Chat with Aiko by Imouto Kitten Clicking on the picture of the athletic blunette, the feed starts, the image slightly grainy and an audible microphone hiss coming through the speakers as the screen is filled with a view of a small, traditionally furnished Japanese bedroom, the floor covered in tatami mats and a futon the dominant item of furniture. Aiko sits in the middle of her futon, but instead of the school uniform she's wearing in her profile picture, she's wearing nothing but a white tanktop and powder blue cotton boy shorts, her well-toned thighs on full display as she sits crossed legged, her arms crossed under her modest bust. After giving her audience time to get a good look at her, she waves at the camera as she greets them, "Yo, like what ya see, ya pervs?" Chat: whoa right to the point. Yeah! How're you doing? Recrossing her arms, the blunette gives a shrug as she replies, "Thought it might be fun ta tease some pervy guys in a situation where I don't have ta beat them up if they get too touchy feely, and ta answer the question I'm pretty sure ya really wanted ta ask, I haven't taken a piss since before supper, but I'm barely startin' to feel anythin' from my bladder." Leaning forward to stare into her camera, her breathing loud over the cheap microphone, she asks, "Now are ya all gonna just be a bunch of wimps askin' questions, or are ya gonna try and convince me ta show ya more of tha goods or ta find somethin' even I'm not shameless enough ta do?", the corner of her mouth curling into a slight smirk as she finishes her question, her chin held just high enough to give a brief glimpse down her top. Chat: Before supper? Doesn't sound that long, unless it's morning in Japan. Why don't you drink something. Something nice and big, maybe even alcoholic, and do away with that tank top while you're at it. Chat: alright, straight to the point again. How about seeing a bit of what's under the shirt? Giving another shrug, Aiko replies, "My 20th birthday isn't for another couple of years, but both of my parents have the late shift tonight, and its not like my dad keeps his sake locked up." Leaning forward and reaching out with both hands, Aiko grabs something out of frame as she starts to stand up, and soon enough, the feed is filled with the sight of the blunette's bouncing boobs stretching the tight tank top. Apparently, the camera and microphone are built into a cheap laptop. When Aiko sits the laptop down again, the surroundings have changed to a kitchen as Aiko bends over, showing off her plump, pantied posterior as she pulls first a six pack of Oy! Cola and then a small,ceramic bottle of sake from the fridge. As she hefts her beverages under one arm, she apparently wedges the open laptop under the other as the view is filled by an armpit with the barest trace of blue stubble and a glimpse of sideboob as she returns to her bedroom. After returning the camera to it's original position, the blunette plops down on her futon, leaning back on one arm as she raises the unstoppered bottle of sake and declares, "Don't want my parents ta know I'm drinking, but I doubt my dad would notice one missing bottle, and my mom would just assume my dad drank it." before bringing the bottle to her lips, closing her eyes and throwing her head back as she chugs the rice wine in one go. As soon as she's finished the alcohol, she makes a disgusted face and lets out a sound to match before liberating the first can of cola from the plastic rings and chugging it to get rid of the unpleasant taste of the alcohol. Done with her soda, Aiko crushes the empty can in her bare hands before tossing it over her shoulder to land in a waste basket. Then, without preamble, she grabs the hem of her tank top and yanks the garment over her head, leaving her only in her panties and her b-cups on full display. Cupping a breast in each hand, she holds them up to give the audience a good look as she asks, "What do ya think? They're downright tiny compared to Noriko-chan's massive melons, but I think they're just the right size ta be appealin without gettin in tha way while runnin'." Chat: Mmm, those are some pretty titties you got there. That's a fair bit of alcohol you chugged there, too. Is sake cheap over there? Shrugging, Aiko lets her tits hang freely and replies, "I don't know what prices for Sake are like internationally, that's more a Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan, or Momo-chan question. Besides, it was only a small, 360ml bottle, and my dad drinks the cheap stuff most of the time anyways." chat: you seem to be the sporty type, why not show us a bit of what you can do while you're wearing just that. Puffing out her chest, Aiko boasts, "Hazuki-chan's a better swimmer and Mutsumi-chan's a better wrestler, but I'm the best all-round athlete in my grade. I even hold the school record in the girls' 100 meter sprint." Grumbling a bit, "Wish I could show off for ya, but this place is way too cramped for an indoor run, and my family doesn't own a treadmill..." She trails off as if lost in thought as to how she can show off in the confined space. chat: i know runners do a lot of stretches and small exercises, show us some of those! "Good idea!" cries the athlete, getting to her feet. Aiko starts by leaning to one side, one arm shooting towards the ceiling as the other hand slides down the outside of her thigh, reaching her knee before she reverses direction. Cupping a breast in each hand and holding her elbows out, she twists her upper torso side-to-side a few times before leaning forward, placing her hands on her knees and sliding them down her shins, dangling her boobs in front of the camera in the process. Returning her hands to her knees, she drops into a squat, the camera angle providing a nice view of her crotch as her movements stretch the gusset of her powder blue panties tightly across her mound. After about twenty squats, she turns around and repeats the stretches, giving the audience a cat's eye view of her stretched hamstrings and her panties pulled taut across her pretty posterior when she leans forward, and a close up of those buns of steel as she does her second set of squats. Returning to a standing position, she leans back, her raised arms and upper body vanishing off the top of the screen as she arches her back and bends her knees. When she comes to rest, Aiko is only visible from the small of the back down, but it seems obvious that she's holding a pose where both