Chat with Reika by Imouto Kitten As the stream starts, a professional looking fade from black reveals Reika lounging on a plush looking loveseat in a rather lavishly furnished bedroom, one leg bent at a angle to form an equilateral triangle between thigh, leg, and cushion, her other leg resting atop her raised knee, her pedicured toes stretching out over the armrest opposite the one Reika is leaning against. Instead of the uniform she's wearing in her profile picture, the blonde is in nothing but an elegant sleeveless negligee of cream-colored silk, the neck line plunging just enough to hint at her cleavage, and the hem pulled over her knees and held in place by her folded hands to protect her modesty. Though her attire and pose are far more casual than her profile picture, the rich girl looks no less prim and proper as she greets the audience, "Salutations, gentlemen, and welcome to my humble boudoir." Chat: Hello, Reika. That gown looks very good on you "Why, thank you," replies the blonde, subtly stretching to pull the silken garment tight against her to emphasize some of her curves, "It's an import from one of the hottest brands in Paris." She doesn't try for aFrench accent, though she does silence the s when speaking of the foreign capital. Chat: Can you tour us around your room Reika? I'm sort of alien to this refined taste you seem to have. Also, maybe sip some water? It is a hot day. As Reika stands up, her nightie falling to mid-thigh in the process, she declares, sure. For starters, this is my private sitting area." With a gesture, the Camera rotates around her to reveal a pair of matching chairs, one to either side of the loveseat and a massive, flat panel display mounted on the wall the love seat faces. Walking up to a wood panel next to the screen, showing it to be roughly as tall as the teen herself, she opens it to reveal a hidden mini-fridge, from which she retrieves a large bottle of spring water. Taking a sip, she comments, "A panel on the other side conceals my Blu-ray collection." Stepping away from the sitting area, there's a smooth transition as the view switches from one camera to another as she Approaches a mahogany writing desk, an old-fashioned wooden desk chair with dark leather upholstery sitting in front of it, "Here's where I do my homework, and with another pan, a wall of floor-to-ceiling bookcases come into view, "And here we have my private library." Continuing the tour, she presents a vanity fit for a hollywood starlet and a set of double doors that she indicates, "My closet is through there." "And last, but not least," Reika declares, "Is my bed." as a queen-sized bed with an elaborate bookcase headboard home to numerous stuffed dolls and the bed itself adorned with silk sheets to match her attire. Returning to the sitting area, Reika sits down in the middle of the love seat, facing the camera that must be mounted right above the television, one knee crossed over the other as she comments, "Admittedly, much of it's empty space, but I have plenty of room for any activities that require open space." With that, she takes another sip from her water bottle as she awaits further commentary. Chat: You seem very well-versed in this livestream thing Reika, what with your multiple synchronized cameras as well. Have you done anything like this before? Chat: Damn, you rich! Pulling the bottle from her lips, "reika replies, "well, this is my first time doing anything live for an audience, though the multiple cameras do come in handy for recording audition videos to send to modeling agents and provide flexibility when video chatting with friends." After another sip of water, she continues, "Daddy does bring home a rather nice paycheck, and he does like to spoil me, but I also try to work for the things I want instead of just expecting Daddy to give me whatever I want. My current outfit was purchased with some money I saved up from my work as a part-time model." Chat: Model, huh? So what is it that you model? Do you think you can demonstrate a walk or two for the audience? Chat: Hello Reika, glad to see you through a camera. You seem so pleased with your outfit. Isn't that busy to have your part-time? I wonder since when you've worked. "Mostly, I model serafuku style outfits and women's athletic wear, though I've modeled a few dresses suitable for a young lady's debutante and gave some gothic lolita dresses and cosplay accessories a try once... and I have done a bikini shoot...kind of want to try modeling lingerie, but most modeling agencies want models who are at least graduated highschool if not insisting on being at least 20." Pulling her knees up to her chest and the hem of her night gown down to cover her legs, Reika gives a seductive smile and wink to the audience as she says, "Didn't you boys enjoy watching me walking around in just my nightie as I gave you a tour? Of course, if you ask nicely, I might be willing to change into something from my closet...I do get to keep many of the outfits I wear during shoots." Chat: Sure, you can change. Outfit of your choice. You have to change on camera though. Chat: Yeah, change, and maybe on camera "Well, if you insist." Replies Reika, standing up and making a beeline for her closet, the cameras following her as far as the large double doors before the blonde vanishes into racks upon racks of clothes of all different styles. A minute or so later, she returns, a two-piece outfit consisting of an orange tube skirt and a matching, v-neck top slung over one shoulder and a tennis racquet in her free hand. Walking up to the back of the couch, Reika lays the racquet and the hanger with the top on the furniture and takes the skirt in hand. With her back to the camera, she bends forward, the back of her night gown rising up to expose a bit of her well-toned hamstrings as she steps into the orange skirt and pulls it up under her night gown. Once satisfied with the position of her skirt, she pulls the night gown over her head, exposing her back above the waistband of her skirt, a cream-colored bar strap the first glimpse of her undergarments as she pulls the top over her head and pulls her long hair out from the back of her top. With the grace of a ballerina, Reika does a 540 spin to give a quick look of her tennis outfit from every side, the sleeveless top leaving her shoulders and naval exposed along with just a bit of cleavage as it hugs her not too big, not too small bosom while the unpleated skirt hugs her hips, coming to mid-thigh. "What do you think of my favorite tennis outfit, boys?" Asks Reika with a smile and a wink as she grabs the racqet. "I'm not sure mommy and daddy would appreciate me heading down to the tennis courts for some practice this late at night, and the camera