Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 13: Cult Initiation As the girl awoke, she found herself laid out on some kind of Altar, her ankles and wrists bound to the corners of the marble slab beneath her, a shiver running through her body as she realizes she's naked. Standing around her are five girls, two to each side of her and one standing above her head, all of them wearing nothing but a long, frilly robe that's open in front to reveal barely budding breasts suggesting they aren't much older than the bound girl and massively pregnant bellies she would have thought impossible for such young girls to have, and between the pregnant preteens' thighs, the girl can see a black circle roughly the diameter of a can of beans parting their nether lips, suggestive of something the bound girl would have thought of being too thick to fit inside a girl like that having been shoved up their young pussies, yet none of them show the slightest sign of discomfort. Beyond the five surrounding the altar, the girl can spot another seven girls spaced evenly around the circular room, dressed in much the same fashion and looking to be the same impossible combination of very young but very pregnant. "Ah, our new sister is awake." speaks the girl standing at the head of the altar, seemingly the leader of whatever strange ceremony the bound girl has been abducted to take part in. "Where am I? What's going on?" Asks the bound girl tensing against the ropes holding her, only to discover no available slack. "You are in the inner sanctum of the Temple of the All Mother." replies the girl that had announced her awakening. "I am the Eldest Sister of the All Mother's Holy Harem and you are soon to be inducted as our Thirteenth Sister and recieve the All Mother's Sacred Seed as we all have prior." Before the bound girl can ask what all that means, the door at the chamber's foot opens and in strides a statuesque woman, nearly seven feet tall with matronly curves and a large, gravity defying bust. Whereas the Sisters are dressed in robes of white silk, this woman is wearing a robe of black velvet that lacks the frills. But perhaps the most striking feature of the woman is the penis standing proud above her bald vulva, as thick as a can of beans and at least as long as a stack of 3 cans would be tall. "Welcome, Mama!" chorus the sisters, seemingly confirming that this is the All Mother of whom the Eldest sister spoke. "We have brought you a new sister to deflower and pollinate as you requested, Mama." Declares the Eldest Sister before waving her arms as if to present the girl upon the altar to the woman. Feeling the woman's gaze wander over her naked form, the bound girl blushes head-to-toe before the woman declares, "You have done well, my daughters, this is quite a lovely virgin, and she shall bare me many beautiful babies like all of you are already doing." With that, the All Mother approaches the altar and lays her massive member atop the bound girl as she asks, "Dear child, do you know what this organ is and how it is used?" "No," replies the girl, even more confused now than when she first awoke. "This is a penis, though it is known by many other names including cock, dick, member, wang, dong, and many, many others. It is slid inside a girl and is used to make babies grow in her belly." Without further preamble, she steps back, her cock sliding along the child's tummy until the tip slides down to nestle against the bound girl's virgin vulva. Realizing what's about to happen, the girl cries out, "NO! There's no way that huge thing will fit inside me! You'll rip me apart!" "Quite right you are, dear child," replies the All Mother, laying a hand upon the child's lower abdomen, her skin going transparent to show off her immature pussy and womb. "Just look at how small the parts of your insides I'll be violating are." "Seeing just how short and narrow her passage is compared to the huge cock knocking at her doors, the girl cries out, "You'll kill me if you stick that thing inside me!" At that outburst, the eldest sister places her hands on either side of the girl's head, staring into the bound girl's eyes as she says soothingly, "The All Mother would never kill one of her daughters. She is a goddess of life and creation, not one of death and destruction. The initial deflowering will hurt like the dickens, but once her holy member reshapes your insides in its image, you shall experience nothing but transcendent joy from her ministrations." "NO!" cries the girl unconvinced, trying in vain to thrash in her bonds. "Don't stick that thing inside me! No no no nonononono!" "Destroy that pussy, Destroy that pussy, destroy that pussy!" Chant the sisters, drowning out the virgin's protests. Naturally, the massively hung futa ignores the girl's pleas for mercy, and in one quick thrust, buries half of her member in the small girl's snatch, her cock head slamming into the child's cervix as she screams in pain. But her screams are ignored as the chanting shifts to "Pound that pussy, pound that pussy, pound that pussy!" and the All Mother begins to fuck her latest conquest in earnest. "IT HURTS!" Cries the girl when she manages to find her voice, "TAKE IT OUT! YOUR RIPPING ME APART!" "But dear child, I only have half of my magnificent member inside you, and can't you see, I still need to penetrate your innermost sanctum." replies the All Mother, her voice calm and collected even as she relentlessly fucks the bound girl. Seeing how small her womb is and how much of the giant cock has yet to be shoved inside her and already in the worse pain of her life, the child begs, tears streaming down her face "Please, no more. please don't put any more inside me. I can't take anymore." "Wreck that womb, wreck that womb, wreck that womb!" The Chanting shifts once more, and again, the woman ignores the pleading of her newest fucktoy as with another thrust, she rams through the child's cervix and hilts the entirety of her massive cock in the small girl's guts, the pain now so great the child can't even scream. "You have done well, my daughters, The thirteenth sister is quite a nice fuck, you shall all be rewarded for your service." With that, black tendriles erupt from the woman's back spreading through out the room and curling around all of the sister's limbs before teasing at their various erogenous zones and even sliding up their tight butts before the twelve thickest tendrils melt into the black circles spreading each girl's nether lips and pulls down, revealing that all of the girls had been standing around with dildos as big as the All Mother's member stuffed inside them, dildos that seem to merge into the tendrils as the girls cry out in unison, "Thank you, Mama!" and their pregnant, preteen pussies get pounded with the same ferocity as their newest sister, though the pregnant girls are clearly enjoying it far more than the bound girl. Or at least for a while, for as mindshatteringly agonizing as the experience of being impaled womb deep upon that monsterous member had been, the pain the bound girl is experiencing slowly drains away as her insides are reshaped around the invading cock, and eventually, pleasure starts to take its place. "Ah, the thirteenth sister is finally starting to enjoy it," comments the All Mother, "Shall I bestow her my greatest gift?" "Cream her cunny, cream our cunnies, cream all cunnies!" cry out the other girls, the chanting louder than ever as everyone in the sanctum nears a climax of cosmic intensity. "So be it." Declares the All Mother as she hilts herself in the bound girl and shoves her many tendrils as deep inside the other girls as possible, the chanting giving way to a wordless chorus of euphoria, a thirteenth voice joining in as the bound girl is overcome with her very first orgasm, her belly bloating with the All Mother's Sacred Seed until she's as big and round as her twelve sisters, a wriggling mass visible among the sea of seed in her womb before her skin resumes being opaque. After a subjective eternity, the girls return to reality, and the Eldest Sister signals the other sisters at the altar to untie the child's bindings as the All Mother steps back, pulling her shaft from the child, though not a drop of semen can be seen. "So, how was it, littlest sister?" Asks the Eldest Sister affectionately. "Too amazing for words." Declares the most recently impregnated of the girls before rolling over on hands and knees, her belly all but squished between her and the altar slab as she looks over her shoulder and asks, "Mama, will you fuck me again?" "Of course, dear." Is all the All Mother says before taking her newest daughter lover doggy style, her tendrils resuming their treatment of the other girls as, the ritual done, they break ranks and the room devolves into an orgy that will last til dawn, not that any of the sisters could tell you on which day that dawn would come.