Aiko's Explorations by Imouto Kitten Chapter 1: A Desperate Morning As the morning sun peaks in through her window blinds, its rays cross the tatami mats of Aiko's bedroom before coming to rest on the sleeping girl's futon, the blunette starting to stir from the disturbance. As she sits up, the blue t-shirt and pajama bottom ensemble she wore to bed rumpled from a good night's sleep, she rubs the gunk from her eyes before noticing a nagging pressure in her lower abdomen. Placing a hand over the source of the pressure, she finds the bulge of her bladder rock hard with a full night's pee and sitting rather heavy on her urethra as it demands to be emptied. Aiko knows she should empty her bladder as soon as possible, but being the only daughter of a divorced man who is utterly incapable of taking care of himself and thus having to fill in as homemaker in her mother's absence, she's not sure she has time with how busy her mornings tend to be. Recalling that her father is scheduled to drive the morning shift today and betting he forgot to set his alarm and drank more than he should've the night before, Aiko climbs to her feet and tries to put her full bladder out of mind as she leaves her bedroom. The apartment she and her father share is small, with only two bedrooms with a common wall and a single bathroom not even big enough for a tub, so it's mere seconds for her to walk to her father's room. Though no bigger than her own, her Father's room is a stark contrast to Aiko's, the tatami strewn with dirty laundry and the occasional discarded beer or sake bottle, whereas her own is kept clean and reasonably tidy if not always the most organized. Fortunately, the blunette's athleticism allows her to easily make her way to her father's futon without tripping over anything. Aiko finds her father sprawled on his futon, his covers kicked off to reveal him wearing nothing but a white tank top and blue pajama pants, and smelling faintly of alcohol. Aiko is about to kick him awake and scold him for the sorry state of the room when she hears a faint mumble of, "Atsuko." escape from his lips. The sound of her mother's name brings a tear to her eye, but when she notices the tent in her father's pants, Aiko realizes he must be having a very pleasant dream about her mother, as she feels a tingle in her panties that has nothing to do with her bulging bladder. The young girl discovered masturbation some time ago, so she recognizes the sensation for what it is, but does she dare act upon this newfound impulse? Shaking her head to clear it of distracting thoughts, Aiko brings her barefoot back before driving her instep into her father's gut. Suddenly wide awake, the man lets out a grunt of pain and clutches at his side as he sits up, grumbling, "Wha'ya do that for?" "Look at this mess!" yells the blunette, fire in her eyes, "How many times have I told ya ta put yer empty bottles in the recyclin' bin and yer dirty clothes in the hamper?!" "Hey!" retorts her father, "I work hard ta put food on the table, I deserve ta relax when I'm not out there drivin' my taxi!" "Yeah? Well, I'm the one that has to clean up yer messes! Besides, ya really shouldn't be drinkin' the night before drivin' the day shift!" The heated argument between the hot-blooded Osakan and her father continues for several minutes, the man too proud to admit that he should try to be more responsible and the girl too proud to admit that she might be overreacting. The back and forth tirade is only halted when Aiko's bladder, as displeased with Aiko for not going to the toilet yet as Aiko is with her father's slovenliness, contracts powerfully, trying to expel it's abundant contents. Wincing from the sudden wave of desperation, the blunette clamps both hands over the crotch of her pajama bottoms, utilyzing most of her athletic strength to not bend double or fall to her knees. Seeing her daughter in obvious distress, Kouji's anger at his rude awakening dissipates as he asks, "Are ya okay?" Clenching her pelvic floor with all her might, Aiko manages to regain some semblance of composure as she waves a hand dismissively and declares, "I'm fine, but I better start on breakfast," As she navigates her way back through the mess, she yells over her shoulder, "and ya better get yerself cleaned-up and presentable for driving yer cab." If her father offers any reply, it's cut off by her shutting the bedroom door behind her as she starts hobbling towards the kitchen, thighs pressed tightly together to hold back the golden flood. She makes it to the kitchen and starts scanning the cupboards trying to decide on what to fix for breakfast. As Aiko is checking the contents of the fridge, she hears the sound of the shower fill the small apartment and her bladder gives another angry protest at being within earshot of running water. Wincing from her painfully full bladder and lacking an audience, Aiko reaches a hand down the front of her pajamas and panties to grip her girlhood directly, inadvertantly grazing her immature clit as she tries to pinch her urethra shut, a mixed moan of pain and pleasure escaping her throat. Aiko remembers an incident from before the divorce in which her mother had told her it wasn't healthy to hold to the point of pain and had encourage her to wet instead of risking injury, and at the moment, Aiko is very tempted to act upon the nurse's advice, but at the same time, her pride insists she should have breakfast waiting when her father gets out of the shower, and another part of her is conjuring rather naughty thoughts. Deciding her bladder is too distracting for cooking to be safe and that her dad doesn't deserve a home cooked meal this morning anyway, Aiko settles on cold cereal. Keeping one hand buried in her panties, the blunette uses her other hand to pull jugs of milk and Orange Juice out of the fridge. As Aiko places the jugs on the small kitchen table and retrieves glasses, bowls, and a box of cereal from the cupboards, the hand gripping at her crotch subconsciously grinds its palm against her clit, a low, pleasant tingle joining the throbbing of her taut tinkle tank. Twisting the cap off the orange juice and setting it on the tabletop, Aiko makes sure her glass won't slip before hefting the jug in one hand and tilting it, the nutritious, golden liquid gushing forth and cascading into her glass. The sight and sound of the filling glass makes another, very different golden liquid reaffirm its demands to gush forth as well, and without much warning, Aiko feels a spurt escape into her palm. With no time to think, the panicking girl grabs her half-filled glass of orange juice, Yanks her pajama pants and panties to mid-thigh and encloses her girlhood with the rim of the glass just in time for the dam to break. As Bladder juice jets forth to mix with orange juice, the relief is