Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7B: It Must be a Dream As Mutsumi is levitated by Aiko's magic, the two ojamajo follow her unconscious form to the living room where she's laid on the couch. "We'll wake her up and convince her that she's still sleeping and that we're figments of her imagination." Explains Aiko as the musical notes vanish. "Oooh, I like that idea," replies Momoko, "Though maybe we should get rid of the rest of our apprentice uniforms." Summoning her own poron, Momoko casts, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Clean Ai-chan and Myself and vanish our clothes." As yellow notes surround the pair, the evidence of their activities dissolve along with their gloves, boots, and hats, leaving Aiko clean and naked and Momoko likewise except for her cock ring. "Dang it, I was hoping this would vanish as well!" whines Momoko gesturing at the metallic blue instrument of her sexual torture. "I put as much magic into makin' sure ya couldn't remove it yerself as I could." replies Aiko, grinning at the look of despair on Momoko's face. Leaning down, Aiko shakes Mutsumi awake, the groggy girl asking, "where am I?" to which neither of the other girls answer. As she grows more lucid, Mutsumi sits up only for her eyes to land upon the impressive erections the two witch apprentices have pointed at the brunette. Her eyes going wide, Mutsumi exclaims, "How did you get cocks!?" Kneeling on the couchtoo either side of Mutsumi so their cocks rub against her stomach, the two futas plant a kiss on either of Mutsumi's cheeks. Pulling away from Mutsumi's cheek, Aiko says, "Ya passed out and are now dreamin'." "What other explanation could there be for two of your friends suddenly having cocks?" adds Momoko. Remembering the pleasant haze from when she was tied up on Aiko's floor and still being somewhat dazed from the experience, Mutsumi seems to accept the lie rather easily, her mind rejecting any other possibility as too incredible. The futanari each guide one of Mutsumi's hands to their erections as they ask in unison, "So, do ya/you think ya/you can handle the two futanari yer/your subconscious summoned?" Determined, Mutsumi replies, "I'll give it my all!" As she starts stroking them of her own accord. "Momo-chan in particular is rather desperate to cum thanks to that cock ring she's wearin'." declares Aiko, "Do ya think we should let her cum?" "Nah," replies Mutsumi, "In fact, I think Ai-chan should have a cock ring as well, and it seems a bit unfair that I'm the only one without a girlcock when its my dream." Giving Aiko a look that says, 'Time for payback!', Momoko pulls her throbbing member away from the wrestler's stroking hand and declares, "I'll be right back." The blonde returns to Aiko's room and pulling her poron from whereever the Ojamajo store their magical gear, casts a spell, putting as much power into it as she can. "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Make the sex toy chest produce anything Mutsumi-chan, Ai-chan, or I want!" pointing the magical focus at the chest to no apparent effect. Opening the chest, Momoko immediately finds the two items she's looking for, a metallic yellow, not gold, cock ring otherwise identical to the one choking the base of her futahood and a remote with two knobs labelled target and girth, a pair of sliders labelled length and urine volume and a rocker switch labeled sphincter control. Closing the case and laying her prizes on top, Momoko rolls the chest out to the living room where she hands the cock ring to Mutsumi, declaring, "Here Mutsumi-chan, put this on Ai-chan, and she won't be able to cum or pee until you say she can." Having been enjoying a handjob from Mutsumi while Momoko was out of the room, Aiko doesn't have the presence of mind to jerk away as the wrestler slips the cockring over the head of the blunette's futahood, and by the time Aiko can react to the tightness encircling and sliding down her shaft, the instrument of orgasm denial is locked in place around her base. "And here's something else Mutsumi-chan might like playing with!" announces Momoko grabbing the remote as the two athletes turn to face her. Turning the target knob to Mutsumi's name, the other controls shift to match the brunette's status, the girth knob and lenth slider nearly at zero to match the dimensions of the wrestler's clit while the urine volume slider moves to a moderate level and the sphincter control stays in its neutral "target controlled" position. Almost immediately, Momoko slides the length slider to 30cm, causing the little nub of Mutsumi's clit to grow into a long tendril. "What is Momo-cha-" starts the wrestler, reaching for her now foot-long clit, only to have her question die in her throat has she touches the strand of super sensitive flesh. As the brunette starts running her fingers along the tendril, Momoko wordlessly starts turning the girth knob slowly, the tendril attached to Mutsumi's crotch growing thicker and more rigid with each click of the knob, asorbing Mutsumi's peehole and urethra once the base is wide enough. By the time Momoko is done, Mutsumi is sporting, and vigorously jacking off a futahood half again as long and twice as thick as the ones dangling between the witch apprentices' thighs. Walking up to the newest futa, Momoko pulls Mutsumi's hands away from stroking her new futahood and places the remote in the wrestler's hands, saying, "As you can see, this lets you control the size of the target's clit or cock and can transform one into the other. It can also control how much pee the target is holding and let you take control of whether their sphincter is open or closed." Setting the remote on the cushion next to her, Mutsumi gives her massive member a few more strokes before declaring, "That sounds cool, but I think I'll take this bad boy for a test drive with Ai-chan's pussy!" "What!?" shouts the blunette, covering her girlhood with her hands, "There's no way that monster will fit!" Instead of backing off at the blunette's words, the brunette tackles her fellow athlete to the floor, and soon has the blue apprentice's