Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: The Bath After their path splits off from Doremi and Aiko, Onpu asks the slightly older girl, "So, have you noticed any... unusual sensations, especially... down there?" Nearly tripping over her own two feet at the purple-haired girl's question, a red-faced Hazuki replies, "Wha-what do you mean?" Leaning in to whisper in Hazuki's ear Onpu asks, "Such as a tingle in your twatty that has nothing to do with needing to pee, wanting to pet your kitty, or holding in your tinkle when you don't need to." It takes a few moments for Hazuki to parse some of the unfamiliar slang the purple-haired girl is employing, but realizing the likely meaning from context, Hazuki's face goes even redder as she stammers out, "Yes... but I don't think we should be talking about this in public." Onpu holds off on further embarrassing questions for the time being and it isn't long before they're walking up to the front door of the Fujiwara mansion. As the two young girls enter the house and remove their sandals, they are greeted loudly by Baaya, the elderly woman who serves as housekeeper to the Fujiwara family and nanny to Hazuki, "Welcome home, Ojou-sama! and welcome to the Fujiwara home to your friend!" At a more appropriate volume, the old lady continues, "I took the liberty of drawing a hot bath for Ojou-sama. Is there anything I can get for you before I leave you and your friend alone?" Even with using magic to clean up, taking a bath to wash away the phantom uncleanliness of her accident sounds nice, but Hazuki isn't sure how to proceed with her guest. Deciding it would be rude to make Onpu wait and not wanting to wait herself, Hazuki answers Baaya's query, "If it pleases my guest, I think we'll enjoy a nice soak together." With no objections from Onpu, the pair follow the elderly retainer to the bath the short woman has prepared. Unlike the relatively small, western-style en suite attached to Hazuki's bedroom, the bathroom Baaya leads the girls too features a large tub that could easily fit all of the Ojamajo even with Doremi's little sister tagging along and a large area for washing prior to getting in the tub furnished with several low, polished wood stools and rinsing buckets made of the same polished wood. Retrieving two large fluffy towels, one pastel orange, the other lavender from a linen closet along with matching washcloths, Baaya places them on a table against one wall and says, "If you need anything else, just give me a call." before bowing to her young charge and excusing herself. As soon as they're alone, Onpu makes quick work of pulling her sun dress over her head, sliding her panties down to her ankles, and removing the hair tie holding up her side ponytail and discarding the clothing in a wicker basket. Having been friends with Doremi since kindergarten and thus having shared a tub with the redhead countless times, and Aiko joining the pair several times in the year or so since the blunette's transfer, Hazuki is no stranger to seeing girls her own age completely naked, but this is her first time sharing a bath with Onpu, and the purple-haired girl is the first aside from Doremi that Hazuki will be sharing the bath with without a third girl present. As a result, Hazuki is caught off guard when she becomes transfixed by the sight of the child idol in all her glory and starts thinking she's starting to understand why so many of the boys at school fawn over the other girl. It's only when Onpu walks up, places two fingers under Hazuki's chin and pushes up as she says, "I don't think there are any flies around here, but Hazuki-chan shouldn't hold her mouth so wide open." thas the brunette realizes she's been staring slack jawed at the child idol. As Hazuki's face turns red and her glasses fog over, Onpu exclaims, "An embarrassed Hazuki-chan is an adorable Hazuki-chan!" before turning her back to the brunette and sitting down on one of the stools. Regaining some composure, Hazuki starts undressing herself, though far more self-consciously than usual given what happened between her and the purple-haired girl earlier that evening. After adding her own clothes to the basket, Hazuki sits down on a second stool, feeling nervous about what the bolder girl might try as Onpu pulls her stool up behind Hazuki with washcloth and body wash in hand and asks, "How about we wash each other?" Suspecting the offer isn't as innocent as it might have been at a public bath or previous sleepovers Hazuki has hosted, the blushing girl replies, "Th-That's fine, I can wash myself. Yo-you don't need to help me." But before Hazuki can grab a washcloth