Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 2: A Desperate Workout Having no pressing obligations for the rest of the morning, Aiko decides she'll take a run through the park as she hangs her towel over her bedroom door and retrieves a matching set of tank top and track shorts from her closet. Not sure she could take fabric rubbing directly against her girlhood after the sexual frustration of the morning thus far, the blunette foregoes underwear as she dons the pale blue ensemble before pulling on matching ankle socks. Knowing the importance of hydration, especially during long runs, Aiko exits her room and returns to the kitchen where she retrieves a large sports bottle and fills it from the kitchen tap. Sitting the bottle next to the front door, Aiko does a series of stretches to limber up, showing off her well-toned calves and making the somewhat loose clothing press against her in a way that hints at the svelte body beneath. Deciding her body is ready for her real workout, she slides on her sneakers, pulls the shoulder strap on the sports bottle over her head, and exits the apartment, making sure to close and lock the door behind her as she starts jogging in the direction of the park. As she hits her stride, Aiko revels in the feeling of her favorite physical activity, her world narrowing to the thump of her heart, the smack of rubber against concrete and asphalt, and the wind rushing past her. The only interruption in her rhythm is her occasionally bringing the mouthpiece of the sports bottle to her lips for a drink, and though her bladder pangs with every additional bit of fluid she consumes, she barely notices, her mind focused on not running into anything, regulating her breathing, and resisting the near primal urge to break into an all out sprint, constantly reminding her body that she's not in a race and needs to conserve her energy for the trip home. The blunette's runner's trance is only broken when she brings the bottle to her lips, but instead of a mouthful of refreshing water, all she gets is the hollow sound of a straw sucking at an empty container. Realising the bottle is empty, Aiko comes to a stop, and it's at this moment that her bladder finally manages to catch her attention, throbbing almost violently as it wishes to throw obscenities at it's owner for not going before leaving home. Shamelessly grabbing at her girlhood through her shorts, Aiko glances around and recognizes the wooded, dirt path she's currently standing on to be clear on the opposite side of the park from the public restrooms and water fountain, the nearest place she can refill her water bottle and empty her bladder in a proper receptacle. It's a long walk, but Aiko is confident in her strength, but she's also reminded of the incident in the kitchen and realises the current location is remote enough to provide privacy, but not so remote that there would be no risk of being caught if she were to do something naughty. Giving into her desire to recapture the thrill of possibly being caught she experienced earlier that morning, Aiko squats down on the path, her bladder screaming in protest that she didn't pull down her shorts in the process. This shift in position allows a gentle breeze to blow up her pant legs to brush against her pantiless girlhood, sending shivers up the blunette's spine and increasing her arousal. Sliding a hand down the front of her shorts, Aiko wastes no time as she plunges not one, not two, but three fingers all the way to the third knuckle within her young passage. Curling her fingers into her g-spot and grinding the heal of her palm against her clit, the athlete starts to moan softly as visions of what might happen if she were caught dance across her mind's eye. She imagines a horny teenaged boy or a lolicon of a dirty old man coming across her and taking advantage of her distracted state to push her in the dirt, yank down her shorts, and pluck her cherry before she can try to fight him off as well as images of a shy girl being frozen in shock at the sight of a girl masturbating and thus defenseless as Aiko pins the girl against a tree and starts roaming her hands over her body. As Aiko continues to play with herself, largely ignoring the pounding of her piddle pot, her fantasies growing more and more lewd by the second, she can feel herself building to what promises to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest climaxes of her young life. And just when she feels on the verge of a satisfying release, she hears a familiar voice penetrate her vulgar thoughts, though she doesn't immediately recognize the speaker or their words. Too close to stop now and spurred on by the fact she's been spotted and