Chat with Hazuki by Imouto Kitten As you click on the image of Hazuki, the screen is filled with a giant eye, the Iris brown with orange highlights, and slightly distorted by the apparently massive eyeglass lens between the camera and the eye staring into it. "Is this thing on?" comes a girl's voice, soft and refined as the eye pulls away from the camera to be joined by its twin, and then the rest of the young lady's face, long, chestnut forelocks framing it. "Hello, my name is Fujiwara Hazuki," calls the voice as its owner comes fully into view, wearing the same school uniform as her profile picture. Sitting in a desk chair, you can now see she's wearing kneehigh white socks without shoes as she crosses one leg over the other and folds her hands in her lap as she continues, "but I guess you already know that." In the background, you can see a large bedroom decorated mostly in creams with the occasional orange accent, a few neatly filled bookcases and a queen-sized bed made with with what appears to be cream-colored silk and is showing not a single wrinkle the most prominent furnishings. Fidgeting in her seat, Hazuki breaks the silence that fell as you examined her surroundings, "Sorry if I seem a bit nervous, my friends talked me into doing this, but I'm not usually one to talk in front of a group. If you recognize my school uniform, you'll know I attend Karen Girls' Academy, but what isn't obvious is that I'm in their performing arts tract. Specifically, I'm studying to be a concert violinist." Another slightly awkward silence follows as she finishes her self-introduction, but eventually she says, "I guess this is the part where you start asking questions and making requests in the chat?" Chat: Cool! You are a violinist? Are you aiming to do classical music, or are you maybe hoping to get into a project like a movie or something? Sorry, my name is Dewleaf. I am going to be a public analyzer and researcher in time, so I thought I would start off by coming to a site like this to see what you girls are really like. I know some people just want action, but I'd like to know more about what motivates you to do stuff like this. Brightening up at the first question that flashes across her screen, Hazuki comments, "Yes, I've been playing the Violin since I was in kindergarten. I mostly play classical music, though..." She pauses briefly, her cheeks turning pink, "I do have a childhood friend, Masaru-kun, who wants to become a professional Jazz Trumpeter like his father." Hazuki takes a sip of water before continueing, "Actually, most of my close friends play a musical instrument. Doremi-chan started learning Piano around the time I was first learning the Violin, though a bad experience at a childhood recital pretty much scared her off from following in her mother's foot steps, though her sister, Poppu-chan is studying Piano at Karen Girls' Academy and even has a rivalry with the little cousin of one of my classmates. Ai-chan and Momo-chan do it mostly for fun, but they play harmonica and guitar respectively, and while Onpu-chan's career has always focused more on acting and singing, she also plays the flute. Oh, and Hana-chan is an absolute prodigy on the accordion." This last statement she speaks in the tone of a proud mother bragging about her child, "In fact, believe it or not, Hana-chan was the mysterious Paris Diva of whom candid videos of her dancing in the moonlight while playing accordion in the vicinity of various Paris landmarks went viral a while back." Taking another sip of water, Hazuki sits back as she awaits further commentary from the audience. Chat: So, why did you let yourself get talked into doing this kind of work? Are you trying to pay for college or something? I know college can be really expensive, especially if you go to a private music school. Chat: What other hobbies do you have besides the violin? "Well, my family is rather well off, and even if we weren't, I'm usually near the top of the class rankings, so I could probably get as many scholarships as I need, but the others mostly convinced me that it might be fun and might help me overcome the crippling shyness I sometimes have when meeting new people." Replies Hazuki to the first of the next batch of questions, "As for other hobbies, I'm a pretty avid reader, mostly classic literature and romance. I also do handstitched embroidery and other crafts on occasion. Oh, and while I mostly play classical, I do enjoy listening to jazz, especially the live performances at the jazz club where Masaru-kun works as a busboy." Chat: I don't know if this is the best place to practice not being shy. Sometimes, people get weird about what they want you to do here. You know that, right? Hazuki takes another sip of water to give herself time to think before replying with a shrug, "Not like I can be forced to do anything I'm really uncomfortable with, and I'm actually kind of surprised how tame things have gone so far." Sitting down her now mostly empty glass, the brunette shifts in her seat, reversing the position of her crossed legs in the process. Chat: yeah, things have been really tame today, haven't they? I think the hard core are still sleeping or something. *Chuckle* Chat: So, I could put a few dollars in the kitty for you. That's a gift this time, but if I give you some