of her own, Onpu has started massaging the brunette's shoulders, the child idol's hands slippery with body wash as she whispers in the bespectacled girl's ear, "Surely Hazuki-chan has shared this level of skinship with Doremi-chan and Ai-chan. Besides, I promise not to get too touchy feely unless hazuki-chan wants me too." Melting into Onpu's touch and letting her guard down, Hazuki relents, "Go ahead, Onpu-chan." Onpu slides her hands down to Hazuki's upper arms, massaging the body wash into the brunette's tired muscles before continuing to her elbows. The child idol seems to spend an inordinate amount of time on the orange apprentice's elbows, but Hazuki finds the experience too relaxing to complain. After Onpu reaches Hazuki's hands and the pair interleave fingers momentarily, the purple apprentice withdraws her hands to lather up a wet washcloth. Spreading the prepared cloth accross Hazuki's shoulder blades, Onpu uses both hands to start scrubbing the brunette's back, massaging through the cloth at the same time. This treatment causes Hazuki to let out several soft moans, unsure whether she hopes Onpu does or does not hear them. By the time Onpu is done with Hazuki's back, the brunette's pale flesh has turned a pearl pink with exfoliation. Pressing her front against Hazuki's back, Onpu reaches around to let her hands roam her bespectacled friend's chest and tummy, the purple apprentice's hardened nipples feeling like a pair of hardwood massage beads as they slide accross the brunette's back. Hazuki isn't sure if the numerous brushes Onpu's hands make against her nipples are on purpose or by accident, but by the time the purple-haired girl proceeds to washing the maganeko's thighs, Hazuki is sure her own flat chest is sporting a pair of nipples as hard as the pair poking her in the back. As Onpu wash's her friend's lower limbs, she lingers on the knees as long as she did on the elbows, and upon reaching Hazuki's ankles, asks the brunette to turn around. Complying with the request, Hazuki finds herself with one leg held up, her foot grasped firmly in both of Onpu's hands as the slightly younger girl gives her a foot massage as much as washing the appendage. Meanwhile, Hazuki can't help roaming her eyes over the latest addition to her circle of friends who know about magic and blushes deeply when she notices that Onpu's legs are parted to give her a decent view of the child idol's girlhood, a blush which spreads to her entire body upon realizing that her raised leg probably means her own girlhood is even more exposed. If Onpu notices that Hazuki hasn't fainted from embarrassment yet through sheer force of will, she doesn't comment. After Onpu is done with both of Hazuki's feet, the purple apprentice grabs the washcloth and pulls Hazuki on to her lap, seemingly oblivious to how deeply the bespectacled girl is blushing. Reaching between Hazuki's legs, Onpu wipes once, twice, thrice at the brunette's damp girlhood, each stroke sending a jolt of electricity up her spine. As Onpu withdraws her hand, Hazuki is torn between wanting more and suppressing the unfamiliar urges that have plagued her all day. "Um...Onpu-chan," starts Hazuki in a barely audible whisper, "would... would you mind washing me a bit more thoroughly...down there? I...I don't quite feel clean yet." Hazuki isn't sure if the smile she sees on Onpu's face out of the corner of her eye is really there, but the purple-haired girl brings the washcloth back to the brunette's girlhood, starting to really scrub at the orange apprentice's vulva. No longer limited to brief jolts, pleasure radiates out from Hazuki's core, the brunette unable to hold back soft moans as she wraps her arms around Onpu's neck and trembles in the child idol's lap. Returning the hug with the arm not preoccupied with washing between Hazuki's legs, Onpu whispers to the bespectacled girl, "If Hazuki-chan wanted me to pet her kitty, she just needed to ask. No need to pretend a few quick wipes wasn't enough to get you clean." Hazuki would blush deeper if possible as she tries to deny Onpu's completely accurate assessment, "Th-That's not it, when Doremi-chan had her accident, I barely made it myself, but soaked my panties, and when I used magic to clean Doremi, I neglected to include myself in the spell." Discarding the wash cloth, Onpu replies, "If that's true, then you'd have no interest in me doing this," Onpu pinches Hazuki's clit, nearly making the brunette jump out of Onpu's lap, "or this," Onpu slides a finger along Hazuki's slit from clit to vaginal opening, "Or sliding a finger in here." Onpu dips her finger tip into Hazuki's passage, the