties examined by her little sister, Doremi takes advantage at her sister's sudden shyness to say, "That's a nice, rosy color on my cute, imouto's cheeks, but why so shy all of a sudden? Did you momentarily forget we had an audience and are embarrassed that they saw that loss of self-control?" Glancing down, the redhead adds, "Or are you embarrassed that you got wet from my scent and that they noticed? Maybe I should examine your wet patch in return." Chat: Yes. Yes you should. You definitely should. Chat: Do it It's Poppu's turn to find herself flat on her back as Doremi grabs her little sister's ankles and pulls the pinkette's legs out from under her, and whereas Poppu had blocked most of the camera's view of Doremi in only her panties, the pinkette is fully exposed as she stares up at the camera and her older sister, the redhead holding her ankles roughly double shoulder width apart and nearly at the smaller girl's shoulder height, the younger sister's spandex-covered rear resting against Doremi's stomach. Letting go of one ankle, Doremi brings a hand to Poppu's pussy, rubbing the girl's most intimate place through the tightly stretched shorts, the damp spot growing and the pinkette letting out a soft moan at her sister's ministrations. After a minute or so, Doremi brings her fingers to her nose and takes a deep breath before commenting, "Doesn't smell like pee." Squirming in the compromising position Doremi has her in, Poppu lets out a barely audible whisper, "Please, Onee-chan, touch me more." Smiling down at Poppu, Doremi asks the audience, "What do you guys think? Should I fulfill Poppu's request or leave her hanging?" Or maybe one of you has another idea of what I should do with my cute, little imouto?" Chat: Oh no definitely leave her waiting. Depends on who lasts the longest from the bathroom. Despite all this fun, don't forget to keep drinking! Chat: Oh, that's a good idea, if she wants it, she has to earn it Chat: Leave her hanging. Also, would Poppu mind..."explaining" what exactly it is that has created her wet spot? Chat: Get her riled up a bit more, but leave her hanging when she gets close Chat: Continue touching but stop and leave her even more...excited Oh, and keep drinking Smiling evily, Doremi continues rubbing at Poppu's pussy, the smaller girl moaning loudly and squirming greatly under her older sister's touch. However, just when it seems the pinkette is on the verge of exploding in orgasm, Doremi suddenly pulls her hands away, leaving her little sister hanging before the shorter girl's butt hits the floor. Grabbing her glass, Doremi finishes her lemonade and chases it with a glass of tea while giving Poppu a brief breather. Noticing her sister's hand heading for her shorts, Doremi yanks the appendage away, Poppu whining in need as Doremi declares, "Come now, Poppu, no time for that, you're a glass-and-a-half behind me." And before the Pinkette can protest verbally, the redhead has gotten a hand wrapped around both of her little sister's wrists, holding the shorter girl's arms above her head as she brings the half-full glass of tea to the Karen Girl's lips and pours the caffeinated beverage into her mouth, giving the pinkette a choice between swallowing or gagging. Chat: Excellent! How do you feel Poppu? Chat: Poppu, how are you doing after all that? As Doremi pulls the now empty glass away from her sister's lips, the pinkette splutters a bit, but seems no worse for wear from her sister's rough treatment. As Doremi releases Poppu's wrists to pour both of them a glass of lemonade, the younger girl's hands shoot for her crotch, rubbing at herself through her soaked shorts as she whines, "I've never felt so horny before! And needing to pee isn't helping ease the torment in my throbbing twatty." Offering a glass to Poppu, Doremi comments, You're still behind, and you'll need to work fast to catch up." As the redhead starts sipping at her own glass. Chat: How about this: In five minutes, you guys can check if the other has spurted or leaked any more of any fluid than the last time. If they have, they get to take off an article of clothing of your choice. Determined to catch up, Poppu guzzles her lemonade as Doremi slowly sips hers, the pinkette wasting no time in immediately refilling her glass with tea and repeating the process of emptying it. Now slightly ahead of her sister in liquid consumption, Poppu comments, "There's not much left for either of us to take off as I'm just in my shorts and Onee-chan is just in her panties, but I wouldn't mind checking her for leaks again." Chat: You could check each other for leaks, and if someone leaked, the other can punish them in some way Chat: Checking for leaks sounds quite good Finishing her glass of lemonade and seeing Poppu set her own glass down, Doremi decides to pounce, pinning the younger teen to the carpet as she gets a close up of the pink spandex stretched tight over the pinkette's pussy. "Hmmm..." starts the redhead, staring at her sister's crotch. "Hard to tell