hands and feet are on the floor, her entire body arched, her naval pointed at the ceiling. After a few minutes of holding the pose, Aiko's lower body also vanishes off the top of the screen, the athlete presumably completing a handstand behind the camera. Though not confirming such, Aiko soon re-enters the frame, walking on her hands to give credence to the assumption, the underside of her breasts on full display thanks to her inverted posture. Looking directly at the camera and still upside down, Aiko asks, "I know I'm hot, and I figured ya were a bunch of pervs, but did my little show just then really render ya all speechless?" Chat:*Coughs* No it didn't and did that make you thirsty? If so go grab a drink Chat: Must be hard to do a handstand while tipsy. You think you can do the splits while tipsy too? Staying on her hands, Aiko gets a cocky grin on her face as she parts her legs in mid air, the gusset of her panties playing peek-a-boo with her labia as her lower limbs form a capital 'T' with her torso. She then brings her feet up and together before extending one foot forward until her toes are nearly touching the web cam and bens the other leg backward and bends her knee to place her sole against her panty-clad posterior and then reversing the positions of her legs. She then returns her legs to vertical and performs a series of bicycle kicks before repeating the performance while doing vertical push ups in time with her leg movements. After holding a one-handed handstand on first her right hand and then her left for 15 seconds, Aiko returns to having both hands on the floor before bending her elbows to let her feet reach the floor when she bends at the hips, dropping into a pose similar to the starting position for a foot race, giving the camera another excellent view of her stretched hamstrings and panty-clad girlhood. bending her knees until her crotch is at the level of the camera, Aiko rolls into a sitting position on her futon as she declares, "I hope ya liked tha show."' Reaching for the six pack of Oy! Cola, she liberates the second can as she declares, "I ain't really thirsty, but I might as well go ahead and drink another can." before popping the top and taking a long swig of the caffeinated beverage. Letting out a unlady-like burp, she comments, "As for tipsy, I think I inherited my dad's tolerance for tha stuff, and besides, Sake is stronger than beer or even wine, but tha' bottle was only like 3, maybe 4 cans tops of beer worth of alcohol. I've known my dad ta still be lucid after two or three such bottles and ta go through a six pack without passing out. Before he and my mom got back together, there were times I'd have a couple dozen beer bottles ta clean up after he had a night of heavy drinking." Chat: That was a excellent show now how is the bladder doing? Downing the rest of her second can of Soda, she replies, "It's startin ta get ta tha point I'd normally head ta tha toilet fer a piss, but nothin' I can't handle." Crushing the empty can and tossing it in her wastebasket, she reaches for a third, "But I better fuel up my bladder or we're gonna be here all night and never get anywhere." before popping it open and taking a swig. Chat: That is true we want your bladder nice and full Chat: Did those splits make you need to pee? Chat: You seem pretty confident in that bladder of yours. Finishing a long pull on her cola, Aiko replies with a shrug, "Can't say I noticed much of a difference while I was doin gymnastics fer ya. Also can't remember the last time I had a close call, much less an actual accident, so I've either got a really strong bladder, a really big bladder, or my bladder's never really been tested." She gives another shrug before continuing to drink her soda. Chat: Well then lets test your bladder to the absolute limit then starting now the bathroom is closed to you Shrugging again, she replies, "Not like I expected any of ya ta let me use tha toilet anyways." She finishes her third can of cola and sends it to join its siblings. Chat: Of course not, Aiko-chan. Why would we let you do that? Anyway, how does it feel to be in nothing but panties? Chat:So Aiko how have you been doing anyways? Popping open her fourth can of soda, Aiko replies, "I often sleep in nothin' but panties and a tank top, so it isn't tha' unusual." She takes a drink before adding, "does feel kinda weird fer someone ta use my full name with -chan, though. Just about everyone I know drops the -ko when they add the -chan." Shifting position to cross her legs, "As fer how I'm doin' not much has changed since tha' last time one of ya pervs asked. Sure, I've downed two cans of cola and I'm halfway through adding a third since then, but even with tha caffeine and alcohol, it does take time fer my body ta process tha liquid." Taking another pull from her current can of cola, she decides to taunt the audience, "Don't ya have any more interestin' challenges fer me? I thought chattin' with a bunch of pervs would be less borin than this." Chat:I'm glad your doing alright as for the challenges how about you do ten jumping jacks Chat: Why don't you keep drinking and once your bladder is a bit more filled up, you should try doing the worm Finishing can number four, Aiko replies, "No idea what the worm is, but jumping jacks I can do." Climbing to her feet, Aiko stands with her feet shoulder width apart and her arms out to her sides ina t-pose before starting her jumping jacks. She doesn't count aloud, and continues long past 10, making one wonder if she's just trying to pass the time or if she's going for a personal record for longest uninterrupted set. Chat: You don't know what the worm is girl you need to learn what it is but anyway lets see you press on your bladder to see how full it is Chat: lets see a profile of you so we can see how full your bladder is... Halting after a few dozen jumping jacks, Aiko turns to the side, providing a rather nice view of the curve of her butt, the profile of her bust, and the slight protrusion of her bladder. Though not quite truly bulging yet, the blunette places a hand over her bladder and pushes down as she comments, "Startin' to feel tha' need, but no where near urgent yet." Chat:Alright now let's drink more Grabbing the last two cans of cola she brought from the kitchen, Aiko pops open one and guzzles the whole can in one go before repeating the process with the other and crushing both cans and dropping them in the trashcan. "A six-pack