bespectacled girl shivering in pleasure from such an intimate touch. Swallowing her pride, Hazuki replies, "it-It feels great. The-The way Onpu-chan is touching me...it feels incredible! I really did wet my panties before gym class, but I was just using that as an excuse!" Giving Hazuki's slit another tesing swipe of her finger, Onpu says, "Hazuki-chan looks so much cuter when she's being honest! Now, Hazuki-chan, tell me what you want me to do." Throwing restraint to the wind, Hazuki shouts, "Onpu-chan, Pl-Please Touch me! Show me how one girl pleasures another!" "It would be my honor." replies Onpu, reaching both hands down to Hazuki's girlhood. Gripping the brunette's clit tightly between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, the child idol starts rolling the little bundle of nerves between the digits as she slides the middle finger of her other hand all the way to the knuckle within the bespectacled girl's passage and starts to slowly slide it in and out. As waves of pleasure beyond anything else she's experienced wash over her, Hazuki tightens her grip around Onpu's neck and wraps her legs around the child idol's waist, yelling, "OH KAMI! Please don't stop!" Smiling broadly at Hazuki's reaction, Onpu slides another finger within her friend, increasing her pace, the brunette moaning ever louder and squirming more in the purple-haired girl's lap at every increase in sensation. When Onpu senses that Hazuki is right on the verge, the child idol quickly withdraws her fingers and gently pushes the bespectacled girl off her lap and back on to her own stool. Feeling quite frustrated at the sudden cessation of Onpu's treatment, Hazuki lets out a very unlady-like whine, "Why did you stop?" Teasingly, Onpu replies, "Come now, I couldn't let Hazuki-chan go unpunished for lying." Turning her back to Hazuki, Onpu adds, "Besides, you still need to wash me, and we have all night for more fun." Though her girlhood is aching from the denied release, Hazuki can't muster up further protest as she coats her hands in body wash and gets to work massaging Onpu's shoulders. Hazuki's hands move hesitantly, but Onpu will have none of it as she leans into the brunette's touch and urges, "Come on, Hazuki-chan, really work those fingers into the muscles." Hazuki complying as much out of courtesy as suppressed desire. The brunette would've normally continued down until she reached the stool, but being unusually aware of the feminine body before her,,, Hazuki halts before even reaching the child idol's butt crack before reaching around to rub body wash into Onpu's trim tummy. Onpu pushes her stool back until it's touching the front of Hazuki's and leans back until both girls can feel the brunette's harden nipples pressing into the purple-haired girl's back. Hazuki tries to ignore this latest sensation as she moves up, intending to quickly wash the child idol's flat chest, but as soon as she cups the younger girl's non-existant breasts, Onpu lays her hands over the brunette's, holding them in place. Laying her own fingers over each of Hazuki's, Onpu guides her friend in fondling her chest, encouraging the brunette to roll nipple between thumb and forefinger and massage the flesh that will grow into boobs with the remaining fingers. Before long, Hazuki is fondling Onpu all on her own, and she only realizes the guiding hands have fallen away when the purple-haired girl comments, "That feels really nice. Hazuki-chan is a really quick learner." Blushing in realization of what she's doing, Hazuki halts the fondling and reaches to wash Onpu's thighs, the child idol doing a split where she sits to give Hazuki easy access not only to the inside of her thighs, but to her own aching girlhood. At the same time, Onpu reclines some and contorts her hips in an attempt to give Hazuki a direct view of the child idol's slit from her over the shoulder viewpoint. Hazuki can see what Onpu is trying to show her, but timidity prevents the brunette from going that close to the root end of the child idol's thighs as she runs her hands up and down the silky limbs. Deciding to give Hazuki a push, Onpu pretends to be nearing her limit as she exclaims, "AH! It's gonna leak out!" before carefully relaxing her pelvic floor just enough for pee to flow out and wash over the idol's crotch, but without enough pressure to form a stream. "Now, my tired twatty is all dirty." Hazuki isn't convinced that Onpu really sprung a leak, but moves a hand to the child idol's girlhood anyways, running her soapy fingers along the purple-haired girl's outer lips. Grabbing Hazuki's arm with both hands, Onpu commands, "You