Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 9: A Purrfect End to the Day Glancing around, Momoko spots a clock and realizes just how late its gotten and is kind of surprised Mutsumi was the first of them to drop before deciding she needs to ensure the wrestler remembers this as a dream. Before Momoko can do anything, Aiko cries out, "Oh kami! Is Mutsumi-chan peeing in me!?" Glancing at the unconscious girl's face, Momoko finds that the brunette's features seem to be arranged in an expression of blissful relief, and reaching down to place a palm on the wrestler's bladder bulge, the blonde is certain the organ is deflating. "I think so." replies Momoko, making no effort to separate the two athletes as the unconscious girl continues to use the bound girl as an urinal. When Momoko finally pulls Mutsumi off of Aiko, the last few drops of the wrestler's pee sprinkle the blunette, but are nothing compared to the golden gushes coming from the blue apprentice's pussy as her womb forces the piddle it was forced to recieve back out, drenching the track star from neck to crotch as the golden cascade pours forth. Ignoring Aiko's predicament for the moment, Momoko half-carries, half-drags Mutsumi to the couch before laying the wrestler down. Summoning her poron, the yellow apprentice incants, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Clean Mutsumi-chan up and dress her!" As Yellow musical notes swirl around the unconscious girl, removing all traces of cum, pee, and sweat, the brunette's discarded clothes fly in from Aiko's bedroom and magic gently lifts and repositions the wrestler in order to dress her. As the spell concludes, leaving Mutsumi sleeping peacefully in her teal blouse and blue skirt on the couch cushions, Momoko notices that the wresler still has her girlcock, which is currently tenting the unconscious girl's skirt. Walking over to where the remote landed after Mutsumi passed out, Momoko tunes the device to Mutsumi and uses it to return the wrestler to normal while also ensuring that the brunette's bladder is empty and that her sphincter is under her own control. The only girl without magic in the room taken care of, Momoko turns to her fellow witch apprentice and casts, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Free and clean up Ai-chan!" With another swirl of musical notes, Aiko's skin is cleansed of various bodily fluids and the remainder of the aphrodisiac as the weights holding down her limbs and the cock ring denying her any kind of release vanish. Rubbing her wrists, Aiko declares, "Bout time ya freed me." before rolling over on her stomach and stretching in a very feline manner to work out the kinks from being held in such a compromising position for so long, unintentionally giving Momoko a good look at the blunette's ass and pussy, and tempting the blonde to use the remote to restore her futahood and claim one of those holes. Before Momoko can muster the willpower to actually act out her little fantasy, Aiko has gotten to her feet and grabbed the remote before summoning her own poron and casting, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Clean Momo-chan and the living room!" This time, a spray of blue musical notes burst forth to scrub the yellow apprentice and the floor of the evidence of their activities, ensuring that Mutsumi will wake to a perfectly normal looking living room. Aiko grabs Momoko by the wrist and practically drags the blonde to her bedroom, and upon seeing the shape its in, does some more magical cleaning, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Clean my room!" Once the spell has run its course, Aiko declares, "We should be headin' to bed shortly, but surely we can have a little bit more fun before bed." Lifting the remote, Aiko uses it to restore Momoko's futahood, giving it the same proportions as the blunette's own before asking, "So, Momo-chan, any ideas?" Stroking her restored member, Momoko thinks back to the unintentionally erotic display her fellow Ojamajo gave her in the living room and comments, "The way you were stretching after I freed you from those weights, it reminded me of a pussycat presenting herself to a tomcat." Blushing, the blunette replies, "Re-Really?" "Yeah," replies the blonde, getting her poron ready, "And I bet Ai-chan would be a really cute catgirl!" With this, the yellow apprentice casts, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Turn Ai-chan and me into catgirls!" As the two are engulfed in a storm of yellow notes, their ears slide up the side of their heads, vanishing into their hair before bursting through their sapphire and peridot locks, now much larger, more triangular than oval, and covered in downy fur, Aiko's with a dark blue that could be mistaken for black, and Momoko's with a greenish yellow that more closely matches her hair. The ovals of Aiko's pupils elongate into a slit as Momoko's Emerald irises split in half vertically, and both girls teeth take on a much sharper, serrated shape, both developing a case of cute, little fangs. Both their hands and feet shift into paws, their nails elongating into razor sharp claws and fur to match their ears covers their arms and legs up to the knee and elbow as a matching tail bursts forth from the base of their spines. Last but not least, their girlcocks become slightly longer and slimmer as they take on a more tapered shape, turn a more pinkish shade, and grow a ring of barbs around their base. As the transformations conclude, Momoko comments, "Meow! Ai-chan is an even cuter kitty than I expected, Meow!" Blushing at the compliment, Aiko replies, "Momo-chan is purretty cute herself, nyaa." Walking up to her fellow futa feline, a very catty smile on her lips, Momoko pulls the blunette into a hug, their feline futahoods