Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6: The Contest Entering the large bed chamber, Hazuki declares, "Since our sleepover was a bit last minute, I guess you should borrow some of my sleep wear." "Thank you, Hazuki-chan." replies Onpu, following the brunette into her large, walk-in closet. Pulling an unopened package of underwear from a drawer, Hazuki offers it to Onpu, "You can wear a pair of these." Taking the package, Onpu notices that it's an assortment of solid and striped, plain cotton panties. While she waits for Onpu to take first choice from the package of panties, Hazuki feels the first twinge as her bladder tells her it's starting to fill again. Hazuki is a bit surprised when Onpu pulls the yellow-and-white striped pair from the package before the child idol lets her towel pool around her feet and makes a bit of a show of donning the rather innocent underwear. Hazuki's eyes follow the striped cotton's trip up the other girl's slender legs and gets a good look at Onpu's girlhood as it vanishes behind the fabric. Hazuki only realizes that she's staring at the thin bit of cottton concealing her friend's most precious place when Onpu asks, "Do you like how they look?" Blushing and averting her gaze, Hazuki replies, "Th-They're very pretty on Onpu-chan." Trying to change the subject, Hazuki gestures to the section of the closet where her sleepwear is hanging and offers, "Feel free to look for something to wear for bed." "That's okay," starts Onpu, "As warm as it is, and considering what happened in the bath, there's not much point in covering up, so I'll just sleep in the panties Hazuki-chan gave me." The purple apprentice then offers the package of panties back to Hazuki. Blushing at the thought of having Onpu show off so much skin for the rest of the night, Hazuki takes back the package without a word. Following the child idol's lead, Hazuki goes for a pair not of her own color, but its compliment, grabbing the solid blue pair and quickly putting it on. As Hazuki turns to retrieve some night clothes, Onpu derails the brunette's train of thought, "Blue is more of Ai-chan's color, but it looks surprisingly good covering Hazuki-chan's cute, little butt." " This alone is enough to make Hazuki's blush go full body, but Onpu continues the teasing, "Could use some work on showing off in the dressing, but they make a nice contrast with the blush. I'd give you a 3/10 for presentation, but a 9/10 for the end result." Before Hazuki can muster a response, Onpu grabs her hand and adds, "Come on, Hazuki-chan, let's have some more fun. The night is still young, and tomorrow is the beginning of summer vacation, so..." "But I still need to finish dressing for bed!" cries Hazuki in protest. "All that skin ship in the bath, and you still want to hide that lovely body of yours?" Asks Onpu, not letting go of Hazuki's hand. "Pl-please, at least let me put on a top." begs Hazuki, still not comfortable being so exposed outside the bath. Deciding it'll do no good to pressure the shyer girl, Onpu let's go of the brunette's hand saying, "Okay, but try not to make me feel underdresssed." The pair eventually compromise on a white tank top of similar cut to the purple one Doremi usually wears over her pink t-shirt and just short enough to leave Hazuki's navel visible between hem and waistband. As Hazuki exits the closet and sits on the edge of her bed, crossing one leg over the other, her bladder, which she had forgotten about thanks to Onpu's teasing, reminds her of the growing pool of piddle it contains, and in a barely audible whisper, Hazuki admits, "On-Onpu-chan, I...I kind of need to... use the bathroom." Sauntering over to the bed, Onpu gently pushes Hazuki until she's lying on her back and pries the brunette's legs apart as the child idol crawls on top of the slightly older girl and says huskily, "Is that so?" Pressing a palm against Hazuki's panties until the brunette gasps from having her bladder compressed, Onpu asks, "Is Hazuki-chan's tinkle tank growing taut?" Continuing to massage over the brunette's bladder, the child idol uses her other hand to guide Hazuki to Onpu's own barely bulging bladder. "I'm starting to feel the pressure of pent-up piddle myself." Moaning softly as Hazuki takes the hint to agitate the purple-haired girl's bladder in the same way she's doing to the brunette's, Onpu continues, "Doesn't it feel incredible to hold in all that waste water as it sloshes and swells inside you? Isn't it such a thrill to try and avoid the bathroom and risk that you won't make it through the next class period? Isn't it absolutely orgasmic when you reach your absolute limit and you experience the relief of finally emptying?" As Onpu continues gushing over how much she enjoys holding her pee and the pair continue massaging each other's bladders, Hazuki isn't sure if the sensation in her loins is entirely from the need to pee or a combination of that and renewed arousal. "Hazuki-chan," calls Onpu, regaining Hazuki's full attention, "I think it's much too early for either of us to let go, but what do you think we should do while we wait? Perhaps we should