more, what can I expect for that? The latest question seems to have caught Hazuki off guard as she replies, "Um...Well, I suppose I could play something on my violin..." Her cheeks turn red as she adds, "Unless the audience has other suggestions." [Chat: You looked a little embarrassed there. What were you thinking of just now? Her glasses clouding over, Hazuki replies in a barely audible whisper, "I'd rather not say." Reaching for her glass of water, she finishes the last bit before asking, "Anyone mind if I excuse myself to refill my glass?" Chat: Well, I would like to hear something on your violin first, but you know, if you really want to refill your glass, I suppose there is really nothing we can do about it. Chat: Do whatever you want. I might need to go soon anyway. "Sure, I could play something first." replies Hazuki, standing up and walking over to one of her bookcases where her violin case sits on a shelf by itself. As she opens the case and starts to rosin up her bow, she seems to be standing straighter than strictly necessary for this task, her thighs and knees pressed together. Once done with her preparations, she carries the bow and violin to the middle of her room's wide open floor before bringing the instrument to her shoulder and starting to play Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D Major. Despite her erect playing posture, the young woman looks completely natural as she draws the bow back and forth across the strings, her eyes closed behind her glasses as she plays from the heart instead of reading from sheet music. Once her impromptu concert is done, she bows to the camera as she comments, "I hope you enjoyed my performance." Instead of returning her violin and bow to their case, she lays them gently on the foot of her bed within easy reach in case she decides to give an encore. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back." She is only gone for a minute or two before she returns with a pitcher of lemonade. Sitting down on her desk chair once more, she pours herself a glass of the citrus beverage and takes a sip as she awaits the next comment from the audience. Chat: That was really good. I am glad you played it before going off. I was sort of worried you were trying to sign off, but I couldn't find anything else going on, so I came back, and by happy coincidence, you were back. I think you should really look into a group or something to put that skill to use. You'd probably make a lot more friends and a lot more money if you did that. "well, I have thought about auditioning for the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra after highschool," replies Hazuki as she takes another sip from her lemonade, "but there is a saying among professional classical musicians that Virtuosos tend to make poor orchestra players and that good orchestra players tend to make poor Virtuosos, that the skill and talent needed to truly stand out as a solo performer makes it more difficult to form a coherent whole when playing with others. Not as big a problem for small ensembles where every instrument is unique, but in a full orchestra where there might be 10 violins playing melody and another 10 doing harmony, it can be quite dissonant if one of the violinists, no matter how skilled a solo player isn't in synch with the rest of the section." Taking another sip from her glass before sitting it down, Hazuki again uncrosses her legs only to recross them in the opposite order, the foot she has on the floor starting to tap against the carpet, and her posture seeming to grow a bit stiff. Chat: You seem a little antsy. Is everything ok? Chat: I don't know much about that, but I would think you would know and feel the rhythm if you were really good, though, so you could stay in tune, couldn't you? Besides, if you just do something small with a small group, you might be the only violinist, right? Besides..., how else are you going to practice for the big one, so you have a chance for auditions later?" Nibbling on her lower lip, Hazuki uncrosses her legs, but keeps her knees together, her thighs rubbing against each other just enough for a careful observer to notice as she insists, "I-I'm fine." in a less than convincing tone. Sitting up straighter and placing her hands on her knees, she returns to the discussion of music, "Karen Girls' Academy does offer those studying a musical instrument opportunities to practice both solo performances and ensemble performances, as well as a head liner with a backup ensemble. The piece I played earlier would normally be lead by a solo violin backed by Woodwinds, brass, and strings, though I think it works nicely as a purely solo piece as well. That said, I do think Karen Girls' Academy tends more towards fostering competition rather than cooperation among its musicians, especially among its violinists and pianists given how popular those instruments are for solo pieces. Probably doesn't help that the school has a small collection of Stradivarius violins and is rumored to loan them out to its top graduates for their university education. A classmate I considered a friend was even driven to posting libelous things about me online because of the pressure to perform and jealousy of my own skill, though my friends from elementary school, despite attending different middle and high