Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 11: Horny Gorgon The young adventurer swept a wooden staff back and forth before her to clear her path of debris and warn her of sudden changes in terrain, her unseeing eyes covered by a cloth to conceal the scars from the injury that had blinded her. Rumor had it that this forest was home to a gorgon, and one that had amassed a rather large statuary of her victims, and between her condition rendering her immune to the creature's petrifying gaze and how she had honed her other senses to compensate, the girl had decided she was perfectly equipped to deal with the threat if there was any truth to the rumors. Suddenly her staff hits something hard blocking the path, and upon closer inspection, she finds it to be a statue, seemingly confirming the rumors, and as she examines the statue with her hands, she can feel her cheeks heating up as she realizes its a boy about her own age, that he's naked as the day he was born,, and that his little pecker is hard as rock in more than the literal sense. Continuing her journey into the Gorgon's domain, the girl finds more statues, both male and female, ranging in age from children barely old enough to walk on their own to muscled soldiers in their prime and mothers on the brink of childbirth and everything in-between, all of them attractive, all of them naked, and if the men were anything to go by, all petrified at the height of sexual arousal. She had even come across a few that had been petrified mid-coitus. Needless to say, wandering through such an eclectic collection of erotic statues might arouse even a nun, and this girl was far from being a nun. Her loins were practically on fire and she was quickly soaking through her underwear, and being blind did little to curb the effect when she couldn't go ten feet without laying a hand on a smooth, marble buttock or penis and occasionally bumped her nose on a statue's breasts. Eventually, her own arousal became too much, and upon finding the next statue with a cock that felt just the right size to give her insides a good stretch without overdoing it and had its genitals at a comfortable height, she reached under her armored skirt to lower her leggings, and bending over with hands on knees, she backed up on the petrified penis, hoping whoever this statue had once been would forgive her for violating him in this fashion as she started polishing his staff with her pussy. Though she tried to keep her voice down, the girl's moans nonetheless echoed through the forest of statues, and just as she was about to cum around the stone dick she was riding, a soft and feminine voice, sounding not much older than the girl and with a bit of a hiss calls out to her. "Oh my, it hasss been ssso long sssince sssuch a sssweet, little thing hasss visssited my sssanctuary." The thought that she has been caught is enough to send the girl over the edge, moaning quite loudly before clamping her hands over her mouth, tilting her head side-to-side to try and pinpoint the voice. "Think you're ssso sssmart, wearing that blindfold?" questions the voice from right in front of the girl, a hand cupping her chin and lifting her head as another hand slips a thumb under the blindfold, "Letsss sssee what the eyesss of sssuch a cutie look like." the child imagining the gorgon's face to be right in front of her own as the fabric is pulled away. "Hmmm... You look like sssomeone ssslassshed you acrossssss the eyesss... and quite sssome time ago if thessse ssscarsss are any indicator... I never knew blindnessssss could protect one from my ssstoney gaze." "That's why I came to slay you, knowing my useless eyes would prevent eye contact!" replies the girl,reaching for the sword at her hip. "Don't be sssilly, sssweetie." replies the gorgon, grabbing the girl's wrist in a firm, yet gentle grasp. "It'sss rather a relief to know there are thossse immune to my gaze. Have you any idea how lonely it getsss when everyone who makesss eye contact isss turned into a ssstatue? My gaze is a curssse, not a boon and I would sssooner be rid of it... and though they may be useless, you're eyes are quite a lovely, milky blue." Before the girl can muster a reply, the gorgon is wrapping her arms around the blind girl, and the child can hear a clang of her sword being discarded on the ground as the creature wraps the girl's legs around the gorgon's waist and starts slithering away, carrying the girl. From her new vantage point, the girl can tell the gorgon possesses the torso of a human, and by the feel of it, one not much older than herself, the creature's breasts barely large enough for a brassierre, and that the creature's skin seemlessly shifts from being soft like a human female to being scaley like a snake at the hips. Eventually the girl can feel herself being laid upon what feels like a primitive mattress stuffed with down feathers. "Ssso, ssshall I ssstrip you bare, or would you rather do it yourssself?" Asks the gorgon in a tender tone. Feeling her cheeks heat up once more, the girl replies, "And why should I get naked for you?" "I wisssh to know what it isss like to have a mate who isss made of flesssh and blood rather than cold ssstone." replies the creature. "And why should I let you touch me in