setup down there isn't as nice as here, but I could still put on a bit of a show even without a machine shooting tennis balls at me." Chat: Go on then, you seem to have enough space to show us some skills. Do you have any favorite pros? "I much prefer to play than watch," Comments the girl, holding her racquet aloft as she pantomimes bouncing a tennis ball while walking to the center of the open floor section of her room, "I couldn't even tell you who's in the running for the national championships this year." Once Satisfied she has enough room to move in all directions, the Hand bouncing the invisible ball suddenly shifts to tossing it up in the air as Reika brings her racquet up to serve the phantom ball towards an imaginary opponent. For a few minutes, the blonde acts out one side of a choreographed tennis match, her figure bending and twisting to present every stitch of the outfit she's wearing from nearly every angle to the camera, the cotton stretching to accentuate her every curve as she returns most of the serves from her phantom opponent, her racquet occasionally wobbling and her face briefly frowning before turning determined to indicate her invisible opponent scoring. Finishing her performance, she walks back towards the couch, and grabbing the water bottle she left on the cushion, she wipes some invisible sweat from her brow before unscrewing the cap and guzzling the rest of the bottle in imitation of a tennis player rehydrating after an intense game. Chat: You seem to have played a tough opponent there Reika. What would you say your best shot is? Finishing her bottle of water, Reika admits, "Well, that act is meant to make it look like a hard won victory. Not sure what my best shot is, though I usually have no trouble returning serves from the practice machine downstairs except when it's on it's highest setting. Sadly, my most common opponent is my little cousin, and while she's not bad, the 4 year difference in our ages gives me a stride and reach advantage that makes playing fair games impossible." Walking over to the panel concealing her fridge, Reika retrieves a smaller bottle, this one apparently containing black tea and takes a sip before commenting, "I'm a bit surprise there isn't more activity in the chat... What's wrong boys, does talking to a high class lady such as myself make you nervous?" Leaning towards the camera, chin up to give a slight view down her top, the blonde asks with a wink, "No need to be shy, I don't bite." Chat: What else do you do in your spare time apart from tennis? Any hobbies you'd consider...out there? Chat: I think you often watch your figure, right? for your part time job and health. What do you do to diet usually? Chat: Why did you decide to start this stream? Sitting back down on the love seat, one knee crossed over the other, she takes a long pull from her bottle of tea to seemingly collect her thoughts. "Well, as you could probably tell from my bookcases, I'm an avid reader... mostly novels, though I do read some manga, including a few Shounen series... And I do have a number of foreign titles in my library, I even imported The UK edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because I didn't want to wait for the Japanese edition to be released...As for out there..." A blush crosses her face as she continues in nearly a whisper, "I do like a number of Girls' love series, and when I purchase the kind of doujinshi the Sisters would give me an earful over..." Her blush deepens and her voice becomes nearly inaudible, "I do tend to disproportionally buy ones with lots of yuri." "As for diet, I'm kind of gifted with the kind of metabolism many girls would kill for. Even after a stressful week and a trip to the MAHO-Dou to binge on Momo-chan's desserts, my tummy always stays trim. I'm not the most well-endowed girl in my year at Karen, but I still hear the occasional comment that it all goes to my bust and rear whenever my classmates see me enjoying a bento with extra rice balls or filled with italian-style pasta dishes. Of course, those jealous girls use much more vulgar language when they think the sisters can't hear." Tapping a finger to her chin, "As to why I decided to try this, Hazuki-chan told me about her experience... I was really surprised to hear she did such a thing given how shy she's been ever since I met her when I first entered elementary, but she made it sound like a lot of fun." With that, Reika takes another long pull from her tea bottle, evidently quite thirsty after talking so much. Chat: Oh, Hazuki told you about hers? What did she tell you about it? Do you know the...nature of that stream and how it ended and are you doing it for maybe similar reasons? "She was a bit hesitant with details, but I did convince her to show me a recording of the part where she did some ballet warm-ups in that cute bikini of hers...I could tell she was in desperate need of a ladies' room and I'm sure I spotted a leak or two." Leaning towards the camera and lowering her voice to a conspiratorial tone, Reika asks, "So tell me, did Hazuki-chan cut things short, or did she..." She trails off, as if unable to finish the question. Chat: Hazuki gave us a great show, and cut it short she most certainly did not! Chat: She finished the show, yeah. So were you planning on anything similar? Reika's eyes go wide and she is silent for several moments before bringing her bottle of tea to her lips, slowly draining as she apparently tries to recover from her surprise. Lowering the now empty bottle from her lips, Reika asks, "Did Hazuki-chan, one of the shyest girls I've ever met...did she really...lose her waters in front of the camera?" Chat: Yeah mate, dare I say it was pretty spectacular too. I didn't expect it from her when I first got on the stream to be fair Chat: I can tell yes... maybe she was willing to do so Is there anything planned for your stream? "Well then," starts the blonde, "If little miss Wallflower could bring herself to do such, I certainly can't back down...though it is a bit embarrassing to admit... but I am starting to feel a twinge in my lower abdomen." Chat: Ok, let's wait for a while. Do you have any other outfit you've purchased on your own? Chat: Was doing a similar stream to Hazuki's your original plan? "Well," starts Reika, "I didn't really have a plan in place for this stream, mostly figured I'd go with the flow and see what happens." Tapping her chin in thought, "As for clothes I've recently purchased with my own money... well, of course there's the nightie I was wearing when the stream started and the lingerie I'm wearing under this tennis outfit, but I also recently bought a bikini for an upcoming trip to the beach, a little black china dress just in case a boy invites