schools help me through that incident." Taking another sip of lemonade, Hazuki beams at the camera as she declares, "I'm really enjoying being able to talk about music with someone other than my teachers and fellow Karen Girls. Doremi-chan, Ai-chan, and Momo-chan really don't understand most of this stuff, and Onpu-chan is always so busy with her acting career that we never get to talk about how our dreams are similar." Unlike her earlier denial, this is said with confidence and comes across as far more honest. chat: I'm sorry that you had to go through that rough patch with your friends, but you know, the real world can be just as harsh. It's probably better you learned that lesson while you have a lot of friends that can support you through it, rather than when you feel all alone. Chat: So how are your musical studies going? Adjusting her glasses as the lenses cloud over, Hazuki replies, "Well, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but, I'm usually near the top of the class rankings whenever the teachers evaluate our performance in our chosen instruments. Granted, just getting into Karen Girls' Academy's performing arts program requires quite a bit of talent and skill, and even without the audition required for admittance to the performing arts tract, the entrance exams are by far the toughest in the prefecture. I've heard just graduating from Karen Girls' Academy is often good enough for acceptance to the University of one's choice." chat: "Well, it does sound like you are bragging, but then again, if you are that good, then, maybe you deserve bragging rights. Anyway. Would you be up for some truth or dare sort of game? Since you cannot see me, then I'll just have to tell you the truth every question you ask, but you can hear my question, and if you don't like it, then you can do a dare instead if you want.... Until maybe one of us gets bored?" "I'm usually more modest than that," starts Hazuki, "but it was the kind of question that's hard to give an honest, straight answer too without being a bit immodest." As for Truth or Dare, sure, why not? I'm actually kind of surprised there's been so few people asking or daring me to do something on camera." Chat: I dare you to chug an entire bottle of water right now. Chat: Okay, let's see.... How about... When were you born? Can you give your full birthdate?" "Umm, I don't have any bottled water handy," starts Hazuki, "but would this be an agreeable substitution?" She takes her half-filled glass and fills it nearly to the brim from the pitcher of lemonade before bringing it to her lips. Closing her eyes and tipping her head back, she proceeds to down the glass's contents in one go before holding the glass up to the camera to confirm that not only is it empty, but that there was no ice reducing its effective capacity. Sitting her glass down, Hazuki continues, "As for my birthday, I was born on Valentine's Day, 1991." She recrosses her legs and while she continues to smile for the camera, she is subtly squirming in her seat. As she waits for further comments to cross her chat log, Hazuki crosses and re-crosses her legs several times, bouncing the heel of whichever foot is presently on the floor nearly constantly causing her raised foot to bob in the air. Her hands are clasped in her lap for the most part, but occasionaly, one of them will reach for the hem of her skirt before she yanks it back and reclasps her hands as if she's fighting the temptation to do something her conscious mind won't allow her to do in front of the camera. Eventually, she asks in a shy tone barely loud enough for her microphone to relay clearly, " anyone still watching?" Chat: I am.... Chat: Sorry, I got called away for a minute, but I'm back. Chat: So, What was the most embarrassing thing that happened at school last year?... To you?" Chat: maybe you should stand up and show us your room a bit. surely someone as good with a violin as you would have a room full of related things? Her cheeks going scarlett and her glasses clouding over, Hazuki replies, "Um...well, it wasn't technically at school, but by far the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me since starting high school... remember I mentioned one of my classmates posting libelous things about me online? The worst part was when they got a candid photograph of me and we were passing by a..." Her voice drops to a barely audible whisper. "...Love hotel." An awkward silence falls for several seconds before she resumes, in a more normal voice, "I probably could've ignored the lies she and others were spreading about me if not for the rumors sparked by that one, out of context, photo." Her blush fading and her lenses clearing, she continues, "As for my room, there really isn't that much to see, and my webcam really isn't designed for mobility. The bookcase my violin case was sitting on is mostly filled with books of sheet music, organized mostly by period and composer with a separate section for books containing more eclectic selections, along with a few music theory textbooks. The other bookcase is mostly novels along with the little bit of manga my friends have convinced me is worth reading. The desk my computer is sitting on holds most of my school supplies and the little bit of cosmetics I use, and there's a mirror hung above it so