Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6B: A Desperate Futanari Throwing nearly all caution to the wind, Aiko pulls out and discards the strap-on as she announces, "I'll be right back." and leaves her room to head to the bathroom where she's sure Mutsumi won't overhear her using magic. Her bladder spasms at the sight of the toilet, forcing her to ram both hands between her legs and bend double as a leak slips past her spincter. Once she's regained her composure, the athlete turns her back on her bladder's salvation and transforms, grateful the Cologne Tap doesn't require a dance like some other taps did, "Pretty Witchy Aiko-chi!" and casting a spell, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Turn me into a futanari!" a swirl of blue musical notes surround Aiko, converging on her crotch and causing her clit to swell to a ridiculous extent before shifting in shape. When the notes have vanished, she is sporting a rather impressive futahood standing erect at roughly one-and-a-half the length of the dildo she was using just a minute ago to pound her playthings' pretty pussies, and though nowhere as thick as the largest dildo in the case, her girth is also clearly greater than the strap-on. After admiring her new bit of anatomy in the bathroom mirror for a minute or two, Aiko returns to her room, and double checking that the bound girls are positioned so they won't see her coming, she quietly walks in and kneels behind Momoko. Noticing the half empty bottle of lube on the floor in her playmates' shared blind spot, she grabs it, and squirting a liberal amount in her palms, grips her throbbing girlcock, biting her lip to avoid announcing her return with a loud moan at the reaction to feeling the aphrodisiac make contact with her sex organ. So intense is the sensation that she is tempted to jack herself off until she sprays her load all over Momoko's backside. It is only the knowledge that she has at least four much better places to shoot her load right in front of her that allows Aiko to pull her hands away from her member and turn her attention back to her playthings. Still slick with lube, Aiko places her hands on Momoko's plump, little rump, and not giving her fellow witch apprentice time to react to this touch, parts the blonde's nether lips with her thumbs and drives her futahood home in the patissiere's passage, Aiko's tip slamming into Momoko's cervix, the blunette's bulging bladder coming to rest in the cleft of the blonde's buttcheeks. Gasping at the sudden intrusion, Momoko exclaims, "[OH MY GOD! It's so hot and thick, and it's so deep inside!]" And while Aiko can't understand what Momoko just said, she'd agree with the sentiment as the sensation of being buried in a hot, tight twat is almost enough to make the futa explode in orgasm. As she tries to regain her composure, Aiko massages the remaining lube into Momoko's half moons, and when she finally starts fucking the blonde properly, her thrusts are hard and fast. The blunette pounds Momoko's pussy with abandon, too frantic to even try to aim for the blonde's bladder, and while she originally intended to switch back and forth between her playthings' pussies, she loses all self control as her world narrows to a laser thin beam hellbent on shooting her load deep within her fellow ojamajo. Aiko isn't sure who gets there first or if they arrived at the same time, but all too soon, both witch apprentices are lost in the throes of ecstasy, Aiko's erupting member and Momoko's clenching passage working in unison to ensure the blonde's womb is filled to the brim and then some with futa jizz. Once she's recovered enough to think again, Aiko decides it's only fair to give her other playmate the same treatment as she pulls out of Momoko, a gooey cascade of white cream following in her girlcock's wake before driving cervix deep into Mutsumi. Despite the massive load she just pumped into Momoko, Aiko is nearly as quick to cream Mutsumi's cunny, bringing the wrestler to a long overdue climax and delivering just as collossal a creampie to the brunette. Catching her breath from her second ejaculation, Aiko pulls out of Mutsumi and sits back on her heels to admire her handiwork, both of her playthings with globs of futa seed oozing from their well-fucked holes. Aiko's bladder once again makes its desire to void loud and clear, and deciding to actually give in to its demands, the blunette parts Momoko's half moons, and after rubbing the remaining traces of semen over Momoko's rosebud, hilts herself in the blonde's bowels, but instead of fucking the yellow apprentice's ass as she might've have expected the futa to do, Aiko simply relaxes, letting her pent up pee finally pour forth, flooding Momoko's insides. Once she feels like she's let out about half of her bladder's contents, Aiko forcibly halts the flow, and before her bladder can protest, quickly removes the dildo from Mutsumi's ass and replaces it with her futahood to finish the job. Once finally empty, Aiko is convinced what she thought was half she sprayed in Momoko's rectum was probably closer to a third, but she doesn't mention this as she pulls out of Mutsumi and announces, "Whoever can hold the piss enema I just gave both of ya the longest gets a reward, but I'll punish whoever leaks first. Whether due to her anal spincter being weakened from spending most