rubbing together from their close proximity as she asks, "Since this was my idea, does Ai-chan mind if I'm the first to purray tomcat, Meow?" "Not at all, nyaa!" replies the athlete, wriggling out of the hug and padding over to her futon. Retracting her claws to avoid shredding her sheets, the athletic catgirl drops to all fours, bending her elbows until she's nearly kissing her pillow as she thrusts her rear high in the air and shakes her hips in invitation, "Purrease, Momo-chan, nyaa! Purretty Purrease, stuff my pussy pussy with that purretty purrick of yours, nyaa!" Instead of going straight for rutting, as tempting as that would be, Momoko kneels behind Aiko, getting a good look, and thanks to a heighten feline sense of smell, good whiff of the other futa feline's pussy, commenting, "Ai-chan has a really purretty pussy pussy, meow! I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks and smells, meow!" Momoko sticks out her tongue, and as the pink appendage makes contact with the blunette's girlhood, Aiko discovers in the most pleasant way possible that the spell that turned them into catgirls alsomade their tongues rough like a cat's. Though she quite enjoys having her kitty kitty licked, it isn't long before Aiko growls, "Come on Momo-chan, Nyaa! Hurry up and fuck me, nyaa!" Though she's thoroughly enjoying lapping up the blue-furred catgirl's cunny cream, her own throbbing kitty cock drives the yellow-furred catgirl to give into her friend's demands. Rising to her hindpaws, Momoko grips the blunette's hips with her forepaws, being careful not to claw the other catgirl as she lines up her pointed tip with the presenting feline futa's opening. With one quick thrust, the blonde hilts herself in the blunette, both catgirls letting out howls of pleasure at their union. Stretching sensually across Aiko's back, Momoko pulls out, her barbs scraping the blunette's walls in the process, but only increasing the athlete's pleasure. As Momoko gives a few experimental thrusts, growing acustomed to the changes being turned into a futa catgirl have brought, both girls purr contentedly before the blonde comments, "Ai-chan's cozy, little kitty cunny feels so good, meow! It feels like my kitty cock could just melt, meow!" "I love the way yer barbs scrape my insides, nyaa!" replies the blunette. As Momoko picks up pace, their purrs turn to mewling and then to howling pleasure as the yellow-furred catgirl starts rutting the blue-furred catgirl in earnest, and if the pair were a bit less lost in their shared pleasure, they might be worried about waking Mutsumi. At the same time, Momoko can feel a craving for cock building in her own pussy pussy, and getting an idea, she straightens up and grabs her poron, doing her best not to slow down as she casts, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Portals appear, meow!" The ring of musical notes emitted from the tip of her poron shrinks down and solidifies into a metallic ring resembling the cockring she used on Aiko, but with a slightly greater diameter. The ring splits along its band and separates into two discs, the sides that were towards each other the same metallic yellow, but the outside continueing to look like a ring showing what's beyond its partner. One of the miniature portals flies down and adheres its opening over Momoko's exposed girlhood, the ring forming a seal with the blonde's skin while the other lands in her hand, her labia and vaginal opening framed within the ring. Bringing the portal to her mouth, Momoko licks her own pussy to make sure she's well lubricated, but as enjoyable as autocunnilingus turns out to be, the craving for cock soon grows unbearable, and molding herself to Aiko's back once more,she reaches around to impale her now portable pussy upon Aiko's thus far neglected feline futahood. The sensation of both being buried in another's pussy and being impaled on another's cock is almost more than the two catgirls can take as Momoko redoubles her efforts, her hips and the hand holding the portal both a blur as she works furiously to bring both of them to a shared climax, Aiko's muscles struggling to keep the blunette from collapsing under the force of the blonde's rutting. It isn't long before both futa felines reach dual climax, Momoko hilting both of their kitty cocks in the other's pussy pussy as they both throw back their heads and let out howls of pleasure, both flooding the other's womb with copious amounts of kitty cock cream even as their pussy pussies pulse powerfully to milk every last drop. As their climaxes subside, they collapse to the futon, Momoko spooned behind Aiko as the blunette grabs the portal resting on her feline futahood and rolls over to face the blonde, commenting, "That was amazing, nyaa!" Getting a catty grin, Aiko casts one last spell for the night, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! More portals appear, nyaa!" The effect is similar to when Momoko conjured the first pair of portals, except these are blue and one of them adheres to Aiko's pussy as she hands the free one to Momoko. As Aiko starts using the portal on her kitty cock like a pocket pussy, Momoko does the same with the one Aiko hands her. Given the late hour and their exhausting evening, the two catgirls are fairly languid as they use the portals to gently mate each other, gazing lovingly into each others' eyes as they do so. Neither really has the energy for much more, and letting out a yawn, Aiko pulls the covers over both of them as they continue to lazily use the portals to rut each other, Momoko voicing no protest. Eventually, the pair drift off to sleep, their kitty cocks buried in the others pussy pussy thanks to magic portal, but not before they each give the other one last good night shot of cream.