me out to dinner..." she blushes a bit, "it's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but I recently purchased a high-end catgirlmaidcostume." the last bit said in a rapid fire half-whisper. Chat: I'd like to see that tennis body in a bikini, but maybe that should be saved for when you're more filled up bladder-wise. In the meantime, why not show off that china dress for a bit? Chat: I agree. Let's see your dress first. "Alright then." says Reika, standing up and returning to her closet, the cameras halting on a view of the doors as she vanishes into the rows of hanging clothes. When she emerges, her curves are being hugged by black silk from her exposed shoulders to just above her knee, purple edging on the dress complementing her golden hair nicely. In one hand, she holds a fan, the slats seemingly carved from ebony and the fabric a purple silk to match the trim of her dress. Hiding her lower face behind the fan, the teen model does a sensual walk into the middle of her room's open floor, showing off the bit of thigh exposed by a hip-high split in the side of the short dress, a strand of red dangling within the split. "What do you think, boys?" she asks demurely from behind her fan. Chat: that's very sultry and seductive of you. what's the naughtiest thing you've done in that dress? Chat: You look fantastic, love the addition of the fan. What should we also discuss to fill your bladder up as well? Do we encourage you to drink? Shall we discuss any near misses or accidents of yours? "You flatter me, but this is actually the first time I've worn this dress since having it fitted." Replies Reika, still hiding all but her eyes behind the hand fan. "As for filling me up... there's still plenty to choose from in my refrigerator... No wine of course, though I do have some sparkling grape juice and stem ware..." Chat: Dress color matches well with your blonde hair, dark and bright. How long can you hold your drink, you guess? Chat: You best get started on your choice of liquid. While you drink that, do tell us any close calls or accidents? Chat: i'd like to hear this, yes. though surely a girl like you has never had any such thing as a close call Walking over to the sitting area, Reika folds her fan before depositing it on the couch. Approaching, she retrieves a tall, glass bottle of grape juice from the refrigerator and a large bulbed wine glass from a cabinet next to the concealed cooler. Pouring some of the dark red liquid into the glass, the blonde sits the bottle on an end table before sitting down, crossing one leg over the other as she takes a contemplative sip. "I've never really tested my limits, so I can't really say how long I'll be able to hold it... as for accidents and close calls..." she blushes a bit, her cheeks not quite matching her drink as she continues, "The last time I had an accident was during a ballet practice back when I was in kindergarten... I had a really strict instructor who wouldn't excuse me in the middle of the lesson and... well, I arrived with white tights but left with yellow ones..." Trailing off, Reika drains her glass before refilling it. Chat: That sounds too bad... so after that, did the instructor allow excuse? Chat: How full would you say you are now? Chat: And any more recent close calls? Draining her glass, Reika replies, "Actually, after that incident, my dad chewed out the instructor and switched me to a different ballet school altogether... he was kind of overprotective of me when I was a child after I got badly scalded as a toddler." Refilling her wine glass, she continues, "Can't say I've had any close calls since... As for how I'm feeling... I'd probably go right about now if I wasn't entertaining, but it's nothing worth interrupting what I'm doing for." With that, she takes another sip of the dark red juice. Chat: Maybe you've been with some people who were desperate to go? What was that like and how'd it make you feel? Chat: Are there any people you've seen with some close calls during school days? "Well," starts Reika, "At the entrance ceremony for Karen Girls' Academy, I did notice Hazuki-chan looking a bit stiff in her seat... I don't know for sure if she needed to pee or was just nervous, but she was among the girls lining up for the toilets afterward. More recently, I noticed the same behavior when my little cousin had her Entrance Ceremony, this time from the little sister of a classmate of Hazuki-chan and mine from elementary." Tapping a finger to her chin, she adds, "Can't quite remember the pinkette's name, but her older sister is named Doremi, though she attended a public middle and high school, so we haven't interacted much since sixth grade, and only as much as we do because Hazuki-chan is a mutual friend." Chat: I see, I see. Do you think you'd like to change into that bikini now? Chat: Did you like what you saw? Sitting her empty glass next to the bottle of grape juice, Reika leans forward, interleaving her fingers atop her knees as with a coy smile and a flutter of eyelashes she says, "Who said I didn't already change into the bikini? Or was my earlier hint too subtle?" Chat: I didn't suspect a thing, actually. Do you think this would be the right time to have just the bikini on? "Oh, that's too bad," replies Reika, "And I even went out of my way to ensure a bit of the string leftover from tying my bikini bottom would be visible through the split in my dress..." Tapping a finger to her chin, she gets a mischievous smile before proposing, "How about we play a little game? Nothing too difficult, you boys just need to guess what color my bikini is... How about, limit one guess per audience member...If you can get the right answer in 5 tries or less, I'll lift the hem on my dress and give you boys a peek... get it in 3 tries or less, and I'll remove the dress and strike some poses in my bikini... and if the first guess is correct..." She pauses at this to build suspense, "I'll accept a dare from the lucky boy who got it right." Chat: I'm going black. Class. Chat: I will bet blue. Chat: red "Sorry," starts Reika, "It isn't black, nor is it blue." Smiling wider, "It is red, however... guess you get to see me model it now." Standing up, Reika reaches behind her back and deftly unzips her dress before letting the black silk pool around her ankles to reveal the cherry red bikini beneath. Her plump, but not overly large breasts, each a perfect handful are cradled in red silk, the cut fairly modest, showing only a bit of cleavage above the simple knot holding her top together. Though slender, none of Reika's ribs are visible as flawless, near porcelain skin flows from under her top along gentle curves to a thin, but not too thin waist before slightly widening to her hips, where