get some snacks with some beverages to help speed things up, or maybe we should pass the time with some games, or would you rather continue from where we left off in the bath?" "Something to drink sounds nice." Replies Hazuki, "let me up, and I'll call Baaya to bring us something." As Onpu lets the brunette up, she comments, "Lemonade is really good for getting the juices flowing, if you catch my drift." Picking up the reciever of the phone on her nightstand, Hazuki presses the button that gives her a direct line to the elderly housekeeper's quarters, Hazuki waits for an answer before asking, "Baaya, could you please bring Onpu-chan and me some snacks and some lemonade?" After a brief pause, she says "Thank you." and hangs up. A few minutes later, there is a knock at the bedrroom door, which turns out to be Baaya with a platter of cookies and a large pitcher of lemonade and two glasses along with a couple of fresh, sliced lemons. After thanking and dismissing the servant, Hazuki carries the platter to her desk and the two girls munch on cookies in near silence for several minutes, each washing them down with two glasses of Lemonade. Once she's had her fill, Hazuki asks, "What do you want to do while we wait for the lemonade to reach our bladders?" After a few moments thought, Onpu answers, "How about we play a holding game? We'll take turns giving each other challenges, and if we can't do it, we have to drink another glass of lemonade. First to pee loses." Blushing, Hazuki replies, "I don't know..." "Come on," urges Onpu, "I'll even let you make the first challenge and drink an extra glass off the bat since I've been holding for fun longer than you have." and Onpu pours herself a third glass of lemonade and drains it as Hazuki thinks of her first challenge to Onpu. Glancing around the room, Hazuki tries to think of a challenge that won't have Onpu trying to escalate things too quickly, but her lack of experience with such games has her drawing a blank until her eyes land on the chair at her desk. Walking over to her desk, Hazuki examines the chair, which is sturdily built of wood and finds the back comes up to justunder her bladder bulge and that the upper ridge of the backrest is unpadded and fairly sharp. Pulling an egg timer from a desk drawer, Hazuki declares, "I challenge Onpu-chan to spend five minutes bent over the backrest of my desk chair with her bladder centered on the backrest." "That doesn't sound too hard." replies Onpu as she struts over to Hazuki's desk. Gripping the corners of the backrest and placing her feet a little more than shoulder width apart to put her taut tinkle tank at the height of the backrest, the child idolbends over, placing most of her weight directly on her bladder, her heels rising off the floor in the process, stopping only when her forehead touches the front edge of the seat and Onpu can look through the wooden supports holding the backrest and her own legs to look at Hazuki. Hazuki can't help noticing how Onpu's posture accentuates the child idol's calves, hamstrings, and glutes or how the purple-haired girl's panty-clad mound is pushed out from between her thighs. The brunette is quite tempted to grab those yellow stripes and yank them to the floor for a better look at what they're covering, but before she can give into temptation, Onpu asks, "Is this good, Hazuki-chan?" Snapping back to reality, Hazuki stutters out, "Th-That's great, Onpu-chan." As she sets the timer in her hands for five minutes before asking, "What's my first challenge?" "I want you to lay down where I can see you and spread your legs as far as you can to show off those blue panties you're wearing." replies Onpu. Hazuki blushes brightly, but figuring her friend is trying to make her drink instead of taking the challenge, she sits down near Onpu's feet. "No, I won't be able to see a thing if you sit that close." complains Onpu and Hazuki slides back until she's laying in the best position for Onpu's viewing pleasure. As Hazuki spreads her legs, removing the support her thighs were giving her pelvic floor, it feels like the pressure in her bladder has suddenly doubled. To add to Hazuki's embarrassment, Onpu comments, "Those blue panties make a lovely cameltoe over Hazuki-chan's cunny. I wonder if they would turn green if Hazuki-chan were to wet herself." Hazuki tries to ignore Onpu to focus on holding, but it isn't easy given that the view the orange apprectice has of the purple apprentice is very lovely in it's own right, especially as Onpu starts grinding against the backrest, commenting, "OH kami! All that lemonade really wants out! I wonder if this is how a lemon feels when you squeeze the juice from it!" Fortunately, it isn't long before the timer dings and Onpu stands up before walking over to Hazuki and helping the brunette to her feet, "So, what's next Hazuki-chan?" After a bit of thought, Hazuki steps into her closet and returns with a belt, which she secures around Onpu's waist and cinches tightly so it cuts into the child idol's bulging bladder, "You need to wear that for the rest of the game." "Doesn't sound like much of a handicap." replies