it can double as a vanity." "Aside from my books and the stuff I need for school, most of my stuff is stored in my large, walk-in closet." As she says all this, she continues to squirm in her seat, but talking does seem to distract her from fidgeting with her hands. Chat: hey, is everything alright? you look a bit restless up there Averting her gaze from the camera for a moment, Hazuki replies, "I kind of need to pee... but I'll be fine." Willing her body to sit still she adds, "Besides, I'm enjoying talking to you too much to sign off." Chat: It's good to hear you're enjoying talking with us. Are you and Masaru-kun dating? "Yes, we are." replies Hazuki. "We've been close since Kindergarten, but we officially started dating in middle school." Chat: What kinds of things have you done with him? "Well," starts the young woman, "Between school, our respective part-time jobs, and my violin practice, we don't get nearly as much alone time as we'd like, but when we do get together..." a light dusting of pink crossing her cheeks, she continues, "We're fond of spending quiet evenings cuddled on the couch, simply enjoying each other's presence as we each lose ourselves in a book. I also enjoy listening to him play his trumpet, and while he prefers to play jazz while I'm more of a classical musician, we have played duets on occasion. When we do go out, its usually to a quiet cafe or the Jazz Club he works at or just to spend time relaxing on the banks of the local river." At the mention of the river, she suddenly tenses up, and reaches for the hem of her skirt once more, only to yank her hand back before reaching it. Chat: hey, are you sure you only "kind of" have to pee? maybe you should get to the bathroom or something? ...unless you'd like to take us there with you? Chat: Have you two ever kissed? chat: sounds like fun! what kind of person is he? Face going crimson and glasses going opaque, Hazuki replies, "even...Even if my webcam was more mobile. I...I...I could never do something like that." The shock on her face giving way to a more lovestruck expression she continues, "As to whether I've kissed Masaru-kun... a lady never kisses and tells... As for what kind of man he is...Well, he's very quiet, even moreso than myself, he almost never spoke up in class when we were in elementary school, which give some the impression that he's a slacker, and he seldom talks about his emotions unless angered, which has lead to him being accused of being a delinquent on a few occasions, but he has a strong sense of justice and will do anything in his power to defend the honor of those he cares about, and when he plays his trumpet, I can feel the passion and dedication that went into mastering his instrument." Chat: It almost seemed like you were considering showing us something. Chat: Will you guys stop trying to embarrass her! The game is truth and dare, but come on, be reasonable, people.... Stop trying to make her do things that will make her turn her camera off. Chat: So, This guy you like is really nice, then even though he gives off a bad impression because he's not expressive that often, huh? If it's not too much for you, could you tell us a time he stood up for you? "Yeah, he comes across as cold and distant to a lot of people, but he's really quite nice, though he's only ever opened up to me and Shiori-chan." replies Hazuki, her voice starting to sound a bit raspy. Reaching for the pitcher of lemonade, she makes to refill her glass, but her stiff posture as the fruity beverage splashes into the smaller vessel, and the slight wince as she takes a few sips to hydrate her dry throat make it apparent she would've preferred to put it off even longer. "There was this one time, during kindergarten where I hurt myself and burst into tears. I was probably being a crybaby and could've walked on my own, but Masaru-kun insisted on carrying me home piggyback despite barely being strong enough to stand under our combined weight, and then there was the time Shiori-chan collapsed during class and he insisted on carrying her bridal-style to the infirmary despite there being plenty of others who could've helped, and he even taught himself a new song to cheer Shiori-chan up when she was in the hospital." The pink returning to her cheeks, "If I'm honest, I felt a bit jealous of Shiori-chan at that time, worried that Masaru-kun would pick her over me as a girlfriend." Her blush deepening, she continues, "As for a time Masaru-kun stood up for me, remember that photo I said was used to start nasty rumors about me? Masaru-kun found out about it when one of the guys in his class asked him about it. Masaru-kun never shared his side of the story, but the accounts of the event I heard mentioned that he would rather commit seppuku than do something to tarnish my reputation like that, and that it took two of the other guys in class to prevent him from decking the guy who asked about the photo." As she finishes speaking, her entire body suddenly goes rigid before Hazuki leans forward a bit, jamming her hands between her thighs, bunching her skirt against her womanhood. After several tense seconds, the microphone picks up a barely audible whisper of, "that was close." before Hazuki visibly relaxes, returning to a more natural, if still stiff posture, her face scarlett and the lenses