Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 7A: Truth or Dare After retrieving towels, Aiko comes up behind her two guests, and reaching between their legs, grips their respective urethral plugs. "What are you doing, Ai-chan?" asks Momoko. "Let's see if either of ya can hold it in through a shower." replies aiko, starting to gently tug on the plugs. "NO!!" cries the two girls as their peeholes are suddenly unblocked, a spurt escaping from each of them. Their hands fly to their crotches and they clench their pelvic floors to the point of cramping in order to not let more than that initial spurt escape. "WOW!" exclaims Aiko, "I thought for sure both of ya were gonna lose it just then." Reaching for her own crotch, Aiko adds, "To make things fair, I'll pull my own plug as well." and even with time to prepare, Aiko has nearly as much trouble as Momoko and Mutsumi at not erupting like a geyser thanks to all that pent-up, pressurized piddle pooling in her abdomen. Once all three girls have regained their composure, their every muscle straining painfully to hold back the deluge, Aiko starts the shower, and none of them are sure how they manage to keep it all in at the sound of running water, much less how they all hold out long enough to be huddled together under the hot spray in the small stall. Foregoing a washcloth, Aiko uses a bar of soap to get her palms and fingers as slippery as possible and starts gliding her hands along the other girls' bodies. Momoko and Mutsumi follow the blunette's lead, and soon enough, the trio are a tangle of limbs, soapy hands gliding across budding breasts, plump, little rumps, throbbing tinkle tanks, and everywhere in-between and beyond. Soon, they aren't satisfied with merely fondling each other, the three embracing and rubbing together every bit of soap slicked skin they can. So lost in the moment, none of them is sure just who is grinding against who, but they eventually get into a rhythm of grinding their girlhoods against another's thigh, and before they realize it, all three are climaxing, their overtaxed bladders giving out at the same time, fresh bladder and pussy juice mixing with the soap coating their thighs. It is only their three-way embrace and the confined space that keeps them from collapsing to the shower floor, and it isn't until they've recovered from their orgasms that they realize that they've lost most of their pent-up piddle. Silently agreeing to call this round a draw, the trio quickly rinse off and dry off before heading back to Aiko's room to start their slumber party. Deciding she likes seeing her guests naked, Aiko makes no offer to let them borrow any sleep wear as she pulls a trio of floor pillows from her small closet and lays them out on a section of tatami that remains dry despite earlier activities. "Make yerselves comfortable." calls Aiko as she leaves the room only to return a few minutes later with a pitcher of lemonade and three glasses. After they each take a glass and the blunette has gotten comfortable on her own pillow, Aiko declares, "As host, I'll start the games! Momo-chan, truth or dare?" Momoko boldly declares, "Dare me!" "I dare ya to drink a large glass of water." replies the Osakan, starting with something relatively tame. The game goes on for quite some time with rather simple dares and questions that don't reveal any real secrets until Momoko finally decides to make the game serious as she fulfills Mutsumi's request for a truth with, "Do you have any sex toys at home?" Turning red as Doremi's hair, Mutsumi stammers in reply, "Of-Of course not!" The two ojamajo aren't sure if they believe the wrestler, but before either can accuse her, the brunette shouts, "Momo-chan, Truth or Dare?" "Truth." replies the blonde. Hoping to embarrass Momoko in return for her own embarrassment, Mutsumi asks, "What was your first sexual experience?" Growing starry eyed in remembrance, Momoko clasps her hands over her chest as she answers, "It was not long after Monroe-baa-chan died and right before my family returned to Japan..." starts the blonde, omitting any mention of her failed attempt to resurrect her mentor with magic, "Beth was concerned about how hard I seem to be taking my mentor's passing and had come by to comfort me. After a long embrace during which I cried myself out on her shoulder, just as I was pulling away, she took the opportunity to kiss me. She then confessed that she had been crushing on me for months and couldn't stand to watch me leave without telling me her feelings. Beth ended up spending that night at my place and we spend half the night exploring each other's bodies." The Blunette and Brunette are rendered speechless by how shamelessly Momoko confesses to having a interracial, lesbian trist with her best friend from America, and Aiko only regains her voice when Momoko asks, "Ai-chan, truth or dare?" "Dare." replies the blunette, trying to shake the image of the blonde and her purple-haired, dark-skinned friend from the states doing naughty things to each other from her mind. Getting up, Momoko retrieves an egg vibrator from the abandoned toy box along with the remote. Approaching her fellow witch apprentice, she declares, "I dare you to endure this egg vibrator on the lowest setting!" before reaching a hand towards Aiko's girlhood to slip the device into the blunette's passage, pushing it with a finger to get it in as far as possible. Returning to her pillow, Momoko activates the vibrator as she adds, "And to make sure Ai-chan doesn't turn it up, I'm sitting on the remote." before doing just that. As the low buzzing starts deep in her pussy, Aiko can feel the first twinge of her bladder filling once