if the wet spot is bigger or darker than before..." Taking a whiff, she adds, "Still don't smell any pee... perhaps I should take a closer look." Before Poppu can voice either acceptance or rejection, Doremi pulls the crotch of the younger girl's shorts to the side, the pinkette shivering as her moist mound is exposed to the open air. Extending a finger, Doremi traces her sister's folds, Poppu moaning in pleasure and squirming under her sister's featherlight touches. Noticing Poppu's engorged clit protruding from its hood, Doremi gets a mischievous smile before placing the tip of her finger to the little bundle of nerves and pressing down. Instantly, Poppu's legs lock out as she nearly screams from the jolt of pleasure this sends shooting up the teen's spine. At the same time, a spurt of pee escapes from Poppu's peehole, spraying Doremi's face. "Well, that was undeniably a leak!" declares Doremi, grabbing some tissues from her desk to wipe her face from her sister's small accident. "Any suggestions for a punishment?" Chat: I'd say no punishment, since that was caused by you touching Poppu Also for after, I propose something. You could drink as much as you want, and for every 200 ml of water you drink, you could pee anywhere you want for 5 seconds. Same for Poppu Chat: For punishment I'd say strip her naked then tickle her for 30 seconds, for every time she leaks again add ten seconds onto your tickle punishment. "Ooh, I like that idea!" exclaims the red head with a wide grin, Shifting herself and her sister so she's sitting crosslegged, facing the camera with Poppu reclined in her lap. Grabbing the waistband of the shorter girl's shorts, the older girl yanks the spandex garment out from under Poppu's pert posterior and tosses it to join the other discarded clothing. Holding her sister's knees, Doremi pulls the younger girl's legs apart, giving the camera a good view of both the Karen Girl's glistening girlhood and the grapefruit-sized bladder bulge she's sporting. Poppu turns the color of her hair from head-to-foot and tries using her hands to cover herself, but Doremi grabs her wrists, and after a brief struggle, the older girl has her little sister trapped in a tight hug just under the shorter girl's armpits, the pinkette completely at the redhead's mercy as the fingers of the elder's right hand start tickling just under the younger's left ribs and vice-versa. As she starts giggling uncontrollably under her sister's assault, Poppu clamps both hands over her mouth to muffle herself as she squirms in her sister's embrace, her legs flailing in an attempt to break free. Chat: Well maybe since this doesn't seem to be effective, how about tickling Poppu's pussy? That seamed effective earlier And maybe after, you can do my previous suggested activity "Oh," starts the redhead, her tickling fingers trailing down the sides of Poppu's abdomen, "I'm just getting started with my cute, little imouto's tickle torture." Continueing lower, one of the redhead's hands goes for the pinkette's protruding piddle pot while the other dips lower to tickle teenaged twat, the shorter girl no longer able to hold in her giggles as she tries to grab Doremi's hands and pull them away. "Ha ha Onee- ha ha -chan!" cries the pinkette between bouts of laughter. "Ha ha please! ha ha Have Mercy! Ha ha Do you ha ha want Kaa-san ha ha to hear us!" Ignoring her sister's pleas, Doremi looks at the camera and asks, "What was that earlier suggestion?" When she suddenly hears a particularly loud squeal from her sister and looks down to see a yellow spot on her carpet between Poppu's legs about the diameter of a 500 yen coin. "I wasn't paying attention," Starts Doremi, "Was that spot due to my little sister leaking again? And for that matter, do you think we should heed her concerns about our mom overhearing?" Chat: Hmm, that's going to be a problem. I suggest you tone it down a bit, we don't want anyone suddenly coming in on our show. As for what we do next, how about each of you pees a little bit and tries to keep it under control? Chat: Yeah, calm it down a bit And while your at it, why don't you rate your respective needs on a scale from 1-10 As Doremi lets go of her sister to look around for something to pee in, the pinkette, still catching her breath grabs at her crotch, whining, "I'm ready to burst! at least an 8.5 or 9!" "I'm at least an 8, 8.5 myself." comments the redhead before adding, "Hmm, the pitchers look like they've got about a glass each left, and of course there's our glasses... my wastebasket could probably hold liquid if I remove the bag, and I could probably dump out one of the pencil holders on my desk." As her older sister continues looking around for containers that could be used for a deliberate leak contest, unconsciously shaking her panty-clad posterior for the camera, Poppu, having recovered from her sister's tickle assault, sneaks up on the older girl and yanks the redhead's undies to the floor, mooning the audience briefly before the elder