a pair of perfectly tied bows of red string hold her bikini bottom in place, and halfway between the two bows, the bulge of her bladder is visible, half nestled in the blonde's waistband. Stepping out of her dress, Reika turns her back to the camera, revealing that the shoulder and underarm straps of her bikini top are tied into a more elaborate bow that almost gives the impression of a lotus flower growing from Reika's back as she walks over to the open floor section of her bedroom, a sway in her hips that accentuates the way her bikini bottom hugs her plump, little rump. "Well, the first guess was wrong, so you missed a chance to give me a dare, but are there any requests for what poses you'd like to see me strike?" Asks the rich girl as she turns back to the camera, a coquettish smile on her face. Chat: You really deserve to be a model. Will you lie on your side while looking toward the camera? Taking the pose on your bed, of course. Chat: Hmm, could you do a pose as if you were about to pee in that lovely bikini of yours? Cupping a hand over her bulging bladder, Reika leans towards the camera, her breasts dangling a bit in the process as she teases, "Naughty, naughty, I'd bet you'd love to see me wet my bikini for real." Wagging a finger with her other hand before adding in a stage whisper, "Though, just between you and me, all that liquid I drank is really starting to nag at me." Straightening up, she continues, "But since you asked so nicely, I'll even give you two poses as if I'm about to lose my waters." Spreading her feet shoulder width apart, Reika bends her knees, slowly but smoothly lowering herself into a squat, placing her hands atop her knees for support. In the process, the crotch of her bikini bottom is pulled taut, outlining the forbidden treasure hidden beneath the scrap of red silk. Letting out a moan, Reika comments, "Oh Kami! This pose opens me up so much... it feels like my lady bits are holding back the weight of Nachi falls! Better not hold this pose too long or I might really wet myself..." Despite her words, Reika holds the squat for nearly a minute before shifting forward, falling to hands and knees before turning around, stopping about half way between a side view and fully facing away from the camera. She continues kneeling, knees apart, heels together so the toes of one foot rest atop the toes of the other as she leans forward, the arm not blocked by her torso supporting her upper body, elbow locked, a red wrapped breast peeking through the gap of her underarm. Reaching between her thighs with her other hand, pressing her fingertips against her bikini clad girlhood, Reika wiggles her butt as she glances over her shoulder and comments, "All that water, tea, and juice wants piddle pot is tinkle tank is throbbing...bulging bladder ready to burst like a balloon...This is a brand new bikini but I might just soak it in my personal waters long before it gets soaked at the pool or the beach..." Again, despite her words, Reika holds the pose for the better part of a minute before straightening up and slowly, but gracefully climbing to her feet. Walking over to her bed, this time with the camera showing her walk from the side, her bladder bulging out nearly as much as her bust when viewed in profile. Reaching her bed, Reika sits facing the camera before leaning to the side, propping herself up on one elbow as she stretches out her torso and lower leg, lifting her upper leg to form a triangle as the arm not supporting her sweeps over her body before coming to rest atop her raised knee. "So, boys, enjoying the show thus far?" Chat: Loving the show, but don't say you are giving up holding already? Chat: it is a good show,but how long have you ever held it in for and would you let us see you pee after you are done holding it? Chat: Nice show, thanks for granting. You've taken all drink? Chat: How you feeling bladder wise right now? Sitting up and crossing her legs, Reika comments, "Don't worry, I have no intentions of turning the cameras off until my bladder is empty... speaking of which, I'm about at the point i'd normally drop whatever I'm doing and go to the bathroom... at least if I wasn't doing something important or that would be ruined by taking a break." Chat: Hazuki did a couple of stretches in her bikini, do you think you could do the same? Unless you have something better and more difficult in mind of course. Chat: What "important" things would stop you from peeing at this stage? Chat: Anything to prevent messing your room? It seems so close.. "Well..." starts the blonde, "If I was in the middle of doing homework and needed to pee this badly, I'd probably finish the problem I'm working on before taking a break to avoid losing my train of thought... though I'm sure there are more pressing matters that would make me delay longer that I just can't think of at the moment." Standing up, she continues, "As for doing some stretches, I think I can manage that." Stepping away from the bed, she stands with her feet shoulder width apart as she leans to one side, one hand sliding over the bow on her hip and down the outside of her thigh as the other hand points to the ceiling, reaching near to mid calve before reversing direction. Leaning forward, showing off her cleavage in the process, she touches her toes, keeping both knees locked out. Straightening up, she places one hand on her hip as she bends to touch her other hand to the opposite toe and then reversing direction. Leaning back, this time stretching her bikini bottom to give herself a cameltoe, she places her hands on the carpet behind her, trembling as she tries to hold the position before rolling on to her hands and knees. Standing with her back to the camera, she repeats the routine, several of the stretches stretching the red silk tautly across her delectable derriere, and the bent backwards pose nearly causing her inverted breasts to slip from the cups of her bikini top. And then for good measure, she goes through the routine twice more, this time from a left profile and then a right profile, allowing herself to collapse into lotus position on her carpet after the last repetition. Chat: That's very impressive Reika. I feel like we're nearing the endgame a bit, so can you take your camera into the bathroom? Chat: Another nice show. if you don't mind, how about moving to the bathroom? Chat: So, how do you feel after that round of stretches? Is it much harder to hold, or just about the same? "Actually," comments Reika from her sitting position on her floor, "When I had the camera's installed, my parents insisted on two blind spots. As you've probably guessed, my closet is one of them... my en suite is the other." Unfolding her legs from under her, Reika brings her