of her glasses not only clouded, but seemingly cracked. Silence falls, the girl seemingly unwilling to comment on what just happened for fear that that would only make it real. Chat: It sounds like Masaru-kun is a really nice guy. Did you almost leak a bit there? Face still red, and speaking in a whisper as if confiding a secret she'd rather not share but can't hide without an outright lie, "Actually, I think I just dampened my underwear a bit." Leaning towards the camera until her face fills the screen and dropping her voice so the microphone barely picks her up at the shortened distance, "I'll let you in on a secret. I kind of like holding my pee and seeing how long I can go without anyone noticing." Returning to a normal sitting position, the lenses of her glasses seemingly whole again, she asks in a more conversational tone, "So, may I be excuse to the little ladies' room, or would you rather I stay here and continue talking with you?" Shifting to a huskier tone, she asks, "or maybe you have ideas on how I can test my limits now that there's no point in me hiding how much I need to pee." Chat: if you like it, might as well keep going. A good way to test yourself is to simply not touch or hold yourself Chat: How about you sit on your pillow as a little incentive not to leak again. Standing up, Hazuki retrieves a pillow from her bed and places it in her chair. As she lowers herself back into her seat, she lifts her skirt so she won't sit on it, though she's careful not to expose more than the briefest glimpse of pale thigh between the cuff of her stockings and the hem of her skirt. Placing her hands on her knees, she briefly moves her thighs from side-to-side, though whether from desperation, nerves, trying to adjust to sitting on a pillow, or simply enjoying the texture of the likely silk pillow case on her bare skin is anyone's guess. "I'll try to refrain from holding myself, though it might be hard." declares the brunette, "I felt the first twinge before I even started the stream, and I've already lost count of how many times I've resisted the urge to grab myself trying to keep my need hidden. So, got any more questions or challenges for me?" Chat: What makes you like this sorta thing? Talking about it and not touching is enough of a challenge for now. Chat: Why don't you take off your skirt just so we can make sure you aren't cheating of course. "Well," starts Hazuki, "Given how shy I can be and how many self-confidence issues I had as a child, I've always been reluctant to announce when I need the ladies' room and naturally became pretty good at holding it until I could discreetly excuse myself or even until I got home and could use my private bathroom, but what pushed me from holding out of embarrassment to doing it for fun was probably an incident from one of my earliest official dates with Masaru-kun. We were having a picnic, and I had drank more than my fair share of whatever beverages we had brought along that day, which naturally lead to me needing to go. I was still too shy to admit my need even to Masaru-kun, and by the time he noticed my predicament, I couldn't even stand under my own strength. Masaru-kun had to rush me in a princess carry to the park's public restrooms and even dash into a stall and pull down my panties to prevent me from having a public accident." Reaching for the waistband of her skirt, Hazuki continues, "Speaking of my panties, I'm not yet so far gone I'd show them off to a boy other than Masaru-kun, but perhaps this will be an agreeable compromise." She then proceeds to pull the blouse of her uniform out of her skirt before shrugging out of the blazer worn over it. Unbuttoning the bottom two buttons of her shirt, the brunette exposes her naval as well as the bulge of her bladder peeking out of the waistband of her skirt. Caressing her protruding piddle pot, she asks, "My bladder is already bulging quite noticeably, what do you think?" Chat: That is quite the bulge you have there. How about you melt a piece of ice on it. Chat: Nice! If that's all you want to show us that's fine, but we certainly won't complain if there's more. What other times have you done something like this? Anything fun? Glancing at her glass and the pitcher of lemonade, neither of which have any ice in them, Hazuki comments, "I could go get some myself, but that would be rude to those I'm entertaining... and I was accused of trying to duck out entirely when I got my own lemonade... Guess I have no choice." Pulling out her cell phone, she uses speed dial, and after a few moments, speaks, "Hello, Baaya-chan, would you mind bringing me a tray of ice cubes?" After another pause, she says, "Thank you." before hanging up. Turning her attention back to the camera, "While we wait for my family's retainer to bring me some ice, there was this one time right before I entered highschool, that I decided to put on a... maid costume...similar to the ones you sometimes see waitresses at Cosplay cafes wearing, though I chose one with a more modest cut. I wore it for Masaru-kun and pretended to be his maid for the day. I ended up holding all day, but sadly, Masaru-kun ended up being too nice a guy to play the stern master convincingly. I've told him that I like holding my pee, and he's admitted to liking to watch me when I'm desperate, but he