Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 8B: A Bound Futanari The Blonde and Brunette head to the toy case, and after some browsing, Mutsumi pulls out a bottle of a super strong, topical aphrodisiac and Momoko points out some metal objects that look like a combination of free weights and shackles. Momoko is unable to lift them, and even the wrestler can barely lift one of them, but they silently agree they'll be perfect for tormenting the blunette. Mutsumi places one of the metal objects on the floor, its black surface seeming to absorb all light before securing one of Aiko's wrists in the shackle part of it, the weight part making it nearly impossible for the blunette to move it without risking a broken wrist. Soon enough, Aiko has all four limbs bound in such a manner and is laying on the floor with her extremities stretched out in an X, the combined weight pinning her to the ground more than even the wrestler could effectively work against. "Kneeling between Aiko's spread thighs, Mutsumi teases, "Now that Ai-chan is all helpless..." the brunette uncaps the bottle of aphrodisiac and lets the thick, oily liquid pour out over the blunette's member. Aiko lets out a scream of sexual frustration as the lube coats her futahood, making it throb tremendously, and once the erect shaft is completely coated, Mutsumi sticks the nozzle inside Aiko's pussy and gives the bottle a good squeeze, making the blunette let out another incoherent scream. Mutsumi then pours the rest of the bottle over her fellow athlete's torso and limbs before discarding the empty container. As Aiko's entire body burns in sexual need without any means of stimulation, the weights not even allowing Aiko sufficient slack to rub her skin against the carpet, Mutsumi turns to Momoko, "Since Momo-chan has been so patient, didn't take advantage of me leaving my ass and pussy seemingly unprotected, and cooperated with me punishing Ai-chan, I think I'll reward you by letting you fuck my ass." Bending over slightly and sticking out her butt in Momoko's direction, Mutsumi spreads her half-moons in invitation for the blonde. Still throbbing thanks to her long denied ejaculation, Momoko is quite eager to accept the brunette's invitation, grabbing the wrestlers hips and hilting herself deep in the brunette's bowels without hesitation. Tuning the remote to Momoko, Mutsumi increases the length and girth of the futahood she's impaled on to the largest she can comfortably accomodate before adding a liter to the blonde's bladder as well and declaring, "Let's see how quickly Momo-chan can make me cum!" Accepting the challenge, the blonde reaches around to stroke the brunette's member, and upon realizing her girth is too much for Momoko to wrap her hands around properly, Mutsumi tunes the remote to herself once more and reduces her girth, immediately deciding that, while being huge is great when enveloped by a tight twaty, handjobs are much better when your girlcock is thin enough to make a fist around before adding a liter to her own bladder as well. "I hope you're watching how much fun Momo-chan and I are having, Ai-chan. That is, assuming you have enough sense left to take in your surroundings." Feeling herself nearing another climax, Mutsumi announces, "Wow, Momo-chan works fast! Keep this up, and I might have to reward Momo-chan even more!" Doing her best to sound like the dutiful sex slave, Momoko replies, "Might Mutsumi-sama remove this cock ring and let me cum at last?" "Well," starts the brunette, "Since Momo-chan asked so nicely and has been so patient, I guess I will let you cum, but not in my butt." Pulling off the cock lodged in her ass, Mutsumi walks over to Aiko's prone form, taking over from Momoko at stroking her girlcock. "Come on, Momo-chan, let's give Ai-chan a cum shower together!" As Momoko takes her place opposite the blunette from the wrestler, Mutsumi makes sure the blonde's bloated bladder is sealed before reaching a hand out to pull the metallic blue cock ring off the yellow apprentice's prick. Sighing in relief, Momoko joins Mutsumi in furiously jacking herself off, both girls pointing their tips down at Aiko, the blunette groaning in frustration from extreme arousal and a complete inability to do more than turn her head or rub her wrists and ankles raw within her bindings. Both having been on the verge before they separated, it isn't long before both futas are shooting their loads, Momoko producing far greater quantity thanks to how long she had been denied release by the cock ring. Thanks to being hypersensitive from the aphrodisiac, Momoko and Mutsumi's hot seed feels like liquid fire to Aiko, the blunette letting out a strangled scream as the other two girls spray her from collar bone to pubic mound in fresh semen. Thanks to how much her climax was amplified by the long period of denial, Momoko collapses to her knees by the time she's finished cumming and doesn't notice as Mutsumi retrieves something from the toy chest. Kneeling opposite Momoko, Mutsumi hands the blonde a pair of rubber gloves, explaining, "I think we should massage our seed