that a witness will soon be close enough to see what she's doing if they aren't already, Aiko increases her pace as she drops to her knees and uses her free hand to support her weight. Her body grows ever tenser, both from the quickly approaching climax and in preparation to keep her pounding, pent-up piddle from pouring out in a powerful, pant soaking stream and pooling in a mud puddle beneath her. Then it happens, the coil of tension snaps and the blunette's mind goes blank as an orgasm beyond any she's had previously courses through her svelt frame. It is only reflex that allows Aiko to drop to her elbow and safely roll on to her back instead of collapsing ungracefully into the dirt face first as her entire body convulses, and she nearly draws blood as she bites her lip in an attempt to not scream. As she regains her senses and catches her breath, Aiko feels her golden liquid gushing into her palm, her bloated, overburdened bladder having taken advantage of her brief lapse in consciousness to attempt betrayal. She nearly crushes her own fingers in the process of pressing her pelvic muscles together to prevent anymore pee from pouring out, the personification of her protesting piddle pot pouting pitifully at having her plans foiled. As her eyes flutter open, they are met by the worried gaze and distinctive bangs of Mutsumi Kudo, her fellow athlete dressed in the white t-shirt and red buruma of Misora First Elementary's gym uniform instead of her usual ensemble of a teal blouse and blue skirt. Registering that Mutsumi has been talking but that she hasn't processed a single word, Aiko asks unintelligently, "Huh?" "I asked if you were okay." replies the brunette, her tone of someone chiding another for pushing themselves too hard, "Your face is all red, I noticed your water bottle is empty, and it looked like you were having a seizure just a minute ago." At this, Mutsumi brings the spout of her own water bottle to Aiko's lips, and much to her bladder's protest, the blunette takes a sip of the refreshing liquid to give herself a moment to think. Looking over herself, Aiko is drenched in sweat, more than would be normal given the weather and her usual workout, but nothing anyone is likely to question. Glancing down, her hand is still down the front of her shorts, and while she can see tell tell signs of her leak having stained the pale fabric, her crotch is no more soaked with pee than the rest of her clothing is with sweat. She can still feel her girlhood tingling both from arousal and from desperation, a longing to have another's hand replace her own still strong even as she fears removing her hand will open the flood gates completely. Aiko is the fastest sprinter and best all around female athlete in school, but Mutsumi is queen of the wrestling ring, able to best even many of the boys in a fair match and yet Aiko can't help wondering if she could catch the other girl off guard enough to have a chance of pinning her. Realizing any attempt to best the aspiring pro wrestler would probably end with the blunette pinned beneath the brunette, the other girl sitting atop the Osakan's overfilled bladder and squeezing it until it pops as she lectures about proper sportsmanship, Aiko shakes her head in an attempt to clear it of lewd and potentially humiliating thoughts as she uses her free hand to accept Mutsumi's offer to help her to her feet. "Thank ya fer checking on me." says Aiko as the other girl brushes dirt from the blunette's track clothes, "I must've been pushing myself too hard to collapse like that." Mutsumi seems convinced of her mistaken interpretation of events, and Aiko is about to let out a sigh of relief when the brunette asks, "Why does Ai-chan have a hand down her shorts?" Cursing mentally for not pulling her hand away sooner, Aiko quickly realizes a less embarrassing truth she can reveal to conceal the more embarrassing truth, "I really need to pee!" Mutsumi shifts her weight from foot-to-foot before offering, more shyly than is normal for the wrestler, "If you want to... I could stand watch while you go behind a tree and take care of that." Glancing down, Aiko notices a slight bulge where the hem of Mutsumi's t-shirt meets her buruma in front and can't help wondering if coming across the blunette interrupted the other girl's efforts to reach the public toilets in time or if Aiko's own announcement had brought the wrestler's own overfilled bladder to her attention. Aiko also notices that Mutsumi is standing right in front of a tree as the brunette brings her attention back to their conversation, "So, what will it be, Ai-chan?" Deciding that being too forward might just scare the other girl off, Aiko brushes off the