Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 5: Another Visitor "I guess I'd better get that." Says Aiko as she pulls the catheter first from herself and then from Mutsumi before pushing the brunette forward to replug the bound girl's urethra. Retrieving her discarded bathrobe, Aiko covers herself and leaves Mutsumi tied up on her floor to answer the door. A quick look through the peep hole reveals Aiko's visitor to be her fellow witch apprentice, Momoko, the bilingual girl's greenish blonde hair in its usual twin rings and wearing her usual combination of orange t-shirt and white skirt held up by spaghetti suspenders though her usual socks and shoes have been replaced by leather flip flops. Opening the door, Aiko greets her friend, "Hey, Momo-chan, what brings ya here?" Entering the blue apprentice's home, the yellow apprentice responds, "I was just bored, and everyone I visited was busy." seemingly oblivious to Aiko's lack of proper clothing. Aiko knows Momoko isn't the most observant, but that she's also one of the more adventurous and willing to try new things of the ojamajo, leading the blunette to contemplate having Momoko join in her fun. As Momoko plops down on the couch, Aiko offers, "Would ya like something to drink?" "Got any Oy! Cola?" replies the blonde. "Sure thing" Says the blunette, heading to the kitchen and returning shortly with a glass of iced cola. As the pair chat about whatever, Momoko sipping at her beverage, the blonde makes no comment about the athlete's attire, leading the blunette to wonder whether her friend really hasn't noticed or is just completely unbothered. At the same time, she can see the blonde starting to fidget as the diuretic she added to the cola takes effect. Eventually, Momoko breaks the flow of conversation to announce, "I need to go to the bathroom.", but as the blonde makes to stand, Aiko pushes her back down on the couch, the yellow apprentice unable to resist the blue apprentice's strength as the blunette captures the older girl's lips in a kiss. Momoko's green eyes initially go wide in shock, but they soon flutter shut as Momoko relaxes into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Aiko's neck. Emboldened by such a positive reaction, Aiko forces her knee between Momoko's making the blonde part her thighs and causing her to squirm slightly, the blunette assumes from the resulting loss of support for the older girl's bladder. As Aiko trails a hand up the inside of Momoko's thigh, she's unsurprised to find the appendage far less muscular than her own or Mutsumi's, but also finds them less chubby than expected given the blonde's love of sweets and aspirations of becoming a patissiere. Passing the hem of Momoko's skirt and reaching the junction of the blonde's thighs, Aiko's exploratory fingers are met with the softness of cotton and a patch of dampness that makes the blunette wonder if the yellow apprentice sprung a leak or if this much was enough to bring the blonde to such arousal. In either case, Momoko starts moaning into Aiko's mouth as the blunette traces the folds of the blonde's girlhood through her damp panties, and when Aiko grazes the older girl's clit through the soft cotton, she breaks the kiss to let out a gasp of pleasure. As Aiko continues playing with Momoko's girlhood, the blonde grips the blunette's shoulders in a deathgrip as she exclaims, "[OH GOD! That feels so good!]" and while the athlete doesn't understand the outburst, she can interpret it as being words of encouragement. Not wanting to bring Momoko to climax too quickly, and fearful that such would result in the blonde ruining the couch cushion in the process, Aiko halts her ministrations after a minute or so. Before Momoko can protest, Aiko stands and offers her hand to help the blonde to her feet, asking, "How about we go to my bedroom?" "Sure." comes the short reply as Momoko follows Aiko, the blonde showing obvious signs of being in desperate need of both a pee and a cum. Upon entering Aiko's room, the first thing that catches Momoko's eye is the bound form of Mutsumi on the floor, the wrestler practically kissing the tatami with her butt in the air and her rear facing the door, giving the blonde an excellent view of the thick dildo protruding from the brunette's anus and the egg vibrator taped against her pussy. As Momoko stares at the sight, she's not sure whether to be more shocked by the fact Aiko left a girl in such a compromising state or that one of the strongest girls in the entire school has been reduced to such a whimpering mess. When Momoko finally regains her voice, all she can utter is "[Oh my goodness!]" As the blonde continues to stare at the bound girl on Aiko's floor, the blunette walks up behind her and pulls the older girl against her as she lets the pastel blue bathrobe fall. As Aiko slides her right hand down the front of Momoko's skirt and panties to finger the blonde's nearly gushing girlhood, her palm heel pressing into the just forming bulge of the older girl's piddle pot, her left hand comes up to cup the right of the blonde's budding breasts, and smiling at the yellow apprentice's lack of a training bra, the blunette pinches a nipple through the thin, orange fabric. "As ya can see," starts the blunette, "I've tied Mutsumi-chan up and been teasin' her with a thick, vibratin' dildo in her ass and an egg vibrator against the openin' of her pussy." Digging deeper and curling her fingers into Momoko's g-spot, the runner continues, "What's less obvious is that I gave her a full body massage with some strawberry scented aphrodisiac, used a catheter to fill her bladder from a water bottle, and made her spend some time with a pee plug as I teased her. She was beggin' me to fuck her pussy, but I've haven't given her as much as a finger, and when I challenged her to let out only a glassful, she emptied more than half her bladder on my floor. I was in the middle of punishin' her for that by using a catheter to empty my own bladder into hers and spankin' her bladder when ya rang the