Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: Gym Class When they get to the gym, there is little need for the two to explain their lateness as by now the entire class has heard about Doremi's accident, Kotake, Tamaki, and the SOS Trio all hurling insults in their own ways Doremi's direction as they entered the gym. After their classmates are reprimanded, the pair are instructed to quickly change and prepare themselves for Boys versus Girls Dodge ball. In the girls' locker room, Hazuki again becomes self-conscious about her choice in panties, especially since she now realizes she neglected to dry them with the spell she'd used to make Doremi presentable and internally sighs in relief that most of the girls had already changed before she and Doremi got there. Still, she keeps her back to Doremi and pulls on the red buruma of the girls' gym uniformbefore removing her skirt and sailor top, pulling on the name-tagged white t-shirt with red trim and swapping her normal school shoes for her gym shoes. Walking out of the locker room with the redhead next to her, Hazuki asks, "Want to partner with me for pre-game stretches?" When the redhead replies, "Dodo!" to Hazuki's query, the brunette immediately realizes that Doremi must have switched places with her fairy familiar Dodo while Hazuki wasn't looking. As Hazuki and Dodo do the usual stretches that start gym class, including the two-person stretch that involves standing back-to-back and linking arms as one leans forward to lif the other off the floor, Hazuki wonders what Doremi is up to. After everyone has finished stretching, the students line-up in two lines 5 meters either side of the court's center line. Having been picked as team captains, Aiko is at the center of the girls' line, Kotake opposite her at the center of the boys' line. As the whistle is blown to start the game and the ball tossed straight up at center, Aiko and Kotake rush forth as the rest break formation to be less easy targets. The track star beats the soccer player to the center line, slapping the ball out of the air and sending it towards the boys' side of the court. Normally, Kotake might have been fast enough to attempt intercepting the ball and sending it back towards the girls' side, but his movements seem unusually sluggish and his outstretched hand is several feet short of the ball as it flies pass him and strikes Sagawa Yuji of the SOS Trio square in the gut. A whistle blows and there is a shout of "Yuji out!" As Kotake retrieves the ball and Sagawa heads for the bleachers. Hazuki briefly notices a triumphant smirk on Aiko's face and suspects the blunette of deliberately targeting Sagawa for his part in picking on Doremi minutes earlier. Hazuki snaps out of her thoughts as she sees Kotake throw the ball in the direction of Dodo and herself, likely aiming for the Redhead unaware of Dodo's existence, much less that Doremi has the fairy participating in gym class in her stead. Having decided to get eliminated as soon as possible to check on Doremi, Hazuki attempts to block Dodo from being hit, but she isn't quite fast enough and the ballstrikes both apprentice and fairy. As the whistle is blown and there's a shout of "Fujiwara, Harukaze Out!" Hazuki leads Dodo off the court. No longer paying attention to the game and figuring everyone will be too busy to notice her sneak away for a minute, Hazuki heads back to the locker room to find her fairy Rere sleeping in her crystal orb among Hazuki's clothes. Waking the tiny sprite, Hazuki instructs, "Rere, I need you to cover for me in Gym, and try to keep Dodo out of trouble." Nodding her head, Rere transforms into Hazuki and heads out to the gym. Satisfied that no one will come looking for her, Hazuki checks the stalls of the bathroom adjacent to the locker room and even the showers, but finds no sign of Doremi. Starting to worry about her friend, Hazuki transforms again and casts a spell, "Pretty Witchy, Hazuki-chi! Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu! Point me to Doremi-chan!" A glass sphere appears in Hazuki's hand, a free floating arrow within. Following the direction the arrow points, Hazuki is lead to the double doors back into the gym where the rest of the class is still playing dodgeball, the arrow pointing towards the rafters, flying the only way to continue following where it points. Knowing her broom would give away her secret, she decides on a magical disguise, "Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu! Turn me into a sparrow!" In a puff of smoke and musical notes, the orange clad witch turns into a tiny bird with orange feathers and large, wireframe glasses that would look less out of place on an owl. Flapping her new wings rapidly and now too small for anyone to see clearly, Hazuki zooms up towards the rafters over the court. After a minute or two, she finds Doremi, shrunken and in a pink butterfly costume looking down on the game below. Landing next to Doremi, Hazuki speaks, "Why are you up here, Doremi-chan?" "I'm getting back at those who teased me for wetting!" replies Doremi in a tone Hazuki wasn't expecting. "It's a bit of a shame Ai-chan took Yuji-kun out so quickly, but I've already used magic to make Tamaki, Kotake and the rest of the SOS Trio's bladders fill rapidly, and now I'm just waiting for the right time to make the ball hit them in just the right place to make them lose control in front of everyone!" While Doremi getting mad at being teased was closer to Hazuki's past experience as the odango-headed girl's friend than her fears that Doremi would be moping in a bathroom stall, and Hazuki knew Doremi was the kind to give as good as she got, especially when it came to Tamaki and Kotake, Hazuki didn't think her oldest friend would go so far as to abuse magic for the sake of revenge and wasn't sure how to react. Glancing down to the game below, Hazuki can see