of cola and a small bottle of sake. I'm gonna be in for quite tha challenge once all tha' works its way through me." Grinning at the camera, arms crossed under her breasts, she asks, "So any ideas on how to pass tha time while we wait?" Chat:How about you tell us some stories Chat: Don't forget to keep hydrated while you tell us your stories Chat: How far do you want to go? I mean, you are still wearing panties, teasing us a bit might be fun for the lot of us, give us a peek, perhaps. Rubbing the back of her head, Aiko replies, "I'm not much of a storyteller, that's really more Nobu-chan's thing... but as for giving ya pervs a peek..." Aiko rises to her knees, and reaching for the gusset of her panties, pulls the cotton to the side to expose her girlhood, plump labia free of any loose folds concealing her inner most treasure, a little bit of blue pubic hair peeking out. She holds her panties aside for a couple of seconds before letting the fabric snap back into its proper position before asking with a cheeky grin, "Did ya like that little peek? Play yer cards right, and maybe I'll let ya pervs sweet talk me into givin ya a better look." Chat: Damn and I wanted to hear some good stories but that was good for me lol Chat: Well, if you're more interested in teasing than any of the lesser things,how about getting something to, well, "stimulate" yourself "I was startin' ta think none of ya would ever ask." declares Aiko, a wide grin on her face as she crawls away from her futon and lifts one of the tatami mats covering her floor. When she returns to her futon, she holds up a medium-sized, pale blue dildo, the toy starting to buzz as she flips a switch on its base. "So, wha' would ya like ta see me doin' with my favorite toy?" Chat: How about you just show us how you normally masturbate. Sitting so her panty-clad girlhood is in the center of the frame, Aiko lays back on her futon and spreads her legs, causing her labia to part visibly beneath the taut gusset of her panties. Gripping the base of the vibrating dildo with both hands, the blunette starts sliding the molded tip along her slit, moaning softly as she does so. After a minute or two of teasing her twatty like this, she presses the tip of the toy firmly against her, prodding her opening through her quickly dampening panties. "I hope ya perves are enjoyin tha show." cries out the girl, her tone not quite as harsh as her words. Chat:Oh I will definitely enjoy the show Chat: Do those panties really need to be in the way? After another minute or so of teasing herself, Aiko pulls the gusset aside to press the toy directly against her opening before pressing the tip inside, letting out a loud moan as her lips are parted and her pussy swallows the head of the dildo. Gushing with girl juice, she slowly sinks the toy inside her, and once its fully seated in her snug snatch, she lets her panties fall back into place, the drenched cotton clinging to every nook and cranny, the base of the dildo outlined as the toy buzzes within her. As she lays there, her eyes roll up and her eyelids drift close as her hands migrate to her breasts. Cupping a mound in each hand, the blunette starts rubbing her nipples between thumb and forefinger, the girl seeming to have forgotten she has an audience as she lays there lost in ecstasy. With her hands no longer blocking the view of her lower abdomen, the camera can now see that her bladder has started to bulge more noticeably, currently sticking out about half as much as her breasts. Chat: Hot damn that is sexy and look at that bladder bulge Chat Having fun there? Perhaps if you're feeling it, give us a bit of a leak perhaps? get some juices flowing in near about every sense of the phrase. Chat: You seem very familiar with that toy. It that your only one? With obvious reluctance, Aiko pulls her hands away from her chest and pushes herself back to a sitting position as she replies, "It's my only sex toy, and I only have it because my mom gave it ta me. She says it isn't healthy for girls my age ta suppress their sexual urges and tha' it's better I use this ta pleasure myself than ta fool around with tha' boys." The blunette starts rocking back and forth as she admits, "Never used it on such a full bladder before though." Going quiet, she seems to be concentrating when the dampness around her girlhood takes on a greenish tinge before she adds, "Bet there's quite a few of ya tha' would give yer left nut ta replace this toy with yer cock." Chat: you mentioned a full bladder; can you describe to us how it feels right now? Chat: Well, i suppose you're not wrong. There's a lot that's gonna be done with a full bladder now. Perhaps now you give us another peek at what's underneath the panties? Placing a hand over her bladder bulge, Aiko replies, "Well, I do feel kinda bloated in my lower abdomen..." Suppressing a moan, she adds, "And it feels like tha tip of tha dildo is vibratin' right against my bladder, makin my piss toss and turn like a storm at sea." Getting on all fours and turning her butt to the camera, Aiko pulls down her panties before kicking them off completely, and dropping to one elbow reaches through her thighs to grab the base of the dildo as she starts to piston the toy in and out of her slick passage. Continuing to fuck herself with the toy, Aiko asks, "Are ya pervs just gonna stare, or are ya gonna say somethin'?" Chat: We're just watching the show, here. Maybe you can turn around so we can see your face and boobs better Pushing the toy as deep as it'll go, Aiko rolls over to face the camera, a mixture of pleasure and strain on her reddened face and the protrusion of her piddle pot quite a bit more prominent than the last time she gave the camera a good look. With less grace than her earlier gymnastics, she pushes herself into a kneeling position, and turning her soles inward grips the butt end of the dildo with her feet before starting to bounce up and down on the toy. Cupping one of her breasts in her palm, she bows her head and raises the mamary so she can take the nipple into her own mouth as her other hand reaches down to pinch her clit. Chat: It looks like it's getting a little harder to hold there. Chat: Does bouncing that dildo up and down help you hold it? Or does it jolt your bladder more? Continuing to ride the vibrating dildo, the blunette replies, barely coherent, "Jolts, mmm, bladder, but, feels, mmm, good! So, close, can't, mmm, stop!" Letting her butt touch the futon, she