As the stream starts, Onpu is lounging sideways in an overstuffed, highsided chair, the cream-colored upholstery a nice contrast to the lavender negligee she's wearing as she casually sips lemonade through a straw, her legs propped up on the armrest opposite the one she's using as a backrest, her perfectly pedicured feet on full display and her legs crossed at the ankle. Pulling the straw from her lips, she greets her unseen audience, "Hello, and welcome to the show. This is a bit of a more intimate stage than I'm accustomed to, so I hope my adoring fans will be kind as I adjust to such an interactive format without the benefit of a stage crew to moderate the audience." Her greeting done, she takes another sip of lemonade Chat: Hi Onpu. How's the lemonade? Chat: Hi Onpu! I'm sure we're all looking forward to the show. To start us off, could you run us through what you're wearing (all of it)? Is there anything you particularly like about it? Chat: Nice to see you, Onpu! Well, it'd be the first time for direct greetings. It's a great luck I could join the live chat. Okay, let's see, are you in your home or any other private room? "Pulling her lips away from her straw, Onpu replies, "The lemonade is quite good... It's a recipe Momo-chan taught me and the others, and it's so good I went through half a pitcher waiting to see if I'd be picked for this evening's stream." Sitting her empty glass just out of frame, Onpu sits up straight in her seat before standing up and commenting, "Aside from my favorite nightie, all I'm wearing is some bikini-cut panties." With that, she lifts up the front of her gown to flash purple panties the exact shade of her hair to the camera before letting the garment fall. "As for location, I'm streaming from my bedroom... Papa is driving a sleeper train tonight, and Mama's been a rather heavy sleeper since her stroke, so things are about as private as I can manage." With that she sits down again, pulling her knees up to her chest and pulling her nightie down over her legs, though not quite down far enough to hide a bit of her panties peeking out from between her feet as her toes curl against the cushion. Chat: I see, I see. Can you further describe the taste of the lemonade? Does it remind you of anything in particular? Plus, how mobile is your camera (how far would you be able to take us)? Chat: Do you always wear that at home, or do you sometimes wear... less? Chat: How often do you enjoy the lemonade? I mean, the one made on your own. "The lemonade is quite good," comments Onpu, "It's got a perfect blend of sweetness and tangy lemon flavor. I make some as often as I can during the summer months, though I don't always have enough fresh lemons on hand." Letting one foot slide down to the floor, exposing her calf and thigh in the process, she continues, "This is pretty typical sleepwear for me during the summer months, though I favor fluffy, lavender pajamas when its cold out. As for my camera, I just have the one, but it's wireless and has its own tripod, so I'm pretty sure I could carry it anywhere in the house without interrupting the stream, though I've never really tested it." Retrieving her glass and a pitcher from out of frame, the former child idol pours herself some more lemonade before placing the pitcher out of frame once more and taking a sip. Chat: Great to hear you enjoy your lemonade. Where would you be willing to take us tonight? The bathroom, perhaps? How...far are you willing to go with this stream, if you know what I mean? Chat: How much lemonade do you guzzle in a day? Have you ever been nude at home? Chat: Do you have any other drinks for this stream? That pitcher doesn't look big enough, I think. "Well," comments Onpu, lowering her glass from her lips, "we'll just have to see where the night takes us." With that, she gives the camera a wink. "As for my usual liquid consumption, maybe about three liters a day unless I'm spending a lot of time in the sun, but I did drink quite a bit before the stream started because of what Doremi-chan, Hazuki-chan, and Ai-chan told me about what you boys and girls like to see... as for other beverages, I'm sure there's plenty of Oy! Cola in the fridge, and I could always make some tea." Sitting the glass out of frame, she lowers both feet to the floor as she places her hands on her knees and leans forward, a bit of cleavage peeking out of the collar of her nightie as she whispers, "I usually have at leastsome shorts and a tank top or a nightie and panties on at home unless I'm changing or taking a bath, but who knows, maybe one of you will convince me to do a strip tease or something." With that, she leans back, propping her head on one hand. Chat: Wow, that's a lot of liquid. You must really like staying hydrated. How often do you get desperate with that much to drink? Chat: We will see indeed. Say, you seemed kind of enthusiastic about those bikini-cut panties of