just hasn't been able to bring himself to get, for lack of a better term, mean when I'm holding. I'm thinking of giving him a recording of this stream in hopesit'll inspire him and give him the push he needs to get past that mental block." At that moment, knocking can be heard from off screen. "That must be Baaya with the ice." Standing up and walking stiffly, Hazuki steps out of frame, the sound of a door opening can be heard followed by Hazuki saying, "Thank you, Baaya-chan." and the door closing once more before Hazuki returns to the screen, a ice cube tray in hand. Retaking her seat, she pops out one of the ice cubes and palms it before pressing the largest of its flat sides to her bladder bulge, letting out a gasp and shivering as she exclaims, "Oh Kami! That's Cold!" A minute or two pass, her breaths long and deep, her entire body shaking from cold induced shivers and tinkle torment induced tremors as she endures the ice sandwiched between her palm and her protruding piddle pot. Eventually, she lets out a long sigh of relief, commenting, "That was hard." as she pulls her empty hand away from the bulge of her bloated bladder, both her palm and lower abdomen glistening with the melted ice and her shirt tail and the waistband of her skirt darkened with absorbed water. chat: What do you think about letting a bit out? Chat: How full do you think you are right now? Caressing the bulge of her bloated, overburdened bladder, Hazuki replies, "Based on past experience, I'd estimate I'm between 90 and 95 percent of my maximum capacity. As for deliberately leaking...I'm not sure I could stop, but if I did manage to stop, you might not believe I actually did it unlessI showed my panties..." Bringing her hand to her chin, she ponders for a bit before declaring, "I think I know how we can compromise." Standing up, she walks out of frame, and when she returns a minute or two later, her uniform is gone, replaced by a modest, pastel orange bikini. The top shows little cleavage, but its tight fit over her modest bust gives the impression of two fresh, juicy grapefruit halves pressed against her chest, and while the bottoms cover quite a bit for such a garment, they nicely accentuate the gentle curve running along her thigh, hip, and up the side of her waist. And speaking of thighs, her pale, slender thighs lead to equally pale and slender legs so free of hair, nicks, and red spots that they give the impression of being naturally hairless rather than the result of shaving or waxing, and the perfectly pedicured feet on the end of her legs just further reinforce the vision of Hazuki as the platonic ideal of the elegant lady. Though perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of her current appearance is the grapefruit-sized bulge depressing the waistband of her bikini bottom. Admiration of her beauty is interrupted as she asks, her cheeks a bit pink, "What do you think of my bikini? I was thinking of putting on the Karen Girls' School Swimsuit, but I thought its dark fabric might not show wetness well enough and its a one piece, so it might not show my bladder bulge all that well." Taking her seat upon her pillow cushioned desk chair once more, she parts her knees shoulder width and places her hands on her knees as a look of concentration crosses her face. After a minute or two, she speaks up, "I'm trying to let some out, but despite how full I am, my body isn't cooperating. I've never deliberately leaked before, so maybe one of you can give me some tips?" As she says this last bit, her cheeks go from pink to red. Chat: Don't try too hard to let some out, Hazuki. A leak should come out on its own, soon enough. Chat: Yeah, it's less trying to leak, moreof not trying to not leak, if that makes any sense. Just stop trying to hold it back, maybe talk about something and try not to focus, and soon enough some will probably leak out and you'll know then to stop. Chat: That is quite the bikini. Where/how did you get it? For the leaks the others are right. Just relaxe and a leak will come. Make sure you're ready to stop it though. "Oh, Okay then," says Hazuki, leaning back in her seat and trying to relax, crossing one leg over the other as she crosses her arms under her bust. "As for the bikini, it's just something I picked up from a local store prior to the last time my friends and I went to the beach. We all ended up buying matching bikinis in our respective favorite colors, though I'll admit I originally wanted to get a one piece until the others convinced me to get a bikini as well." As Hazuki sits there, either waiting for another comment from her audience or trying to think of something else to say, trying to keep her posture as casual and relaxed as possible, she suddenly stiffens and jams both hands against her bikini-clad girlhood as her face scrunches up in concentration. Eventually, she lets out a sigh of relief, mumbling, "I was afraid I was going to lose it completely just then." Sliding her hands across the top and down the outside of her thighs, Hazuki grabs her knees and pulls up, resting her heels on the front edge of her chair to reveal a pair of 500 yen coin sized wet patches, one on the crotch of her bikini that darkens it to match the ribbon holding her hair back, the other staining the cream-colored pillow case yellow. "Was