Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 10: In the Pumpkin Patch. The moon was full as the quartet of giddy girls snuck into the pumpkin patch, fresh from trick or treating and still wearing their matching witch costumes and with plans for one final bit of holiday fun before heading home. Working by moonlight for fear their flash lights will draw the attention of the farmer, the four find a sizeable patch cleared from pumpkins being sold for carving jack-o-lanterns and each claim one of the pumpkins leftover for Thanksgiving with which to mark out a square in the cleared patch, a compass illuminated by a red led keychain light used to position them at the compass points. Standing in front of their chosen pumpkin, sitting their respective pumpkin candy buckets, brimming with their Halloween haul by their feet. the four girls stretch out their arms and chant in unison, barely above a whisper for fear of being caught, "Oh Great Pumpkin, spirit of Halloween, please come forth, to share in the season." The girls repeat this beckoning 13 times to no apparent effect, and just as they're about to chock it up as another old, made-up story, vines erupt from the ground, and soon the ground parts as the largest Jack-o-lantern the girls have ever seen emerges like the head of a giant digging itself out of a hole, though the creature seems to have no body beyond the pumpkin head and the mass of vines writhing beneath it. As the great pumpkin looks around at the girls, it's glowing eyes and grin provide enough illumination to reveal the girls are wearing different colors of wizard's robes, All dark colors and one each of dark red, dark green, dark blue, and dark violet. "Hey ladies," greets the creature in a eerie, echoing, yet cheerful voice before noticing the buckets of candy at their feet, "Cool, you brought candy!" its vines scooping up the buckets and getting ready to dump them in the pumpkin's gaping maw. "Hey! That's our candy!" cry the girls in protest, the vines holding the buckets halting just shy of pouring their contents out. "What, you didn't bring this candy as an offering?" "No, we didn't think we needed to make an offering!" exclaims the girl in the violet robes. "Yeah, we might have shared if you asked nicely, but to just take the whole bucket, how rude!" adds the girl in red. Putting the buckets down, their contents intact, the great pumpkin gives the girls another once over before grinning wider and offering, "I suppose I could let you girls keep all of your candy if you were willing to offer me something sweeter." "Huh, what's sweeter than candy?" asks the girl in blue. "What, you don't know?" asks the pumpkin in reply, a vine snaking its way up each girl's robe to caress her thigh, "Haven't you ever heard that sugar, spice, and all things nice are what little girls are made of?" "Hey, what are you doing to my panties!?" cries the girl in green as the vine caressing her thigh wraps itself around her gusset and starts tugging. The other girls realize the pumpkin is doing the same to them, but before the others can add their protests to the girl in green, additional vines shoot forth to occupy the girls' mouths as the great pumpkin comments, "No need to worry girls, just relax and we'll have a blast!" and when a couple of the girls try biting down on the vines in their mouths, he adds, "Oh, and no point trying to bite the vines, little short of a chainsaw can hurt me." Once he has their panties on the ground, several vines wriggle their way up each girl's robes, one pair spiraling around their legs and thighs before teasing at their immature girlhoods, another pair wrapping around their torsos to tease their non-existant titties, and a third pair pulling their robes off, leaving each girl in nothing but their boots before coiling around their arms. With each girl well bound, the Great pumpkin lifts them into the air, spreading them eagle as the vines holding their legs part their nether lips so he can get a good look at the naked girls. "My, but all of you lovely ladies look quite delicious, shame I don't have a tongue." comments the creature with a deep, echoing chuckle. "Got plenty of vines though." With that, the vines gagging the girls force their way down the girl's throats, fucking their throats as additional vines emerge from the central mass to penetrate not only the girls' exposed pussies, but their virgin assholes as well. Despite their initial resistence, all four of the girls are soon relaxing into the embrace of the vines they're trussed up in, moaning around the vines in their mouths as their asses and pussies are fucked relentlessly. After some time, the vines in the girls' mouths pull back as a thick, creamy substance with the taste and consistency of pumpkin pie filling floods their mouths only to than drive deeper than ever before, reaching all the way to their stomachs and spewing pumpkin filling directly into their bellies until they're all on the verge of tummy aches and then withdrawing completely, leaving a final dollop upon each girl's lips. "Delicious!" cries one of the girls as she swallows her mouthful. "So full!" cries another, wishing she could rub her swollen belly. "It feels so good!" cries a third, more concerned with what's happening between her legs than the snack the pumpkin just fed them. Naturally, it isn't long before the vines in their rears and in their cunnies are erupting as well, and while not as much pumpkin cream is shot up their butts as was pumped into their stomachs, the amount poured into their immature wombs is far greater, and by the time the great pumpkin is done creaming their cunnies, each girl looks like she swallowed a pumpkin whole, and a rather large one at that. Lowering the girls to the ground and withdrawing his vines, the great pumpkin comments, "That was a lot of fun, girls! Best seeding I've had in decades! Too bad I can only come around on Halloween... hope you invite me back next year. Anyways, that was certainly worth letting you keep your candy." With that the great pumpkin starts burrowing back into the ground, but before he vanishes completely, he comments, "Oh, and I might have left one last surprise for each of you." and with that, the ground is as it was before the girls did their summoning. Wondering what the pumpkin's final words meant as they rise to wobbly feet, but rather tired from the late hour, their earlier trick-or-treating, and the odd, if pleasurable, experience they just shared, the girls decide to worry about it later as they look around for their clothes, none of them really caring if they don the robes they had worn originally when they all suddenly clutch at their pumpkin-sized tummies, realizing that not only had none of the pumpkin filling leaked out, but the mass in their wombs has gone from gooey to rather firm and suddenly all four girls feel their bellies cramp up as if trying to expel whatever is inside them. Soon, they can feel something hard pushing against their preteen pussies from the inside, a pressure like the worst case of constipation they can imagine pressing down, yet somehow feeling rather pleasurable. Soon, the girls can feel the masses drop, stretching their passages far beyond anything the vines had done, to an extent the girls are certain should tear them apart, and yet, the experience is overwhelmingly pleasurable rather than agonizingly painful as the girls fall to their knees facing one another. Eventually, each girl can see something large and round spreading their friends' nether lips, and if they had better illumination than that provided by the moon, they would see that they are a bright orange. Finally, their shared ordeal comes to an end as a large pumpkin covered in each girl's juices plops to the ground between their spread knees, their pussies miraculously shrinking down to tightly grip the stem of the gourd each girl just gave birth to in defiance of all known laws of biology. Now truly exhausted, and grateful for the unseasonably warm night, the girls decide to bundle up in their robes and sleep under the stars, not knowing what to tell the farmer when they are discovered in the morning, the truth too fantastic to believe, though each girl does feel a compulsion to curl up around the pumpkin that came out of them, none of them noticing the fine lines resembling a closed mouth and eyes on the newborn pumpkins as they drift off.