adds, "Not, sure, mm, can, hold, mmm, through, climax!" before scooting off the futon, pushing the camera away in the process. Coming to rest in the middle of one of the tatami mats covering her bedroom floor, Aiko hugs her knees to her chest with one arm as her other hand reaches for the dildo, quickly becoming a blur as she pumps it in and out of her pussy, the microphone picking up barely audible mumbling of "...gonna cum, gonna cum..." 0 Chat: If you're going to lose control maybe you should stop then. Chat: You're cumming so soon? What if you wet? I wanna see what you look like when you keep yourself right on the edge Seemingly too lost in her own pleasure to respond to the chat, Aiko continues thrusting the sex toy repeatedly into her dripping pussy until suddenly, she lets out a scream and her entire body goes rigid, stretching out on the tatami. As she spasms in orgasm, several spurts of a clearly yellow tinted liquid can be seen shooting from right above the toy, but the blunette somehow manages to avoida full blown climax-induced accident. As her orgasm subsides, the athlete lies panting on the tatami, her limbs sprawled out in multiple directions, her chest heaving and her bladder bulge showing no signs of being diminished by the recent leaks, though there's a clear damp spot on the tatami between her legs. Chat: You managed to orgasm without peeing everywhere? Clearly that bladder isn't full enough. You need to go drink some more Recovering from her climax, Aiko pushes herself up to a sitting position before flipping the switch on the dildo off, but doesn't bother pulling it out as she picks up her laptop and stands. As she walks, she lets her breasts bounce right in front of the camera, and when she sits the laptop down, she is back in the kitchen. Opening the fridge, Aiko scans the contents as she comments, "We've got plenty of milk and OJ, one last six-pack of soda, though my mom will probably scold me for drinking so much if I drink anymore... My dad still has a few bottles of Sake left, but again, probably pushing it to sneak a second bottle. I could also make a pitcher of tea or lemonade or a pot of coffee...I think we have both green and black tea and both regular and decaf in the cabinet." Turning to the camera, "Or I could just drink some water. Wha'cha think, ya pervs?" Chat: How about some lemonade Chat: Green tea sounds nice. Grabbing three large lemons, Aiko closes the refrigerator door before dropping the citrus fruits into a blender. As the appliance purees the fruit, she retrieves both a pitcher and kettle from a cabinet, deftly filling the kettle with water and sitting it on the stove before turning the burner on and dumping 2 cups of sugar into the pitcher. As the kettle heats up, she adds the lemon puree to the pitcher and fills it with cold water before stirring it with a large, wooden spoon. Pouring a glass of the freshly made lemonade, the naked blunette sits at the kitchen table, right in front of the camera and asks, "So wha'cha want ta do while we wait for the water ta boil for tha tea?" before starting to sip at her glass. Chat: How about you leave the sink running while you're in the kitchen. Finishing her glass, the blunette shrugs as she replies, "Sure, why not?" Standing up and walking over to the sink, turning the tap to wide open, she retrieves a mug and some tea leaves from the cabinet before starting to tap her foot as she waits for the kettle to boil, seemingly unbothered by the sound of running water despite her rather prominent bladder bulge. Chat: How does it feel being completely naked? Especially with a full bladder? Although your bladder doesn't seem to be that full given you're not really struggling to hold it Chat: Why don't you tell about some of your other sexual experiences. "It's kinda excitin' gettin' ta show off tha goods to a bunch of strangers, and my bladder calmed down alot when I turned the vibrator off." Replies the blunette. "As for other sexual experiences, I'm technically a virgin and would've popped my cherry tha first time I used my dildo if I hadn't torn my hymen as a very active, little girl. Never even had a serious boyfriend though I've had a few obnoxious boys crush on me." At that moment, the kettle starts to whistle, and Aiko places a few loose tea leaves in her mug before pouring the boiling water over them. While she waits for her tea to steep, she pours another glass of lemonade and starts sipping at it. After a few minutes to let the leaves steep and the tea to cool from boiling to just hot, Aiko lifts the mug of green tea to her lips, and without bothering to sweeten it, guzzles the mug in one go, being careful not to swallow any of the dredges. Putting some fresh leaves in the mug and adding more water from the kettle, the blunette chases the mug of hot, bitter tea with the rest of her glass of lemonade before pouring a third glass. Chat: How are you holding up now? Even though you just leaked a bit you seem fine now. Maybe this is a little too easy for you and you should put some extra pressure on your bladder. Finishing her current glass of lemonade, Aiko replies, "My bladder's startin' ta hurt a bit from all tha' cola I drank earlier, but it's nothin' compared ta the time I nearly tore my LCL in a training accident. Nearly had to sit out a meet 'cause of tha'." checking her mug, she decides her tea is ready to drink and guzzles it down before adding, "Lot easier ta keep my pelvic floor under control when I don't have vibrations makin' everythin' spasm down there." Standing up, she heads to the sink to rinse out her mug as she says, "but if ya insist, I've got a wide, thick leather belt I'm sure would work great for compressin' my waist waters." 