Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 4: A Desperate Wrestler Feeling herself dangerously close to the edge and not wanting to risk Mutsumi reacting badly to recieving a golden shower, Aiko drops the toy she was using to tease the wrestler and bolts upright, the toy in her passage coming free in the brunette's grip. Dashing for the case of toys, Aiko grabs a urethral plug, and squeezing the squishy outer layer, quickly finds her peehole with the rounded tip and pushes inward just in time to dam her golden river as the first spurt gushes out around the plug. As the plug swells to seal her urethra and her panic subsides, Aiko lets out a sigh of relief and mumbles, "Barely made it." before marveling at the curious sensation of being able to relax her pelvic floor while having a full bladder without pissing herself in the process. Caressing the grapefruit sized bulge of her bladder, Aiko turns to Mutsumi and says, "Looks like I got the spiked drink. I just about gave ya a shower of pee." Grabbing a 2-liter bottle of clear fluid from the toy case, Aiko adds, "But I don't think its fair if I'm the only one plugged up with a bloated bladder." Approaching the girl laying on her futon, Aiko kneels between Mutsumi's thighs before pulling off the last of the wrestler's clothing, prompting her to try and cover her crotch as her cheeks burn in embarrassment. Pulling the brunette's hands away, Aiko dons rubber gloves and uses a sanitation wipe to clean the wrestler's girlhood. Covering her face in embarrassment, Mutsumi can't help peeking through her fingers as Aiko rips open the bag containing the catheter attached to the bottle's neck and starts to thread the thin tube up the brunette's urethra. As Aiko opens the valve in the neck of the bottle, letting the clear liquid flow with gravity, valves along the catheter ensuring liquid can only flow into the wrestler's bladder and not out, Mutsumi's expression shifts from one of embarrassment to one of being weirded out. When the pressure in Mutsumi's bladder balances out the pressure due to gravity, Aiko starts to rhythmically squeeze a bulb pump just under the neck of the bottle. Before long, Aiko can see Mutsumi's flat, trim tummy starting to bulge out, and as the blunette watches the bulge grow, the brunette squirms and moans from the sensation of having her bladder filled from the outside, but makes no attempt to stop Aiko's ministrations. When the brunette's bladder bulge reaches the same size of the blunette's Aiko is surprised by how easily she continues to pump fluid into her victim's tinkle tank, making her wonder if the liquid has magical properties that allow the bladder to stretch beyond its usual limits. Once the bottle is finally empty, Mutsumi's bladder has swollen to the size of a cantaloupe, and as Aiko prepares a second plug, she instructs, "I'll need ya to clench up if ya don't want to make a mess." and seeing several of the wrestler's muscles tensing up, Aiko quickly pulls out the catheter to replace it with the plug. Halfway sitting up and clutching her bloated bladder like a expectant preteen mother caressing her baby bump, Mutsumi comments, "I didn't think I could hold anywhere near this much! I feel like my bladder might burst like a balloon at any moment!" Looking at her handiwork, Aiko wonders what to do to her plaything next. Smiling evily, Aiko stands as she says, "I'll be right back." When she returns, she's holding not one, but two large, liter bottles of water. Popping the top off one and offering the other to Mutsumi, she comments, "I'm sure I don't need to lecture ya on the importance of staying hydrated." Before bringing the bottle to her lips and guzzling the liquid. The action makes Aiko's protruding piddle pot pound powerfully, but just watching is agony for Mutsumi's truly titanic, tremendously taut, terribly trembling, thaumaturgically tormented tinkle tank. Grabbing at her crotch, Mutsumi whines, "Aren't I full enough!?" Swallowing the last drops, Aiko replies, "Would ya rather I yank out that plug and make ya hold back that ocean all on yer own?" Though proud of her strength, Mutsumi seems convinced she'll wet as soon as the plug is pulled, and taking the offered bottle, opens it and starts drinking at a more sedate pace. As Mutsumi slowly drains her water bottle, Aiko retrieves a few items from the toy case. Keeping most of what she retrieves from the brunette's view, the blunette makes a show of sliding a slender buttplug with an attached air pump up her anus before handing a small remote to the wrestler. "That controls the size of the plug I just inserted." explains Aiko at Mutsumi's confused