of the afternoon stretched around a dildo, having Momoko lying on top of her, or simply because Aiko inadvertently gave her more pee to hold, Mutsumi is the first to lose the battle against the golden liquid pounding against her anus, Aiko declaring, "Looks like Mutsumi-chan is the one who gets punished!" Her options swirl in her mind, but Aiko finally comes to a decision as she asks, "Hey, Momo-chan, didn't you say you had something in your bag we could use to blind fold Mutsumi-chan?" Playing along, Momoko replies, "Yeah, feel free to look through my bag for them." Leaving the room, Aiko heads to the living room, knowing Momoko didn't have a bag with her, but figuring the deception is the best way to prevent Mutsumi from realizing too much and trigger the Witch Frog curse. To give the impression of taking the time to search Momoko's bag, Aiko summons several innoculous items that one might carry this time of year, though magically enhanced for their intended purpose. Returning to the bedroom and continueing to use Momoko's body to block Mutsumi's view of Aiko's girlcock, Aiko unties Momoko's hands and gives her the items to block Mutsumi's senses. Starting with a red bandanna, Momoko folds the cloth and ties it around the wrestler's head to cover her eyes, Aiko's enchantment ensuring there are no light leaks. The patissiere next takes two pairs of earplugs and uses one pair to block Mutsumi's ears and the other to block Mutsumi's nose. Finally, a hankerchief is used to gag Mutsumi, though Momoko makes sure the brunette can still breath. With Mutsumi's senses blocked, Aiko undoes the belts holding the two girls together, and while Momoko stretches after being bound like that, Aiko redoes Mutsumi's bindings so her knees and ankles are together, her knees pressed against her chest, and her arms tied under her knees. Aiko then takes the 7 and 8 cm diameter dildos, working the smaller one into Mutsumi's ass and the thicker one into her pussy, the wrestler squirming against her binds and muffling something unintelligible through her gag. With all three holes stuffed, Aiko turns on the vibration of both dildos without really paying attention to which speed she turns them to before turning to face Momoko. Getting her first good look at Aiko's futahood and confident she can now speak freely, Momoko comments, "You really shot me and Mutsumi-chan full of cum." Her tone making it obvious it isn't a question. "Yeah, sorry about that." replies Aiko, "I guess I got carried away in my lust." "I wonder if I'll get pregnant," replies Momoko her tone more curious than angry or worried, "I started having periods a few months ago, and I'm right between my last and when my next should start, but anyways, what's my reward for managing to hold Ai-chan's pee in my butt longer than Mutsumi-chan?" Grateful for the change in subject, Aiko replies, "You get to pee for ten seconds, where ever you want." "Well," starts the blonde, "since I'm still holding Ai-chan's pee in my butt, which feels weird but kinda nice by the way, I want to return the favor, and using the same method as Ai-chan." With that, Momoko pulls out her tap and transforms, "Pretty Witchy, Momoko-chi!" before summoning her Poron and casting, "Perutan Pepton Paralila Pon! Turn me into a futanari!" Once transformed, Momoko moves quickly, discovering the buttplug Aiko has been using for much of the afternoon, finding the quick release valve, and yanking it out as soone as it's deflated before removing her own urethral plug and hilting herself in the blunette's rear passage just in time for a torrent of pee to shoot from the yellow apprentice's tip. Aiko finds the sensation of her butt being used as a urinal strangely arousing, but she has enough presence of mind to count the seconds, and when her mental count reaches ten, the blunette clenches her anus, forcibly halting the flow. "Ai-chan!" cries Momoko, "you're squeezing too tight! I can't pee!" "Sorry, Momo-chan," starts Aiko, "That's your ten seconds." Raising her Poron, she casts, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Block Momo-chan's urethra so she can't pee but can still cum!" As Aiko pulls away from Momoko, the blonde whines, "No fair! my bladder feels like I didn't get to pee at all!" "Too bad, but if you want to pee some more, you'll have to earn it. Anyways, since you made yourself a futa as well, you might as well replace one of those dildos in Mutsumi-chan with your girlcock." Her member seeming to thicken at the thought, Momoko replies, "I'd love to add my own load to Ai-chan's in Mutsumi-chan's pussy!" before walking over, yanking the dildo from the wrestler's girlhood and hilting herself there instead. As Aiko watches the blonde grip the brunette's ankles and pound the brunette's pussy, she wonders what to do herself. Continuing to watch the display before her, Aiko is mesmerized by Momoko's plump rump and decides she needs to claim it properly. Sneaking up behind the blonde, Aiko places her hands upon the yellow apprentice's half-moons and slowly parts them to expose her rosebud while being careful not to pull enough to let the pee in Momoko's bowels escape. Lining up her tip, Aiko plunges forward, burying herself in Momoko's piss-filled rectum. Thanks to the blonde's body heat, the pee Aiko released in the patissiere earlier is still warm and it acts as a