0 Chat: Go ahead with the belt, but don't hesitate to take it off if it becomes troublesome I'd love to see your true limits. Chat: I think the belt is a good idea. It'll keep you feeling more desperate longer. Have you ever lost control of your bladder when not playing like that. Turning off the tap and making sure the stove is off, Aiko answers, "Can't say I've ever leaked before during one of my play sessions, but then again, I usually pee before playin' with myself." Putting the mug and kettle away, she adds, "I also wasn't prone to accidents as a child and was never a bedwetter." After fumbling for a bit, Aiko figures out how to carry her glass, the pitcher of lemonade, and her laptop all at once, the laptop ending up wedged under one arm, again giving the camera a view of stubbly armpit and sideboob as the blunette returns to her room. After the laptop is returned to its position on the tatami, Aiko steps out of frame for a bit as rummaging is heard. When she returns, she's carrying a plain, brown leather belt, the strap a good 4 or 5 cm wide and 2 or 3 mm thick. Looping the belt around the slimmest part of her hips and sucking in her tummy, Aiko lifts her bladder bulge from below with her hand to ensure the strap is centered vertically on the bulge before cinching tight, the belt bifurcating the bloated, bulging bladder and digging into her hips. Letting out the breath she was holding, the belt cutting even deeper into her protruding piddle pot as she relaxes her abs, Aiko comments, "Yeah, tha' does make it quite a bit harder, but as the sayin' goes, no pain, no gain, and I ain't 'bout ta roll over and let a litle, or even a lot, of piss win out over my muscles without a fight!" Chat: How much longer do you think you can make it with that belt on now? It looks pretty tight around your bladder Chat: I think you should also sit with your legs open and not hold yourself until you take the belt off.. more of a challenge right! Squatting down, the butt end of her deactivated dildo peeking through her labia, the girl continues her descent until she's sitting on her futon once more before bringing her knees to the thin mattress, the soles of her feet pressed together as she rests her hands on her knees. Shrugging, she comments, "Dunno. I've been the all round best athlete in my class since kindergarten, but I've never really tested my endurance in this regard." Reaching for the pitcher and glass sitting at the edge of her futon, she pours herself another glass of lemonade and starts sipping. Chat: That dildo must be a pretty tight fit if it's still staying in there after all of that moving. Have you ever used your other hole? "Well," starts the blunette, scratching the back of her head, "I have done exercises ta keep my pelvic floor and internal muscles strong, so its kinda second nature ta keep myself tight around it when it isn't buzzing." Averting her gaze and her cheeks going slightly pink, "As fer my ass, I've thought about it, but my Mom, being a nurse and all, warned me about the risk of spreading gut bacteria to other body parts and how the dildo isn't easy to sterilize." Chat: That's the first time I've seen you embarrassed all night. I think you can slow down on the drinking for a little bit. We wouldn't want you feeling sick or anything. Chat: Have you ever slept with a full bladder before? Pouring the little bit left in her glass back into the pitcher, Aiko sits the two vessels out of the way to reduce the risk of spills and breaks before replying, "Can't say I ever went to bed needin' ta pee, though thar's been a time or two I woke up needin', as westerners sometimes put it, ta piss like a russian racehorse, and given how chaotic mornings around here could get before my parents got back together, there were a few times I had ta wait until I got ta school ta take my mornin' pee." Leaning back and supporting herself on one elbow, Aiko uses her other hand to caress her bifurcated bladder bulge, starting to look like she swallowed a pair of American footballs, "Wow! I've gone much longer than this without visitin' a toilet before, but I don't think I've ever held this much before!" As she continues staring at and stroking her swoleen sack of waste waters, her reclined posture allows her crossed legs to play peek-a-boo with her girlhood, the butt end of her dildo partially visible. Chat: You've had that dildo inside of you for quite a while now. Don't you think you should take it out? How does it feel touching your huge bulge like that? Gripping the butt end of her dildo, Aiko pulls the toy from her passage, a spurt or two of girl juice accompanying the extraction. Letting out a sigh of relief, she comments, "That does seem ta have relieved some pressure. As for touching my bulge, well, it is a bit tender, like poking a bruise that's a day or two old, but its really firm, like a muscle that's stretched taut and ready to contract at full force." Chat: Wow you're really wet down there. Shouldn't you be a little worried that you're bladder feels ready to force out all of your pee like that? If you can't hold it you can take the belt off. Crossing her arms under her breasts, pushing them up in the process, the blunette replies defiantly, "I can't recall ever needin' ta pee this badly, but I'm not ready ta throw in tha towel by a long shot!" Chat: Perfect. I bet it feels good, huh? Chat: Well if you that confident maybe you shouldn't have stopped drinking. Grabbing the pitcher of lemonade and the glass, the blunette pours herself another glass and starts drinking it, her eyes full of defiance even as her body seems to flinch a bit as if in protest at taking in more liquid. Chat: I saw you flinch a little bit at that drink. I know that you keep saying you're fine but maybe you really should take off that belt. Since I know you're gonna deny needing to take off the belt how about this. If you can do all of those exercises that you did earlier again with no leaks I'll leave it alone for now and you can prove me wrong. But if you leak even once that belt is coming off and I'll have been right. Chat: Did I see a flinch? That belt must be /really/ digging into your bladder Finishing her glass, Aiko replies, "Challenge accepted!" before standing up and repeating her earlier routine. She goes through the first set of stretches without any sign that her full bladder is inhibiting her movement, but when she squats down, giving the camera a close up of her now bare girlhood, her labia parted to expose her peehole and her vaginal opening dripping with arousal, her entire lower body is visibly trembling with the tension of her holding trying to pull everything together and the squat trying to pull everything apart, her muscles pulled taut under the opposing forces. Though she's clearly straining, she manages to complete her first set of squats without any leaks and stand up to repeat the process with her back to the camera. She finishes the second set of squats with no additional trouble before turning to face the camera once more, this time arching backwards over her futon so all of her nude, athletic form is in view as she strikes her pose. Continuing into a hand stand, her backside to the camera, she tries