more, and observing her guests, can see them starting to fidget, Momoko a bit more, likely due to the glass of water she grank at the beginning. "Mutsumi-chan, truth or dare?" calls out the blunette, smiling when the brunette asks for a dare. Wanting to torment the fuller of her two guests for the agonizingly low vibrations in her belly, Aiko declares, "I dare you to season that drink with some of yer pee." Mutsumi hasn't long since refilled her glass and there's only about a third of empty space to accomodate her pee, but the wrestler dutifully rises to a kneeling position and places her glass between her thighs before lowering to form a seal around her girlhood with the rim. Mutsumi slowly relaxes her muscles by the smallest fraction at a time until a dribble escapes her to plop into the glass, fearful that if she lets it out any faster, she won't be able to halt the flow. Momoko watches in morbid fascination as Mutsumi slowly fills the glass, her own throbbing tinkle tank threatening total failure. When she feels the first drop that creates a splash able to spray her nether lips, Mutsumi halts the flow before asking, "Ai-chan, Truth or dare?" "Truth." replies the blunette. "What's your favorite thing you've done with Momo-chan and me today?" Asks the brunette. Aiko places her hand to her chin as she thinks back on everything that has happened today before finally deciding, "I think my favorite part was when I first pumped Mutsumi-chan so full of saline that she was starting to look pregnant." Pausing to think on which girl to challenge next, Aiko finally declares, "Momo-chan, truth or dare?" "Dare." replies the blonde. "I dare ya to turn the tap on full blast without leaking!" cries the blunette. "What!?" cries the blonde in response, "But I'm so full, there's no way I could do that!" "Yer aren't chickening out, are ya? and if ya refuse, I'm sure Mutsumi-chan and I could think of an even worse punishment." "Alright, I'll do it!" cries the older girl, slowly getting to her feet. Pressing her thighs together, the patissiere slowly makes her way to the kitchen, Aiko and Mutsumi in toe to ensure she actually completes the dare. Reaching the kitchen sink, Momoko places a hand each on the knobs for hot and cold water before turning them 180-degrees in opposite directions. As the sound of running water fills the room, Momoko starts to tremble, her hands gripping the knobs so tightly her knuckles turn white as she grits her teeth and crosses one leg over the other, hopping on her other foot as she stands in front of the sink. "Can I please turn the water off?!" cries the yellow apprentice. The rushing water does no favors for Aiko or Mutsumi's bladders either, but the two athletes aren't nearly as full as Momoko and only press their thighs together as Aiko declares, "I think ya should hold that position until someone calls on ya again. What do ya think, Mutsumi-chan?" "I agree." replies the wrestler, apparently enjoying Momoko's struggle to hold it in. "NO FAIR!" Screams Momoko. "Sorry, but ya got out voted, now who are ya challenging next?" replies the blunette. "Fine! Mutsumi-chan, truth or dare?" says the blonde, holding back a whimper at her predicament. "Dare." replies the wrestler confidently. "I-I dare you do the splits and hold it for five minutes!" cries the blonde, barely able to speak thanks to her desperation. "That's easy," replies Mutsumi, parting her thighs and effortlessly sliding her feet along the tiled floor until her netherlips are kissing the tile. "Ai-chan, truth or dare?" "Dare me." replies the blunette. "I dare you to do ten squats." The wrestler challenges her fellow athlete. "That's too easy, I'll do 25!" cries the blunette, starting to perform the squats, her bladder protesting the movements, but failing at every attempt to force its liquid cargo out. The blunette does take her time, wanting to prolong Momoko's torment, but upon finishing the final squat, Aiko declares, "I think ya still have a minute or so on Momo-chan's dare, but will ya take Truth or another dare, Mutsumi-chan?" "Dare!" cries the wrestler. "I dare ya to where a belt sinched tight over yer bladder for the rest of the night!" replies the blunette, leaving the kitchen and returning shortly with a brown leather belt. Kneeling behind the splitting girl, Aiko pulls the belt as tightly as she can around Mutsumi's waist, making sure it covers the forming bulge of the wrestler's filling bladder. "And I think it's time for ya to stand." adds the blunette as she helps the now constricted girl to her feet. Looking over to Momoko, who is practically doing a potty dance in front of the sink, Mutsumi decides to have some mercy as she says, "Momo-chan, truth or dare?" "TRUTH!" yells the blonde as she nearly twists the knobs off their mounts in the process of turning the water off. "Hmm..." says the wrestler, tapping her chin, "On a scale of 1-10, how desperate is Momo-chan?" Grabbing her crotch as tightly as she was just holding the knobs for the sink, Momoko replies, "Definitely a ten! I don't think I could get to the bathroom without losing it if my life depended on it! I'll accept any punishment, just help me get to the toilet before its too late!" Aiko makes eye contact with Mutsumi and gets the sense that the brunette is thinking the same thing as the blunette. Both donning sadistic smiles, the athletes announce in unison, "You're on your own, Momo-chan!" "Ah, but I can barely move!" cries the blonde, nearly crushing her hands with how tightly her trembling thighs are pressed together. "Tough titty," replies the blunette mercilessly, "If ya want to use the toilet, ya have ta make it there on yer own." Wavering and whimpering