Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: Taking Care of Hana-chan As Hazuki exits the school, she's joined by Doremi, Aiko, and Onpu, the redhead asking the child idol, "NO work this afternoon?" Onpu replies, "Not today, but I'll be pretty busy over summer vacation." Placing a finger to her chin in thought, she asks, "What flowers do you think would be good for a summer sell at the MAHO-Dou." Hazuki replies, "Sunflowers are always popular this time of year, and Violets, Irises, and Aster are all in full bloom." The girls continue chatting about various summer flowers as they make their way to the Flower Garden MAHO-Dou. As the quartet enters the flower shop, they are greeted by Majorika and Lala, the blob like witch frog barely managing to keep her dustpan airborne, the blonde fairy swaying back and forth as she floats towards the girls, both with very obvious dark rings under their eyes. "The two of ya look worse than usual." comments Aiko bluntly. "Did Hana-chan give you two that much trouble last night and today?" Asks Hazuki, concern obvious in her tone. "Neither of us have gotten a wink of sleep." Replies Lala. Grumbling something, Majorika sticks out a worm-like tendril, forming the end of it into a crude hand and snapping her fingers to summon a sleep mask and earmuffs before declaring, "I'm heading to bed. Make sure you keep that brat from disturbing me and don't slack in your shopkeeping duties." without any of her usual fiery temper backing up the demands. "There's some tea and cookies on the kitchen table if you girls want a snack before opening the shop." Adds Lala before following her cursed mistress in hopes of getting some much overdue sleep. Heading into the kitchen, the girls split the cookies and each enjoy a few glasses of ice tea, finding the cold beverage refreshing after the hot walk from school. As the girls finish their snack and Hazuki goes to flip the closed sign to open, the MAHO-Dou is filled with the wailing of an infant. After turning the sign to open, Hazuki shouts, "I'll see to Hana-chan!" to the others as she starts up the spiral staircase that leads to Hana's nursery. As she enters the room and declares, "Mama's here Hana-chan!", the crying halts. Sitting in the enclosure formed from the branches of the tree of life, the once crying, now smiling baby floats up off her mattress before launching her self at the brunette. Spreading her arms, Hazuki catches the magical little bundle of joy and hugs her to her chest as she twirls the infant's blonde top knot around her finger. Affectionately rubbing Hana's cheek against her own, Hazuki checks the baby's diaper and finds it dry and unsoiled, and concludes, "I guess Hana-chan was just bored." Walking over to a dresser, Hazuki pulls out a couple of sock puppets, "If the others need my help in the store, they'll let me know, so I guess I'll entertain Hana-chan for a while." Sitting the baby down and pulling a sock puppet on to each arm, the bespectacled girl starts performing a puppet show, Hana periodically giggling and clapping her tiny hands. When the puppets seem to no longer captivate the child, Hazuki starts tickling the infant, giggles filling the room, and when the infant grows tired of being tickled, Hazuki starts a game of peek-a-boo. As Hazuki continues to entertain her charge, the tea she drank with her afterschool snack quickly works its way through her system, ultimately filling her bladder. On top of a lifetime of toilet shyness and polite upbringing making it easy to tune out the signals from her bladder, she's having so much fun playing with Hana that her need goes unnoticed longer than usual as she unconsciously crosses and recrosses her legs. When her bladder's pleas to be emptied finally reach Hazuki's conscious thoughts, the girl nearly bends double and can't resist grabbing herself. Blushing at her loss of composure and glad no one but Hana could witness it, Hazuki wonders how it got this bad without her noticing and what she should do about it. Sitting Hana back in the enclosure that serves as the infant witch's crib, Hazuki heads for the stairs, only for the baby to start wailing. Maternal instincts overriding the imperative to empty her bladder, the bespectacled girl cradles the crying child in her arms. As Hana continues to cry, Hazuki checks the infants diaper to find it clean and dry. Glancing at a wall clock, Hazuki realizes that it's past time for Hana's evening bottle and she makes her way down the stairs to the MAHO-Dou's kitchen, trying to calm the crying baby as she goes. The going is slow, Hazuki having to take tiny steps as she tries to keep her thighs pressed together to hold back the pressure her bladder