yours. Do you want to tell us more about that pair, if it's special in anyway or if you particularly like it? Maybe show them off a little bit? Chat: Maybe you know what your friends did the streams so far, right? If so, will you do any similar performance? "Well," starts Onpu, "making sure my mouth and throat don't get dry is important both for singing and acting, and stage lights can be quite hot, especially since I'm often in the spotlight... as for getting desperate, I'm usually pretty good about excusing myself before getting in costume for a show, especially if I know from fitting that the costume would interfere with such things or be impractical to get in and out of during an intermission, and auditions usually provide plenty of downtime between rounds... Rehearsals sometimes run long, especially if I'm working with a new talent who's a bit nervous about their first professional acting role or were a fan of mine back in my child idol days and are a bit intimidated to work with me." Straightening her posture, Onpu partss her knees and lays her hands atop them, giving the camera a upskirt peak at her panties, just enough of the more vibrant purple showing to be noticeable, "As for my unmentionables, there's nothing special about this pair... in fact, I've probably got at least a dozen pairs just like it... as for my friend's streams, Hazuki-chan just blushed cutely and stuttered evasively when asked about her stream, and while the others were more open, Doremi-chan and Poppu-chan were too busy bickering like the loving sisters they are to give an accurate account and not even Ai-chan was vulgar enough to get explicit... that said, I have read the chat logs, so I can guess at some of the, rather bold, things they did in front of the camera." Retrieving the pitcher, Onpu refills her glass and takes another long draw of the lemonade. Chat: I see. Well, I can definitely report that things got rather...spicy in your friends' livestreams, and rather wet as well. What do you make of such streams? How do you feel about the idea of this stream going in the same direction? Chat: Do you ever deliberately let your bladder overfill? Chat: Well, I'll get satisfied whatever you do. Do you have your own tips to endure the desperation? "Well," comments Onpu, lowering her glass from her lips, "Can't say I've ever deliberately held my waters before, but I did drink quite a bit of lemonade this evening just in case I was picked for this evening's stream." Finishing her glass, she adds, "And the lemonade is starting to work its magic... I'm about at the point I'd normally excuse myself, though I'm sure I'd disappoint all of my fans if I were to leave right now." Sitting the empty glass out of frame, Onpu lifts one leg up to rest her foot on the edge of her seat, pulling her nightie over the raised knee and resting her chin atop folded hands on the raised knee, but not quite pulling the nightgown down far enough to hide the front of her panties. "So, do you boys and girls just want to talk while I drink the occasional glass of lemonade, or do you want me to put on a show for you?" Chat: A show? Let's start by taking off that nightie, and another glass of lemonade would do nicely too :) Chatt: Depends what you mean by show, Onpu. What kind of show do you most enjoy putting on? Also, while we're on the topic, might I ask you to tell a story of the last time you were in a...desperate situation? Chat: It's a bit earlier than I expected. Okay, the first show will be just holding your drink for a few minutes; let me see what you will act to take the overload. "Well, someone in the audience is rather bold," comments Onpu, "but I believe there's a saying that goes something like 'fortune favors the bold', so" Standing up, Onpu brings a hand up to slide one strap of her night gown off her shoulder before mirroring the action on the other side. She then lets her arms fall to her sides, the gown sliding down her torso now that it's not supported, pooling around her ankles, exposing her modest but perfectly formed breasts, perky despite the lack of a bra, and a slight bulge peeking out from the top of her panties. Kicking the nightie out of frame, she sits back down, crossing her legs as she grabs the pitcher and her glass and makes a show of emptying the last of the pitcher's contents into her glass and downing it. Once the glass is empty once more, she sits it and the pitcher aside, and placing her hands on her bare shins, she leans forward, her breasts hanging in the middle of the frame as she admits, "I can't think of any stories of a previous time I was really desperate, but I did just finish off the last of a 4-liter pitcher of rather strong lemonade... and I'm really starting to feel it." As if to emphasize her point, she places a hand to the bulge half covered by her panties. Chat: I see, Onpu. Well, you seem to be getting the feeling of needing to go rather