as wave after wave of her waste waters wash over the walls of her tremendously taut, truly titanic, torturously tormented tinkle tank, Momoko slides one foot forward attempting to shuffle towards her destination without parting her knees and making hardly any progress. After a subjective eternity of agony from her plentiful pints of pent-up pee promoting powerful pulsing and painful pounding in the patissiere's poisde to pop piddle pot, which is objectively only about five minutes in which she's moved about as many feet, it happens: a spurt slips sphincter security, splashing the slippery skin of her sweaty palms. She freezes as her focus fractures, her mind no longer solely concentrating on keeping her muscles contracted and her feet shuffling towards the toilet as the wet warmth of her waste waters washes over her hands and wriggles its way into her sensory cortex. That moment of shattered single-mindedness is all it takes, Momoko slipping into English as she lets out a strangled cry of, "[Oh god...I...I can't st-stop it.]" as the dams break and two salty liquids, one clear from her eyes and another of a distinctly yellow tint from her crotch start pouring out of the Japanese-American. "[It's coming out!]" shouts the blonde as she regains control of her voice, her trembling thighs giving out as she drops to her knees, her plentiful pints of pent-up piddle pouring powerfully between her fingers and cascading to the floor to form first a puddle, then a pool, and ultimately a pond, the green-eyed girl too overwhelmed by the relief of finally emptying to be embarrassed by having an audience. Aiko and Mutsumi stare transfixed, the thunderous tinkle torrent tormenting their tremendously taut, terribly trembling, torturously throbbing, tinkle tanks, tempting them to throw-in the towel together, to tinkle then and there adding their own pints of pee to the growing pool on the floor. But neither athlete is willing to give up that easily, and when Momoko has finally emptied completely, the tinkle torrent reducing to a trickle, Aiko announces, "What a mess ya made, momo-chan!" Smiling evily, the blunette adds, "Mutsumi-chan, keep an eye on the wittle wetter while I go get the stuff I need to punish her." "Will do." replies the wrestler. Heading to her room, Aiko transforms once more, "Pretty Witchy, Aiko-chi!" before pulling out her Poron and incanting, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Three bottles of saline the same volume as Momo-chan's accident appear!" and once the bottles have materialized in a puff of musical notes, casts once more"Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! three pee plugs with remote control valves appear!" Undoing her transformation and carrying her supplies back to the kitchen, Aiko squats in front of Momoko, the blonde still kneeling in her golden lake and the blunette not seeming to be bothered by the fact her feet are in someone else's pee, "Since ya couldn't hold it, I'm gonna have ta refill ya and then plug ya up again." and before Momoko can process her fellow witch apprentice's words, Aiko has already fed the catheter on the first bottle into Momoko's tired tinkle tank and started pumping the clear liquid into replace the yellow liquid covering the floor. Once the bottle is empty and Aiko has inserted the new plug, the blunette yanks the older girl to her feet and declares, "For the second half of yer punishment, ya get to watch Mutsumi-chan and me use the toilet." With that, the trio head for the bathroom, and at a gesture from Aiko, Mutsumi approaches the toilet first, lifting the lid and sitting down, sliding back as far as possible on the seat and spreading her thighs wide to give the two ojamajo the best view of the wrestler's stream. As the brunette's bloated, bulging bladder bursts, its bountiful ballast blasting the bowl beneath, Aiko comes up behind Momoko and hugs the blonde tightly, pinning the older girl's arms to her sides so she can't grab her crotch. The blunette then adds to her friend's discomfort by forcing a knee between the patissiere's trembling thighs, making it so Momoko would have to rely solely on her internal muscles to not repeat her recent accident if the plug wasn't present. Placing her palm upon the patissiere's prodigiously protruding, powerfully pulsing, painfully pounding, piddle pot, applying pressure in ever greater amounts, Aiko teases, "Doesn't it look like Mutsumi-chan is enjoying herself, letting out her pent-up pee? Don't ya wish ya could be enjoying the same relief right about now?" Getting only whimpers from the blonde in response. Once Mutsumi has emptied her bladder completely, Aiko approaches the wrestler, her fellow athlete seeming a bit dazed from the relief of emptying her waste waters, wavering ever so slightly upon the toilet seat, a situation the blunette isn't too proud to take advantage of as she tightens the belt that grew loose as the brunette's bloated bladder deflated like a balloon before using the second bottle of saline to refil the wrestler's waste water reservoir and the second plug to prevent her from immediately emptying again. Once the brunette is filled, plugged, and regained her senses, Aiko takes her place on the toilet, both the blonde and brunette squirming in desperation as the blunette takes her turn to empty, their battered bladders feeling all the more bloated for the brief but intense relief they got not long ago. Once done excreting her own golden liquid, Aiko uses the third bottle and plug on herself before lowering the lid and flushing and announcing, "Now that we've all peed, been refilled, and plugged up, what do ya say we play one last holding game before bed?"