Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7: Onpu's Punishment Making up her mind, Hazuki says in a less than authoritative tone, "Please hold that position." before stepping out of the bathroom. Approaching her desk, Hazuki notices the pitcher of lemonade is still about half full thanks to the ice that was in their glasses. Grabbing the pair of whole lemons and the remaining lemon slices, Hazuki proceeds to slice the whole lemons before squeezing as much lemon juice as she can into the pitcher before peeling the lemon slices and adding the juiced pulp to the lemonade and for good measure, pours the mostly melted ice left in the glasses in as well before stirring. Returning to the en suite with the pitcher and a glass in hand, Hazuki does her best impersonation of Tamaki as she declares, "Onpu-chan's bladder is much too weak. To help train it, you are going to drink the rest of the lemonade and then you aren't allowed to pee until I give you permission." With this, she presents the first glass to Onpu. "Yes, Ojou-sama!" replies Onpu as she takes the glass and starts downing it. Hazuki concludes from the grimace on the child idol's face that she can tell the lemonade has been spiked with enough lemon juice to overwhelm the sweetness of the sugar used to sweeten the beverage, but the purple apprentice doesn't break character from the obedient girl accepting her punishment. With the ice melted, there's much more liquid in each glass, and after making Onpu down four full glasses, Hazuki only manages to get half a glass from the pitcher before it is empty, announcing, "Almost done!" as she hands the glass to Onpu one last time. That done, Hazuki pulls Onpu to her feet and takes a look at both herself and her friend. Onpu is dry except from where her feet are standing in the puddle of pee while Hazuki also has pee drying on the inside of her thighs. Noticing that the belt Onpu is wearing is now hanging loosely on the child idol's hips without a bladder bulge to hold it, the brunette leans over and says, "We need to make this nice and tight!" before lining up the belt with the indentation it left in Onpu's skin and cinching it tight, leaving that much less room for the purple-haired girl's bladder to expand as it refills. "Now, I think we should get cleaned up." "Would ojou-sama like me to lick her clean?" asks Onpu, throwing the brunette for a loop. Onpu's offer makes Hazuki's no longer tinkle tormented twatty tingle in anticipation as the brunette's face goes scarlett, but she manages to push aside the temptation as she declares, "I think it would be best to just let the floor dry on it's own." before walking back to her hamper, shimmying her wet panties down her slender legs, and depositing them on top of the hamper's contents, leaving the bespectacled girl in only the short, white tank top. Turning to the child idol, Hazuki adds, "As for Onpu-chan..." The brunette steps out of the bathroom only to return seconds later with a coin in hand, "Best 3 out of 5. Heads, Onpu has to keep her wet panties on, tails, she has to go naked except for the belt." "Okay, Ojou-sama." replies Onpu obediently. Hazuki starts flipping the coin, and somewhat anti-climatically, it comes up tails three times in a row. "Looks like Onpu-chan will get to air out her girlhood tonight." says Hazuki as she squats in front of the slightly younger girl and starts to pull down the sodden panties. Catching a glimpse of Onpu's glistening girlhood, Hazuki unconsciously licks her lips as she wonders what her friend tastes like, but suppresses the temptation to find out as she finishes removing the soaked underwear and flings it to join it's sibling in the hamper. As both girls walk back into Hazuki's bedroom, Hazuki glances at her alarm clock and stifles a yawn as she realizes it's past her usual bedtime. Tomorrow may be the first day of summer vacation, but she's never been much of a night owl and doubts she could stay awake long enough for Onpu to lose it again, but maybe they could have just a bit more fun before going to sleep. Hazuki turns down the covers before gently pushing Onpu down on the bed and straddling the child idol. letting out a shiver of anticipation when the brunette's exposed girlhood, growing damp with more than the remnants of her accident makes contact with the purple-haired girl's silky smooth skin just below the belt constricting the purple apprentice's bladder, not that said organ is yet at the point of the belt or Hazuki's weight being a problem. "Onpu-chan isn't allowed to leave this bed until morning without my expressed permission." says Hazuki as she pulls her tank top over her head and tosses it to the floor. Onpu opens her mouth to reply, but before any words can come out, Hazuki has leaned down, captured the child idol's lips in a kiss, and thoroughly invaded the younger girl's mouth with her tongue. As they share a long kiss, Hazuki gently fists one hand in Onpu's amethyst locks and the child idol's arms wrap around the bespectacled girl, the fleshy pebbles of their nipples rubbing against each other and Hazuki's girl hood rubbing against Onpu's