offer, "Nah, I'll be fine until we reach the toilets." Before casually stepping behind the brunette and pressing her palm against Mutsumi's lower abdomen as she teasingly adds, "But I could stand watch fer ya if Mutsumi-chan can't last that long." Dropping to a whisper, Aiko continues, "Or we could do it together." Blushing slightly, Mutsumi replies, "That's okay, I don't need to go at all." the firm bulge Aiko can feel through the brunette's clothes makes the lie obvious, but the blunette decides to let her fellow athlete be stubborn even as she refuses to give up herself. Aiko lets go of Mutsumi as the pairr resume their trek through the park's more scenic areas, both of them walking now, ostensively to avoid jostling Aiko's bladder unnecessarily, but the blunette can tell her workout partner is in no better shape in this regard, Mutsumi's strides rather irregular for an athlete and growing more erratic clear signs the wrestler isn't paying attention to her movements the way she normally would. Though their exertion is greatly reduced compared to earlier, it is still a very warm day, so the pair continue taking additional sips of water, now taking turns from Mutsumi's water bottle, Aiko hesitating briefly at her bladder screaming in protest every time the nozzle comes to Aiko's lips, but the blunette can see just as much hesitation whenever it's Mutsumi's turn to drink. As they approach the bend that will put the park's facilities within sight, Mutsumi suddenly bends double, her hands clamping over the crotch of her buruma as she falls to her knees and nearly kisses the dirt path. The wrestler hisses something Aiko can't make out through gritted teeth as the fabric peaking out from between the brunette's parted thighs and splayed fingers turns a darker red. It's obvious to Aiko that her fellow athlete just sprung a leak and her own bladder begs to follow suit, but between Mutsumi's compromising position with her butt sticking in the air and the way the brunette's trembling makes it look like she's swaying her hips seductively, Aiko isn't sure whether to be aroused or concerned. Realizing an opportunity to do naughty things to Mutsumi while maintaining plausible deniability, Aiko Kneels behind the prone girl, nearly leaking herself in the process. Wrapping her arms around the brunette, the blunette helps the other girl to her feet before clamping a hand over the crotch of the wrestler's buruma. "The toilets are just around the corner." Whispers Aiko into Mutsumi's ear as she rubs her fingers over the trembling girl's panty and buruma clad girlhood, eliciting a low moan and moderate blush from the wrestler. Mutsumi's plump little rump pressing against Aiko's lower abdomen adds pressure to the blunette's bladder and she has to clench her every muscle as a leak of her own escapes into her track shorts, but the close, nearly intimate position increases her arousal just as much. If Mutsumi notices the effect she's having on the Osakan, she makes no comment. The pair resume their trek towards relief, their pace slowed even further as Aiko holds Mutsumi upright even as she leans on the wrestler in turn. After what feels like an eternity to Aiko's tormented, throbbingly taut tinkle tank, the pair reach the gray stone building that houses the public toilets and push their way through the wooden door to the girls' room. Aiko isn't sure if she can make it the last few feet to a stall and get her shorts down before the dam breaks completely, and while Mutsumi has been quiet since Aiko helped her to her feet, if the wrestler's trembling and the rock hard bladder bulge beating against the blunette's forearm are any indicator, the brunette is in no better condition. And to make matter's worse, there's a part of Aiko that wants to forget about the impending floods and just have her way with Mutsumi. Throwing caution to the win, Aiko spins Mutsumi around and crashes her lips against the other girl's. The blunette cups a hand over each of the brunette's half-moons, the preteen pair's pulsing, protruding piddle pots pounding powerfully in perfect sync as they're pressed between the girls, pints of pent-up pee praying permission to pour forth. Mutsumi is initially shocked, but soon leans into the kiss, parting her lips to invite Aiko's tongue to a wrestling match as she wraps her arms around the blunette. As their tongues fight for dominance, Aiko feels her golden liquid start to flow, but makes no attempt to halt it as she pushes Mutsumi into a stall, the brunette offering no resistance. Pulling Mutsumi's buruma and panties to her knees, Aiko briefly glides her palms over the wrestler's sweat slickened skin before diving between her thighs and