doing a inverted split when things go wrong. The camera can't see it from this angle, but a loud gasp can be heard as one of Aiko's hands leave the tatami and shoot out of sight, persumably to grab its owner's crotch. Having not intended to do her one-handed handstand quite yet, the sudden motion causes the blunette to lose her balance, falling towards the camera to land hard on her backside, most of her back on the futon, her butt on the tatami between the futon and laptop and her limbs sprawled out. However, perhaps the most important detail of the prone athlete's current condition are the few spurts of clearly yellow liquid shooting from her girlhood to exit the bottom of the frame, possibly splashing the keyboard of the laptop the camera is mounted on. She manages to stop the leak as she recovers from her fall, but there's no denying she failed the challenge. Chat: It looks like I was right this time. You're bladder must not have been as strong as you thought. You can take that belt off now that you lost that little challenge. Is your computer ok? It almost looked like you got it a little wet there. Chat: Naughty, naughty girl, just leaking out like that. A good girl doesn't let anything out without permission! Recovering from her fall, Aiko manages to choke off the flow before it can lead to stream ending hardware failure and pushes herself to a sitting position as her face turns red and she replies, "Yeah, yeah, no need to rub it in." Hands vanishing out the bottom of the frame, her arms can be seen moving side-to-side as she adds, "My Keyboard is probably gonna be all grimey, but I don't think it got wet enough to do any real damage." Undoing the belt, the blunette lets out a sigh of relief as her now unconfined bladder bulge, roughly the size of a cantaloupe slides forward and downwards to nestle between her crossed legs, giving her the look of being several months pregnant. Chat: Maybe leaky Aiko needs a diaper. Although then we wouldn't be able to see your wonderful lewd bits. Well it's good to know that your little accident didn't cause any lasting damage. Wow that bulge is even bigger than I thought. It must be a lot easier to hold now without that belt squeezing your bladder like that. Chat: I'm going to be the first one to ask, aside from your bladder are you ok?, did you get hurt in that fall? Chat: Ooh, you are holding a lot! I wouldn't go to a diaper, though. You look much better nude. Hope you didn't hurt yourself, too Her blush seems to deepen at the diaper comment, but she doesn't say anything in response, instead waving off the concern, "Nah, I'm fine, my futon is well padded and tha tatami are pretty good at absorbin' shocks. Might have some bruisin' in the mornin', but its nothin' compared to some of tha injuries I've gotten durin' trainin'." Rubbing her rock hard bulge, she adds, "I do have ta admit my bladder feels less urgent with tha' belt gone, and even I'm surprised by how much it's bulgin'. Guess it has plenty of room ta expand since I've got almost no belly fat." Chat: Is there anything that you want to try out with your now less constricted bladder? Chat: You may have failed the challenge with the belt, but you might be able to succeed without it. Chat: I was thinking of maybe pressing your bladder with one or both hands, get some more pressure onto that bladder. "Okay, let's give this another try!" Cries the blunette as the blush fades from her face and she climbs to her feet. Bending over, she resumes her hand stand before parting her legs in a split, visibly trembling from the strain of holding both her waste waters and the pose, but managing to avoid another mishap. Stretching out one leg, she brings the heel of the other to her bare pussy before reversing the positions of her legs and returning them to vertical and doing a series of bicycle kicks. Turning 90 degrees, she repeats the sequence to give the audience a different angle, before turning another 90 degrees. After completing a full turn, the athlete gives the camera a cheeky smile before shifting into a one-handed handstand and, instead of holding her arm out for balance, bringing it to her bulging bladder and pressing hard enough that her hand leaves an impression in the bulge. Her grin turns to a grimace, but she manages to hold the pose for fifteen seconds without leaking before switching hands and holding for another fifteen seconds. Done showing off, she lowers herself back to the floor and rolls into a cross-legged sitting position before declaring, "What ya think of tha'?!" before stifling a yawn. Chat: Seems like you're getting tired. Why not drink something caffeinated so we can continue watching? Chat: Wow that was really impressive. I'm surprised you pressed on your bladder during a handstand like that. How about you try using that vibe again but without inserting it. Stifling another yawn, the blunette replies, "It is getting pretty late. My dad won't be off work until the last of the bars close for tha night, but my Mom gets off work in about an hour and won't be happy if I'm still up when she gets home." Getting a mischievious grin she adds, "So how 'bout I finish off tha lemonade and then give ya pervs a show as I take a shower? I can even use my little friend again while I'm in thar. That should be a good challenge fer my burstin' bladder. I'll even let yall vote where I pee if I manage to hold through showerin'" Grabbing the glass and pitcher, she pours herself some more lemonade while waiting for the audience's thoughts on her proposal. Chat: *Grins* Lets do it Chat: That sounds like a great idea. Chat: Why not pee while taking a shower? Chat: Seeing you writhe in the shower will be great! It takes a few more glasses, but Aiko quickly polishes off the lemonade before sitting the glass in the empty pitcher and retrieving the discarded Dildo. Carrying the laptop and dildo in one arm and the pitcher in the other, the audience is treated to another close up of bouncing sideboob. When she sits the laptop down again, the blunette is back in the kitchen and giving the camera a good view of her backside as she quickly washes the dishes she's dirtied, her thighs pressed together and her posture stiff the entire time the water is running. Finished with the dishes, she wrings out the dish cloth before turning around and leaning over the laptop, her breasts dangling in front of the camera as she apparently wipes the keyboard clean from her earlier leak. Done with clean