lower abdomen. Breaking the kiss, both girls panting from the lack of air, Hazuki sits up and traces feather light touches along Onpu's sides as she says, "I can think of a few ways we can have a bit of fun before bed such as repeating what we did in the tub, or licking each other down there, but something tells me Onpu-chan knows many other things we could do." "Well," starts the child idol, keeping up her submissive act, "Ojou-sama could tie me up and use an implement of her choice to punish me for being a naughty girl, and I'm sure there are many things around here you could use to fill our holes. Of course, since we have magic, we could conjure real sex toys and bondage gear such as dildos, vibrators, strap-ons, handcuffs, silk rope, among other things. Or if Ojou-sama is really adventurous... we could invite our fairies to join us or use magic to give one of us a dick or even turn one of us completely into a boy." Hazuki's head is swimming from the sheer number of options Onpu's little speech presents and wonders what all the purple apprentice and her Fairy roro have gotten up to. Softly pinching Onpu's nipples and enjoying the child idol's reaction, Hazuki declares, "I enjoy watching Onpu-chan squirming way too much to tie her up, and violence has no place in punishment, but perhaps you could conjure both a toy both me and my new pet could enjoy as well as something to make Onpu-chan squirm even more." After a pause to think, Hazuki adds, "I'm also curious what Onpu-chan would look like with both boy and girl parts." "I'll need to stand up to use magic." replies Onpu, indirectly asking permission to leave the bed long enough to do what Hazuki has asked. "You may leave the bed whenever I order you to do magic, but you must return as soon as you're done." replies Hazuki. "Thank you, Ojou-sama!" cries Onpu before standing and retrieving her tap from her school bag. After transforming and summoning her poron, she cries out, "Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! bring forth sex toys!" and in a puff of purple musical notes, a trio of items appears on the bed. Immediately, Onpu casts another spell, "Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! Turn me into a futanari!" as a ring of musical notes appears above her head and falls to the floor around her feet before vanishing to no apparent effect. As Onpu goes to undo her transformation, Hazuki stops her, "No, stay in witch mode in case I need you to do more magic. Get rid of the dress, but keep the hat, gloves, and boots." "Yes, Ojou-sama!" replies Onpu as she wills her dress to vanish and reveals the result of her second spell. Dangling between Onpu's legs, measuring about 10 cm long and 2 cm across in its flaccid state. Hazuki has seen a penis before, having bathed with her father many times when she was younger, but as Onpu lays back down on the bed and spreads her legs, the brunette can't help commenting, "it's so much cuter than Papa's!" as she reaches out to touch it. Onpu lets out a moan as Hazuki's fingers graze her shaft and the bespectacled girl interprets this as a plea for more contact and the brunette wraps her hand firmly around the member. Onpu's girlcock stiffens in Hazuki's grip and starts to grow as the orange apprentice strokes it. By the time Onpu is fully erect, her futahood has doubled in length and is nearly as thick as Hazuki's wrist. Deciding it's time to examine the toys Onpu conjured, Hazuki lets go of the child idol's shaft, ignoring the purple-haired girl's whine at the loss of stimulation. The first item Hazuki picks up consists of a harness made of smooth, black leather with two black rubber protrusions shaped similarly to Onpu's girlcock, one comparable in size to the child idol's erection, the other closer to her flaccid size. Holding the unfamiliar object so Onpu can see it, Hazuki asks, "What is this?" Propping herself up on her elbows, Onpu replies, "That's a strap-on. The small part goes in there," With this, Onpu reaches a gloved hand out to prod a finger at Hazuki's virgin opening, "The harness holds it in place, and then you thrust the big part inside me." With this, Onpu puts the same finger to her own pussy. "Why is the part that goes inside me so much smaller?" Asks Hazuki, more curious than accusatory. "Well," starts Onpu, "I know Ojou-sama is a virgin and I figured you might be saving you're virginity for a certain, green-haired boy," Hazuki's blush at the reference to her relationship with Masaru doesn't go unnoticed by Onpu, but the purple apprentice pretends to ignore it as she continues, "So, I made your side small enough to ensure it'll leave your cherry in tact." Hazuki doesn't fully understand what Onpu just said, but instead of asking for further clarification proceeds to put on the strap-on. Thanks to the small size and enchantments Onpu forgot to mention, the smaller side slides inside Hazuki easily, passing through a hole in her hymen without stretching or tearing that precious barrier. After securing the harness, Hazuki gives the part she'll soon be using to fuck Onpu a few experimental strokes and discovers that