knees up to her chest before hugging her legs and resting her chin upon her knees, rocking slightly as she adds, "So unless you gentlemen are willing to release me from my promise to eventually lose my waters on camera, there'll be no trips to the toilet for me this evening." Dropping to a barely audible whisper, she continues, "Though, as my need grows... the thought of doing something as naughty as wetting my bikini or peeing on my expensive carpet... the thought is kind of exciting... kind of makes me want to drink some more to help speed up the process... maybe I should finish my juice... or perhaps take another bottle of tea." Chat: That's too bad. Maybe you have a device with a camera that you could switch the stream to, or just record video with and upload later? I'd love to see you hold your waters right in front of or maybe even on the toilet. Chat: No toilet for you, then. More drinks sounds like a very good idea, though Chat: Alright, then you'll stay in your room until the end. "With how extensive my array of mounted cameras is," starts Reika as she starts to stand, "I never really gave much thought to a mobile camera. Naturally, my phone is equipped with full 60fps and 1080p video recording, but I don't really have any means of mounting it... too bad Kaori-chan isn't here... she's more interested in still photography, but she'd make an excellent camerawoman for situations like this." Returning to the sitting area, Reika holds up the bottle of sparkling grape juice, showing it to still be about half-full. "It's a bit unlady-like, but would anyone object to me foregoing a glass and just guzzling the rest of the bottle directly?" Placing her free hand upon the protrusion of her piddle pot and pressing slightly, she adds, "It's getting kind of bad... but I'm curious what it would be like to be so desperate I lose all sense of propriety and start shamelessly squirming as I struggle to delay the deluge if only for a few more minutes..." Glancing around as if looking for something despite how tidy her room appeared during the tour, the blonde suddenly announces, "I think that'll do nicely for making my body think I'm sitting on the toilet." The bottle of juice still in hand and the wine glass abandoned on the end table, Reika walks over to her desk and pulls out a round, metal waste basket adorned with a bas relief of flowering vines. Removing the mostly empty liner and hanging it from the back of her desk chair, Reika pulls the trash can over to the open floor before straddling it, the metal waste receptacle proving to be just the right height and diameter to let the teen model sit atop it in a way that looks fairly natural, her butt apparently resting upon the rim and her parted knees giving a good view of both the camel toe her bikini is forming and the empty basket below. Her face nearly matching her bikini, Reika asks, "Is-is this a decent replacement for seeing me sitting on... the toilet?" a slight dark patch appearing an inch or so further back on her bikini bottom from where the young lady's clitoris seems to be straining against the silk. Dropping her gaze a bit, she brings the long neck of the glass bottle of juice to her lips as if to ask 'should I drink?' Chat: Go on then, drink it all down. We're as excited as you are. Chat: Good idea for the replacement. I encourage you to drink all rest juice in that bottle. Closing her eyes and throwing her head back, Reika inverts the bottle, her lips wrapped around the opening as she starts guzzling the rest of the juice. At the same time, her free hand moves to caress her bulging bladder for a few seconds before drifting south, thumb and forefinger pinching the blonde's erect clit through the red silk as a muffled moaning can be heard. Chat: You seem to be having fun there, does your current...pressing need help? Chat: Well, maybe you won't move anymore until the end As the bottle is emptied, Reika brings it from her lips and glances at the camera for a second or two before her face turns nearly as red as her bikini as she realizes what she was doing, the hand on her crotch shooting up to cover her mouth as if burned as the blonde comments, "Oh my, I can't believe I did something so... unladylike in front of the camera..." Dropping to a barely audible whisper, "Though... if I'm honest... modelling for a live audience is exciting me in a way recording a audition video or a studio photoshoot never did... the naughty thought of peeing on camera isn't helping either... if I had a boy over right now... I'm not sure I could resist giving him my virginity at the moment... never mind that such an indiscretion would have me thrown out of Karen Girls' Academy if the sisters ever found out..." As the girl rambles, the crotch of her bikini bottom grows darker, glistening slightly. Chat: You seem to be on the edge a bit there. Or is that even pee? Chat: Thrown out of the academy? That's harsh! Could you resist giving away your virginity if you had a pretty girl over? Chat: How are you doing right now? You seem to be having a bit of difficulty holding it in. "Well, I'm not sure they'd actually expel me... but Karen Girls Academy is essentially the Japanese equivalent of a Catholic Girls' school and the sisters are constantly harping on us girls to behave like proper ladies and to uphold the school's proud reputation... then again, Seki-sensei, my homeroom teacher for much of Elementary school is a Karen alum, maintains a good relationship with the current staff and students, and is well known for riding around on a motor cycle in her free time..." Blushing at the mention of losing her virginity to another girl..."Ho-How would that even work?" taking a pause, she adds, "Never really thought of it... but with how enflamed my loins are right now, I think I'd be willing to experiment... pretty sure the dampness in my bikini bottom is entirely from arousal and not from leaking." As her last statement sinks in, she slaps a hand over her mouth, her entire body turning as red as her bikini. Chat: Oh, but what was that just then? You seemed a bit shocked for a moment. Rubbing a hand along the inside of her thigh as if resisting the urge to rub a bit higher or as if she'd be rubbing her thighs together if not for the wastebasket, Reika replies, "I'm usually not so... immodest about my feminine urges..." Taking a deep breath, she adds in a barely audible whisper, "It's taking all of my self-control right now to not shamelessly pet my kitty in front of the camera... and my bursting bladder isn't helping my composure." Chat: Feel free to help yourself Chat: Don't be so strained Relaxing visibly at the words from the chat, Reika trails her hand up the inside of her thigh until it's resting upon the red silk