such a manner?" retorts the girl, stubbornly, "I came here to slay you for petrifying all those innocent people!" "For one, I know how to ressstore them to flesssh, but am unable to do ssso myssself. For another," "Wait, I thought the gorgon's gaze killed!" cries the girl, cutting the gorgon off. "My victimsss merely sssleep in prisssonsss of ssstone, there isss a potion that can be made from the root of the mandrake that will turn ssstone back to flesssh and let them awake asss if from a long sssleep, with no recollection of the time that hasss passssssed." explains the gorgon. "Then why have you let all those people remain as statues!?" shouts the girl. "Becaussse mandrakesss don't grow within my domain, I don't have the ssskillsss to brew the potion myssself, and you are the firssst I've met who ssstayed flesssh long enough for me to explain. Ssso, ssspend the night with me, and I'll sssend you on your way with the knowledge needed to ressstore thossse who have fallen victim to my curssse... and bessidesss I can sssmell the arousssal rolling off of you, had I not caught you when I did, you would have ridden that ssstatue until you had exhausssted yourssself." and when the girl's cheeks up further, the gorgon adds, "No need to feel ssshame, you did nothing I haven't with the ssstatuesss in my prolonged sssolitude... Even if I don't like petrifying people, there'sss a reassson I try to catch them in the act or at leassst while arousssed." "I suppose a night spent here wouldn't be too bad." comments the girl as she sheds the rest of her armor and the skintight clothing she wears underneath. As she undresses, the girl can hear a rustling of something dragging across the mattress, and reaching out her hands, she discovers that the Gorgon has coiled her snake like lower body around the girl, leaving just enough space within the coil to let her stretch out. "Hmmm... thossse eyesss weren't the only lovely thing you were hiding." comments the Gorgon as her upper body comes to rest atop the girl and captures the girl's lips in a needy kiss. At the same time, the gorgon's hand finds it's way to the girl's pussy, still drenched from when she rode the statue, her passage offering no resistence as the gorgon slides a finger inside and plenty of excess lube for the creature to get another finger nice and slippery to slide into the girl's back door. Upon breaking the kiss, the gorgon comments, "Hmmm... I don't think I need to prepare you." and as the creature shifts a bit atop her, the girl feels something poking at both her lower holes. "Huh, what's that poking me down there?" asks the blind girl as her hand reaches down, finding a pair of spiny, tapered shafts. "Didn't you know? Gorgonsss are hermaphroditesss, and like mundane sssnakes, we have two penisssesss." and before the girl can make any comment on this revelation, the gorgon has shoved both members inside the girl, one in the ass, and the other in the pussy. Soon, the gorgon's snake like body is undulating in a way to send her hemipenes pumping in and out of the girl's holes, the human child wrapping her arms and legs around her serpentine lover, the only thing preventing her moans from echoing through the creature's chambers being the small breast the girl is currently sucking on. Feeling her climax approaching, the blind girl lifts her hands up to curl her fingers around the snakes growing from the gorgon's scalp and gently pulling the gorgon's head down for another kiss, the girl cumming as their lips meet, her clenching holes making the snake girl cum not long after, the pair swallowing each other's cries of orgasmic bliss. When they break for air, the girl comments between pants, "Th-that was incredible." "I found it quite enjoyable myssself," replies the gorgon, "Doing it with a lover offlesssh and blood isss ssso much better than the ssstatuesss... plusss, you are rather warm, unlike the cold ssstone." "I kind of wish I didn't have to leave to hopefully procure the cure for all those people you turned to stone." replies the girl, making no attempt to pull herself off of the snake cocks buried in her holes. "You could alwaysss ssstay for a while before you go." comments the gorgon, coiling tighter around the girl laying in her bed. "Time doesss not passssss for the petrified,, it will make no difference to them if you ssspend the night or ssspend a week." "Mmmaybe," replies the girl nuzzling against the gorgon's chest, "I'll decide in the morning... and regardless of when I leave, I'll do my best to return quickly." "You know, there'sss another pleasssure I can grant you." comments the gorgon, "One of the sssnakesss growing from my head producesss an elixir that can make a girl grow a penisss... and it jussst ssso happensss that a gorgon'sss vulva is posssitioned above our penisssesss."With this, the gorgon guides the girl's hand to right above where they are joined, "ssso, it would be trivial to fuck each other at the sssame time." "Tempting," comments the girl, "But I think I need rest first." "Ssso be it, but I insssissst we at leassst have another round come morning even if you leave sssoon after." And with that, the blind girl curls up in the coils of the creature she had planned to slay, having found a new lover instead.