up, she picks up the laptop again, this time carrying it in front of her to show off her bouncing breasts from a full frontal angle. Her next stop is a linen closet where she grabs a powder blue towel and matching bath cloth before relocating one last time. When she sits the laptop down one last time, a shower/tub combo fills the frame, angled so the inner corner by the shower head is slightly off center. Pulling the clear shower curtain across the outside of the tub, she starts the water before sitting her towel out of frame. As the water heats up, she brandishes the dildo, and flipping it on, rubs the tip across her prodigiously protruding piddle pot, trembling from head to foot and moaning softly as the vibrations pass through her bursting bladder. Chat: So feisty. How about seeing how far you can hold it until a leak comes out? Then let it all out as it feels good to release it. Chat: You look like you're enjoying those vibrations. I wonder if you'll be able to handle inserting the dildo again without leaking. "It does feel surprisin'ly good." Comments the blunette, pulling the toy away from her bulge for the time being as she pushes open the shower curtain at the end of the tub opposit the shower head. Though clear, the curtain is already fogged over with condensation from the hot spray, so she leaves the curtain half open to give the camera a peek into the shower as she steps over the side wall of the tub. She seems to nearly jump out of her skin as she steps under the shower, her legs crossing at the knee and her fists clenched at her sides as her whole body grows tense, the blunette apparently resisting the urge both to empty her overfilled bladder and to jump away from the water source. After a minute or two, she regains her composure, and placing one hand on the wall of the shower, she leans forward and sticks out her butt towards the camera, the hot water splashing against and running off her back. With obvious effort, she manages to part her thighs, exposing her girlhood fully and showing off her nearly basketball sized bladder bulge bobbing between her spread thighs. Overall, the pose and prodigious proportions of her protruding piddle pot give her the look of an expectant mother about to beg the father of her unborn child for an encore of the performance that lead to her condition. Shouting to be heard over the sound of running water, Aiko asks, "Do ya pervs have a good view?!" as the hand not braced against the wall resumes using the dildo to send tremors through the teen's truly titanic, tremendously taut, torturously throbbing, terribly trembling tinkle tank, this time focusing on the bloated bladder's underside and heading towards the blunette's pussy. Chat: I'm definitely enjoying the view but I'm not super confident in your ability to hold that massive amount of pee through the shower and the vibrations of that dildo. The water alone almost made you lose it. Chat: Since you almost lost it, why not let it out in the shower? I'm sure it'll feel good, and the water will just wash it away. Chat: The shower starting to get you properly desperate, now? Perfect. You can fidget and hold yourself as much as you need to, but that bladder better stay full for as long as possible, Ai-chan "Clearly, we've got one vote fer just peein' in tha shower," starts Aiko, sliding the length of the dildo along the underside of her bladder bulge, the tip grazing her clit every so often, "but I'm gonna at least give myself another climax and finish washin' before I consider just lettin' go!" She continues to tease her bladder and girlhood with the vibrator, her entire body trembling in pleasure and desperation. Prodding her entrance with the tip, she exclaims, "I've never been so damned horny! I can't believe how much I'm gettin' turned on by holdin' so much pee while a bunch of pervs watch!" Pressing more firmly against her opening, clearly resisting the urge to impale herself with the toy, the blunette begs, "May I please stick it in?" Chat: Of course! Put it in, but don't pee! Chat: Of course you can stick it in. Despite being clearly soaked, and not just from the shower, Aiko meets some resistence as she pushes the toy inside her with a low, drawn out moan. Apparently holding back so much pee has caused her internal muscles to clench up quite a bit. Once she's sunk the dildo as deeply in her depths as it will go, Aiko slowly stands up and turns around, the hot spray cascading over her shoulders and washing over every contour of her breasts and her massively bulging bladder. Hands fisted in front of her and thighs pressed firmly together, the blunette screws up her face in concentration as she shifts from foot-to-foot, her bladder bobbing visibly as she fights off another wave of desperation. When she regains some semblance of composure, there are no tale-tale bits of yellow tinting the water to suggest a leak as she says in an overconfident voice, "I better do some actual washing before I run outta hot water." With that, she grabs the wash cloth and squirts a generous amount of body wash into it before working up a lather. She starts by washing her arms before paying attention to her breasts, moaning softly as she seems to self-fondle herself for a minute or two longer than necessary to clean them. She makes quick work of the region between her breasts and bladder bulge before grabbing the washcloth by opposite corners and pulling it back and forth across her bladder bulge as if polishing a flesh-colored bowling ball, unconsciously crossing her legs where she stands. Chat: that massive bladder of yours really doesn't leave much room for that dildo does it. Chat: Can we get a side view of your bladder right now please Finished with polishing her bladder bulge, Aiko forces herself to lift one foot on to the outer wall of the tub to wash it as she comments, "Yeah, feels like the whole length of the dildo is pressed against the back wall of my bladder." After washing the one leg and shifting positions to do the other, the blunette turns her profile to the camera, showing that her bladder now sticks out about twice as far as her breasts. Rubbing the bulge with one hand, she comments, "Quite impressive, ain't it?" Chat: I guess I forgot to ask at some point but what breast cup are you, I'm very bad at telling Chat: Yes you are very impressive. I don't think any of us thought you would be able to last so long at the start of this. What do you think of that bulge? Do you think