Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 12: Black Widows The three boys couldn't believe their luck. Not only had they been invited to a Halloween party hosted by the three most popular girls in school, a set of identical triplets who were consistantly voted the cutest, sweetest, and least likely to have cooties in the school whenever the discussion in the boys' locker room drifted to the fairer sex, but the triplets had spent much of the party hanging out with them specificly and were now leading the three boys up to the triplet's bedroom. And all this despite ther very different styles to their costumes. While the triplets were, as appropriate to their reputation, wearing matching pixie princess regalia, complete with bell-skirted ball gowns covered in glittery, pink sequins, translucent, insectoid wings that shimmered in a pastel rainbow as they caught the light, and even pewter tiaras for that extra bit of imitated authenticity. By comparison, the boys had come dressed as the "Three Ds" as they liked to call them: Dracula, Death, and the Devil. Dracula had actually convinced his parents to let him use his Sunday best for his costume, adding a red vest to his usual white shirt, black jacket and black slacks, his hair slicked back withhair gel. Death had gone the extra mile, whereing a skeleton costume under his black robes, and one that used molded plastic for some of the bones in addition to a really nice skull mask. His scythe was even real wood and metal, though naturally, the blade had blunt edges and a rounded tip. The devil probably had the least impressive costume of the three, just a red robe over a red long-sleeved tee and some red sweatpants and some fake horns. Though, if the three were less smittened, they might not think themselves so lucky. There first warning should have been when one of the girls locks their bedroom door with a keyed deadbolt and drops the key down the front of her collar. The second warning should have been when the girls discard their tiaras, unzip each others' dresses and let them fall to the floor revealing what look like black one-piece swimsuits at first glance, but upon further observation, lack any shoulder straps, show off the triplets' lack of cleavage in front while exposing so much back that if there was any more exposure, the cleft of their rears would be visible, and most ominously, a bright red hourglass mark embroidered over their pubic mounds. The third warning should have been when the girls retrieve several pairs of handcuffs and approach the boys, their formerly sweet smiles replaced with far more sinister grins. Had the boys been less smitten or noticed any of these warnings, they might not have been caught off guard when the triplets push each of the boys into a wooden desk chair and proceed to not only handcuff their arms behind their backs, but to the backrests of the chairs. "Let's see what we've got to work with." comment the triplets in eerie unity as they kneel before the boys and fish out their respective cocks. "Oh my, what cute, little dicks they have!" cries one of the triplets with a giggle. ""Mama's hardening potion we spiked their punch with seems to have worked perfectly, though perhaps they could use some of Mama's Biggening potion as well." Comments the second. "But you know what Mama says," interjects the third, "All boys should be hard for their girls, but only good boys deserve to be big boys!" "Oh, but of course," replies the second triplet, "So should we test these boys to see if they deserve to be big boys?" "Absolutely!" replies the first triplet, "I'll get the cock cutters!" before getting up and retrieving something from a dresser drawer. Handing a couple of the items she retrieved to her sisters, she holds up a device somewhat resembling a metal nutcracker, but with a ring near where the nut would go with a nutcracker. "This is a little something our mama invented for punishing naughty boys." Holding up a carrot in her other hand, she slips the tip through the ring before squeezing the handles together, cleanly cutting the carrot in two. "Now imagine what it would do to your little cocks!" The boys are now scared as the tripletseach slide one of the devices over their young erections, the ring fitting snuggly around the base of their dicks. "Don't worry, there's a safety lock to prevent accidents." comments the second triplet as she kiss's death's tip. "Yeah, just be good boys, and you'll get to keep your cute, little cocks!" adds the third triplet. "We might even give you some of mama's biggening potion." adds the first. With all three of the boys helplessly locked into the sadistic devices, the girls stand up and turn around before bending over and thrusting out their butts. Each girl then reaches back between their thighs and grab a zipper pull and pull it forward, unzipping flies to expose their pussies. "So boys, your challenge is to let our sweet, little pussies suck on your cute, little cocks." comments the first triplet. "And to make us cum before you do." adds the second. "Succeed, and your cute, little cocks get to grow up big and strong!" adds the third. "But fail... and well, chop chop, no more cock!" comments the first. "All you have to do is keep your nasty swimmers in your balls!" adds the second. "Until we're quivering in delight... because as mama always says," adds the third. "Any boy who can't hold back his pleasure for his girl's pleasure, doesn't deserve to be a boy at all!" they chorus in unison, and with that, all three girls sit down on a boy's dick and are soon bouncing in their laps like crazy. Naturally, all three of the boys are filled with a mix of extreme pleasure as they experience the delights of a girl's cozy cunny for the first time and mortal terror that these girls might ensure it is the only time they experience such delight, and despite their attempts to think about anything other than the pussy sliding up and down their imperiled dicks, the boys can't help but moan under the girls' ministrations. "Oh my, I feel you twitching already!" cries one of the triplets, reaching down to wrap her hand around the handles of the cock cutter, "Remember, if you squirt before I do, I'll have no choice but to use this to remove your little cock..." at the same time clenching up around him, the boy certain he'd be pissing himself in terror if he wasn't so hard and wasn't afraid using the girl bouncing in his lap as a urinal would punish such the same way she would a cumshot. "Oh, I'm almost there!" cries one of the other triplets, clamping down on the cock within her as she asks, "Think you can hold out just a little longer?" The boy she's riding isn't sure at all, but says nothing, fearful that such an admission would be taken as surrender and result in losing his dick regardless. And then it happens, all three girls slam their hips down, crying out in simultaneous orgasm, their snug snatches spasming like crazy, the boys panicking as they feel themselves giving into the sensation of being milked by climaxing cunny, and while the girls are lost in climax, the boys soon join them, their cum surging up their dicks even as they whimper in defeat, certain they are about to lose their dicks. The girls are the first to recover and as they stand up, they notice the trickle of white oozing from their pussies. "Oh my, All three of them gave us a nice, gooey creampie!" cries the first triplet, "Did either of you feel them cumming before you came?" "I didn't" replies the second triplet. "Me neither." adds the third. "Same here." comments the first. "But can we be certain they didn't cum before us?" askes the second. "Yeah, maybe their cumshots sent us over the edge and we just didn't notice!" adds the third. "You make a good point," replies the first, "and we can't trust them to be honest. I mean, what boy wouldn't lie to save his cock?" The triplets continue discussing the matter for some time, the boys squirming in their seats, especially when the girls drop their voices to a whisper, the boys not sure whether they will be pardoned or condemned. Eventually, the triplets break their huddle and turn to the boys, their spokesgirls words carrying an air of finality as she declares, "We've decided on a verdict regarding the fate of your cute, little cocks." And without another word, the girls each reach out a hand for the handle of the cock cutter mounted on the dick they had ridden, drawing the moment out for as long as possible as their hands grip the handles.