Hazuki's Sexual Awakening by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: First Accidents The weather is warm but breezy as Hazuki walks the familiar paths that will take her to Misora First Elementary, the air currents feeling pleasant as they pass between her legs and graze her barely covered girlhood, but she's unable to fully enjoy the sensations thanks to worries that a sudden gust will leave her lacey unmentionables on full display, but is distracted from both as she sees one of her friends up ahead. "Ohayo, Ai-chan!" she greets as she crosses paths with the athletic blunette, who is wearing her usual lime-green t-shirt, but has substituted her overalls for cut-off jean shorts and her sneakers for sandals on account of the summer heat. "Ohayo, Hazuki-chan!" replies Aiko, "I don't know about you, but I'm glad today's the last day before summer break." As they continue towards school, the two chat happily for a few minutes before a red head with oversized odango runs up to them. "Ohayo, Doremi-chan!" greet the blunette and brunette in unison as the newcomer catches her breath. Panting, Doremi replies, "Ohayo, Hazuki-chan, Ai-chan!" Doremi's outfit has the least variation from her usual, mainly missing the lavender tank top to expose the pink t-shirt beneath. "Ya oversleep again?" Asks the osakan tomboy. "Yeah, replies Doremi, "I barely had time to grab any breakfast before leaving the house." The trio continue on and are soon joined by their purple-haired friend, Onpu, who is wearing a lavender sundress as usual, but has dispensed with the yellow blouse and violet bike shorts she usually wears under it and has replaced her sneakers with sandals. Not long after the final member of the quartet joins their precession, they reach the school, and quickly change into their school shoes before heading to Class 4-2 for Homeroom. On the way, they all stop by the water fountain to wet their parched throats from the slightly sweaty walk to school, but none of them opt for a last minute toilet break. Homeroom passes without incident, and it isn't until fifteen minutes into the first class of the day that Hazuki's body gives her the first hint to her mistake. Unbeknownst to the young lady, her accident from earlier that morning, instead of emptying her bladder completely, had only emptied it to below the threshold at which she would register the need to pee. Now that her bladder had had time to relax and contract around its reduced contents, she was suddenly in as much need of the toilet as when she had decided to wait until after her morning shower to take her morning pee. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem as she was used to holding her waters until a break came and she could sneak off to the school toilets without having to announce her need, but several things were working against her this morning. For one, her bladder was still tired from being pushed so close to its limit just earlier that morning. Second, she had spent an entire minute drinking from the water fountain, which easily amounted to a liter of water. A liter of water that already had half-an-hour to start working through her system with another half hour until the first break. Thirdly, Seki-sensei had decided to do end of term review to prepare the class for their summer homework instead of new material, and while Hazuki wasn't one to brag about her grades, she was nonetheless routinely in the top five for her grade, and as such, the review was insufficient to distract her from the growing bulge in her lower abdomen. Despite her growing desperation, Hazuki resists the urge to squirm in her seat, grab her crotch, or anything else that would be unladylike to try and hold off the impending flood until first period is over, though she does allow herself to cross her legs under her desk. She repeatedly glances in the direction of the classroom's wall clock, but it seems to take an eternity for the second hand to make each little tick of a revolution towards the bell and a chance to go to the bathroom. With fifteen minutes left in first period, her bladder throbbing for relief, chewing on her pencil eraser in hopes anyone looking in her direction will think she's deep in thought, and her eyes darting around the room for anything that might help her situation or at least take her mind off the incessant signals from her bladder, Hazuki wonders if she should swallow her pride and ask to be excused. Deciding that admitting her need would be less humiliating than wetting herself, Hazuki starts to raise her hand, but before it reaches the height of her ear, Seki-sensei pauses her lecture to address another student, "Do you have a question, Harukaze?" Standing up, Doremi asks, "Seki-sensei, can I go to the bathroom?" Sounding annoyed, Seki-sensei replies, "That's may you go to the bathroom, and no you may not. There's only ten minutes until the end of the period, and if anyone can't afford to miss review, it's you. Now, sit back down." Chiming in, Tetsuya Kotake taunts the redhead, "What's wrong Dojimi? You forget to visit the toilet this morning?" only for Seki-sensei to hit the soccer-playing boy between the eyes with a piece of chalk. Everyone, quiet down now!" Yells the slightly irate teacher in an attempt to restore order. Knowing there's no way Seki-sensei will excuse her now, Hazuki aborts her attempt to gain the teacher's attention before glancing over to Doremi. The redhead is fidgetting in her seat, leading Hazuki to suspect that Kotake wasn't far from the mark and that nearly missing breakfast and having to run to catch up with her and Aiko weren't the only consequences of her oldest and closest friend oversleeping that morning. Suddenly, Hazuki notices Doremi go rigid before the redhead jams a hand between her legs and the brunette can hear the odango-headed girl hissing something under her breath that sounds like "don't come out." Unfortunately, watching her friend has distracted Hazuki from her own need a bit too well as she feels her panties growing damp and realizes she's sprung a leak