that enough of a leak?" she asks with a blush on her face. Chat: That was perfect. I'm surprised you're friends managed to convince you to get something so revealing. Is your pillow going to be okay do you think? Chat: Oho! You held yourself! Failed a bit on that challenge, though i suppose I wouldn't blame you. Did you like it? Keeping her legs up, almost as if giving herself a self-imposed punishment for grabbing herself, Hazuki replies, "Well, they pointed out that compared to the one piece I was thinking of getting, this bikini really only exposes my tummy and lower back while providing the same amount of coverage where it's important, and its hard to say no when outnumbered 5-to-1." Blushing furiously, she adds, "Besides, they all insisted that Masaru-kun wouldn't know what hit him." "As for my pillow, I don't know if that would've soaked through, and I'm kind of afraid I'll spring another leak if I stand up to check. Fortunately, the pillow is machine washable, and I keep two pillows on my bed at all times despite sleeping with only one." Her blush deepening and dropping to a barely audible whisper, she confesses, "Deliberately letting myself leak was exciting...I got such a thrill from that moment where I wasn't sure if I could stop it and that moment when I had managed to stop the flow but felt like the next spasm from my bladder would shatter the dam completely. I'd be tempted to let another leak out if I wasn't so sure I wouldn't be able to stop it a second time." Her hands slide down the backs of her thighs, heading for her bikini-clad girlhood, only for her to yank them back up to just under her knees as she resists the urge to grab herself again, she starts begging, "May I please be excused to the little girls' room? I feel like my bladder's about to burst all over my bikini bottoms if I don't go soon." Her expression turning from pleading to naughty and her tone from begging to husky, "Or do I need to endure more tinkle torment to satisfy my masters?" Chat: You must endure, Hazuki, although you may do whatever necessary to hold it Chat: I think you can still hold fir a little longer. Besides you look like you're enjoying yourself. You can use your hands to help hold if you need to. How about you slowly pour yourself another drink. Chat: yes, you must endure...unless you're desperate enough to make the toilet now that you'd be able to find some way to take us with you anyway? Chat: Well, if you're okay with the inevitable happening on this pillow, then sure. Though you may want to get something in case it does. Or, I say you could probably be excused if you can leak again and stop without touching. But that's up to you. Letting her feet return to the floor, Hazuki grabs her glass and the pitcher of lemonade and starts to slowly pour herself another glass, her trembling thighs pressing together as she does so. Once the glass is full, she sits the pitcher down, and deciding there's little point in just pouring the drink, brings the glass to her lips and starts chugging. Finishing her drink, she holds up the empty glass before sitting it next to the pitcher before declaring, "I only have a desktop computer and both my internet connection, and the connection between the camera and the computer are wired. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't go to the toilet without leaving the stream...I suppose I could take some photos of myself with my cellphone, but I wouldn't know how to insert them into the feed, and I don't think my cell phone's screen would show up well on camera." Holding up the pitcher of lemonade, Hazuki comments, "Don't have much lemonade left... Maybe I should go ahead and finish it, or maybe you would rather watch me press on my bladder...or perhaps you'd rather me strike a pose in my bikini...or I could try playing my violin with a nearly completely full bladder instead of only a half-full bladder like I did earlier...Or maybe one of you have another idea..." Chat: Yea finishing off the lemonade sounds like a good idea. The empty container could be useful later. Showing us a few cute poses sounds like a good idea too. Show us that swimsuit from every angle just like a photo shoot. Make sure we see the wet spot in every pose though. Chat: Posing or violin. Both sound kinda fun. Forgetting her manners in her desperation, Hazuki brings the spout of the pitcher to her mouth and starts drinking, halting only when all of the lemonade is gone, holding up the empty glass vessel as proof of her accomplishment. Sitting the pitcher aside, Hazuki stands up and turns her back to the camera. Keeping one knee locked out, she leans forward, lifts the opposite leg to place her knee on the pillow sitting in her desk chair and supporting her weight with her hands on the back of the wooden chair. Pushing her bikini-clad butt towards the camera, she glances over her shoulder with a coy expression as she asks, "Is this a cute pose?", her spine slightly arched and the position making her bikini-clad girlhood resemble a plump, juicy peach ripe for the picking. After holding the pose for a minute or so, Hazuki comments, "I think I have a better idea." Pushing her chair out of frame and walking to the center of her open floor, she stands with her feet shoulder width apart and starts a series of stretches, first lifting