expression. Wasting no time, the brunette uses the remote to activate the pump, and Aiko soon finds herself with a grapefruit sized balloon in her rectum. It's a bit uncomfortable, but the blunette has the perfect idea how to get back at her playmate. Coming up behind the wrestler, Aiko pours a generous amount of the strawberry lube in her palms before starting to massage the brunette's shoulders. The possibly magical aphrodisiac goes to work immediately, Mutsumi moaning and squirming under Aiko's ministrations as if the wrestler's shoulders were suddenly as sensitive as her pussy. When Aiko lifts her hands from the wrestler's shoulders, Mutsumi whines at the loss of contact, only to resume her lusty reactions as the blunette starts to work the brunette's biceps. Once she's worked her way to Mutsumi's hands, Aiko cups the brunette's budding breasts and pinches her nipples, getting a scream of, "YES! Pinch my nipples harder!" For her efforts, but instead of giving into the wrestler's demands, the runner glides her hands down to rest on her playmate's prodigiously protruding, powerfully pounding, pleading to pop piddle pot, pints of potent, pent-up pee pulsing beneath Aiko's probing fingers. At first, Aiko is gentle, like an expectant father rubbing his wife's baby bump, but as Soon as Mutsumi is fully relaxed against Aiko's chest, the blunette presses her palms firmly into the brunette's bloated, bursting bladder bulge even as the act causes the wrestler's butt to press against the blunette's own overfilled bladder. Aiko pushes her playmate forward to relieve the pressure on her own plugged up pool of pee, Mutsumi landing sprawled face down with most of her weight on her distended bladder, an act that would have resulted in catastrophic failure if not for the urethral plug in the wrestler's peehole. Not giving Mutsumi a chance to recover, Aiko slides a lubed finger in Mutsumi's pussy, the tight passage turning out to be so slick there would've been no resistence even without the lube. Glancing down to see the saucer sized puddle of girl juice where Mutsumi was sitting just moments earlier, Aiko comments, "If ya weren't plugged up, I'd accuse ya of pissing yerself on my bed, yer dripping so much pussy juice!" Panting like a bitch in heat, Mutsumi replies, "Please, Ai-chan, I don't care what you use, just hurry up and fuck my pussy with something!" Withdrawing her finger, Aiko grabs a egg vibrator and a roll of medical tape, and turning the vibrator to speed five of ten, traces it along Mutsumi's slit, ignoring the wresler's various pleas to put it inside. Wanting to continue massaging the lube into Mutsumi's untreated skin, Aiko crosses two strips of the tape over the brunette's opening to prevent the vibrator from entering her before using a further two strips to secure the vibrator. Aiko makes quick work of massaging Mutsumi's legs and back before deciding to focus on the wresler's rump. By now, the lube has turned Mutsumi's entire body into one massive erogenous zone and filled the room with a sweet scent of strawberries just this side of sickening. After massaging the brunette's butt for several minutes, Aiko slides her thumb through Mutsumi's anal sphincter, coating the usually dry hole with the lube. Discarding her gloves, Aiko grabs the six centimeter dildo and pours lube directly from the bottle on to the phallus before using her hands to ensure the toy is well coated. When she feels the tip of the thick, artificial prick probing at her back door, Mutsumi lets out a frightened protest, "Ai-Ai-chan, that-that's much too thick to go up my butt!" "It's no thicker than what ya inflated the plug in my butt to." replies Aiko before mercilessly thrusting the dildo deep in Matsumi's rear passage, a squeal escaping the wresler's throat as her sphincter is suddenly stretched just short of being painful. Turning the dildo up to the same speed as the egg vibrator, Aiko enjoys the sounds Mutsumi makes as she starts to fuck the brunette's ass and wonders what to do next. After a few minutes of pleasant torture, Aiko thrusts the dildo deep in Mutsumi's ass, leaving just enough sticking out to get a good grip to pull it out as she asks, "Would ya like me to stick a dildo up yer pussy as well, Mutsumi-chan?" "YES!!!" screams the wrestler, desperate to experience the orgasm that feels so close yet so far away. Her evil smile widening, Aiko reaches for Mutsumi's crotch as she says, "Then, I'm gonna pull yer plug and give ya a couple of challenges, and..." "NO! I'll pee if you pull it out!" shouts the brunette, cutting off the blunette. "What's tha matter? Is little miss can out wrestle every girl in class