strongly now. Might I ask, if you were to hypothetically go to the bathroom without peeing, would the urge get worse just by being there for you? Chat: Four litres? Wow! I hope that bladder can take it. How often do you pee every day if you don't get desperate often? Chat: Oh, you don't wear the nightie from now on. Don't you feel so chilly? It may trigger the signal from your bladder.. Tapping a finger to her chin, Onpu replies, "I don't really pay attention to how often I go to the bathroom, though I did drink so much lemonade largely in preparation for tonight's performance... I'm also not sure how going to the bathroom, but not actually peeing would affect me... As for being chilly, it was a rather thin nightie, if I wanted something to keep me warm, I would have bundled up in some fluffy pajamas." Leaning to the side, propping her elbow on the armrest and resting her head against her palm, Onpu's other arm crosses under her bust so her hand can rest in the crook of the supported elbow. Chat: Do you remember an instance where you only just made it to the toilet Onpu? Also, what do you think is the best...asset of your body and do you mind showing it off for us?" Chat: Yeah I get it, coldness doesn't matter you anyway. Then what about other cool drinks? We didn't see taking tea or Oy! Cola yet. Chat: Are you still thirsty, Onpu? Or maybe you want to take those panties off? "I like to think my best asset is my voice and face, but I'm not naive enough to believe I don't have plenty of boys and even girls who are only in my fanclub for my body... that said, I do think I have a rather delectable derriere." As if to prove her point, she turns around so she's kneeling in her seat, her rear to the camera as she bends over the backrest and sways her hips seductively. Reaching a hand back, she starts to roll the waistband of her panties down her plump rump, slowly revealing the pale flesh of her half-moons. Stopping just shy of exposing her feminine treasure to the camera, she sits back down, legs together as she slides the panties the rest of the way to her knees and lets them fall to the floor. Keeping her thighs together, she leans towards the camera as she stands, her face and hanging breasts filling the shot and then only her face. The frame wobbles a bit as Onpu speaks, her face now dominating the frame, "I'm not really thirsty, but I'm sure all of you want me to consume liquids until I'm absolutely bursting and begging for mercy." The frame continues to bob as the background shifts, Onpu apparently walking, the camera held in front of her. "As for a time I barely made it, I can't say I can remember one..." After a minute or two of quiet, she adds, "Well, I guess we should see what's in the fridge." With that, she turns the camera to show the inside of a refrigerator, various containers of food, drink,,,, and condiment within. "Let's see, we've got Oy! Cola," the camera zooms in on the door, 24 cans of the fizzy beverage stacked two high and two deep on one of it's shelves, "orange juice and milk," the camera focuses on two large jugs on the top shelf of the refrigerator proper, nearly identical except for one's contents being white and the other yellow, "A case of bottled water," The camera pans down to the bottom shelf, right above the crisper, where several dozen half-liter bottles of water stand, "and if none of the cold beverages seem appropriate for making me squirm for your entertainment, I have an electric kettle and a couple of fully-stocked tea chests." Chat: Some Oy! Cola looks great! Chat: Oy! Cola sounds good. Can you describe in more detail your...delectable derriere for us? Perhaps show it off in all its glory? Chat: Oh, the camera sight went fuzzy for a moment, but I think I barely spotted your hidden treasure.. your derriere, I mean. Okay, when you feel boiled while drinking Oy! Cola, just take the juice too. "Cola it is, then." Comments Onpu, grabbing a 6-pack from the door before closing it. Turning the camera back to show her face, she comments, "Not wasting any time, it seems." Giving the camera a coquettish smile and a wink before it zooms in on her collar bone and goes over her shoulder, showing her pert posterior bouncing and the back of her thighs alternately swinging in and out of frame as she resumes walking. A minute or two later, the camera is back on its tripod as Onpu takes her seat, still naked, only one leg crossed over the opposite knee to block the camera's view of her crotch as she comments, "I hope you enjoyed that little display... Sorry if the angle wasn't the best, good walking shots are hard with a handheld camera." With that, she frees a can from the six pack she nestled between her thigh and the armrest before popping it open and taking a long draw. Chat: I enjoyed well, that walking motion was good enough to attract me. Chat: Also, you may not remember any instances for yourself, but have you been present