of her bikini bottom before tracing the outline of her girlhood with the tip of her middle finger. Before long, the teen model is shamelessly rubbing herself through her swimsuit, soft moans being picked up by the microphone as her other hand reaches up to cup one of her breasts through her bikini top. Eyes drifting close, the blonde refrains from speaking, the sounds of her moaning from self-pleasure the only audio from her end of the feed. As Reika continues her self pleasure, her moans grow louder and her breathing less even as her hand rubs ever more vigorously at her bikini-clad girlhood, her tongue slightly hanging out as she loses any sense of propriety. However, after a minute or so, the blonde suddenly tenses up, her thighs snapping together around her hand as she bends double, the sound of a drop of water hitting metal resounding in the otherwise silent room. When she manages to regain her composure, she sits up and forces her thighs apart once more, a damp spot about the size of a 500-yen coin visible where her bikini bottom is clinging to her engorged clitty. "I was almost there when my bladder forced out a rather sizeable warning spurt." comments the blonde breathlessly. "i..I want to finish... but I don't think I can hold through my climax... So what'll it be, boys? Would you rather see me lost in the throes of ecstasy as I empty my bladder uncontrollably, or would you rather watch me endure both of my private urges?" Lowering her hand to rest on the bulge of her bladder, the blonde continues, "Also, are you set on seeing me soak my bikini bottom?" sliding her hand down to one of the bows on her hips, "Or would you rather I remove these so you can see me in all my glory." dropping her hand to her crotch once more, she concludes, "Or perhaps a compromise, keeping the Bikini on, but pulling the crotch aside to expose my precious place." Chat: I want to see you endure both your urges, and I wouldn't mind seeing you completely naked either Chat: Third. Let's see how long you can go for then "well, if you insist...I guess I have no choice but to endure." With that, Reika reaches for the knot nestled between her breasts, and untying it spreads her top to expose her lovely b-cups to the camera before letting the red silk flutter to the floor behind her. Cupping a mammary in each hand, the teen model asks, "What do you think of them?" before slowly gliding her hands along her sides en route to the bows holding her bottom on. Grabbing a loose end on either side of her hips, Reika slowly pulls, one loop of each bow shrinking until it vanishes, leaving only a half-bow to protect the blonde's modesty on either side. Grabbing the now much shorter ends, she repeats the process, and as the second loop of each bow vanishes, the triangle of silk covering her pubic mound falls forward to rest in the triangular gap formed by her thighs and the rim of the metal waste basket, her glistening girlhood now on full display and the white, cotton inner gusset of the bikini bottom showing a pair of distinct stains, a yellow one closer to the waistband and a nearly clear stain further back. Lifting up slightly, Reika pulls the bikini bottom out from under her before depositing it on the floor as well. She then reclines a bit and uses her fingers to part her folds, giving the camera an excellent view of her engorged clit, peehole, and enflamed vaginal opening. "Oh kami!" cries the girl in need, manners forgotten in the heat of the moment, "I've never felt so damn horny! Makes me wish one of you boys could step through the screen and have your way with me!" One of her fingers moves to prod at her virgin opening only for the girl to give herself a smack on the fingers with her other hand before bolting upright on the waste basket. Taking a few breaths to regain her composure and force herself to remember at least some of her manners, Reika comments "Oh my, holding out might be harder than I thought...I didn't think being naked in front of an audience for the first time would excite me so much..." Chat: I mean, this is exciting for everyone involved I think. How's your bladder right now? Chat: You feel cold or hot? Adopting a more relaxed posture, Reika gently cups her bulging bladder as she declares, "It's getting quite bad now... If not for my arousal, I think I'd be in quite a bit of pain from holding for so for temperature, despite my room being kept at a constant temperature and humidity, I am feeling a bit warm...and a bit parched despite all I had to drink earlier." Chat: I guess you should drink more, then "Hmmm..." murmurs the blonde, "Might be a challenge to get to my fridge while sitting on this waste bin..." Shifting her weight onto the balls of her feet and placing a hand on the rim of the basket between her legs, Reika takes a step forward, her rear barely parting from the metal can as she drags it along with her. It takes some time for Reika to cross her room while maintaining a mostly sitting position over the metal bin, and more than once she has to stop, the hand on the rim clamping over her glistening girlhood as she trembles visibly in desperation. Eventually, she makes it to the sitting area and placing the can so she can sit within arm's reach of her hidden fridge, she turns so the camera has a good view of her physique in profile as she opens the hidden door and peruses the selection of beverages within. "hmmm... I have another bottle of sparkling grape juice, several bottles of tea, both black and green, water, lemonade, and even a six pack of Oy! Cola." glancing over her shoulder and giving the audience a wink, she asks, "Do you boys have any preferences in what I use to quench my thirst?" Chat: How 'bout taking green tea? Chat: Green tea would be befitting of a refined individual like yourself "Green tea it is then." replies the blonde, pulling a couple of half-liter bottles from the fridge and closing the wood panel that hides it befor twisting off the top and bringing it to her lips. As she drinks, her thighs tremble noticeably, as if she's fighting the urge to press them together or to cross her legs. Chat: How are you feeling right now? Is the...distant nature of your legs helping your cause? Chat: You're enduring your pressure quite long, btw Finishing the first bottle of tea, Reika comments, a fiery blush on her cheeks, "It felt like I was pouring that directly into my bladder... as for keeping my thighs apart... I confess it's taking all of my strength to not twist my legs into a pretzel... but I wouldn't want to invite accusations of hiding leaks behind pressed together thighs..." Discarding the empty bottle, Reika opens the second and brings it to her lips, her eyes shining with unshed tears as if she's too proud to beg for mercy even as she silently asks, 'should I drink?'