Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 3: A Desperate Gamble Sitting at her kitchen table munching on the sandwich she made herself for lunch, her clothes having dried from the walk home, Aiko contemplates what she'll do when Mutsumi arrives. She could keep things simple and stick to just using each others bodies to stimulate each other, but seeing as Aiko has magic, the thought of summoning various sex toys in preparation is hard to ignore. As she finishes her third can of Oy! Cola and pops open a fourth, her mind fills with thoughts of things she'd like to do with Mutsumi but would require doing magic in the Wresler's presence or would be hard to provide a non-magical explanation for, but are so tempting she wonders about putting the brunette to sleep when she arrives and either having her way with the sleeping girl or trying to convince her its all a dream. But before then, there's the question of whether to change clothes and how to pass the time until Mutsumi arrives. Emptying the can of soda, Aiko scolds herself for even thinking of putting Mutsumi to sleep and molesting her before heading to her bedroom. Pulling out her cologne tap, she gives herself a spritz to initiate her transformation. As her apprentice uniform materializes, she strikes a pose and shouts "Pretty Witchy Aiko-chi!" before summoning her Jewelry Poron and incanting, "Pameruku Raruku Laliloli Poppun! Case of sex toys appear!" a clear mental image of what she wants in her mind and channeling as much magic into the spell as she can manage. In a swirl of blue musical notes and a puff of smoke, a sturdy wooden case on wheels appears on Aiko's floor. Kneeling in front of the case and opening it up, she is met with a display of various sex toys and accessories. There are a dozen dildos varying in diameter from a hymen friendly 2cm to a twat tearing 10cm, each clearly marked with their diameter on their base, a selection of butt plugs ranging from no bigger than Aiko's thumb to inflatable models as big around as a grapefruit when fully inflated, three bottles of lube, one strawberry scented with an athrodisiac effect, one citrus scented with a warming effect, and one mint scented with a cooling effect. There's also a container full of egg vibrators, and a remote that controls not only the egg vibrators, but the vibration functions in all the dildos and buttplugs. There's also a bottle of diuretic tablets, a few urethral plugs, and catheters, some with collection bags, others connected to bags of sterile saline. There's even a chastity belt. Nodding in approval at what she conjured and hoping she put enough power into the spell that nothing vanishes before Mutsumi departs, she pops a couple of diuretic pills in her mouth and grabs the smallest dildo before untransforming and discarding her track clothes in a laundry basket before grabbing her towel from that morning and heading for the shower. As she lets the hot spray wash away dried sweat and any lingering remnants of her accident, she slides the small, phallic object in and out of her pasage, the slender toy easily passing through a perforation in her hymen without damaging the barrrier or causing any pain. It feels good, but the stimulation soon proves inadequate to keep up with the blunette's sexual appetite, and she pushes the dildo in until she feels its tip bump against her cervix before turning off the water. Exiting the shower, Aiko quickly dries off before slipping into a pastel blue bathrobe, which she wraps around her tight enough and cinches the belt on tight enough to hint at the athletic curves beneath. Retrieving the remote, she tunes it to the dildo that's deep inside her and turns it from off to speed three out of ten. As the toy starts buzzing inside her, Aiko decides this is a much better way of spending the wait. Heading to the entrance way, she starts pacing in anticipation of her expected visitor. When she hears a knock at the door, its nearly enough to send her over the edge as she approaches the door and rises onto her tip toes to glance through the peephole. Seeing Mutsumi in her usual ensemble of teal blouse and blue skirt, Aiko quickly opens the door and pulls her fellow athlete inside, barely giving the wrestler time to say, "Hello-" before the door is again locked and the blunette has the brunette pinned against it, their lips crashing against each other. As Aiko's tongue darts forward, Mutsumi is all to eager to resume their tongue wrestling match from that morning. As their tongues fight for dominance, Aiko reaches a hand up the back of Mutsumi's skirt to cup one of the wrestler's well-toned half moons, nothing but a thin layer of