and most of tha boys afraid of losin' to a little piss?" Her pride prickles at the taunt, but Mutsumi tries to resist the goading, "No, but..." "Well then, ya can take my challenge, or I can leave ya like that while I watch ya writhe in desperate need of both a piss and a cum." "Okay, I'll do IT!" cries the prone girl. Aiko decides to show a bit of mercy, Helping Mutsumi into a squating position before placing a glass under her. Thanks to the rather extreme size of Mutsumi's bladder bulge, she looks more like she's preparing to give birth than for a holding challenge. Pressing one hand to the wrestler's bloated belly and reaching the other to grip the urethral plug, Aiko instructs, "Once I pull it out, I want ya to hold for at least ten seconds and then yer to fill the glass at least halfway without it overflowing." Seeming uncharacteristically nervous at the prospect, Mutsumi visibly tenses her every muscle, her toned arms and legs looking tauter than a rubber band on the verge of snapping as she replies shakily, "O-Okay, I-I'm ready!" Aiko isn't convinced even her playmate believes her words, but doesn't hesitate to pull the plug and is actually a bit disappointed when the plug isn't immediately followed by pee gushing like Nachi Falls. In fact, as each agonizing second ticks by, Mutsumi not only reaches the 10 second mark, but the 15 second and even 20 second marks, making it impossible for Aiko to claim the wrestler failed by a split second. In fact, Mutsumi actually has trouble relaxing for the second half of the challenge, pee barely trickling at the start, even Aiko impressed by the apparent strength of Mutsumi's muscles. However, once the stream gets started, the ocean rips the floodgates completely asunder and pee gushes forth as though Susanoo had unleashed his wrath. Aiko announces, "That's half full." Clutching her prodigiously protruding piddle pot, Mutsumi cries, "I can't stop IT!" As she futilely tries to halt the torrent jetting from her urethra. The glass is soon overflowing and Aiko can see the wrestler's bladder deflating as a pubble spreads out beneath the brunette faster than it can soak into the Tatami. By the time Mutsumi finally regains control, the puddle is more than a meter in diameter, and though shrunken to something far less suspicious, the wrestler is still sporting an obvious bladder bulge. Trying not to let her amazement show, Aiko scolds, "Look at tha mess ya made!" Sniffling a bit, Mutsumi replies, "I'm sorry, I really tried to stop it sooner, but I just couldn't." Giving the tatami time to absorb the piss, Aiko squats in front of Mutsumi, relying on her own urethral plug to keep her pent-up pee in her protesting piddle pot, as she cups one of the wrestler's cheeks, "Regardless, I'm gonna have ta punish ya for ruining one of my tatami." After some internal debate, Aiko grabs three coils of rope before pushing Mutsumi to her knees. Forcing the brunette to cross her arms behind her back, Aiko uses the first coil to bind the wrestler's arms in that position behind her back. She then uses the other two coils to bind Mutsumi's knees and ankles together. Once she's done ensuring all the knots are secure and deciding to leave the dildo in Mutsumi's ass and the egg vibrator teasing Mutsumi's vaginal opening alone for now, she grabs a one way catheter with rounded tips on both ends. Kneeling outside Mutsumi's line of sight, Aiko starts feeding the exit end of the catheter into the wrestler's urethra. "Please, don't put another bottle of water in my bladder." Begs Mutsumi, recognizing the sensation from earlier. "Don't worry," replies Aiko, "I'm not gonna use another bottle of water." Before Mutsumi can make any further comment, Aiko tenses her pelvic floor as she pulls her own plug, a few drops escaping before she can insert the intake end of the catheter. As pee starts to flow from the blunette to the brunette, Aiko kneels behind Mutsumi and hugs the wrestler to her chest, the bound girl's butt adding pressure to the blue apprentice's bladder. Pinching Mutsumi's nipples, Aiko comments, "Peeing into another girl has such a wonderful, naughty feeling to it." and Mutsumi is too shocked by the situation to reply. Aiko lowers a hand to the wrestler's bladder bulge to feel it swelling once more. Smiling evily, Aiko brings her hand away from Mutsumi's skin only to suddenly bring it down upon the wrestler's bladder with a loud smack, making the brunette gasp in pain. Aiko repeats this several times before she's interrupted by someone ringing the doorbell. She hasn't finished emptying her bladder into Mutsumi's, but she's at least empty enough for it to be manageable.