intense, but rather short lived as the glass quickly fills to the brim, and despite her best efforts to halt the flow before the vessel runs over, Aiko isn't quite successful as some of the liquid sloshes out to be caught by her clothes. If it had a mouth with which to speak, Aiko's bladder would be swearing like an Osakan sailor at the aborted voiding as Aiko hobbles over to the sink to empty the glass before setting it on the counter and using her strong arms to lift herself off the floor and on to the rim of the sink. She can tell there's a noticeable wet spot on her pajama pants, but she doesn't have time to properly assess the damage as she slides back, her bottoms catching on the lip of the sink and being pulled to her knees as her butt makes contact with the cold metal of the sink. Positioning her crotch over the drain, Aiko finally gives into her bladder's demands, pee pouring down the pipe as she lets out a sigh of relief, so lost in her own world that she doesn't notice when the background noise of the shower vanishes. Ripping a sheet from the roll of paper towels kept by the sink, Aiko moves to dry her girlhood, but between her earlier arousal and no longer having her bladder serve as a counter balance, she's so sensitive down there that she has to bite her lip to avoid letting out a loud moan of pleasure. Continuing to hold her lip between her teeth, Aiko starts rubbing herself more deliberately, even poking a finger through the sodden paper towel to slip it into her virgin passage. She can feel herself on the verge of an orgasm when the sound of approaching footsteps snaps her back to reality. Gripping the waistband of her panties and pajama pants, Aiko hastily pulls them up as she jumps down from the sink, the garments getting a bit twisted and coming to rest in a not entirely comfortable fashion in the blunette's rush. Trying to ignore the self-wedgie and suppress the frustration of her aborted climax, she glances down to find a rather obvious wet spot from where she spilled some of the OJ and Pee mixture. With no time to think, she grabs the simple, white apron she normally wears when cooking, the squared hem concealing the evidence of her accident as she hastily ties it behind her. Grabbing the cereal box in one hand and the milk jug in the other, she pours a bit of cereal and a splash of milk in her own bowl, trying to make it look like she was partway through eating before filling her father's bowl with cereal, trying her best to look like the dutiful daughter of a divorced father and hoping her dad doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. As her father enters the kitchen in slacks and a white button up shirt with a necktie, Aiko is pouring milk into his cereal and greets him more politely than she woke him up, "Ohayou, Otou-chan!" Frowning slightly at what's on the table, he mutters, "Just cereal this morning, and no coffee?" As she fills two of the three glasses remaining on the table with milk and the third with orange juice for her dad, Aiko replies scoldingly, "Ya really should watch ya caffeine intake." Before sitting down to 'finish' her bowl of cereal before pouring herself a full bowl. The two eat in relative silence, and when she's done, Aiko gathers up her dirty dishes and takes them to the sink, thinking she'll get away with concealing what happened while her father was showering when he asks, "Hey, why are ya wearing an apron when ya just served cereal?" Thinking fast, Aiko replies, "I put it on before deciding what to fix fer breakfast." and not giving him time to notice any of the other little inconsistencies, she adds, "Shouldn't ya get going if ya wanna catch as many fares from the morning rush as possible?" Glancing at his watch, her dad forgets his sense of something being off as he yells, "Yer right!" and dashes from the table, leaving a bit of uneaten cereal in his bowl. As she hears the front door slam and her father's foot steps fade into the distance, the blunette lets out a sigh both of exasperation at her father's behavior and relief that she got him out of the apartment before he could ask anymore awkward questions. Gathering up the rest of the dirty dishes, Aiko uses a sturdy foot stool to put herself at a more comfortable height as she rinses the dishes, flushing the soggy remains of cereal down the drain before leaving the bowls, glasses, and spoons to soak as the sink fills with soapy water while she goes to check that her dad locked the door in his haste. After closing and locking the door her father left slightly ajar and washing and drying the dishes from breakfast, Aiko smiles as she realizes she has a few minutes to herself before needing to start her day properly. Deciding a shower is in order, Aiko heads for the apartment's small bathroom. As she waits for the shower to warm up, she retrieves a slightly threadbare towel from the cabinet under the sink and places it on the lid of the toilet before quickly removing her pajamas and stained panties. As she discards them in the hamper, she's glad she does all the laundry and that the evidence of the morning's earlier events are thus unlikely to be seen by anyone else. As she steps into the stall and under the near scalding spray, Aiko grits her teeth as her body adjusts to the too hot water, knowing from experience that any attempt to moderate the temperature would likely result in either actual burns or freezing cold. Grabbing a bar of soap and a washcloth that's still damp from her father's shower, the blunette starts to scrub her body in a somewhat haphazard manner. Before long, the itch she wasn't able to fully scratch while sitting in the kitchen sink rears its head and she drops the washcloth as one hand goes to her flat chest and the other travels south. Pinching nipple and clit between thumb and forefinger of opposite hands, Aiko starts rubbing the two stiff, little nubs as she wonders, not for the first time, how it would feel to have a boy slide his thing inside her or what it would be like to touch and be touched by another girl in such a manner. Unfortunately, as enjoyable as touching herself is, playing with herself in the shower in an empty apartment doesn't provide the same thrill as doing so while sitting in the sink in a compromising position with real risk of getting caught did, and when she brings herself to climax, it's far from being the strongest or most satisfying she's experienced in her young life. Sighing at the somewhat disappointing orgasm, Aiko rinses the soap from her skin before cutting off the water and toweling off. She feels a twinge in her bladder from where its had time to relax from its earlier bursting state and the milk from breakfast has started working its way through her system, but she decides to forego a toilet break as she heads to her bedroom to get dressed.