soft cotton preventing direct skin-to-skin contact. Giving the brunette's butt a squeeze, Aiko can feel Mutsumi's nipples pressing into her chest even with the relatively thick fabric of the bathrobe. Aiko slide's her hands towards where Mutsumi's thighs are pressed together, and when the brunette parts them in invitation, the bluunette slides a finger teasingly along the valley of the wrestler's panty-clad girlhood, making the fully clothed girl moan into the nearly naked girl's mouth. As she continues to tease Mutsumi, Aiko notices that the gusset of the brunette's underwear is already soaked through and smiles internally at just how much the other girl must have been anticipating this visit. Before Aiko can escalate matters further, she feels the first twinge of the cola she drank with her lunch reaching her bladder, sped along by the diuretic and realizes she really should dose the brunette as well. Breaking the kiss, Aiko asks, "Before we get too lost in each other, can I get you something to drink?" "Su-Sure." replies Mutsumi, blushing at the realization that she put up no resistence to making out immediately upon arrival. As Aiko walks into the kitchen to prepare Mutsumi something to drink, she can't help thinking how adorable the usually unflappable girl she left in her entrance way is when she gets all flustered at anything involving sex before contemplating what to offer her guest. Deciding to take a gamble, Aiko grabs two identical glasses from the cabinet and an ice tray from the freezer. Dropping six uniform ice cubes into each glass, she takes a couple of the diuretic capsules and cracks them open, dumping the fine powder into one of the glasses, the diuretic fading from sight as it contacts the ice. Placing the glasses in open slots of a rotating spice rack, Aiko spins the kitchen accessory until she has no idea which glass is which, and before she can try to see a difference between the two, opens two cans of Oy! Cola and fills both glasses. Exiting the kitchen, the blunette finds that Mutsumi has discarded her shoes by the door and taken up residence on the couch in the living room. Sitting the glasses on the coffee table, but keeping her hands on them so the brunette can't take one yet, Aiko explains, "I've spiked one of these glasses with diuretic, and I've mixed them up so even I don't know which is which. I propose we each take one and drink and see what happens." Letting go of the glasses, she adds, "Of course, if yer not up to taking my wager, ya can make me drink both, or if ya want to ensure yer own bladder will burst as quickly as possible, ya can drink both yerself." Too proud to refuse the bet, but not too proud to know when she's being goaded, Mutsumi takes one of the glasses and says, "I'll take your wager and may the best woman win." before bringing the fizzy beverage to her lips. Grabbing the other glass, Aiko replies in kind, "May the best woman win." Before bringing her own drink to her lips. Both girls guzzle their cola quickly, draining their glasses in a single go, a resounding thump echoing in the small apartment as they slam their glasses down on the coffee table in unison, nothing but ice remaining in the transparent vessels. Eager to try out some of her conjured toys on her new playmate, Aiko asks, "Would ya like to go to my room?" Growing bolder and eager for more even if she has no idea what the blunette has in store for her, Mutsumi declares, "Sure." as she stands from the couch and follows the bathrobed girl. As they enter the blunette's room, Aiko instructs, "Close yer eyes, I have a surprise for ya." Curious what Aiko is up to, the brunette does as she's told and can hear her hostess rummaging for something as Aiko retrieves a 3cm dildo from the case she left where it wouldn't be visible from her bedroom door. Having completely tuned out the vibrations in her own pussy, Aiko is tempted to turn her own dildo up a few notches, but decides to focus on Mutsumi for now and tunes the remote to the new toy before setting to its lowest setting. The wrestler's eyes are still close as Aiko approaches. At first, the blunette lures the brunette into a false sense of security by kissing her and teasing her panty-clad girlhood like in the entrance way, but this only increases Mutsumi's surprise when Aiko stretches the gusset of the wrestler's panties taut over her vulva and brings the tip of the lightly buzzing toy in contact with the soft cotton. Aiko is pleased as she swallows Mutsumi's loudest moan thus far, and encouraged, pulls the fabric aside and spreads the wrestler's labia to make direct contact. As Aiko alternates between pressing the tip of the