sister, her face as red as her hair claps both hands over her bottom and spins around to yell at the younger teen, "Hey! what was that for!?" Not seeming to realize she's left her front, including a neatly trimmed patch of candy apple red pubic hair exposed. "Well," replies Poppu cheekily, "Onee-chan removed my shorts, so I only thought it was fair if Onee-chan was exposed as well." Chat: Yeah, that /does/ seem fair And I think the wastebasket would be a good place to pee Chat: You should drink up the rest of the pitchers and pee in those Chat: Sure, but first, both of you have to but a 10/10 on your scale, then hold it over the pitcher until one of you can't Grabbing the pitchers, the sisters find there's only about a glassful left in each before doing their best to split both evenly and drinking the resulting mixture of tea and lemonade. Once their glasses are empty, Doremi kicks her panties the rest of the way off before kneeling over one of the pitchers, Poppu following suit. "So," starts the pinkette, "Do you just want to watch us fighting our bodies urges to take advantage of a receptacle to pee in..." "Or would you rather see who can let out the smaller leak?" Asks Doremi. Chat: How about a small leak? Also, do you have anything that can be used as a urethral plug? If you have two, use them. Chat: I would love to see just how long you both can fight the urge. Chat: No, I don't personally think there should be any urethral plug or things of that sort. Just you two under your own power. The pair seem to shudder at the mention of urethral plugs, their matching, grapefruit-sized bladder bulges jiggling as a result. Grabbing herself and bouncing a bit, Doremi comments, "Even if we could find something to plug us up, I don't think I'd be willing to go that far." Unconsciously mirroring her older sister's posture, Poppu agrees, "Yeah, its bad enough without forcing my bladder to hold past the point it would betray me completely." The younger girl's fingers seem to twitch a bit as the pinkette takes advantage of kneeling face-to-face with her naked sister to let her eyes roam over the older teen. Chat: Can you guys talk about a time when you just made it to the toilet after a long hold? Maybe about the graphic details of how it felt to let go? Chat: Yeah... that was a bad idea So are you going to leak in the pitchers or hold? "I...I'm kind of afraid that... that if I let out a leak, it's all going to come out." replies Poppu, still lightly stroking herself as if barely resisting an urge to shamelessly masturbate in front of the camera. "What's the matter," asks Doremi, "Afraid you're going to repeat that incident from the first time Kaa-san let you run an errand unsupervised?" As if to taunt her little sister further, Doremi pulls her hands away from her crotch and trembling from the waist down, manages to let out a leak, her stream a powerful jet for a couple of seconds before cutting off the flow, leaving about a half-a-centimeter of golden liquid in the bottom of her pitcher. "Mmmm, it felt really good just to let out that little bit... What's the matter, is my cute, little imouto afraid I'm going to finally best her?" Looking more directly at the camera, Doremi adds, "Sorry, but I can't think of such an incident at the moment." Chat: Well, Poppu, it looks like it's your turn! Gulping, Poppu pulls her hands away from her crotch, her entire body trembling as she tries to let out a leak without her hold crumbling altogether. The pinkette's pee jets into the pitcher, and though she manages to halt the flow, her leak lasts a few seconds longer than her sister's had and the effort has her falling to all fours, panting. "Looks like I managed the smaller leak!" cries Doremi, bringing her little sister back to reality, and indeed, examining the bottoms of both pitchers, there is nearly a full centimeter of liquid in Poppu's and as the two pitchers are nearly identical, the younger teen remains silent, knowing it would be useless to object. "So," asks the redhead to the camera, "What should be Poppu's penalty for losing this challenge?" Chat: How about instead of Poppu getting a punishment, you get a reward; you can pee for 3 seconds without penalty Chat: for a challenge Poppu has to lay down bladder towards the floor and Doremi can choose to push her from behind or not to make it harder, only 20 seconds. "I like both of those ideas." comments Doremi as she places her hands on her knees and manages to let out another leak. It seems to last a bit longer than the prescribed three seconds, but Poppu makes no effort to call out her older sister as the redhead sits the pitchers aside and pushes her little sister to the floor, pinning the shorter girl's shoulder to the carpet, face down. As Doremi straddle's Poppu's waist, the pinkette manages to crane her neck enough to see her older sister slowly lowering herself. "Please, Onee-chan!" cries out the younger sister, "Please don't si-" At that moment, Poppu's panicked protests are cut off by a gasp and