need to really scrub it!" the purple apprentice starting to moan softly as Hazuki starts rubbing her more vigorously. "And don't forget to clean inside!" adds the child idol, prompting Hazuki to tentatively slide a finger into the younger girl's passage. As Hazuki gets more and more into the act of fingering Onpu, the purple-haired girl releases her grip shortly before declaring, "Ah yes! I'm so close!" leaving Hazuki with a decision. Feeling unusually vindictive, Hazuki starts filling a wooden bucket from a nearby tap, not giving the water time to warm up properly. Once the bucket is full and with Onpu on the verge of orgasm, the brunette yanks her hand away from the child idol's crotch, and before Onpu can protest, the bespectacled girl dumps the bucket of cool water over the purpled-haired girl. As Onpu shivers from the sudden dowsing, Hazuki refills the bucket, the tap now properly warmed up and rinses her own body before walking over to the tub. Carefully, Hazuki lifts one leg over the high sidewall of the tub and then the other, and placing her back against the far wall, slowly sinks below the surface, letting the warm water engulf her up to her shoulders. Having recovered, Onpu climbs into the bath as well, sitting with her back against the side wall of the tub, right across from Hazuki. Both girls sit in a somewhat awkward silence for quite some time, letting the water soak into their bodies before Onpu finally speaks, "That was kind of mean, Hazuki-chan." "Well," starts Hazuki, feeling only slightly guilty for dumping cold water on her friend, "It wasn't very nice to leave me hanging like that either." "I guess you're right." Half crawling, half swimming, Onpu starts to cross the tub as she says, "How about we call it even and make up?" the child idol speaking those last two words in the most sultry tone she can muster. Hazuki starts to feel flush, though she's not sure if from Onpu's renewed advance or from spending too long in the tub. Hazuki puts up no resistance as Onpu's lips meet her own and the child idol presses a knee between the brunette's legs and straddles one of her thighs. As the two kiss, there eyes closed to focus on the sensations, their tiny nipples, hard as pebbles rubbing against each other, Onpu's tongue explores Hazuki's mouth as her hands roam over the bespectacled girl's body, the shyer girl taking the purple-haired girl's lead. When Onpu reaches the brunette's half moons, she pulls the other girl closer, their trim tummies touching, their girlhoods pressed firmly against the other's thigh. Onpu starts grinding against Hazuki's thigh and uses her grip on the older girl's rear to encourage the bespectacled girl to follow suit, her own hands fallling to rest on the child idol's petite posterior. The ripples in the bath water soon build into waves that threaten to crash over the sidewall of the tub unto the floor as the two young ladies continue to grind against each other, fondling each other's rears, and swallow each other's moans. Onpu withdraws her tongue, but leaves her mouth open in invitation for Hazuki's tongue, which the rich girl is eager to accept. At the same time, one of the purple apprentice's hands creeps lower to slide a finger into the orange apprentice's passage, the other girl following suit soon after. Feeling herself reaching the point she was at just before Onpu left her hanging, Hazuki breaks the kiss, throws her head back and shouts, too lost in pleasure to care if anyone overhears, "Onpu-chan, I'm so close!" Panting heavily, Onpu replies, "Me too, Hazuki-chan!" Abandoning their reciprocal fondling and fingering, the two nine-year-olds hug each other as tightly as they can, their grinding against each other more frantic than ever as they renew their kiss just as they reach simultaneous climax. As their love juices pour out into the bathwater, neither is able to support their own weight as they tremble in orgasm, leaning against each other the only thing preventing them from slipping under the surface. As Hazuki regains her senses, she wonders what to do next. Feeling a little lightheaded from how long they've been soaking in the hot water coupled with the exertion of what she just did with Onpu, Hazuki says, "I think we should get out before we get too overheated." "Yeah," replies Onpu, "wouldn't want to get all prunie either." The two climb out of the tub, Hazuki pulling the plug to drain the water as she does so and the pair share a comfortable silence as they each grab a fluffy towel to dry off. Once dry, they both wrap their towels around themselves for modesty as Hazuki leads her fellow Ojamajo to her bedroom.