Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 8A: A Desperate Evening Handing the other two girls each a remote, she explains, "The plugs we have in are remote controlled and will open up whenever the other two press the open button together. We could play cards with the winner of each hand getting a few seconds of the plug open and the losers having to take a drink, or maybe we could play I never with drinking if you've done it and some relief if ya can convince the other two ya haven't, or we could just take turns issuing challenges to the other two." After giving the two some time to think about the options, Aiko adds, "Unless ya have another idea." "Cards sound nice." replies Mutsumi. "I have an American-style Poker deck in my bag." adds Momoko before rubbing the back of her head and asking, "But shouldn't we clean up my mess first? Might be hard to explain if Ai-chan's dad comes home from the bar and the kitchen smells of pee." "Good point," replies Aiko, "We should take care of that first." The trio returns to the kitchen where Aiko retrieves a bucket from a utility closet and her guests take a pair of mops. While the blonde and brunette start soaking up Momoko's spill with the mops, Aiko carries the bucket over to the sink. As the blunette turns on the hot water, her tinkle tank throbs in response as it tries to dislodge the plug preventing it from pouring out the saline that was recently injected into it, and it only gets worse as Aiko adds soap to the bucket and places it under the tap, the pitter-patter of running water hitting metal echoing within the confined space of the vessel. Once the bucket is full, Aiko carries it over to the now merely moist rather than soaked site of Momoko's accident, and tipping the bucket pours the soapy water out to dilute the remaining pee and dislodge any dissolved wastes sticking to the tiles. As the warm wash water makes waves over the girl's feet, the saline held behind their plugs makes waves of a different kind within their waste water reservoirs. The various splishes and splashes as they scrub the floor with the mops, soak up the liquid, and wring it out into the bucket makes cleaning up the blonde's accident even more torturous for the two athletes than watching it in the first place did, and the process is no more pleasant as Aiko dumps the dirty water down the drain and returns with a bucket filled with clean, non-soapy water to wash away the detergent. Once the floor is clean and only the slightest residue of clean water is left upon the tiles, Aiko grabs 2-liter bottles of lemonade, Oy! Cola, and a gallon jug of water from the fridge along with a few glasses, both full-sized drink ware and a few of her dad's shot glasses before leading the others back to her room, Momoko carrying the now empty bucket and retrieving a deck of cards from the small purse she left on the coffee table. Once in their host's bedroom, the three girls, still naked except for the belt Mutsumi has digging into her bladder bulge make themselves comfortable on a few floor pillows. "Okay," Starts Aiko, "obviously, we'll be playing with some kind of reward/penalty system based on getting to pee and taking drinks, and I was thinking of playing five card draw since hands go quickly, but any suggestions on the exact rules?" "How about," starts Momoko, "No reward or penalty for high card or single pairs, and the losers have to take one, two, or three shots if the winner gets two pair, three-of-a-kind, or a Full House." "Sounds good." replies Mutsumi, "As for the winner, maybe three seconds of peeing for two pair, 7 seconds for three-of-a-kind, and ten for a Full House?" "Sounds good to me." answers Aiko. "And the losers have to drink a full glass if the winner gets Four-of-a-kind while the winner gets to fill a glass with pee." "What about Flushes?" Asks Momoko. "Winner gets to completely empty their bladder, and if its a straight flush, they can pick a loser to recieve their pee?" suggest Mutsumi. "I like that." replies Aiko. "Oh, and if anyone gets a Royal Flush, the other two become their slave for the rest of the night. Is that agreeable?" They all nod in agreement to the selected house rules, and Aiko shuffles the deck and deals the first hand. Mostly, they all get hands below full house, the losers taking their shots and the winners using the bucket to take their brief relief, and after every two or three hands, the deck is exhausted and the next girl reshuffles it and becomes the dealer. After some time, one of the girl's announces, "I've got a good hand!" as her face is split by a massive smile. "Read 'em and weep!" says Aiko, laying out four sevens and a Ace of Spades, "Four-of-a-kind! I get to let out a full glass of pee and then both of ya have to drink a full glass!" As Aiko kneels and places one of the full-sized drinking glasses between her thighs, the other two girls toss their losing hands on the discard pile and use their remotes to open the valve on Aiko's plug. For nearly half-a-minute, Aiko sighs in relief while Momoko and Mutsumi squirm on their pillows, the sight of watching the glass filling with pee to ensure they release the button when Aiko has had her allotted relief torturous. As the blunette's pee reaches the brim of her glass, both losers release the buttons on their remotes, resealing Aiko's urethra and nearly making her knock the glass over as she falls on her butt from the sudden halt of relief. Regaining her equilibrium, Aiko pours her pee into the bucket with all the other pee they've let out since the game began before declaring, "Mutsumi-chan has to drink a glass of Oy! Cola and Momo-chan has to drink a glass of lemonade!" The two girls pour each others penalty drinks before bringing the glasses they just filled to the other's lips and all but forcibly pouring the beverage down each others throats, neither liking the idea