the slightest movement of the external part makes the internal part rub against the brunette's insides in the most wonderful ways. Picking up the next toy, the shape reminding Hazuki of a carrot, but the toy is all black, the root is quite flexible, and where the leaves would be on a carrot is a round knob with a hole opposite the root. "What is this?" asks Hazuki when she's done examining the device. "That's an inflatible butt plug." Says Onpu as she spreads her half-moons with both hands to expose her puckered rosebud, "You slip the pointed end up my butt hole and then use the third item," Hazuki glances to the remaining object, which is a length of black tubing with a rubber inflating bulb in it, " to blow it up inside me." Realizing almost immediately how she can use the butt plug to torment Onpu, Hazuki quickly slips the plug up Onpu's anus, the flexible shaft allowing it to follow the bend in the purple apprentice's rectum, but instead of immediately inflating the plug, Hazuki gets up, grabs the empty pitcher and goes to fill it at the bathroom sink. Upon returning, Hazuki sits the pitcher on the floor and drops the intake end of the tubing in the pitcher as Onpu asks, "What is Ojou-sama doing?" "The plug will be much firmer and much heavier if it's filled with water than air." Replies Hazuki as she gently squeezes the bulb a few times to clear air from the tubing. Once water starts leaking from the nozzle on the output end, Hazuki smiles as she plugs the nozzle into the knob that prevents the butt plug from being lost in Onpu's bowels and starts squeezing the bulb to fil the plug with water. The pitcher is only about a third empty when Onpu starts complaining, squirming in a vain attempt to find a position that makes the heavy, bloated butt plug rest comfortably, "Ojou-sama, you've made it too big! I feel like I have to poop worse than I've ever had to poop before!" but Hazuki continues pumping water. By the time two-thirds of the pitcher's contents are inside Onpu, the butt plug has reached it's full size but continues to grow firmer as more water is forced inside, "Please, Ojou-sama!" Let's out Onpu in a whimper, "If you don't stop, I'm going to burst!" "Almost done." replies Hazuki, deciding Onpu's complaints are more of the child idol playing the sub. When the pitcher is empty, Hazuki removes the tubing and asks, "How does Onpu-chan feel?" "I feel likeI've got a full grown watermelon in my butt, My bladder's starting to fill again, but feels ready to burst because the butt plug and belt give it nowhere to go, and both my cock and pussy are incredibly horny!" replies the child idol in a mixture of arousal and desperation. "Well, I hope you still have room for this." Hazuki says as she gestures at the strap on before lining it up with Onpu's pussy and sliding in. Thanks to the butt plug and her bladder's contents pushing against each other and the belt giving them no room to expand, the fit is much tighter than it might otherwise be, forcing Hazuki to use her entire weight to force the dildo into Onpu's depths, the penetration filling like a punch to the child idol's bladder. As Hazuki starts rocking her hips, enjoying the moans and whimpers this elicits from Onpu and the way the smaller dildo in her own passage rubs against her walls, the brunette starts stroking the futa's girlcock. Hazuki brings Onpu to the verge several times, but never lets her fall over the edge, and the brunette keeps her thumb pressed firmly across Onpu's urethra so any pee that leaks past Onpu's spincter remains trapped. Frustrated, Onpu cries out, "Please Ojou-sama! Let me cum! Let me pee! Let me deflate the butt plug!" Hazuki ponders whether to have mercy on Onpu as she decides that she wants more stimulation herself. Coming to a decision, Hazuki declares, "I don't think Onpu-chan has earned relief from all that pressure yet." as she pulls out of Onpu's passage and discards the strap-on, Onpu's expression showing slight relief from the removal of the dildo that was forcing the buttplug and the child idol's taut, tinkle tormented tinkle tank apart coupled with frustration at the loss of vaginal stimulation. Grabbing her own tap, Hazuki transforms, willing the body of her apprentice uniform to not materialize, leaving her in just her boots, gloves, and witch hat. Summoning her own poron, the brunette shouts, "Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu! Turn me into a futanari!" As orange notes swirl around the bespectacled girl, the effect is apparent immediately thanks to her functional nudity as her clit starts to swell and shift in shape, growing into an erect penis just a bit longer and thicker than Onpu's. Thinking a bit more, she casts another spell, "Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu! Fill my bladder to 95% and clean my bowels!" As the second spell takes effect, Hazuki nearly doubles over from the sudden zero to bursting escalation of her need to pee, grabbing her brand new futahood with both hands to prevent a leak, an action that sends a jolt of electricity up her spine. Once she's regained her composure, Hazuki straddles