Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 6A: A Desperate Patissiere Deciding to leave her playmates hanging a bit longer, Aiko withdraws the strap-on from both girls, and wondering what they must be feeling from such overfilled bladders, Aiko grabs the last bottle of saline from the toy case, pumping the contents into her own, already taut tinkle tank as she gives Momoko and Mutsumi a minute to calm down. By the time the bottle is empty, the blunette's bloated, battered bladder is screaming angrily, fed up with the abuse its had to endure all day and the constant thwarting of its attempts to expel its cargo. After removing the catheter and reinserting her urethral plug, Aiko retrieves a pair of buttplugs similar to the one in her own rectum, but with manual bulb pumps instead of the remote control electric pump of her own plug. As she pulls the dildo from Mutsumi's rear passage, the blunette announces, "I'm gonna inflate a plug in both yer asses. Whoever can endure longer gets to cum first." With those words, Aiko slipsa plug up both of the bound girls' rear passages and starts to rhythmically squeeze the attached bulbs, trying to keep how tightly she squeezes with each hand equal. As the plugs swell and their insides stretch to accomodate the growing intrusions, both the blonde and the brunette squirm in their bonds and it isn't long before it becomes obvious to the blunette that both girls have been inflated beyond anything comfortable, though neither is quite ready to give in. Whether due to the wrestler simply being tougher, or having spent a good portion of the afternoon with a dildo in her ass giving her an unfair advantage, Mutsumi's endurance holds out longer as it is Momoko who finally begs for mercy, "[Please, Ai-chan! I can't take anymore! If you don't stop, my butt is going to rip apart!]" Though she doesn't understand Momoko's words, the blonde's meaning is clear to Aiko as she stops pumping up the plugs and announces, "Looks like Mutsumi-chan gets to cum first." Undoing the binds holding her playthings together, Aiko rolls Momoko off of Mutsumi and starts untieing the wrestler. "Okay, Mutsumi-chan," Starts Aiko, look in the case and pick the toy ya want to cum with." After rubbing a few rope burns, Mutsumi, not trusting her legs to support her given her current condition, crawls over to the case of sex toys, and after a few moments, pulls out the 7cm dildo, the narrowest of the ones that have yet to be christened, "How about this one?" Asks the wrestler. As Mutsumi holds up the toy, slightly bigger around than a soda can, Aiko comments, "Yer a daring one, aren't ya?" Before taking it from the brunette's hand and bending the wrestler over, starts to work the thick phallus into her slippery passage. When she can't get it any deeper, Aiko makes Mutsumi sit back on her heels before suddenly pulling the brunette's ankles apart so her butt hits the floor and Mutsumi's bodyweight forces the dildo even deeper, the wrestler gasping at just how deeply she's been stuffed. Turning her attention to Momoko, Aiko declares, "As for yer punishment, let's see if you can hold it without that plug to help ya." Grabbing an egg vibrator and chastity belt, hoping the tiny toy will feel like punishment in and of itself after the earlier treatment with a decently thick dildo. Already trembling from her overfilled bladder, Momoko begs, "Please, don't pull the plug, Ai-chan." Glancing at a clock, Aiko replies, "If ya can stay dry fer five minutes, maybe I'll give ya a reward." As she slips the vibrator into Momoko's passage and starts to position the chastity belt. Gripping the plug, Aiko yanks it out, leaving Momoko to rely on her internal muscles as the blunette locks the belt in place and noticing how it cuts into the bulge of Momoko's bladder. Slipping back into English, Momoko cries, "[I've never had to pee so badly!]" but any futher commentary from the blonde is cut off as Aiko activates the vibrator. Positioning her playthings so they are kneeling and facing each other, Aiko molds herself to Mutsumi's back and activates the vibration of the brunette's dildo as she starts to slide it in and out of the wrestler. While she keeps Mutsumi's dildo at its maximum setting, Aiko constantly adjusts the speed of Momoko's vibrator, turning it down if she thinks the blonde is getting too close to climax and turning it up whenever she thinks the blonde is getting too relaxed in her efforts to keep her pent up piddle contained. Despite her efforts to bring Mutsumi to climax quickly and leave Momoko wanting, both of Aiko's playthings climax in unison, Momoko's bladder giving out at the same time as the blonde's golden liquid gushes out around the crotch of the chastity belt. Checking the clock again, Aiko notices its been a little more than five minutes since she issued her challenge to Momoko, but less than five since she actually pulled the plug. "Ya have to the count of five to stop peeing or I'll punish ya more." barks Aiko at the blonde, snapping her out of the trance like state brought on by her orgasm and emptying her bladder. "One..." "two..." "three..." As Aiko slowly counts, her voice like the swish of the executioner's ax to Momoko's ears, the blonde struggles to cut off the flow, the floodgates fighting a roaring river to shut. "Four..." "Five!" Momoko Trembles as she finally halts the flow, but she knows she's too late to save herself further torment. "Looks like ya weren't quick enough." comments Aiko. "Keep and eye on her Mutsumi-chan and let me know if she starts peeing again." With that, the blunette stands and heads for the kitchen. When she returns, she's holding a tall glass of lemonade without ice and a couple of diuretic