slender dildo against Mutsumi's itty bitty clitty, against her pee hole, and prodding at the opening of her virgin pussy, always trying to keep the brunette guessing which sensitive spot will be next, the wrestler's knees start to buckle and she squirms in the blunette's embrace. Going crazy from the unfamiliar sensations, Mutsumi breaks the kiss and yells, "Ai-chan! Please stick it in!" Grinning at Mutsumi's reaction, Aiko is unsure whether to give in to the brunette's demands or to continue teasing her. At the same time, Aiko can feel her piddle pot starting to pound, though she's not sure if its just because she's had more to drink and longer for her dose of diuretic to take effect or if she lost the wager and got the spiked drink and thus a double dose of pee pills. Deciding to draw things out some more, Aiko suddenly withdraws the dildo from Mutsumi's girlhood and releases her grip on the brunette, causing the wrestler to stumble back a step or two before regaining her balance on shakey legs. "Why...why did you stop?" Complains the less experienced girl, barely avoiding a whine at the loss of stimulation. "I was thinkin' yer a bit overdressed, so why don't ya give me a striptease?" replies the Osakan, her lips curling into a lecherous smile as she finishes. Blushing brightly, Mutsumi replies, "Yo-You want me to get naked?" "What's the matter? I already saw ya naked from the waist down in the park restroom this mornin', and it's not like ya never changed in front of other girls before." "Yeah, but..." "Here, I'll even go first." declares the blunette as she unknots the belt of her bathrobe and lets the pale, blue terry cloth slide off her shoulders and down her body to eventually pool on the floor. As Mutsumi gets a full-frontal eyeful of Aiko, she can't help staring at her fellow athlete's softly toned muscles and gentle curves, and is only brought out of her trance when the blunette asks, "So, are ya just gonna stand there starin' or are ya gonna get naked as well?" the threat of 'or do I need to strip ya myself' goes unsaid, but is obvious from the tone of Aiko's voice and the look she's giving Mutsumi. Unwilling to back down from a challenge, Mutsumi reaches for the hem of her blouse, and having no sense of seduction, quickly yanks it over her head and discards it on the tatami without another word. She then pulls the waistband of her skirt over her hips and lets it fall to her ankles before stepping out of it. As Mutsumi reaches for the waistband of her white, cotten panties, Aiko stops her, "Ya can leave those on for now." Before capturing the wrestler's lips once more. As the pair resumes making out, their pebble-hard nipples rubbing against each other, Aiko leads them towards her futon, where she lowers Mutsumi to the thin mattress. Once down on all fours with Mutsumi beneath her, Aiko breaks the kiss and turns around, giving the brunette a up close look at the blunette's exposed girlhood and the thin dildo barely poking out between her nether lips. "Is that what I think it is?" Asks the wrestler upon noticing the toy. Enjoying the sight of Mutsumi's panties clinging to the brunette's every nook and cranny, Aiko uses the remote to up both dildos to speed five before replying, "Yeah, I've had it inside me since before ya got here. Why don't ya use it to play with me some?" Any response Mutsumi has is drowned out by a loud moan as Aiko traces the tip of the 3cm dildo along the outline of the brunette's girlhood visible through the soaked fabric. The wrestler reaches up to grip the base of the 2cm dildo and starts to repeatedly stab it into Aiko's passage. Aiko's moans join Mutsumi's and the blunette rewards the brunette by pulling the gusset aside to tease her directly. Mutsumi varies the angle she thrusts the dildo within Aiko, but the blunette is reminded of her painfully full bladder whenever a thrust is angled directly at the hollow organ. Aiko had five cans of cola to Mutsumi's one and took a diuretic a while before the brunette arrived, but surely the other girl consumed some liquid prior to arrival and the second round of diuretic has had plenty of time to kick in. That Aiko is nearly at her limit for the third time that day while Mutsumi isn't showing any signs of even the beginning of a need to pee, Aiko can only conclude she got the spiked drink. Growing frustrated from being teased, Mutsumi slows her thrusts and threatens, "Ai-chan, if you don't hurry up and fuck me with that toy, I'm going to yank this one out and leave you hanging!" Aiko is so close both to climax and to wetting uncontrollably she can barely think and doubts she'll be able to hold her piddle through orgasm.