shoulders pinned against the carpet, with Aiko's knees pressed against her ribs, and the wrestler's futahood pressed firmly against the track star's opening. "That was too easy!" cries the brunette, putting pressure behind her girlcock, "but that won't make my prize any less sweet!" Feeling her nether lips stretched well beyond anything she's felt before, Aiko begs, "Please, Mutsumi-chan, have mercy!" as she struggles in futility to break the wrestler's grip. "Mercy is for the weak!" cries the brunette in triumph as she rams her futahood cervix deep in the blunette's passage, a scream escaping Aiko's throat as her passage is stretch painfully around Mutsumi's girth. "Oh kami! Ai-chan is so tight!" cries the wrestler as she savors the sensation of Aiko wrapped around her futahood. Keeping a tight grip on Aiko's shoulders to keep the blunette pinned, Mutsumi pulls her massive member about halfway out of her fellow athlete before ramming it home once more, ignoring the blunette's protests of "Its too fucking big!" as she starts humping vigorously, her girlcock causing the blunette's belly to bulge with every thrust. Meanwhile, Momoko is vigorously stroking her own member, unable to reach climax thanks to the cock ring, but throbbing in need at the site before her too much to just watch. Aiko eventually adjusts to the massive intruder trying to rip her insides asunder, pleasure starting to join the pain and her own futahood starting to throb. The blue apprentice tries to grab her member to jack herself off, but Mutsumi grabs Aiko's wrists and pins them above the blunette's head. "That tiny girlcock doesn't get to feel good until I'm done flooding your insides with my futa seed!" Cries Mutsumi, picking up pace. Aiko's pussy grows wetter and her cock throbs harder at the realization that Mutsumi intends to cum inside the blunette, but the blue Ojamajo isn't sure she's willing to just lay there and accept that outcome. Deciding her plaything is getting a bit too comfortable with her girth, Mutsumi grabs the remote, and making sure its still tuned to herself, turns the girth knob up a few more notches. As the wrestler's futahood swells, stretching the blunette's passage to an extent that would normally only occur during childbirth, the blue ojamajo cries out, "Mutsumi-chan, if you don't stop growing, you're going to tear me apart!" Leaning forward and looping her arms under Aiko's knees to grab her shoulders, effectively pinning the blunette's thighs against her stomach, the wrestler continues pounding her fellow athlete's pussy as she declares, "Just endure for a bit longer, Ai-chan. Shouldn't be much longer until I explode inside you!" Reminded of the possibility of having her womb flooded with futa seed, Aiko shouts, "Please, pull out! I'm too young to have a baby!" Frustrated with just watching, Momoko kneels behind Mutsumi and as the blonde rubs her erection along the cleft of the brunette's butt, resisting the urge to claim one of the wrestler's holes for feer of reprisal, the yellow ojamajo encourages, "Why bother holding back, Mutsumi-chan? This is all a dream, so it's not like you'll really knock-up Ai-chan if you use her as your personal cum dump." Aiko wants to contradict Momoko, to come clean and reveal the truth before her deception backfires spectacularly, but the thought that Mutsumi would call out both Ojamajo as witches and curse them to become witch frogs makes her hesitate for critical seconds. "Cumming in a girl against her will would be so naughty!" cries Mutsumi, the wrestler's sense of justice rearing its head and making Aiko breathe a sigh of relief and hope that the brunette is about to pull out, only for that hope to be crushed almost immediately as the brunette continues, "But Momo-chan is right, since this is a dream, I can cut loose without feeling guilty about anything!" With that,,, the wrestler grips Aiko's hips with all her strength, and with a few final thrusts that leave the runner gasping for air from sheer force, Mutsumi experiences her first male orgasm, A torrent of hot, gooey semen shooting from her tip and straight through the blunette's cervix to paint the blue apprentice's womb a pearly white. Despite the unwanted insemination and the painful penetration, Aiko's traitorous twatty chooses this moment to blindside the blunette with a climax of her own, leaving the track star too shocked to react as her fellow athlete says dreamily, "Cumming in a girl feels sooooo good!"shooting spurt after spurt of sticky seed from her tip, pumping pint after pint of potent baby batter into Aiko's unprotected womb, the tight fit preventing even a drop from escaping. By the time Mutsumi is done cumming, Aiko's belly has bloated to the point of looking pregnant from all the cum trapped in the blunette's womb, and when the brunette finally pulls out, her monstrous member is followed by a deluge of thick, white futa cream. As Aiko regains her senses, she glances down to see the forming puddle of cum draining from her passage, and would be amazed by the amount if not for the potential consequences, but shakes her head as she asks, "Well, since ya gave me such a thorough fuckin', Mutsumi-chan, how 'bout I return the favor." "I don't know," replies the brunette, "you seemed rather reluctant to let me cum in you." "Ah, come on, at least give me a handjob." cries Aiko, grabbing at her throbbing futahood now that her arms are free to move. Grabbing the remote, Mutsumi tunes it to Aiko, and slides the bladder volume slider up by a liter and flips the sphincter switch to open, causing the blunette to twist her legs together as the contents of her bladder instantly increases significantly and shifting her grip from pleasuring herself to squeezing to avoid the impending flood. She soon realizes the cock ring will block her urethra regardless and relaxes even as her tinkle tank continues to throb terribly and can feel her pent-up pee pressure building just below the ring. "So impatient," comments Mutsumi before turning to Momoko, "Come on, Momo-chan, help me punish Ai-chan." "Sure thing." replies the blonde.