tablets, smiling evily, "First, ya'll have to take some diuretic and drink some extra strong lemonade." "[Please, have mercy!]" cries the panicked girl as her tormentor approaches. "Ya do realize I can't understand a word when ya speak English, right?" asks the blunette, for once not ignoring the blonde's slip into the language she's more familiar with. Speaking slowly as her interrupted pee and panick that her desperation is about to get much worse leaves her unable to think clearly, Momoko repeats herself in Japanese, "Please...have...mercy!" "Sorry, I'm all out of mercy." replies Aiko as she pinches Momoko's nose and tips her head back before dropping the diuretics in the blonde's open mouth and forcing her to swallow. She then proceeds to pour the lemonade, sour from a high lemon juice content, down the patissiere's throat. Once done, Aiko asks sarcastically as Momoko splutters, "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" "Is it over?" asks the blonde. "Nah, that was only half of your punishment." replies Aiko as she unlocks the chastity belt. Momoko lets out a sigh of relief as her bulging bladder is released from its confines, but her relief soon turns to terror as she sees Aiko holding another bottle of saline with an attached Catheter. "[NO! Don't put anymore liquid in me!]" Only for Aiko to do just that as the tubing is inserted and the bottle is emptied into Momoko's bladder, the previous bottle's contents still partially contributing to the swell of the hollow organ. Before Aiko can decide what to do next with her playmates, the ringing of a phone fills the small home. Glancing at the clock, Aiko realizes its about the time she usually starts dinner. Double checking that both of her playthings are plugged up, Aiko stands and heads to answer the phone, "Hello?" Says the blunette as she picks up the reciever, and after a half-minute or so of listening, she shouts angerly into the mouthpiece, "Well, don't expect any dinner waiting for ya when ya get home!" before slamming the reciever on the cradle. Returning to her bedroom, Aiko announces to her playmates, "That was my dad telling me he's going to tha bar with Doremi-chan's dad. I didn't bother to tell him I had company, but we don't have to worry about him interrupting us until well past bedtime." As a shameless growl from her stomach cuts through the room, the blunette asks, "How about I fix us some dinner? That is, unless the two of ya need to head home." Momoko is the first to reply, "As long as I'm home by dark, my parents won't mind, and sunset is so late this time of year." "Same here." adds Mutsumi. "Okay then," starts Aiko, "How about some stir fry and rice?" "Sounds great!" cries the brunette. "Oh, let me make something for dessert!" exclaims Momoko. Not bothering with putting on any of their clothing as they silently agree that they'll most likely return to their activities once their belly's are full, the trio make their way to the kitchen. All three glance longingly at the bathroom on the way, but when the blunette steadfastly continues on, the blonde and brunette follow her, sensing that their host would sooner lock the door and throw away the key or make them hold without the plugs as they watch her using the toilet. Upon reaching the kitchen, Mutsumi, having the least skill when it comes to food preparation, sits at the small table as the other two girls don matching aprons, the white fabric only seeming to accentuate their otherwise complete lack of clothing. Part of Aiko is screaming that cooking in nothing but an apron isn't safe, another replying that cooking with an overfilled bladder that's only being contained by a urethral plug isn't any safer, but she just ignores these and tries to be extra careful as she fills the rice cooker and starts chopping meat and veggies for the stir-fry. Meanwhile, Momoko scours the cabinets for ingredients, not finding much to work with as Aiko doesn't keep her kitchen nearly as well stocked for baking as Momoko's parents, but eventually finding just enough to whip up a batch of simple, lemon cupcakes. Before long, the small kitchen is filled with the tantalyzing aromas of cooking food, but Mutsumi's nose isn't able to hold her attention for long as the brunette finds herself staring, one eye locked on each of the other girls' delectable rumps, neither blunette or blonde seeming to notice the way they sway their hips as they cook or the way wearing nothing but aprons show off their butts and thighs. Mutsumi is broken from her trance as a plate of piping hot stir fry is placed before her, and all three let out a chorus of "Itadakimasu!" as they dig in. Both of Aiko's guests silently show their compliments to the chef with the enthusiasm they eat and then refill their plates, and by the time the stir fry and rice is all gone, the cupcakes are ready to be frosted and served, meeting with similar approval, each girl eating four out of the dozen Momoko was able to make. As the three girls sit, each rubbing their slightly distended stomach in satisfaction, Aiko is the first to break the silence, "So, whacha wanna do now?" "I should probably be heading home." replies Mutsumi, obviously reluctant to let the fun day she's been having come to an end. Sensing the brunette's feelings, Aiko asks, "Why don't ya both call yer folks and see if it's okay fer ya to spend the night?" "That sounds like a great idea!" exclaims Momoko, "Where's the phone?" After letting the blonde and brunette use her phone, Aiko suggests, "How about we all take a shower together?" "Oh, and then maybe we could start our sleepover with a game of truth or dare!" cries the blonde excitedly as she and Mutsumi follow Aiko into the apartment's small bathroom.