at other times when your friends have been..compromised, bladder-wise? Chat: You seem to be crossing your legs, is that to hide your crotch or to assist in holding back something else? What other....body movements do you know you do when you're trying to hold back your pee? "Hmmm..." Hums Onpu, lowering the can from her lips, "I might have witnessed a time or two one of my friends or another young starlet was in need of a ladies' room, but those aren't really my stories to tell." Leaning forward, her free hand gripping the front of the cushion as the foot resting atop her knee comes to the floor, she adds conspiratorially, "Perhaps I'm just being a tease and trying to make you work for the best bits." Leaning back, she makes a show of spreading her thighs as much as possible, though sitting up straighter, her precious place sinking into the cushion as she takes another long draw from her can. "But I suppose I should keep my legs spread to avoid accusations of my bladder bulge bothering me more than it is. With this, she brings her hand to her lower belly,, caressing a noticeable protrusion, lifting up on it from below to emphasize it's size. At the same time, she holds her can upsidedown as if to prove she's finished it. Chat: That's a big bladder bulge you have there. How does it feel when you touch and rub it a bit? Chat: That's a nice bladder you have there, but I also wonder if the cushion feels good on your precious place Chat: Wow, it almost reached the limit. Do you think you can hold your big bladder while emptying all cans there? "Hmmm..." the teen idol hums in thought, "My bladder does feel a bit firm resting against my palm... and I can feel it pulsing in time with my heartbeat... and the fleece upholstery does feel nice on my bare skin... even between my legs... As for finishing all six cans... there's only one way to find out." With that, she sits the empty can out of frame and pops open the second to take a drink. Chat: To never be desperate to pee while drinking three litres a day must take amazing bladder control! I imagine your bladder is full a lot even when you're not *desperate*, kinda like you are now. Do you ever feel anything at all? Does it feel good? ;) Chat: Perhaps a bit of mental work would help. Could you try to explain to us how it would feel to let go a full bladder's worth of pee? In excruciating detail please :) Chat: Oh, are you trying all cans straightly? I don't mind such resolute test, but I'd just like to say to slow down. "Someone wanting me to slow my liquid consssumption?" comments Onpu, tilting her head to the side, "That's a bit of a surprise... Are you afraid I'll end the stream early if the pressure gets too much?" After taking another sip of cola, she continues, "Given the interests of the audience we seem to have attracted with these streams, I'm kind of surprise none of you have tried challenging my bladder moree directly... as for how emptying my bladder at the absolute limit would feel... Well, maybe I'll find out this evening." With that, she takes another sip from her can of soda. Chat: Well, you asked for it. Press on your bladder for five seconds then and see how that feels. Maybe try squatting on the floor as well and see how that's like. Chat: Try doing the splits while chugging some Oy! Surely you can handle that, since your bladder can't be any fuller than it usually is when you're performing Chat: Hmm... I'm not afraid of the early termination. I mean, your drinking performance is also a part of this stream, isn't it? I can't pass any enjoyable scene you act. But if you want to go ahead in higher tension, can you do the requests on the bed? It would test willpower to hold your bladder. Holding the second empty can upside down, Onpu replies, "That doesn't sound too hard as she lowers her feet to the floor and gracefully slide off her seat into a squat. Pressing her palm to her bladder bulge, she starts counting aloud, "One ichi-sen, two ichi-sen, three ichi-sen, four ichi-sen, five ichi-sen." Rising to her feet, Onpu bends over, briefly mooning the camera to retrieve a third can, and popping it open, starts to guzzle as she smoothly drops to the floor in a perfect split, her girlhood touching the carpet and her toes pointing in opposite directions. When the third can has been emptied, she grabs the remaining half of the six pack and picks up the camera, giving the audience a close up of her breast as she moves it, tripod and all. When the camera settles, the scene has changed to a twin bed, head and foot boards featuring an intricately curling pattern of white painted metal, the sheets a lavender silk. Sitting on the bed, Onpu brings her legs up before rising into a squat, once more pressing her palm against her bladder as she counts, "One ichi-sen, two ichi-sen, three ichi-sen, four ichi-sen, five ichi-sen." continuing to hold the squat even as she places both hands atop her knees.