a hiss as Doremi drops her hips, sitting her entire weight down upon Poppu's perky posterior, a yellow spot visible on the carpet where Poppu's flailing legs meet. Ignoring her little sister's struggling, Doremi starts to massage the pinkette's shoulders and back, apparently in an effort to make the younger teen overly relaxed. Chat: You cannot give up hope just yet! Poppu, stay determined... Despite the encouragement, the yellow spot between Popu's thighs continues to grow as Doremi bounces upon her sister's butt, the younger girl starting to moan in pleasure, though whether from the relief of wetting herself, her older sister's massage, or a combination of the two isn't clear. Chat: Does poppu even have anything left? If not doesn't that mean Doremi's won? Chat: Poppu, you should knock Doremi off and attempt to sit on her bladder. It takes a bit of effort, but Poppu manages to throw the older girl off of her, and before Doremi can recover, the pinkette, pee still trickling from her girlhood tackles the redhead, pinning the taller girl's back to the carpet. Straddling her sister's waist and cutting off her stream, Poppu, her bladder bulge reduced but still visible, plops down atop Doremi's bulge, claiming, "Time for some payback." as she looks down on Doremi with a devilish smile. Chat: Poppu, lift your legs off the floor so all your weight is on Doremi's bladder. Doing her best not to shift any weight off her sister's tinkle tank, Poppu brings her knees up, bringing her feet flat on the floor before lifting them to rest against the bottom of Doremi's ribcage. Looping her arms under her thighs, Poppu hugs her knees to her barely budding breasts and starts rocking back and forth. "Po-poppu-chaaaan!" cries out Doremi, crossing her legs in an attempt to avoid repeating her sister's show, "Pl-please get off my bladder!" "No way!" retorts the pinkette, "You squeezed out like half of what I was holding, it's only fair I do the same to you!" Looking at the camera, Poppu asks, "Any suggestions on how to make Onee-chan burst like a balloon?" Chat: Poppu, you can spread out Doremi's legs, bounce on her bladder, and pee a bit on her "Good Idea!" calls out Poppu as she spins in place, Doremi wincing at the movement. Though the redhead resists with all her strength that's not fighting against the piddle pressure, the pinkette manages to pry her older sister's thighs apart, bringing the older girl's knees to the younger girl's shoulders, giving the camera an excellent view of the elder sister's girlhood as the younger sister starts bouncing on the redhead's bladder bulge. "St-Stop it, Po-poppu!" stammers the prone girl. "St-stop or it...its going to come out!" "Why not let it out?" asks Poppu, showing Doremi no mercy, "You've already made me lose the holding contest, what've you got left to prove." Giving the camera a devilish smile, the pinkette adds, "Besides, wouldn't it feel great to let it all out?" before teasing the older girl even further by letting out another leak, just enough to give the redhead's swollen, waste water reservoir a coating of warm, wet pee which the pinkette then uses as additional lube as she starts grinding her glistening girlhood against her sister's protruding piddle pot. Chat: Doremi, you haven't let out a leak yet, wow. Also, Poppu, that means you aren't going enough Chat: You can also try tickling Doremi Ignoring Doremi's whimpering, Poppu slides the older girl's knees through her armpits until the pinkette can grab the redhead's feet. Still rocking back and forth atop her sister's bladder bulge, the younger teen takes advantage of her new grip to tickle her sister's soles, laughter mingling with the elder sister's groans of desperation. "Come on, Onee-chan," comments Poppu, bouncing in place as her fingers dance on the balls of her sister's feet, "Go ahead and let it all out." Finally, Doremi's dam reaches its breaking point, a golden stream of pee arching from her glistening girlhood to form a yellow stain nearly a full meter away from where she's pinned under her little sister. Chat: Doremi, flip over Poppu and get back on her! Though Doremi does her best to buck her hips and kick her legs in an attempt to throw the younger girl off of her, Poppu merely tightens her grip around the redhead's ankles and all the older girl accomplishes is making her seemingly unstoppable stream serpentine, spreading the patches of yellow the highschooler is leaving on her cream-colored carpet in a wide, erratic pattern instead of concentrated in a single patch. Chat: Doremi, tickle Poppu back since she isn't holding your arms Chat: Alright, stop! Now both of you have to drink another serving of water, then wait it out in the shower or bath. You can flip a coin, and the winner gets to decide who goes where. Chat: That works too Chat: I think it's too late for that now... Doremi retaliates, tickling Poppu's exposed back, and while this doesn't cause the pinkette to lose control again, it does distract the shorter girl long enough