decent lubricant as the blunette starts to pound her friend's plump rump. Momoko moans loudly in pleasure from having her ass fucked as she fucks Mutsumi's pussy, and in response, Aiko reaches around to cup the blonde's budding breasts, commenting, "I guess all those sweets Momo-chan makes and taste test must go to Momo-chan's butt." Pinching the older girl's nipples, she continues, "That must be how you stay so slim eating so much cake!" As the blonde futa continues to fuck the brunette while getting fucked in turn by the blunette, it isn't long before Momoko speaks up, "Ai-chan, I'm close to cumming! May I please shoot my load in Mutsumi-chan?" Feeling her own climax fast approaching, Aiko wonders what to do. Deciding it's too soon for either of them to cum, Aiko grips Momoko's futahood tightly by the base before yanking the blonde backward, pulling her from the bound brunette's warm, cozy depths. Before Momoko can recover from the sudden loss of stimulation, Aiko roughly withdraws from her rear passage. As her butt is unplugged, it becomes apparent Momoko used being fucked in the rear as an excuse to relax her spincter as a deluge of urine, now shaded a slight brown pours from her now gapeing anus. Not seeming to care about the piss enema now running down the back of her thighs, Momoko shouts, "[I need to shoot my load so badly!"" but as she reaches her hands to jack herself to completion, she finds her wrists being grabbed by the blunette and before she can properly react, the patissiere finds herself with her back against the wall, her hands pinned above her head, and her throbbing erection nearly tip-to-tip with the blunette's. "Now, now, Momo-chan, I can't have ya cumming too soon, and besides, I need ta punish ya for letting my piss outta yer ass and making a mess.". However, before Aiko can decide on Momoko's punishment, the phone starts to ring. Figuring the call might be important, Aiko threatens, "Stay right here while I get that, and ya better not touch yerself while I'm gone." Aiko returns a few minutes later, annoyed as she says, "That was my dad telling me he's hitting the bar. I wish he wouldn't waste what little he makes on booze, but at least we don't have ta worry about him walking in on us and having to explain where our girlcocks came from." Her annoyed expression fading to lecherous, the blunette continues, "Now, as ta yer punishment." The athlete pulls out her Poron, and pointing the instrument at Momoko, shouts, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Give Momo-chan a magic cock ring!" A ring of blue musical notes shoot from the Poron's tip to surround the base of Momoko's futahood, solidifying into a ring of blue metal with the blonde's flesh bulging out to either side. Aiko kneels before the older girl and gives the conjured toy a flick with her finger, Momoko's girlcock bobbing from the impact as the blonde whimpers, "It's too tight! Please remove it before it cuts off my girlcock!" "Ah relax," replies Aiko, "Ya don't need ta worry about that, but with that cock ring in place, ya ain't cumming or peeing until I say ya can." Pulling the blonde away from the wall, the blunette commands, "Now, get down on yer back!" Momoko complies, laying down on a clean section of tatami, her throbbing and blocked member pointing at the ceiling. Placing a foot aside either of Momoko's hips, Aiko squats down, bringing her clenched anus to rest against the blonde's tip and then forcing herself down until her spincter has nearly made contact with the cock ring, Momoko letting out a groan as Aiko's rear passage attempts to squeeze the life out of the blonde's futahood. Placing her palms on the bulge of Momoko's bladder, her own member sliding between her wrists, Aiko shifts as much of her weight onto her arms as she can as she starts to bounce on Momoko's erection, the patissiere letting out another groan at the added pressure on her protruding piddle pot. Momoko is unable to withstand much of this torture as she begs, "Please, Ai-chan! Please let me cum! Please let me pee!" Continuing to ride the older girl, Aiko wonders if she should show mercy even as her own member aches for attention. "Since yer being so impatient," replies Aiko, slowing her pace to a crawl, "perhaps I should just leave ya hanging while ya watch me play with Mutsumi-chan." Aiko lifts off Momoko's futahood entirely and before Momoko can voice any protests, the blunette is casting once more, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Bind Momo-chan so she has to watch and can't relieve herself!" and the yellow witch apprentice finds herself kneeling on the tatami, her booted feet and gloved hands magically bound together behind her, her knees held apart as if by an invisible spreader bar, the blonde futa's sopping wet pussy and throbbing girlcock both on full display, and her eyes held wide open and her head fixed looking towards Mutsumi's non-magically bound form. Momoko whimpers in desperation of both a sexual and urinary nature as she's forced to stare as Aiko approaches the brunette, kneels down, and drives her member into the wrestler's neglected girlhood. As the blunette pounds the brunette's pussy, the blonde bucks her hips, her aching futahood longing for even the tiniest bit of stimulation, "Ai-chan! This is torture! At least let me jack myself off!" "Nah," replies Aiko, "just