into Ai-chan, but we might go crazy from the aphrodisiac if we do it bare handed." Shaking her head to clear it of her post-orgasmic fog, Momoko puts on the gloves as she declares, "I like that idea!" Donning her own gloves, Mutsumi uses the remote to shrink Aiko's futahood to a mere half-inch diameter and 4-inch length, smaller than even the smallest dildo in the case before placing her gloved hands into the pearly white mess covering Aiko's chest and tummy. Following the wrestler's lead, Momoko places her own gloved hands upon Aiko, and as the pair start to massage the runner's sleek pecs and abs, using their seed as improvised massage oil, the blunette starts moaning loudly, and it's quite clear that the blue apprentice would be writhing in pleasure if her bindings gave her enough slack to do so. Once they've thoroughly spread their seed all over Aiko's torso, the pair decide to focus on the most sensitive spots, each girl using one hand to fondle the nearer of the blunette's budding breasts while Momoko uses her other hand to tease at Aiko's pussy and Mutsumi lightly strokes her fellow athlete's now rather pathetically small cock. Sensing that their captive is nearing dual climax, or would be if not for the cock ring strangling the base of her shrunken futahood, the ring having tighten to match, both the blonde and the brunette remove their hands completely, causing the exhausted blunette to beg, "Please, please make me cum already." "Hmmm..." hums the wrestler, thinking of what to do next before heading to the toy chest again, the magic providing the illusion that Mutsumi is in a dream producing a bottle of diuretic tablets and a liter bottle of Oy! Cola. Opening the soft drink, Mutsumi drops several of the tablets into the fizzy beverage and swirls the bottle gently to help them dissolve. Kneeling by Aiko's head, the brunette fists her free hand in the bound girl's short blue locks before forcing the neck of the bottle into Aiko's mouth. With gravity making the cold liquid flow into her oral cavity, the track star has no choice but to swallow the soda to avoid drowning on it despite her piddle pot pounding in protest at further liquid consumption. Once the bottle is empty, Mutsumi moves to between Aiko's legs, and using the remote to make sure Aiko's urinary sphincter is under the blunette's own control, the wrestler runs a finger teasingly along the underside of her fellow athlete's diminutive futahood as she says, "Ai-chan, I'm going to remove your cock ring. If you can hold your pee for five minutes without its assistance, I'll let you cum, but if you leak, the ring goes back on and I replace the pee you lost. Do you understand?" Tensing up her every internal muscle in preparation for the challenge, Aiko nods her understanding as the wrestler pulls the shiny yellow loop of metal from the blunette's girlcock. Though there is relief in no longer having the base of her member constricted, the pressure of pent-up pee pounding powerfully against the exit to Aiko's prodigiously protruding piddle pot seems to double as soon as the artificial barrier is removed, but even more desperate to cum than to pee, the frustrated futa fights ferociously to foil her tremendously taut tinkle tank's tactics to expel its contents. It's the longest, most agonizing five minutes of the young witch apprentice's life, but eventually Mutsumi announces, "Congratulations!" as she flips Aiko's sphincter control to sealed. "Ai-chan managed to hold it in, and as promised, you get to cum as your reward." Gripping the blunette's member, Mutsumi starts to gently bend it, trying to bring the tip down to Aiko's opening, but the short shaft isn't flexible enough. Using the remote, the wrestler lengthens her fellow athlete's futahood until it flexes enough to let the tip kiss Aiko's pussy. Nearly cumming just from that brush of cock tip against nether lips, Aiko cries out, "What are ya doing, Mutsumi-chan?" "I said that if you could hold it, I'd let you cum." replies the wresler, "What I didn't tell you is that I'd make you cum in your own pussy!" With that, Mutsumi pushes the penis length slider up by several inches, her fellow athlete's girlcock suddenly growing to force its tip past the blunette's lips and all the way to her cervix. Aiko has no time to even protest as the sudden sensation of being buried cervix deep in her own pussy after being overdosed with aphrodisiac, teased, and denied is enough to trigger both of her orgasms, her entire body trembling as much as the weights holding her in place will allow as the blunette's futahood erupts with great gooey gobs of futa seed right against the entrance to her womb even as her pussy convulses in an effort to milk her own cock dry and suck all of her seed into her own womb. As Mutsumi watches the blunette shooting herself full of semen and looking completely enraptured by the experience, she can't help stroking her own member, and glancing over to Momoko sees the blonde doing the same. Deciding that Aiko came way too quickly, Mutsumi gets a devilish smile as she reaches for the arch of girlcock connecting the