for Doremi to throw her off, the redhead curling up as she finally regains control. Catching her breath and examining the damage from their accidents, Doremi groans, "Kaa-san is going to kill me when she sees this mess... As for taking a shower, while that sounds nice, my webcam is hard-wired to my computer, so we couldn't take it with us in the bathroom." Stifling a yawn, Poppu interjects, "It is getting kind of late, so maybe a final coin flip with the winner deciding how we end the night would be a good idea." "Yeah," replies the redhead, retrieving a 50-yen coin from her purse and calling, "Call it!" before flipping it into the air. "Heads!" cries Poppu. As the coin lands flat onn the carpet, both sisters huddle over it to see the result, Doremi hanging her head as Poppu cries out, "YES, Heads!" Turning to the camera with a devilish smile, Poppu declares, "I was thinking of making Onee-chan eat me out until she makes me cum and then making her drink the rest of my pee... but I'm open to other suggestions if you think that's too extreme." Chat: That's good... or you could take turns doing that to each other Chat: Go right on ahead. Not sure that's much of a penalty for your Onee-san, if you know what I mean though. As Poppu approaches her sister, the redhead protests, "That's disgusting!" But as the pinkette pounces, Doremi is defenseless to avoid finding herself flat on her back, her little sister straddling her face this time. Muffling any further protests from the older teen with her pussy, Poppu comments, "Well, the way I see it, Onee-chan, either you can make me feel good and drink my pee, or I can just let go and add to the mess you have to explain to Kaa-san.. And I hope you're thirsty, because while you squeezed quite a bit out of me, I still have plenty of pee left." After a few seconds of silence, Poppu starts moaning, Doremi having clearly decided cooperation was the lesser of two evils. "Wow, Onee-chan is much better at licking pussy than I thought she'd be!" cries the pinkette in delight as she grinds her girlhood against her sister's mouth, "You must have practiced on one of your friends... was it Onpu-chan? or maybe Hazuki-senpai?" Chat: Good job cooperating, Doremi. The room is quiet for several minutes aside from the sounds of Poppu's moans when the pinkette suddenly exclaims, "Here it comes!" tightening her thighs around her sister's head as she trembles in orgasm, apparently making no attempt to hold it in any longer as her bladder bulge starts to slowly deflate. After a minute or so, Poppu slowly climbs to her feet, her trim tummy now flat as a board as she compliments her sister, "That was great, Onee-chan." Sitting up and licking her palm in an attempt to get the taste out of her mouth, Doremi replies, "that was even more disgusting than I thought it would be!" Walking around to stand in front of her sister, Poppu places a foot to Doremi's still bulging bladder as she taunts, "If you didn't like the taste, just imagine how you'll feel when my pee joins yours." and to add injury to insult, the pinkette shifts her weight forward, pressing her foot firmly against the older girl's protruding piddle pot. Chat: Shouldn't you start cleaning your mess? "That's probably a good idea." declares Doremi with a cringe as she crabwalks away from Poppu's foot. Jumping to her feet, the redhead adds, "I'd better go get some cleaning supplies." Grabbing her sister's wrist, Poppu stops the older girl from leaving the room, "No, you'll stay here where the audience can keep an eye on you while I go get the supplies. I just finished emptying, but you're still holding and we wouldn't want you sneaking off to use the toilet." Grabbing Doremi's discarded night gown, Poppu tosses the silken garment on, it falling to just below her knee thanks to her shorter stature before leaving. She returns a few minutes later with a bucket of soapy water and a scrub brush, Doremi cringing again at the sight of the water sloshing in the bucket. Poppu presses the brush into her sister's hands before plopping down on Doremi's bed, the silent declaration that Poppu isn't going to help the redhead clean up coming through loud and clear as the Odango headed girl falls to her hands and knees, dips the brush in the bucket, and starts scrubbing at the yellow stains on her cream-colored carpet. Stifling a yawn as her sister continues scrubbing at the pee stains on the carpet, Poppu comments, "It's getting rather late, so unless you boys and girls have anything else to suggest I do to torment Onee-chan, I think I'll head to bed." Dropping the brush in the bucket, the last of the wet spots now just slightly darkened from moisture instead of discolored from urine, Doremi sits back on her heels and stifles a yawn as well, "Yeah, I'm about ready to call it a night as well." As there appears to be no further comments from the audience, Doremi stands up and approaches the camera, inadvertently giving the audience a close up of her bare breasts as she ends the stream.