of taking in more liquid as their tinkle tanks throb. The game continues, and while most hands are still ones with rather low rewards and penalties, its clear that Aiko, though still pretty full, is able to think more clearly after peeing out a glassful of her golden liquid and that Momoko and Mutsumi are making more careless mistakes thanks to the now significantly greater amount of liquid working through their systems. Then, one of the girls announces without warning, "I've got a flush!" Grinning like a maniac, Momoko lays down her first card, the ten of Hearts, soon followed by the Jack of Hearts. Worry turns to dread as the two athletes see the Queen and King of Hearts laid on the tatami. Pausing to build tension, Momoko suddenly lays down her final card with a resounding smack before pulling her hand back to reveal that card her opponents most feared, the Ace of Hearts. "[Royal Flush! Your tinkle tormented twatties are mine!]" announces the Japanese-American in English. Though they don't understand the blonde's words, her meaning is all too clear to the brunette and blunette, they've lost and are now Momoko's sex slaves for the rest of the night. Glancing at each other, the two athletes declare in unison, "How may we serve you, Momo-sama?" "I like the sound of that." replies Momoko before declaring, channeling both Mary and Reika, the pair of shockingly similar bossy blondes the yellow apprentice knows from New York and Misora respectively, "Well, for starters, hand over your remotes. Until Dawn, both of you will only pee when I tell you to." Taking the remotes, the blonde adds, "Now, I pick Mutsumi-chan for the honor of recieving her Mistress's victory pee!" Heading to the sex toy case to retrieve a couple of catheters, Momoko is pleasantly surprised when the three remotes in her hand suddenly merge into one. Evidently, the magic that forge them responded to the changing circumstances, and since Mutsumi couldn't have seen it from where Momoko is hunched over the case, the blonde decides to pass it off as having found a master remote in the case. As she searches for the catheters, Momoko finds a funnel and grabs both it and a discarded bottle that once held saline. Returning to her prizes, Momoko connects herself to Mutsumi and sighs in relief as her own bloated bladder deflates even as the brunette's bladder bulge balloons out even further. Glancing over to Aiko, the patissiere declares, "Don't look too relieved, Ai-chan. As payback for getting to let out that glass of pee and making me drink that glass of lemonade, you get to hold all the pee we let out during our game!" Once she's finished emptying into the wrestler, Momoko runs her thumb and forefinger along the catheter to squeeze out the last few drops before unscrewing the top of the saline bottle and using the funnel to pour the contents of the pee bucket into the bottle. As the blonde does so, Aiko goes pale as a ghost as if she were a condemned prisoner watching her executioner sharpening her ax. Once the bottle is full, Mutsumi helps her mistress out by pinning her fellow athlete while Momoko connects the bottle of pee to Aiko's urethra an starts forcing the blunette to unpee all that the trio peed during their game of desperation Poker. "Please, Momo-sama! Please have mercy!" Cries Aiko, being filled with pee making her desperation grow much more acutely than when she was filled with saline, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. When Momoko announces, "The bottle is empty." Aiko lets out a sigh of relief only to be filled with dread anew as the blonde adds, "Good thing there's still more in the bucket." Fortunately for the track star, there's only enough in the bucket to fil the bottle just a little over half, but by the time all the pee in the room is safely sealed in the athletes bladders, both the brunette and blunette boasting bulges to make the two ojamajo wonder if the magic that forged their various toys is preventing the bloated bladders from bursting. Aiko in particular looks like a basketball was shoved up her girlhood and inflated, though Mutsumi's cantaloupe-sized bulge is nothing to sneeze at. Noticing that ther's still about half of both the Oy! Cola and Lemonade left, Momoko hands the soda to the brunette and the sweetened fruit juice to the blunette and commands, "Now that I've filled your bladders, I want you to finish off the drinks." Seeing their reluctance to comply, she adds, "Whoever finishes chugging first gets a reward." As the two athletes start their mutual torture, Momoko comtemplates what she's going to do with the pair. It's a close race, but Aiko manages to down the last of the lemonade while Mutsumi still has a mouthful or two of cola left in her bottle, not that Momoko points this out until the brunette finishes as well, "Ai-chan won! As a reward, she gets to have fun with a toy from the case!" Looking over the contents of the case, Aiko decides on the 5cm thick dildo, thinking it a good balance between thick enough to fill her nicely and not so thick as to be uncomfortable. Once the toy is fully seated in the blunette's pussy, she uses the remote to turn its vibrations to max, hoping the stimulation will distract her from her bulging, bloated, bound to burst bladder. "Now, Ai-chan, help me pin Mutsumi-chan so I can administer her penalty for losing!" cries the blonde as the brunette gulps. Though the wrestler could normally beat any girl in their school and a good number of the boys, between her own tremendously taut, terribly throbbing tinkle tank, the belt constricting it, and being ganged up on by the girl who is the school's best in every sport aside from Wrestling and swimming and a girl who isn't handicapped by an overfilled bladder, Mutsumi soon finds herself pinned beneath the two ojamajo. Aiko is now sitting on her fellow athlete's face, but what really has