doorbell, forcin' me ta hastily replug her." Aiko releases her grip on Momoko, making the older girl stumble as her knees buckle before asking, "So, would Momo-chan like the same treatment, or do you have any suggestions of what else we can do to Mutsumi-chan?" Regaining her breath and footing, Momoko replies, "Well, we could push her knees against her chest and retie her arms under her knees. That should squeeze her bladder really good. Or we could blindfold her and cover her ears to make her focus on the sensations while we have some fun with her. I have something in my bag that should help with that. Oh, and whatever we fuck her pussy with, we should try to ram it straight at her bladder as much as possible!" As Momoko speaks, she lets her suspenders slip from her shoulders, her skirt falling to her ankles as she starts to furiously rub at her own crotch. "As for the thought of being tied up and teased while having a tremendously taut, terribly tormented tinkle tank sounds like such wonderful torture! The thought of being tied up face-to-face with Mutsumi-chan while Ai-chan uses both of us... it's almost too much!" Aiko knows Momoko didn't have a bag with her when she arrived, suspecting she really means to use magic to summon something to block sight and sound from Mutsumi and doubts the blonde intends to limit the use of magic to just that. Coming to a decision, Aiko leaves Momoko to her masturbation as the blunette walks over to Mutsumi and rolls the wrestler over on her back, the bound girl's face red from embarrassment and sexual frustration. Staring up into her tormenter's eyes, Mutsumi begs, "Please, Ai-chan! Please let me cum and pee!" "Not yet." is Aiko's short reply as she undoes the knots holding the bindings around the wrestler's knees and ankles. Pressing the brunette's knees to her chest does sound appealing, but deciding such would be impractical for what the blunette has in mind, Aiko instead presses each of Mutsumi's knees to the wrestler's armpit before using a freed length of rope to bind knee to shoulder. Admiring the way this leaves the brunette's bladder bulge and girlhood on display, Aiko orders, "Now, keep those knees straight, or I might have to add weights to yer ankles." As Aiko retrieves a new bottle of saline with a fresh catheter attached and some more rope, Momoko continues furiously rubbing at her girlhood through her soaked panties as she stares at the bound girl. So lost in her self-pleasuring, the blonde is caught completely off guard as Aiko comes up behind her, yanks the orange blouse over the yellow apprentice's head and ties the older girl's hands behind her back. "[Wah! But I was so close!]" yells the prodigal daughter in the tongue of her adopted nation as she is yanked back from the brink from the sudden loss of her own touch on her crotch. "Come now, Momo-chan, I can't let ya have all the fun, can I?" replies the blunette as she uses one arm to hold Momoko tightly and the other to pull down the blonde's sodden undergarments. After her practice on Mutsumi and herself, Aiko quickly threads the catheter into Momoko's bladder and makes quick work of using the bulb to empty the bottle into the older girl's bladder. As her waste water sack swells and stretches well beyond anything she's ever felt, Momoko can't concentrate enough to use Japanese as she pleads, "[Please! If you don't stop, you'll make my poor, pathetic piddle pot pop!]" only for her words to fall upon uncomprehending ears. Once the bottle is empty, Aiko pulls the catheter out only to replace it with a fresh urethral plug. Rubbing Momoko's distended bladder, Aiko asks, "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Relaxing some now that the pressure in her piddle pot has leveled out, Momoko glances down and exclaims, "WOW! my bladder's so bloated it looks like I'm going to be having a baby in a few months!" Without further words, Aiko Nudges Momoko towards Mutsumi's bound form before making the older girl kneel so the blonde's and brunette's pubic bones are practically touching. Aiko then makes the yellow apprentice lean forward, squeezing both Momoko and Mutsumi's bladders between them. Using two belts, onethreaded around the bound girls' backs and through their arm pits, the other threaded around their waists, Aiko secures her playmates to each other. As they're forced into close proximity, Momoko instinctually crashes her lips upon Mutsumi's. "And one final touch." announces Aiko as she pulls Momoko's legs out from under her, forcing the blonde's weight to rest entirely on Mutsumi instead of partially on her knees. As the pair of bound girls squirm in their bindings, nipples, bladders, and even clits crushed between them, Aiko retrieves the harness from the toy case, and after some debate, decides on the 4cm diameter dildo to go inside her and the 5 cm diameter to use on her playthings. Kneeling behind the bound girls, Aiko rips off the tape holding the egg vibrator to Mutsumi's pussy as she turns both the dildo inside her and the one she's about to plunge into a bound girl's passage to 7/10 speed. Brushing the tip along both Mutsumi and Momoko's slits, Aiko eventually plunges into Mutsumi, finally giving the wrestler the penetration she's been desperate for all afternoon. The blunette's thrusts are hard and fast, and always directed at Mutsumi's bloated bladder. Sensing Mutsumi is close to the brink, Aiko yanks out of the brunette only to drive the strap-on home in Momoko's passage, giving the blonde the same rough treatment. Aiko continues like this, bringing each girl right up to the edge before switching off to the other. As the time between swaps grows shorter, Aiko knows she can't hold off her playthings' climaxes for much longer short of removing stimulation altogether, and feeling her own climax approaching, the blunette wishes she could feel their cunnies clenching around her. At the same time, Aiko's bladder reminds her she didn't fully empty it into Mutsumi's and is nearing the limit of what she can hold without a plug once more.