is exerting on her young girlhood, but she eventually reaches the kitchen and deposits her charge in a highchair. Though tempted to ask one of her friends to take over for her, Hazuki's sense of responsibility won't allow it as she fills the kettle, the sound of running water adding to the torment of her overfilled bladder. Placing the kettle on the stove, the wait for the water to heat up feels like an eternity as Hazuki paces back and forth, periodically halting to press her thighs together and barely resisting the urge to make unladylike grabs at her crotch and regretting the vow she and the other ojamajo made to forego all magic in caring for Hana. The kettle whistling comes as a signal that Hazuki is close to relief, but her renewed optimism is short lived as the sound of water sloshing as she mixes Hana's formula makes it hard not to think of her waste waters sloshing around in her lower abdomen. Finished mixing the formula and tightly securing a lid on the bottle, Hazuki splashes some of the formula on her wrist to ensure it's the proper temperature before walking over to Hana's highchair. Cradling the infant in one arm, Hazuki presents the nipple of the bottle to the hungry baby, and Hana starts to greedily suckle at the offered bottle. As Hana feeds, Hazuki makes her way for the toilets, eager to get rid of the pee that she's been holding for so long. As she enters the staff restroom, Hazuki realizes that she has a problem, namely that between Hana and the bottle, she hasn't a hand free with which to lower her underwear. She looks around the room for somewhere she can sit the infant down, but at that moment, her sphincter starts to give out and she can feel her lacy underwear growing damp. Panicking, Hazuki hastily sits on the toilet, the feeding infant in her arms seeming to not notice what one of her mamas is doing. As pee rushes forth, escaping Hazuki's body and gushing through her clothes to cascade into the bowl beneath her, the relief is overwhelming. Hazuki finishes emptying her bladder about the same time Hana finishes emptying her bottle and the brunette shifts the blonde infant so the baby's head is resting on her shoulder and gently pats Hana's back until the infant lets out a loud belch. It is only now that Hazuki examines the damage from her accident and realizes that, in her haste, she sat on her skirt, the back of the white garment not only soaked through, but tinted yellow in a way that would be impossible to go unnoticed. Before Hazuki can think of what to do, there's a knock at the door and she can hear Onpu's voice, "Hazuki-chan, are you almost done in there?" At the same time, Hazuki feels Hana's diaper grow warm and swell, and before she can answer Onpu's question, the infant starts wailing as she leaks onto Hazuki's hand and shirt. At the sound of the crying baby, Onpu barges into the room, Hazuki having forgotten to lock the door in her desperation. Mortified, Hazuki's face goes as red as Doremi's hair and her glasses fog over. Though surprised to see the slightly older girl in a state that makes it obvious she wet herself, Onpu's maternal priorities take over as the purple apprentice lifts the infant out of the shell-shocked girl's arms and holding the blonde at arm's length caries Hana over to a wall-mounted changing table. As Onpu changes Hana's wet diaper, Hazuki notices that the child idol's movements are a bit stiffer than usual, which coupled with the fact that Onpu almost never uses the MAHO-Dou's facilities leads Hazuki to suspect that her fellow witch apprentice is, like when Hazuki prepared Hana's bottle, putting off her own needs to care for their young charge. All too soon for the bespectacled girl's liking, Onpu finishes her task, and leaving the freshly diapered baby on the changing table, turns and says, "That's one pissy girl taken care of." Placing a finger to her chin, the purple-haired girl muses, "What to do about the other one?" Hazuki watches, still mortified, as her fellow apprentice walks stiffly to the door and locks it before turning to face the brunette with a mischievous smile. Regaining her voice, Hazuki starts to beg, "Please, don't tell anyone about this..." Placing a finger to Hazuki's lips to halt further comment, Onpu replies, "Don't worry, Hazuki-chan. What happens here will stay between you, me, and Hana-chan." Before the purple apprentice can say another word, a quiet hiss is heard in the bathroom. Stepping back and grabbing the hem of her dress, Onpu raises the garment to reveal a yellow patch on her white panties and a few rivulets sliding down her pressed together thighs. "Besides, I'm on the verge of humiliating myself in the same way." Hazuki stares