root of Aiko's futahood to the blunette's pussy. As the wrestler starts to manipulate that loop of sensitive futa flesh, making the rest of Aiko's member slide in and out of her pussy, the track star starts moaning, this time in euphoria rather than sexual frustration, the blunette too lost in her own pleasure to worry about the possibility that her own swimmers will beat Mutsumi's to her egg. Mutsumi continues giving Aiko some much overdue stimulation until the blunette announces, "Mutsumi-chan, I'm gonna cum again!" Deciding there would be no further humiliation value in making her fellow athlete give herself a second creampie, Mutsumi suddenly yanks Aiko's futahood, now unusually long for how slender it is, and slides the cock ring along its length, leaving the blue apprentice hanging just shy of another climax. Ignoring the blunette's muffled curses at being once more constrained by the magical artifact, Mutsumi can't help wondering how it would feel to fuck herself. Gripping her futahood with both hands, the wrestler starts to gently bend her own member, curving it towards her own dripping wet pussy. She needs to give herself some extra length to manage without bending her girlcock to the point of pain, but it isn't long before the brunette can feel her tip pressed snuggly against her cervix. Adjusting her girth to the thickest setting her twat can handle, Mutsumi simply savors the sensations of being buried in a tight twatty while being simultaneously stuffed with a colossal cock, the naughty thrill of it all only made all the greater by it being her own pussy that she's buried in and her own girlcock that she's stuffed with. Once used to the sensation of penetrating her own pussy and being penetrated by her own penis, Mutsumi reaches down to stroke the loop of futahoodprotruding from her crotch, but her body soon demands more and she starts using the leverage provided to start literally fucking herself much as she made Aiko fuck herself mere minutes earlier. Before too long, Mutsumi can feel the now familiar sensation of impending male orgasm as her throbbing tool twitches terribly, threatening total insemination of her tight twatty. Mutsumi considers pulling out of herself to shoot off in either Momoko or Aiko, but fucking her own pussy with her own girlcock feels way too good for the wrestler to muster the willpower to pull fully from her depths as she withdraws, instead ramming her futahood full force to her cervix every time. Eventually, the brunette pushes herself past the point of no return, her prick pressed firmly against her cervix as she pumps herself full of potent futa seed, flooding her preteen womb to capacity and then some, her trim tummy starting to protrude a bit above the bulge of her bladder, reminding the brunette of her full bladder as its compressed by her now full womb. Once her climax has subsided, Mutsumi finally manages to pull her futahood fully from her feminninity and turns her attention once more to the blonde and blunette. Stifling a yawn and doing her best to ignore the fatigue she's feeling, Mutsumi heads over to Aiko's bound form, her futa seed running down the insides of her thighs, and with some difficulty, rearranges the weights so the blue apprentice's ankles are next to her head and her rear is slightly elevated. Squating over Aiko's crotch, Mutsumi lines up the blunette's slender futahood with her pussy as she lines up her own member with the blunette's, letting out another moan as the two futa mutually penetrate each other. Starting to bounce, the wrestler increases both their girths, Aiko's to match what the brunette used to fuck herself, and her own to what she first used to fuck the blunette. Too lost in pleasure and exhaustion-induced dilirium to process Aiko's protests, Mutsumi spreads the blunette's ass cheeks and invites, "Come on, Momo-chan, give Ai-chan's butt a good battering." Momoko complies, and as the two start double teaming the bound girl in earnest, blonde and brunette start to make out. Having worked herself up quite a bit while watching Mutsumi first make Aiko fuck herself and then as the brunette did the same to herself, it isn't long before Momoko breaks the kiss to announce, "[I'm close to shooting Ai-chan's ass full of jizz!]" Even on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, Mutsumi can make a good guess as to what Momoko's foreign words mean, and manages to tune the remote to the blonde as she slams the penis length slider to zero. With her diminished stamina, the sight of a sexually frustrated Momoko whimpering at the sudden loss of stimulation and grabbing at her crotch as her futahood reverts to a clitoris is enough to send the brunette over the edge one last time, her girlcock twitching as it delivers a comparably feeble load to Aiko's girlhood and massages the blunette's futahood in a vain attempt to milk cum from the ringed cock. Her exhaustion finally catching up to her, Mutsumi passes out, and despite still being rather upset at having her transformation reverted just shy of climax, Momoko manages to catch the wrestler before she can fall.