sit tight and enjoy the show." With that, the blunette picks up her pace, pounding the brunette's pussy relentlessly as the blonde is forced to watch, unable to either turn her head away or close her eyes thanks to the magic holding her in place. When Aiko feels Mutsumi tighten around her, the wrestler on the verge of climax, the blue apprentice pulls the earplugs from the brunette's ears and slows her thrusts to ask, "Mutsumi-chan, I'm gonna remove yer gag and when I do, I want ya to answer one simple question: which do ya want more? Ta pee or ta cum? Say anything else, and I'll have ta punish ya severely." When Aiko pulls the gag from Mutsumi's mouth, the wrestler can't decide which she wants as she yells, "CUm, no pee, no cum!" Slapping her plaything across the face and reaching down to twist the brunette's nipples, Aiko demands, "Which is it?" Wincing from the pain in her nipples, Mutsumi shouts, "I want to CUM!" "Okay then." declares Aiko, but instead of resuming pounding pussy, she withdraws completely and moves to straddle Mutsumi's face, making the brunette eat the blunette's girlhood as the runner's futahood slides between the bound girl's legs. Holding the wrestler's ankles together as she slides her girlcock between the brunette's thighs, Aiko says, "Come on, Momo-chan, how bout ya finish off Mutsumi-chan fer me?" At Aiko's words, Momoko's magical bindings seem to loosen some, and while her arms are still stuck behind her back, the blonde is able to knee walk over and with some difficulty, manages to line up her tip to penetrate Mutsumi, and overwhelmed with the relief of being inside a pussy after being denied any stimulation is nearly more than the yellow apprentice can take as she starts fucking the tied-up girl as hard and fast as the patissiere's hips will allow. Mutsumi's moans reverberate through Aiko's pussy, the blunette nearly overwhelmed by pleasure herself as she continues sliding her shaft back and forth between the wrestler's squeezed together calves. Soon enough, both the blunette and brunette are screaming in ecstasy from vaginal climax, and if the expression of frustration on Momoko's face is any indicator, the magical cockring is the only thing preventing her from shooting off in the wrestler's convulsing passage. The two athletes tremble for what seems like an eternity before going limp, and it doesn't take long for Aiko to realize that she hasn't quite reached penile climax and that Mutsumi has passed out from a combination of exhaustion and sensory overload. Lifting her pussy from the unconscious girl's face, Aiko declares, "Since Mutsumi-chan's out cold, I guess I'll have to use Momo-chan to finish myself off." Without any further warning, Aiko yanks Momoko out of and away from the unconscious girl before making the blonde kiss the tatami, the yellow apprentice's hands still magically bound behind her back. Momoko's sopping wet cunny provides no resistence as the blunette rams her futahood deep in the blonde's depths with enough force to feel like a punch to the yellow ojamajo's womb and bladder, the bound girl letting out a squeal of mixed pain and pleasure. As Aiko starts bucking her hips like a dog desperately trying to sire puppies upon a bitch in heat, she reaches down to grip Momoko's girlcock, lazily stroking the overly sensitive member as she leans over to whisper in the blonde's ear, "Momo-chan's boy part is throbbin' like crazy, I bet ya'd explode the moment I removed yer cock ring." Feeling like she's been held on the verge for an eternity, tears welling up in her eyes, Momoko begs and pleads as she tries to thrust against Aiko's hand, "Please Ai-chan! Please let me cum already! I'm gonna die if I don't cum soon!" "Be patient, Momo-chan." replies the blunette as she places her other hand over the blonde's distended bladder, pushing down on the bulge as she adds, "Wow, Momo-chan's piddle pot feels ready to pop." "[Ugh, don't push on it!]" cries the yellow apprentice, slipping into English once more. Aiko picks up her pace, now stroking Momoko vigorously with both hands and hugging the blonde to her chest, the extra stimulation reducing the older girl to moans of pleasure from being fuck and groans of frustration from being unable to shoot either her load or her pent up piddle. While the cock ring prevents Momoko from reaching penile climax, it does nothing to inhibit her vaginal climax and it isn't long before the blonde is convulsing around the blunette's futahood. This is more than Aiko can take as she erupts deep in Momoko's passage, the blonde trying to milk Aiko for all she's worth. Once both girls have finished trembling in climax, Aiko withdraws from Momoko, globs of the blunette's futa seed pouring from Momoko's well-fucked pussy and running down her thighs. "Wow, Ai-chan fucked me so hard!" cries the blonde, nearly forgetting her abused futahood in the afterglow of vaginal climax. "What are we going to do about Mutsumi-chan?" "I have an idea," replies Aiko as she pulls out her Poron once more and points at the unconscious girl. "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Clean Mutsumi-chan up and take her to the couch!" As blue musical notes encircle the wrestler, her bindings vanish and the signs of their activities are washed away as she's lifted off the floor and shifted into a more natural sleeping posture.