Onpu, pinning the child idol's futahood between her stomach and the bespectacled girl's girlhood, most of the brunette's weight pressing down upon the purple-haired girl's bladder. Rubbing her moist girlhood along the underside of Onpu's girlcock and pointing her own member at Onpu's mouth, Hazuki declares, "Make me cum before I pee, and maybe I'll give your improperly behaved prick the relief it so desperately desires." "Yes, Ojou-sama!" cries Onpu as she wraps her gloved hands around Hazuki's shaft. Licking a bead of precum from the brunette's tip, Onpu opens her mouth wide and shouts, "Itadakimasu!" before engulfing the bulbous head of the older girl's futahood. As Onpu's tongue twirls around the brunette's tip, Hazuki exclaims, "YES! Onpu-chan's tongue feels wonderful! Don't stop!" as she grinds her girlhood against the child idol's own straining girlcock. Even as Onpu tries to hold back her waste waters and bring Hazuki to climax as quickly as possible, she can feel a few small spurts escape and wash over her flat chest and can only hope Hazuki doesn't notice. But Hazuki does notice, and decides to comment on it, "My, my, what a naughty girlcock you've got, Onpu-chan. Surely, all that lemonade hasn't had time to work it's way through your system, yet you're already starting to leak." Tapping a finger to her chin, pretending to think, Hazuki adds, "How should I punish this naughty girlcock?" before rising up to do what she'd planned since casting her spells. Spreading her half moons and placing her puckered anus over Onpu's tip, Hazuki declares, "Perhaps being strangled by my butt will teach your naughty girl cock to keep it's secretions where they belong." Before pressing down upon the child idol's futahood. As the member slides up the brunette's rear passage, Hazuki keeps her anus tightly clenched with intention of preventing anything from traveling along the purple-haired girl's urethra, nearly cutting off the circulation in the process. Taking her mouth off Hazuki's tip, Onpu whines, "Please, Ojou-sama! Your butt is too tight! It feels like you're going to cut off my girlcock!" Pressing her palm against the bulge of Onpu's bladder where the belt carves a deep groove and feeling the child idol's urethra bulge just outside her anus, an indication that some of Onpu's pee just got past Onpu's urinary spincter but can't get past Hazuki's anal spincter, Hazuki gives an ultimatum, "Hurry up and make me cum, or maybe I'll see if I can use my butt to cut it off." before fisting a hand in Onpu's amethyst locks to force the child idol's mouth back onto the bespectacled girl's futahood as she starts riding the member embedded in her bottom. Onpu is flexible enough that the resulting position doesn't hurt her back, though being curled like this does press the buttplug forward some to further compress her bladder, and while Hazuki's butt is uncomfortably tight around the child idol's member, it still feels good enough to make Onpu moan around Hazuki's tip. Hazuki is surprised by how good it feels to be fucked up the butt, and coupled with Onpu's ministrations upon the brunette's futahood soon forgets that she's been trying to keep Onpu on the edge and starts riding with total abandon. When Onpu cums, her semen shoots forth hard enough to force its way past Hazuki's anus, flooding the bespectacled girl's bowels with a gooey warmth that sends her over the edge, shooting her load down Onpu's throat. Lost in the euphoria of her climax, Hazuki allows her pelvic floor to relax, causing her urinary spincter to open enough to let her pee flow down her futahood and into Onpu's mouth and her anal spincter to open enough to let Onpu's pee flow out and flood the brunette's bowels more thoroughly than the child idol's seed had. Part of Hazuki wants to be disgusted at using someone as and being used as a urinal, but the warm pee filling her bowels and the relief of emptying her magically filled bladder feels too good for her to care about such things. When both girls are done emptying their bladders, Onpu pulls her mouth away and asks, "Did Ojou-sama mean to fill her bladder with lemonade?" The odd question snaps Hazuki out of her post orgasmic stupor and she realizes the potential mess that could result if her anus can't hold in Onpu's pee once unplugged of the child idol's member and that cumming in the purple-haired girl's mouth wasn't enough to fully satisfy her new bit of anatomy even though she's getting quite tired from the late hour and the recent exertion. Letting out a loud yawn, Hazuki asks, "Did I really fill my bladder with lemonade? I guess I was more tired than I realized when I cast that spell." Before Onpu can reply, Hazuki's head has come to rest on Onpu's chest, the brunette's futahood pinned between them and the child idol's still hilted in the bespectacled girl's rear passage. Realizing the slightly older girl has fallen asleep, Onpu gently removes Hazuki's glasses and folds them before placing them on the night stand. Exhausted herself and finding this position fairly comfortable, Onpu pulls the covers over them before letting sleep claim her as well.