of her own. Clenching her teeth and gripping the edges of her desk, Hazuki manages to halt the flow just as the chimes signaling the end of first period ring out. Standing up, Hazuki glances down and notices a wet spot about the size of a 500-yen coin soaking into the wooden seat, feeling grateful she had pulled the back of her skirt from under her when she sat down. Trying to keep her gait natural, she heads for the classroom door as Doremi runs past her. As she steps into the hall, Hazuki is greeted by the sight of Doremi hunched over, the Redhead's hands bunching up the front of her shorts as a large wet patch spreads over the seat and inner thighs of the garment, and Doremi's golden liquid cascades to the floor, an already sizeable puddle continueing to grow. As she watches her oldest friend wetting uncontrollably, Hazuki is torn between comforting the redhead or rushing to the bathroom to avoid sharing the same fate. Once pee stops gushing from Doremi's crotch, Hazuki approaches her sobbing friend, trying to avoid stepping in the puddle, but eventually giving up as the evidence of Doremi's accident reaches beyond arms reach in all directions. As Hazuki places a comforting hand on the redhead's back, she can hear other students stepping into the hallway and is sure she can hear Kotake and Reika Tamaki jeering at Doremi's misfortune, but the brunette is too preoccupied with trying to help her friend and avoid adding to the puddle to make out the words of her classmates. Whispering in Doremi's ear, Hazuki says soothingly, "Come on, Doremi-chan, let's head to the bathroom and we can use magic to clean you up." When the only response is more crying from the distraught and humiliated girl, Hazuki gently grabs Doremi by the arm and starts leading her down the hallway, progress slow as Hazuki tries to keep her thighs pressed together and Doremi is in no condition to watch where she's going. As she guides Doremi into the girls' bathroom, she locks the door to prevent anyone from walking in on them in the middle of performing magic, and realizing Doremi is still too upset to do it herself, Hazuki pulls out her Rhythm Tap. Just as she's about to initiate the transformation sequence, she realizes there's no way she could perform the dance like moves required in her current state. At that moment, her bladder gives a spasm on par with the ones she felt right before losing it in the shower that morning. With Doremi the only other person in the restroom and still preoccupied with her soaked clothing, Hazuki throws lady-like discretion to the winds and runs into the nearest stall, not bothering to lock the door behind her. As she hikes up her skirt and reaches for the waistband of her lacy panties, Hazuki can feel warm pee starting to run down the inside of her thigh. Decideing it's too late to keep her underwear dry, she sits down on the toilet and lets the leaky flood gates open wide. The lace front of her panties offers little to either block or absorb Hazuki's golden liquid as it gushes forth and cascades into the toilet bowl beneath her. The relief of finally emptying her overfilled bladder is wonderful, but the experience is somehow enhanced by the feeling of wet lace against her girlhood and dry silk against her rump instead of the cold toilet seat. Holding up the front of her skirt and spreading her legs, Hazuki looks down to stare at the translucent lace covering her privates and the torrential flow from her crotch, the sight somehow adding to the naughty thrill of peeing through her pantis, a smile coming to her face even as her cheeks turn red as her waiting friend's hair. After a full minute of watching her waste waters cascading into the bowl, her stream finally trickles to a halt. Baring down, she forces her bladder to give up the last of its cargo, releasing several bursts lasting from ten to thirty seconds before she's satisfied that she's completely empty. As this is probably the most privacy she'll have until she returns home in the evening, part of Hazuki is tempted to try and recreate that pleasant feeling from when she cleaned between her legs during her morning shower, but she knows Doremi is still waiting for her out in the main part of the bathroom and that they'll need to hurry if they don't want to be late for gym class. Wrapping a few sheets of toilet paper around her hand, Hazuki wipes away the traces of pee on her thighs before patting her crotch dry, resisting the urge to rub more vigorously at her young girlhood. Dropping the tissue in the bowl and flushing the toilet, she leaves the stall to find Doremi still standing in soaked shorts, but finally starting to calm down. "Sorry about that, Doremi-chan." Hazuki says before pulling out her tap and initiating her transformation sequence, gloves appearing on her hands, her shoes being replaced with boots, an orange dress with the outer layer of the skirt ending in petal like protrusions replacing her sailor top and skirt, and an orange witch hat appearing on her head in order as she completes the dance like motions. Her transformation complete, Hazuki places her tap upon her chest and shouts, "Pretty Witchy, Hazuki-chi!" before striking a pose. Double tapping her tap to summon her Poron, she shouts her incantation, "Paipai Ponpoi Puwapuwa Puu!" the tip of the wand-like instrument spinning rapidly as she points it at Doremi, "Clean Doremi-chan up!" A ring of orange musical notes shoots from the tip of Hazuki's poron and encircle Doremi, removing any trace of pee from the redhead's shorts and even drying the tears and mucus dripping from her eyes and nose. Finally regaining her composure, Doremi says, "Thank you, Hazuki-chan." Just then, the bell rings, and undoing her transformation, Hazuki unlocks the bathroom door and practically drags her odango-headed friend out of the bathroom, yelling, "We're late for gym class." Hazuki was by far the least athletic of the Ojamajo and really wasn't very fond of gym, but being late for class, even with good reason, wasn't something that sat right with the bespectacled girl.