. Chat: You know what, I think I'd like to see you dance desperately and do everything in your power to keep it in for maybe about a minute, then bring your legs back apart to see if it's worked. Should be easy for you to suddenly lose all that force keeping it in. Chat: You don't have to keep those legs apart, Reika. Anything to help you hold it. Besides, with you naked, any leak will be obvious anyway. And yes, please drink. Chat: If there's nothing special, just keep drinking. Chat: Keep drinking, don't stop until we tell you. :3 Finishing the secon bottle, Reika comments, "yo-You want me to d-dance?" her voice slightly cracking as she speaks. "I'm not sure I can manage it, but I'll try." Discarding the empty bottle, Reika stands on shakey legs and lifts her arms to pantomime holding on to a partner as she starts dancing a solo waltz, her movements a bit jerky and unsteady, but the girl doing her best to maintain her poise as she slowly twirls for the camera. However, her deteriorating composure only lasts a minute or so before with a gasp, Reika's hands shoot to her crotch, the young lady shifting to bouncing on the balls of her dainty feet, an expression of dread crossing her face as the light reflects off a rivulet running down the inside of her thigh, the microphone barely picking up a hiss of, "no no nonononono!" as she trembles where she stands. Chat: What's happened there? Was that a leak I saw? Chat: Seems not good... As the rivulet on her thigh reaches her knee and a couple more form, Reika looks up, tears rolling down her cheeks as she chokes out, "I...I don't think...I don't think I can st-stop it." Looking around, she spots the metal waste basket, and grabbing the container, the blonde barely manages to drop into a squat atop it once more before the dam shatters completely, the rivulets replaced by a torrent shooting forth from her pee hole as thetrembling girl places her hands on her knees to keep her balance, letting out a sigh as her eyes flutter shut. A sound of liquid battering against metal can be heard, but soon changes to a sound of water hitting water as Reika's pee stream remains strong and swift for over a minute. Chat: Damn, that sounds really powerful from here. How is it feeling now? Chat: Game over, and nice stream. Was it fun so far? As her stream finally trickles to a halt, a blushing Reika lets out a sigh of relief before opening her eyes and commenting, "That feels much better... but now that I'm not distracted by all that piddle pressure, I'm feeling quite a bit more...amorous.." Removing herself from the waste bin turned potty, Reika sits on her couch, one knee crossed over the other as she leans forward, hands crossed in her lap and her upper arms framing her breasts as she comments, "I still have that catgirl maid outfit I mentioned earlier... or perhaps you boys would like to punish me for not being able to hold longer... My hold is over, but I'm just too excited to end the stream just yet." Chat: Let's try that catgirl maid outfit. We can think of a punishment while you put it on ? Chat: yeah, we'd like to see that. Do put it on camera though Chat: Agreed, time to try it. "Okay then." comments Reika, standing up and walking to her closet, a seductive sway to her hips as she walks, her movements once again fully graceful. After a minute or two in the closet, she returns with a small pile of clothes folded in her arms. Sitting the clothing on her bedspread, she picks up a headdress that's mostly black with white lace trim and puts it on, the fabric concealing her ears and a pair of yellow-orange cat ears sticking out on top of her head becoming apparent, the furry accessories not only looking natural, but perfectly matching her golden locks. Next, she picks up a pair of long, furry gloves and starts rolling them up her arms, the gloves seeming to naturally blend to her hairless skin about halfway between shoulder and elbow. Next comes matching legwear, the ankle section apparently braced to encourage a digitgrade stance as she sits on the foot of her bed and keeps her feet bent down after covering her legs to mid-thigh in yellow furriness. Picking up the last of the furry accessories, Reika speaks for the first time since she started putting on the costume, "Um... I have a few options for attaching the tail..." blushing she continues, "Normally, I'd just attach it to the belt, but... I also have a few... plugs I could use to anchor it... would you guys like me to give one of the plugs a try?" With this, she opens a small box that was among the clothes, showing a belt and a few butt plugs, the smallest barely bigger than a bullet vibrator, one about the size and shape of a carrot, one about half the length of the carrot but about twice as thick, and the largest both longer than the long, slender model and thicker than the short, stout model. "And while we're talking options... the main dress is a sleeveless affair with a deep neckline... there's a white shirt, but if I wear the black dress without the shirt... only the top of the apron would be covering my bust." Chat: Personally I'd like for you to just attach it to the belt, but I'd be happy to see you go with whatever you prefer. Same goes for the dress, though I would like it more if there was no shirt underneath. Chat: No shirt, Reika, this is /sexy/ cat girl maid time. As for those plugs, whichever one allows you to waggle that tail without coming at all loose is the one you should have Chat: Well, I don't have any special ideas, it's just up to you. "Well, the belt never did seem to let me do a proper tail wag." comments Reika as she picks up the long, slender plug and with an audible click, attaches it to the base of the tail before shifting to kneeling on the edge of the bed, her rear to the camera and slowly sliding the plug inside her, moaning softly as she does so. Her new appendage properly seated, she gives it a few experimental wags, commenting, "Feels a bit weird, but it does seem to give a more natural wag. Grabbing the black dress, Reika stands up, the furry stockings forcing her onto her tip toes and pulls the dress over her head, shimmying a bit to let it fall into place, the hem stopping about a centimeter above the cuff of her legwear, the bodice ending right under her breasts with wide straps over her shoulders. Next comes a white apron tastefully trimmed with lace, which she ties around her neck so the front covers her bust but leaves exposed cleavage. Unlike most aprons, this one lacks waist ties, and reika retrieves a simple, black leather belt, and after removing the clip for attaching the tail, she cinches it around her waist, holding the apron in place as well as defining the