the brunette in distress is Momoko sitting directly on her prodigiously protruding, powerfully pulsing, positively pounding, poised to pop, piddle pot, the patissiere's pleasantly plump posterior pushing the pressure of pent-up pee past painful to absolutely agonizing. Mutsumi tries to beg for mercy, but her cries are muffled by Aiko's girlhood, as are the shrieks of laughter that come unbidden from the wrestler's throat as, without any warning, Momoko starts tickling the brunette's exposed ribs. Following the yellow apprentice's example, Aiko joins in the brunette's tickle torture, their captive struggling in vain to throw them off, accomplishing little more than making the blonde grind her butt and girlhood even harder against the brunette's bloated bladder. After what seems like an eternity, but is really only a few minutes, the two witch apprentices finally show their victim some mercy, leaving Mutsumi panting for air on the tatami as she tries to recover from the tickling. While the wrestler catches her breath, Momoko yanks the dildo out of Aiko before retrieving a pair of egg vibrators and some tape from the case. Momoko tapes an egg vibrator in the right spot to stimulate both of her sex slaves' clits and peeholes before turning them on their lowest setting, just enough to tease without actually giving either girl any satisfaction. And then to add insult to injury, the blonde uses the funnel to pour the remaining water into the Oy! Cola bottle, and then proceeds to use the funnel to pour back and forth between the cola and lemonade bottles, making sure to slosh and swirl the water as much as possible without spilling it, stifling a yawn as she watches the reactions of the blunette and brunette with sadistic glee. Glancing at the clock on Aiko's desk, Momoko realizes just how late it is as she ponders how to finish the evening. Bringing her hand to her chin in thought, Momoko watches the other two girls squirm a bit longer before announcing, "Okay, at least one of you is going to sleep with a full bladder, but I'll give you a chance that one of you gets to pee before bed." Returning to the toy case, the blonde retrieves some rope and a pair of spreader bars, binding both the brunette and blunette's arms behind their backs and their ankles together before making them kneel and using the spreader bars to hold their knees apart. Pouring the water back into its original jug and retrieving a second funnel from the case, Momoko places a funnel under each of the bound girls, the spout in one of the empty 2-liter bottles as she explains, holding up the remote to their urethral plugs, "I'm going to open your plugs,, and leave them open. Whoever can go the longest without filling her bottle gets to pee whereever she wants before bed while the other has to unpee the contents of both bottles and then stayed plugged until morning." Focused on their impending holds, both athletes simply nod asMomoko flips the switches for their plugs to the open position. Despite their best efforts, both girls fail to prevent a leak escaping their control immediately as the floodgates out of their control are opened. Both manage to halt the flow, but it isn't long for either before they leak once more. As the two bound girls struggle to let out less pee than the other, Momoko can't help lowering a hand to her pussy, her index, middle, and ring fingers sinking into her depths to the third knuckle as her palm heel grinds against her clit. Masturbating furiously to the display of the two most athletic girls in her grade bound, desperate, and nearly in tears as they try to delay the inevitable, Momoko turns their egg vibrators all the way up, making it harder for the pair to focus. All three girls end up cumming at the same time, or at least close enough together that none could tell who came first, causing the rather weak control Aiko and Mutsumi have over their bladders to shatter completely. Momoko regains her senses just in time to see her two playthings pee full force into their respective funnels, neck and neck as their respective pee bottles near capacity. Watching the two bottles filling rapidly, Momoko holds the remote for the plugs, and as she shuts off both girls flow, she announces, "Looks like we have a draw!" Smiling evilly, the blonde adds, "Since there's no winner, both of you have to unpee the contents of both bottles and hold it until morning." Finding the caps from the saline bottles fit the soda bottles, Momoko proceeds to empty the bottle back into the bound girls' bladders, using Aiko's pee to fill Mutsumi's bladder and vice versa, both girls whimpering at how short lived their relief was. Thinking of how to make up the other bottle of pee each girl needs to unpee, Momoko uses a catheter to drain her own bladder into the water jug, letting out a decent amount from where her tired bladder muscles had been too stretched to expel all of their contents. She then divides the water-pee mixture between the two soda bottles, and finding them both still a bit shy of full, makes a quick trip to the kitchen to finish filling them from the tap. After emptying the soda bottles into Mutsumi and Aiko's bladders for a second time, Momoko stifles another yawn before declaring, "I think its time for bed." Momoko lays down in the middle of Aiko's futon, soon joined by the other two girls on either side of her, their truly titanic, tremendously taut, terribly throbbing, torturously trembling, twatty tormenting, tinkle tanks giving them the look of being nine months pregnant and ready to go into labor at any moment. As the two athletes sandwich the patissiere between them, Momoko can't help rubbing their massively bloated bladder bulges as if the pair really were pregnant, and while neither Aiko or Mutsumi expect they'll get much, if any, proper sleep this night, the blonde is fast asleep in a matter of minutes.