sliding a finger as far up Mutsumi's passage as possible, swallowing the moan that results from this action. Feeling her legs about to give out, Aiko briefly wonders how things would play out differently in a public bathroom with Japanese toilets before making Mutsumi sit and straddling the brunette's lap. Though she's not recieving much stimulation herself, Aiko is enjoying the way Mutsumi squirms under her ministrations too much to care all that much about the fact she's wetting her track shorts, and if the way the brunette is moaning into the blunette's mouth is any indicator, the wrestler isn't all that bothered that she's being peed on. After some time, Aiko hears a steady tinkling join the occasional drip of her pee oversaturating her shorts and managing to find an unobstructed path, and flicking a finger on the hand playing with Mutsumi out is met with the brunette's own stream. Aiko increases the pace at which she finger fucks the brunette, determined to make the other girl cum before she's done emptying her bladder. Just as Mutsumi's stream starts to slow, she breaks the kiss to let out a scream of pleasure as her insides tighten around Aiko's finger, nearly crushing the digit. The two sit in silence for some time before Mutsumi recovers enough to exclaim, "That was amazing, Ai-chan!" Smiling widely, Aiko replies, "Glad ya liked it." even as she debates what to do next. Standing up, Aiko glances down to see that Mutsumi's clothes are mostly untouched, though the brunette's lap glistens with the remnants of the blunette's accident. The sight of the half-naked girl is almost more than Aiko can resist, but she manages to tear her eyes away from where the other girl's well toned thighs conceal her unclothed girlhood to examine her own shorts. The crotch and inside thigh of Aiko's track shorts are completely soaked and have a green tinge to them that makes it clear that the wetness is from pee rather than sweat or from spilled water. Leaving the stall, Aiko locks the door to the outside and wets a few paper towels in the sink before returning to Mutsumi and offering, "Would ya like me ta wipe yer thighs of my pee?" "Sure..." replies the brunette, blushing as she parts her thighs, her panties and buruma falling around her ankles in the process. As Aiko washes Mutsumi's thighs, its all the blunette can do to resist the urge to do more, though she still smiles when a swipe to clean the brunette of her own pee makes the wresler shiver. Done with the cleaning, Aiko apologizes, "Sorry fer peein' on ya." as she stands up, heading to the sinks, I'm gonna try to rinse out my shorts some." Standing herself and pulling up her bottoms, Mutsumi replies, "I think I'll be good with-" only to go silent as the blunette drops her shorts and reveals her lack of underwear. "Ai-Ai-chan isn't wearing panties!" cries the wrestler as her face goes crimson. Shaking her ass as she bends over to pick up her sodden shorts, Aiko replies, "Yeah, decided ta go commando today. Do ya like what ya see?" Not hearing a response by the time she drops her shorts in the sink and starts the water running, Aiko asks, "How about ya return the favor and clean me up while I'm working on my shorts?" Snapping out of her shock, Mutsumi replies, "Su-Sure." as she wets a few paper towels and kneels behind the blunette. As Aiko rinses and wrings out her shorts several times in an attempt to get them clean enough to pass off the remaining dampness as sweat, she's a bit disappointed Mutsumi doesn't try to do anything beyond cleaning, though she still finds the experience nice and figures they can have more fun after lunch. Giving her shorts a final wringing, Aiko pulls them back on before turning to Mutsumi and asking, "Whacha wanna do for lunch?" "I had originally plan to meet up with Hasebe-kun after my jog..." replies Mutsumi, trailing off at the end. Sensing that Mutsumi is torn between continueing her chance encounter with the blunette and not standing up the boy Aiko suspects the brunette harbors a crush on, Aiko debates what to do. As tempting as it would be to crash her fellow athlete's date and try to arrange for the boy to pop both their cherries, Aiko decides parting from the wrestler would give her some time to plan the afternoon's fun. "How 'bout ya meet up with Hasebe-kun like ya planned and then stop by my place later?" Asks Aiko, pulling the other girl into a hug, and cupping a hand over the wrestler's buruma-clad girlhood before adding in a husky whisper, "and then we can continue our fun." "Su-sure!" replies Mutsumi, blushing furiously as she wriggles out of Aiko's grip. The pair exit the bathroom and are soon headed towards their respective destinations.