her arms to shoulder heightand bending over to the side until one hand is touching the side of her knee and the other is pointing towards the ceiling, then going in the opposite direction. She leans forward, her long hair partially obscuring her face as she touches each hand first to the opposite knee and then to the toes of the opposite foot, keeping her knees locked out the whole time. She then bends backwards, her entire body forming a continuous arch until she's got both her palms and soles flat against the carpet, her navel thrust high in the air. Returning to a standing position, she turns her back to the camera and repeats the stretching routine to give her audience a different viewpoint. Done with her stretches, she faces the camera and puts her feet together, her arms tight to her sides. keeping both knees and elbows locked, she lifts her arms ina graceful arch, barely trembling in her motions as she also lifts her heels off the floor, culminating with her standing on her tip toes as her outstretched fingers touch high above her head. Holding the pose, she turns a full 360-degrees on her toes, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, showing off her body from every angle. Facing the Camera once again,she starts to bend her knees and elbows, lowering herself until she's practically sitting on her heels and her hands are resting on top of her head. As she holds the squat, a barely audible hiss can be heard and she mumbles something incoherent as her face is contorted with concentration. Regaining her composure, she straightens just her left leg, keeping the right bent as she straightens just her right arm, keeping the left bent. Standing on one leg with the opposite foot braced against her knee, one hand on her head and the other out to her side, she pirouettes a half-circle. As she does so, a small spot of yellow can be seen on the cream carpet beneath her supporting foot and the damp patch on her bikini bottom seems to be glistening with fresh wetness. Back to the camera once more, she returns to her crouch, both hands on her head, and when she rises again to complete her turn, the arrangement of bent and stretched limbs is reversed. Standing on her right foot, left foot braced against her knee, Hazuki slowly brings herleft hand to rest on her head as she extends her left foot out to her side and performs a full clockwise turn. She then brings her left foot to her right knee and lowers it to the floor before lifting her right foot to her left knee and then out to the side to perform a full counterclockwise turn. Once both feet are back on the floor, She palms her bladder as she bows to the camera. Chat: well done, hazuki. i think you deserve a bit of a rest after that. you're free to try and hold it however you please, just make sure we can see it. chat: Good job holding that one back! I'm impressed by both skills shown here! How you feeling? Wanna keep going? "Thank you, I'm glad you liked the show." replies Hazuki, straightening up and letting her posture relax slightly. "I don't practice ballet that often, so I doubt I could do anything more complex in my current condition." All of a sudden, Hazuki lets out a gasp and clamps both hands over her crotch, shifting from foot-to-foot in a much less refined dance as she cries out, "Oh Kami! I think all that lemonade I drank to finish off the pitcher just hit my bladder all at once! If you have any suggestions on how you want the show to end, say them now, because I don't think the dam is going to last much longer!" Chat: I think that you should just keep holding as you are right now and try to last as long as possible. It'll be good practice. _chat: if it's gonna happen, just have fun with it!_ Chat: Hold it until you wet yourself. I want you to squirm and writhe to keep your pee inside you Trembling where she stands, Hazuki cries out, "I...I can't stop it! It...It's coming out!" as rivulets of pee seep past her clasped hands to run down the inside of her thighs. Looking around frantically, she spots the empty pitcher, and without a moment's hesitation, she runs over to it, drops to her knees and places it beneath her just in time for the dam to break, the trickle of tinkle turning into a torrent, spraying out with too much force for her bikini bottoms to absorb. As she pees into the pitcher, Hazuki closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of relief, leaning forward slightly to place her hands on the carpet to help support her weight as she gives into the bliss of bleeding her bloated, bursting bladder. By the time Hazuki is done, her trim tummy is completely flat from deflating her tinkle tank and the pitcher is nearly filled to the brim. As she stands up, the camera catching that her bikini bottoms are now completely soaked through and darkened enough to look mismatched with the top, Hazuki's entire body goes crimson and her glasses cloud over as the lens crack at the realization that the camera is still running. "Um..." starts the embarrassed girl, "Well...its getting kind of late, and I need a enjoyed talking to you...but...I think...I'm gonna call it a night." She approaches the camera, unintentionally giving the audience a close up of her drenched bottoms before she leans over and whispers, "I hope you enjoyed the show." before the feed cuts out.