Onpu nonchalantly, making Hazuki hope Onpu is just really good at hiding her desperation, "I'd like to hear Hazuki-chan play her violin." "Okay," starts Hazuki, "but you have to sit with your legs spread through the entire song! And with no crotch grabbing!" "Fair enough." replies Onpu before doing a split and placing a hand on each knee. Grabbing her violin and bringing it to her chin, Hazuki decides to play Lupine Lullaby, part of her hoping the soothing melody will leave Onpu too drowsy to focus on holding. Though she would normally play with her eyes closed for a piece she knows by heart, Hazuki instead keeps her eyes trained on Onpu, and as she pulls the bow across the strings, if the song is having any affect on the child idol, the purple-haired girl isn't showing it. Mean while, Hazuki's piddle pounds away at her urethra, and while she manages to remain composed throughout the song, she does miss a few notes and can only hope Onpu is too distracted by her own welling waste waters to notice. When she's finished playing, Onpu claps and Hazuki takes a bow, the latter action squeezing her swollen reservoir severely as Onpu dashes her hopes, "That was beautiful, but you missed quite a few notes, and I know Hazuki-chan can do better than that." Standing up, Onpu refills Hazuki's glass from thepitcher before handing it to the brunette. Already feeling dangerously close to losing, Hazuki whines, "Do I have to drink that?" Smiling devilishly, Onpu replies unsympathetically, "Of course Hazuki-chan has to drink it." Resigned to her fate, Hazuki takes the glass and starts downing it, feeling as though she's pouring the sweet and sour liquid directly into her bladder and nearly doing a spit take on the last mouthful as Onpu issues her next challenge, "Next, Hazuki-chan has to sit on the toilet, panties down, legs apart, without peeing for five minutes." Recovering from a coughing fit, Hazuki cries out, "Wh-What!?" "You have to sit on the toilet, panties down, legs apart, without peeing, for five minutes." repeats the child idol grabbing the egg timer off Hazuki's desk and starting to lead her shocked friend towards the en suite. Hazuki jerks her hand away from Onpu only to regret it immediately as the sudden movement jostles the brunette's bladder, forcing her to cross her legs and jam a hand between her thighs, pressing the blue fabric of her panties firmly against her pee hole. Once she has her golden liquid under control once more, a red faced Hazuki stammers out, "On-Onpu-chan, th-that's way to embarrassing! Pl-please, give me a di-different challenge!" Holding up a glass containing only a few ice cubes, Onpu replies, "Would you rather take another drink?" Tightening her grip on her girlhood, Hazuki replies, "No, but..." "Then it's time to sit on the toilet without letting go!" cries Onpu, pulling her friend by the hand not between the brunette's thighs, "But if you're that embarrassed, I guess I could do the same for my next challenge." Not confident she'll make it threw, but resigning herself that this might be her only chance to pee in a toilet, Hazuki stops fighting the child idol's pull on her hand, but squeezes her eyes shut as they enter the en suite. Standing in front of the toilet, eyes still closed, a trembling Hazuki pulls her panties down her thighs until the blue fabric is bunched up around her knees before sitting down, doing her best to convince her body she's just sat down on a normal chair instead of the toilet. Hazuki's mental chant of "I'm sitting at my desk, I'm sitting at my desk, I'm sitting at my desk." is interrupted as she feels two hands force her knees apart and something warm and heavy settle between them. As her eyes shoot open, Hazuki finds Onpu sitting backwards on the front edge of the toilet seat, the purple-haired girl's pleasantly plump rump holding the brunette's thighs apart, the child idol's own legs being held open by virtue of straddling the bespectacled girl's lap and the toilet beneath them. Glancing down, Hazuki realizes Onpu is completely naked except for the belt constricting the purple-haired girl's bladder and that their girlhoods are separated by just enough to let them see each other's streams if they were to let go right now. Hazuki also can't help noticing that Onpu is using a grip on the brunette's shoulders to let the child idol lean back a bit and show off a bit more of her girlhood to the bespectacled girl than sitting upright would allow. Hazuki's appreciation of Onpu's lovely body are interrupted when Onpu announces, "Had I known Hazuki-chan would spend so much time staring, I would've waited to start the timer!" "Huh?" says Hazuki, a renewed blush on her face, "How much longer is on the timer?" "A little over two minutes," replies Onpu, "You spent half of the five minutes just staring at my naked body." her tone cranking up the teasing to eleven, Onpu adds, "Does Hazuki-chan find me that gosh darn adorable?" Hazuki says nothing, but her deepening blush is all the purple-haired girl needs. "Anyways," resumes Onpu, placing one of Hazuki's hands to the child idol's own swollen bladder, the bulge