waistline of the dress. As she pulls her hands away, the buckle is revealed to be a metallic silver and heart-shaped. Leaning over her bed, giving the camera a slight upskirt view of her wagging her tail, Reika retrieves a small box, and leaning her head back, inserts a pair of contact lenses. Facing the camera once more, her eyes are now a vibrant green with vertical, slitted pupils, completing the look. She does a 360 degree pirouette before gracefully dropping to all fours, tail held high as she balances on toes and hands. Raising a curled up forepaw and adopting a seductive, nearly purring tone, she asks, "So masters, what do mew think? Aren't I a very purrty pussy?" Chat: Very purrty indeed. How about you show us more about how good of a cat you are. Chat: Wow, I didn't expect bunch of accessories there. Your green eyes look like jewelry. "Thank mew for the compliments, Masters." purrs Reika before rising to her finger and toe tips, stretching in a very feline manner and proceeding to explore her surroundings like a kitten in a new place, occasionally lifting a hand up to playfully bat at something and on more than one occasion turning her butt towards the camera and bending her elbows to drop her shoulders and encourage the buttplug tail to lift up as she sways her hips. Chat: Good kitty. Do you remember ever having some interesting pee-related experiences as a good kitty like yourself? "Well, master," starts Reika, dropping into a sitting position with her hands and feet on the floor and her knees raised, "Purrior to tonight, I've only everr worn outfits like this while admiring meowself in the mirror and purracticing my tail wagging." Chat: That's really cute, kitty. What do you enjoy the most about being in an outfit like this? Chat: You're the cutest kitty I've ever seen. Is there anyone you want to show that costume? "Why, thank mew for the compliments, Master." replies Reika. "Never really gave much thought to it before, but I guess the thought of wearing an outfit with such a vibe of playful subservance is a nice change of pace from always being the prim and proper daughter of a business executive... as for someone I'd like to show this outfit to..." blushing, "Well, with what one of you said earlier about having a cute girl over, I'm kind of curious how Kaori or Hazuki or even Doremi and Onpu would react to seeing me dressed like this..." Chat: That's really quite cute of you Kitty. Maybe you could perform a few kitten tricks for us to show how good a kitty you are. Chat: Alright, anyway, so what is your special skill with that costume? While we see the action, I'll think about a punishment you said. Chat: Which girl would you like to serve the most, Reika? Letting out a purr, Reika asks, "Did mew have any purrticular tricks in mind, Master?" Stretching in a very feline manner, she adds, "As for serving another girl... I'm not sure Kaori or Hazuki really have what it takes to play the mistress... I kind of see Hazuki as being suited to be another kitty while Doremi and Kaori seem like they'd make good dog girls... I could see Onpu taking charge though..." Chatt: Honestly I don't know, I've never had a cat before. Do you know anything you think I'd like to see? Chat; Hmm.. are you teasing us or just thinking for the answer? Well I have no idea either. "Hmmm..." murmurs Reika, tilting her head like a cat looking at something with curiosity. "I guess I didn't really think this through... The only things I can really think of are playing with some ribbon or a ball of yarn, but I don't have either convenient." As she sits on the carpet in front of her bed, apparently loss in thought, Reika lets out a yawn and glances to something off screen. "Oh my," comments Reika, "I didn't realize it had gotten so late... If Kitty doesn't get a catnap soon, Kitty is going to be very cranky in the morning... that said, I suppose I could honor one last round of requests before calling it a night." Chat: Strike your favorite nude poses then for us, kitty. Show us what your favorite parts of your body are. Chat: Oh yeah, I didn't notice how long we've chatted so far. Okay, at first, take some water or lemonade you left in the fridge before the last show. You look really exhausted now. Placing her hands out in front of her on the carpet, Reika pushes herself up to all fours before gracefully rising to her tip toes. With the grace of a ballerina, she reaches her hands behind her neck to untie the collar of her apron, the white garment falling to expose the teen's modest breasts. She then slides first one shoulder strap off her shoulder and then the other before sliding her arms out of them completely, leaving her nude from the waist up except for the fur gloves that look like they are a part of her. Rummaging under the fabric gathered at her waist, Reika unbuckles her belt, and as she pulls the silver heart buckle out, the leather strap dangling from a balled up forepaw, her maid outfit falls to pool around her feet, leaving the blonde catgirl in all her glory. Dropping the belt to join the rest of her clothes, Reika steps back with one foot and uses the other to kick the maid uniform out of frame before dropping to all fours once more, slinking around in a few circles to show off the nude version of her catgirl costume from every angle, even shaking her ass when she's facing directly away from the camera, her butt plug tail swishing with the sway of her hips and her girlhood glistening. After a few laps of the open floor in front of her bed, Reika cat walks over to the seating area, and retrieves a bottle of lemonade and a bowl from the hidden fridge and another cabinet, commenting "I'm going to need to restock." Kneeling by her coffee table, Reika grips the bottle of lemonade in a curled paw as she uses her teeth to unscrew the top before pouring the beverage into the bowl. Placing her forepaws on the coffee table, Reika proceeds to lap up the lemonade, pausing only to comment, "It's not milk, but its still quite delicious!" Once the bowl is empty, Reika slinks back to her bed and climbs atop the duvet, Miming the act of licking her forepaws and then using them to clean her face before laying on her side and lifting one leg in the air, doing her best to mime the rest of a cat's self-grooming rituals. Eventually, Reika lets out another yawn, and rubbing a eye with one paw, comments, "Well, I hope mew enjoyed the show, masters, but kitty is really sleepy and kitty needs her beauty sleep, so good night." With that, the girl curls up in mimicry of a cat napping in a sunbeam in the middle of her duvet, her fake ears and furry gloves and stockings still in place as her green, slitted eyes drift close, and the lights dim. Chat: Good night Reika :) Chat: See ya!