you're gonna try holding again sometime soon? Scratching the back of her head, the blunette replies, "I guess I'm somewhere around a large B-cup or a small C-cup. I don't really pay that much attention whenever my mom or my friends take me bra shopping. As for trying to hold like this again, I might give it a try the next time both my parents are working late." With that, she grabs the washcloth by one corner and slings it around her back to catch the opposite corner with her other hand to drag it back and forth across her back. Chat: You should hold it in until morning Reaching her butt, Aiko feeds the wash cloth between her thighs and pulls it back and forth to wash her nether regions, jostling the dildo in the process, making her moan as both her pleasure and desperation momentarily spike. That task done, she lets the cloth fall to the floor of the tub as she steps under the spray to rinse off. As the water cascades over her athletic curves and the bulge of her distended bladder, Aiko reaches for the dildo and starts pumping it in and out of her, her gushing girl juice joining the soapy water running down her thighs as her moans start echoing off the walls of the small bathroom. Chat: Yeah, keep it up! Chat: can you hold it in until tomorrow As the last of the soapy water runs down the drain, the blunette braces herself against the wall as her legs buckle under the strain of her desperation and pleasure, her hands a blur as she slides the dildo in and out of her slippery passage at a blistering pace, her eyes rolling back in her head as her moans grow louder. Soon, the athlete is yanking the dildo out completely only to ram it cervix deep once more with every cycle, her pleasured screams causing some distortion thanks to the cheap microphone on her laptop's built-in webcam. And then, with one final thrust, she hilts the dildo as deep in herself as she can push it as she falls to her knees, her crotch barely visible over the outer wall of the tub as her entire body trembles in orgasm, a titanic torrent of tinkle erupting from between her fingers. Unlike with her earlier leaks, the stream is strong and consistant lasting five, ten, and then fifteen seconds with no apparent end in sight. However, just when it seems Aiko has finally lost control of her bladder completely, she snaps back to reality and turns her focus towards halting the flow, and despite half a minute of full force peeing, the blunette has managed to regain control before a full minute has passed. Standing up without springing any further leaks, one hand goes towards her still titanic tinkle tank, not in the least visibly diminished by her lapse in control as her other hand goes up in a peace sign, "Well, didn't manage ta hold all of it through another climax, but I still managed ta hold most of it. I should be signing off and heading ta bed soon, but we still need ta decide what I do with all this pee." dropping her raised hand to caress her bulge with both hands, she continues, "We already have one vote fer me takin' it to bed with me and another for just lettin' go while still in the shower. So what do ya pervs say? where do ya want ta see me pee? I'll accept votes fer anywhere reasonable." Chat: I vote for taking it to bed Chat:Pee in a pitcher so you can measure how much pee you have I'm interested to know now Chat: Try and climax and pee at the same time~ Chat: I'll second the vote for peeing in the pitcher. Chat: Make it a third vote for peeing in the pitcher. Chat: You've already peed a lot there. You should be able to hold the rest until morning Chat: yeah hold it until morning please "Hmmm..." starts the blunette, "I think tha's three votes for fillin' a pitcher, one of which was a change from just lettin' go in tha shower, and three votes for goin' ta sleep full. Plus one fer going another round of masturbating and not tryin' to stop any leakage." Removing the dildo and flipping it off, Aiko rinses the toy under the shower before turning off the water and wringing out the wash cloth. Hanging the washcloth to dry, Aiko grabs the towel to dry herself before wrapping it around her torso and grabbing a comb to comb out her azure locks. "Since there's a tie fer the most popular suggestion, I'll give ya pervs a choice. Ya can vote fer me peein' in a pitcher, me goin' ta bed and leavin' tha camera runnin' overnight in case I wet my futon, or I can flip a coin ta pick which I do. And ta make things easier, I won't count anything from tha chat so far towards this vote." Putting down the comb and picking up the laptop, Holding it so her face fills the camera's frame, she asks cheekily, "So, what will it be, ya pervs? Do ya want ta see just how much I'm holdin', see if I can avoid floodin' my futon, or do ya want ta let lady fate decide?" Chat: I'm still voting on you filling up the pitcher I'm curious to know how much you can hold 0 Chat: You can hold it, Ai-chan Chat: I'll stick with my vote for the pitcher. Chat: Pitcher's gonna win, so that's my vote. Chat: hold it through the night, and if you wake up without peeing, go in the pitcher Chat: I think you should hold it 0 Chat: I'm keeping my vote to keep holding it. Chat: yeah keep holding it in Sitting the laptop back down on the tatami of her bedroom, Aiko lets the towel pool around her ankles before plopping down on her futon to count the votes. "Hmmm, by a vote of 4 to 3, I guess I'm goin' to bed with a full bladder." declares the blunette before getting up to turn off her light and crawl under her covers. Though she leaves the webcam running throughout the night, not much can be seen, the camera lacking any kind of low-light mode and her room having few sources of ambient light. The indistinct blob that represents her body resting under the covers can be seen shifting a few times, but no sound is heard beyond the athlete's soft, even breathing. As the morning sun illuminates the room the next morning, Aiko sits up on her futon and stretches, her movements making her still bare breasts bounce slightly. As she kicks off her covers, the results of her final challenge become quite apparent, most of the once white sheet now stained yellow and her lower abdomen once again flat as a board from where she wet in the middle of the night without waking up. Her face turning as red as Doremi's hair, the blunette's first words of the day are, "Well, I hope ya pervs enjoyed the show. Before reaching towards the camera and cutting the stream without warning.