bifurcated by the belt as she caresses the brunette's taut tinkle tank with her other hand, "Just feel how our piddle pots are positively pounding! Even if we pull through this, I bet we both pop very soon!" and with those words, they here the light tinkle of water hitting water in the bowl beneath them, both girls clenching their pelvic floors in an attempt to prevent a leak from becoming a deluge. Once both girls are confident they have their waste waters under control, they glance down and see that the water in the bowl now has a slight yellow tint both are sure wasn't there before. Neither is quite sure which of them leaked or if both of them did, but both are grateful they didn't completely lose control as the timer dings. Both of them now trembling from their desperation, they help each other stand and put their panties back in place before Onpu suggests, "Since one or both of us nearly lost it just now, how about we turn on the tap and give each other a final challenge?" "O-Okay." replies Hazuki as she leans over the sink and turns both nobs to full. "For...For Onpu-chan's final challenge, you need to squat on the bathroom floor until one of us wets." Squatting down, Onpu replies, "And Hazuki-chan has to straddle her laundry hamper until one of us wets." Hazuki is a bit hesitant, but figuring there's nothing that can't be washed or replaced in the hamper does as instructed. As the water gushing from the tap makes both girls think they've got the entirety of the Shinano River pounding away at their overtaxed and tired spincters, their respective focuses narrow to just trying to keep their dams in one piece and staring at the other girl's panty-clad girlhood for any sign that the other's dam has broken. After what feels like an eternity to both girls, but is only a few minutes, Onpu's dam is the first to shatter, the crotch of the purple-haired girl's panties turning from yellow-and-white stripes to solid yellow as her pee gushes forth and a puddle spreads out on the mosaic tile. beneath the child idol's feet. Hazuki wants to last until Onpu has finished to make her victory unquestionable, but the sight of her friend wetting mere feet from her combined with the melodic moans escaping the purple-haired girl's throat at the overwhelming pleasure of finally releasing threatens to shatter Hazuki's own dam at any moment. Onpu's accident seems to go on forever as Hazuki struggles to keep her own pent-up piddle from pouring out, the torrent cascading from the crotch of the child idol's soaked panties feeding a golden lake that repeatedly overflows its banks. Hazuki feels a spurt escape to dampen her panties and clenches not just her pelvic floor, but her entire body as she tries to contain the flood until the purple-haired girl is finished. Eyes shut, teeth grinding against each other, hands in white knuckled fists and the rim of the hamper pressing into the flesh of her inner thigh even as it buckles under the stress of preventing the brunette from closing her thighs, the sound of Onpu's pee pattering against the tiled floor is torturous to Hazuki's taut, trembling tinkle tank as it threatens to dump it's cargo upon her dirty laundry. As soon as the sound of Onpu's pee hitting the floor is silenced, Hazuki dashes for the toilet, the sudden movement giving her bladder a fatal jolt. Though her hamper avoids becoming a makeshift urinal, it does so just barely as pee gushes through the gusset of the bespectacled girl's panties, darkening the blue material as revulets trickle down the inside of her thigh and her accident leaves a trail of pee on the floor from the hamper to the toilet. Standing in front of the toilet and realizing she's in the middle of peeing, Hazuki screams mentally, "OH NO! It's coming out!" as she tries desperately to halt the flow and pull down her panties. Between her panic and trying to do two things at the same time, Hazuki hasn't much luck with either, and by the time she has gotten her panties down to her knees and sat down, her own sizeable puddle has joined with Onpu's, the blue panties are as thoroughly soaked as the yellow striped panties the child idol is wearing, and there is only a trickle left to fall into the bowl. Once done, Hazuki sits panting in a mixture of relief and embarrassment until Onpu breaks the relative silence, "WOW! I didn't think Hazuki-chan could hold so much!" making the slightly older girl blush deeper at the praise. Adopting the persona of a shy, submissive girl, Onpu puts her acting skills to work as she continues, "Ojou-sama's bladder is so much stronger than my own! And I've made such a mess on Ojou-sama's floor... how is Ojou-sama going to punish me for being such a naughty, little girl?" the child idol bowing her head in submission and making no attempt to rise from her squat. They hadn't discussed any stakes prior to starting the game, but Onpu seems set on making it a punishment game now that the child idol has lost, and while Hazuki usually isn't one for giving others orders, the thought of giving Onpu some payback for the purple-haired girl's earlier teasing brings a tingle to the brunette's girlhood.