the tell tell signs that Doremi's targets are starting to feel the affects of Doremi's magic on their bladders, Kotake in particular almost looking like he's moving in slow motion compared to his usual status as the class's second best athlete, with Aiko dominating the game more than usual as a result. Ota Yutaka and Sugiyama Toyokazu are still in the game, but that seems to be more due to Aiko toying with them than the comedians managing to hold their own. Tamaki, the only girl to tease Doremi for her accident, is standing away from the action, but Hazuki can tell that the more snobbish rich girl's posture is way too rigid. Turning to her friend and adopting the sternest expression she can muster with a beak, wings crossed over her breast, the girl turned sparrow starts to lecture, "You shouldn't be doing this, Doremi-chan!" Trying to look angry and failing miserably thanks to her poorly done transformation, Doremi retorts, "But that was so humiliating and they made it a thousand times worse!" screams the redheaded butterfly with enough volume to blow back Hazuki's head feathers. "They must pay for what they did!" Hoping Doremi's tirade wasn't heard below, Hazuki replies calmly, "What they did was unexcusable, but would humiliating them make you any better than them? Are you anymore justified in using magic like this than Poppu-chan was when she summoned ghosts to scare Kimitaka-kun for being a bully or Onpu-chan when she used forbidden magic to brainwash that panel of judges into declaring her the winner in that talent contest?" Her misplaced fury abating, Doremi replies, "I guess not, but-" Cutting the redhead off, Hazuki declares, "Weren't you right there with Ai-chan and myself in scolding Poppu for abusing magic and convincing Onpu-chan that she shouldn't use forbidden magic?" Dropping to her knees, Doremi replies, "Your right." Seeing her friend on the verge of fresh tears, Hazuki places a wing tip comfortingly on the other girls back and says soothingly, "It's okay, Doremi-chan. What Tamaki and the boys did was really mean, but at least you came to your senses before you could do anything you might regret." Glancing down to see the remaining girls outnumbering the remaining boys by more than 2-to-1, all three of the SOS Trio now on the bench, Hazuki adds, "We'd better head back down, or we might have trouble swapping places with Dodo and Rere again." As the two transformed girls prepare to fly back down and return to full size, there's a nagging feeling that Hazuki has forgotten something. Remembering what Doremi confessed to doing before Hazuki found her, the girl turned sparrow faces the redhead and asks, "Shouldn't you undo the spell you cast on their bladders?" "I guess you're right." replies Doremi, pulling out her poron again and casting another spell, "Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto! Empty Tamaki's bladder!" Glancing down as a ring of pink musical notes rain down, apparently unseen by everyone who is unaware of magic, Hazuki sees Tamaki, who was already standing with an unnatural stiffness go ram rod straight before grabbing the crotch of her red buruma and bolting from the court. The blonde doesn't make it halfway to the gym door before the dam breaks completely, however, and even from this height, Hazuki's avian eyes can see the red fabric darken as pee gushes from between Tamaki's fingers and the blonde falls to her knees as her hair obscures her face and a massive puddle spreads out around her on the hardwood. As the whistle blows to signal a time out and Kaori Shimakura volunteers to escort her friend to the locker room to get cleaned up, Hazuki can hear Aiko comment to Onpu, "Serves her right for givin' Doremi-chan a hard time earlier." As the spectacle comes to an end and the game resumes, Hazuki turns an avian stare on Doremi, but before she can open her beak, Doremi throws up her hands defensively, "I swear I didn't mean to do that! I thought the spell would just vanish the extra pee!" Face winging and remembering that they've all had times where a spell backfired spectacularly, Hazuki replies, "I guess it can't be helped, and it probably isn't worth risking a similar mistake with the boys." With that, the pair return to the girl's locker room, and hearing the showers starting, decide it's safe to return to normal. It takes a bit of effort to catch Rere and Dodo's attention while trying not to alert anyone to there being two Hazukis and two Doremis, but the two manage to take their position on the bleachers just in time to see Aiko deliver the game winning shot straight into Kotake's gut. Winded by the blunette's overly aggressive attack, the soccer player drops to his knees and groans as the ball rolls away from his failed catch. There's a faint hissing sound from Kotake's direction, and while the black shorts of the boy's gym uniform don't show it as well as the girls' red buruma did when Tamaki wet herself mere minutes earlier, the puddle spreading out from under him coupled with his face going as red as the hair of the girl he's so fond of picking on makes it obvious Aiko's last strike shattered the hold he had on the liquid that had been slowing him all game. Though his eyes water in embarrassment, he doesn't let his tears fall and Hazuki can see the SOS Trio fidgetting out of the corner of her eye and concludes that the three wannabe comedians are worried about sharing in Kotake's fate. The other soccer players in the class pull Kotake to his feet and as the humiliated boy exits the gym, the rest of the students are dismissed to shower and dress for their next class. After the excitement of that morning, Hazuki is relieved that lunch and afternoon classes pass without any further incident, and as she changes out of her school shoes and slips on her sandals, the young lady contemplates how she'll spend the remaining hours until sunset.