transfixed as the child idol shakily forces her legs apart, the yelow patch growing ever so slightly as the rivulets become more pronounced. Holding her dress with one hand and using the other to caress her rather obvious bladder bulge, Onpu continues, "I've been holding it in since before I left home this morning. Seeing Doremi-chan and our other classmates having accidents was hard, but the tea really pushed me to my limit and now I'm leaking uncontrollably and the dam might burst at any moment." The sight of her fellow Ojamajo slowly wetting herself has Hazuki frozen to the spot, her own wet clothing nearly forgotten as the mysterious tingle urging the brunette to touch her privates returns. Continueing her lewd performance, Onpu declares, "It feels so naughty, yet so good to pee my panties in the privacy of my bathroom at home after a long day of holding it all in, and the thought of peeing them in a more public place has crossed my mind, but I could never bring myself to do it before seeing someone as sophisticated as Hazuki-chan in such a state!" With that Onpu presses down hard on her bladder, forcing the pressure against her spincter past the critical point. Still transfixed, Hazuki stares as the small rivulets are replaced by a torrential cascade, Onpu's pee no longer trickling down the child idol's thighs, but pouring directly from her panties to the tiled floor as the undergarment goes from damp to completely soaked. As an expression of bliss crosses Onpu's pinkened face and the child idol trembles in what Hazuki deduces to be a combination of relief and pleasure, the bespectacled girl can't help wondering if she would have looked similar to an outside observer when she lost control in the shower that morning. As Onpu's waters slow to a trickle and then come to a stop, Hazuki's urge to touch and be touched in an intimate place grows stronger, but instead of touching herself and being touched by herself, the urge has become one to touch Onpu and to be touched by Onpu. Not wanting to do something... so intimate... in so public a place, especially with an infant child in the room, but unable to suppress the urge completely, Hazuki leans in to give Onpu a chaste kiss on the cheek only for the purple-haired girl to intercept the brunette's lips with her own. With her brain short-circuiting from this turn of events, Hazuki puts up no resistence as Onpu pulls her into a hug, the warm wetness of the slightly younger girl's panties seeping through the front of Hazuki's skirt as the purple-haired girl slides her tongue into her stunned friend's mouth. Letting the unfamiliar feelings of arousal wash over her and relaxing into the embrace, Hazuki moans into Onpu's mouth when the bolder girl reaches a hand under the brunette's soaked skirt to cup one of the bespectacled girl's half moons through black silk and gives it a gentle squeeze. Taking Hazuki's moan and lack of resistence as permission to go further, Onpu slides her hand between Hazuki's thighs, seeking out the more reserved girl's pee drenched girlhood and breaks the kiss in surprise at what she finds, "Oh my, I would've never pegged Hazuki-chan as the kind to wear such sexy, lacy panties!" Snapping back to reality and going red as a Tomato at Onpu's outburst, Hazuki regains her sense enough to stammer a reluctant protest, "On-Onpu-chan, as nice as this is, I don't think we should be doing this here, especially not with Hana-chan in the room..." Her own blush growing a bit more intense in realization of what she's done in the last few minutes, Onpu replies with an undertone of disappointment, "I guess you're right." Picking up on Onpu's disappointment and not really wanting to stop herself, Hazuki asks, in a near whisper, "If-If you'd like to continue... May-maybe you could spend the night at my house?" Giving a megawatt smile, Onpu replies, "That sounds great! My dad's driving a sleeper train tonight and my mom's going to be working late at the talent agency, so I'm sure they'd rather I spend the night with a friend rather than home alone... In the meantime, I think we should get cleaned up." With that, Onpu transforms, "Pretty Witchy, Onpu-chi!" and summoning her Poron, "Pururun Purun Famifami Fa! Clean Hazuki-chan and me!" In a shower of purple musical notes, there clothes are dried, all evidence of their accidents, including the puddle Onpu left on the floor, vanishing. After using the MAHO-Dou's telephone to confirm with their mothers that it's okay for Onpu to spend the night with Hazuki and returning Hana to her nursery, the quartet of witch apprentices wake their mentor and her fairy familiar for their nightly babysitting before heading home under the flaming dusk sky.