Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 9 From a Witch to a Bitch The girl's cheeks were puffed out as she worked, trying to not let her frustrations affect her strokes as she drew a diagram in chalk upon the concrete slab that served as the floor in the little workshop her indulgent parents had let her build. "Where do those boys get off?" she fumes, throwing down the chalk as she finishes her diagram, a pair of overlapping triangles forming a hexagram inscribed within a larger hexagon. "All I did was make an objective observation about their little cocklets when they talked me into going skinny dipping to take the edge off the oppressive August heat! That's no excuse for them to break into my alchemy lab and wreck my experiments even once, much less several times a week for over two months!" Stomping over to a workbench, she looks over the objects and notes scattered across it, including a printer hardcopy featuring a smaller version of the diagram she just drew, abook on dog training, and another about Greek Myth, "But I'll show those shrimpy sissies why they should never cross a witch!"" From the workbench she retrieves a leather collar, a length of chain, and a wooden cane, and careful not to smudge the chalk, she places these in the corners of one of the triangles of the diagram, a three-fold binding as appropriate for a dog. She then takes two large bowls to place in two of the corners of the other triangle, filling one with clean water and the other with raw meat, offerings that might attract a dog before taking the final corner herself and starting to recite the incantation she had written and then done her best to translate into Greek, her grammar and pronunciation such that it would be evident to a native speaker she's never had a formal lesson in the language. But despite her clumsy translation, it works, and soon, a large, three-headed dog is standing in the central hexagon of the diagram, perhaps not as impressive as the beast that guards the gates of the underworld, but still tall enough that none of those heads would need to bow and all four paws could remain firmly on the ground should the creature wish to lick her face. The three heads sniff the air before turning its hind quarters to her , the left head quickly devouring the proffered meat and the right doing the same to the water. However, it isn't until both bowls are empty and the beast turns around, the middle head staring her down, that the wannabe witch realizes she made a mistake. She tries calling on the collar, chain, and cane to bind the creature to her will, but the implements don't so much as twitch where they lay. As the realization that standing in a triangle with the offerings marked her as one herself and that she should have placed herself in the triangle with the binding to mark herself as mistress, the canine lifts a paw and with a swipe of its claws, shreds the robes she had donned for the ritual, reducing them to ribbons that do little to protect her modesty. She tries to run, but the paw coming down on the hem of her ruined clothes has her tripping and landing on hands and knees, her pantied posterior now on full display to the creature she summoned. As the large dog looms over her and she feels something poking her rear, she glances over her shoulder to spy not one, but three bright red and unsheathed dog dicks, each as long and thick as her forearm, the lowest resting between her still clothed half moons, the other two higher up and off center so they form a triangle, and looking carefully, she can see a furry sack containing a trio of grapefruit sized balls that make her wonder how she didn't notice them when the creature had shown it's hindquarters to her. But she doesn't have much time to marvel at the canine's unusual equipment as a hind paw comes up to pull her panties down, and that bottom cock pulls back along her butt crack until the tip starts to slide down. "Wa-wait, you're not going to-!" but before the girl can finish her sentence, the creature has thrust forward, burying that bottom cock in the girl's preteen pussy, piercing her maidenhead and taking her balls deep in one motion, the other two cocks bouncing off the sides of her butt. As the cerberus starts to rut his summoner, the middle head panting in delight as the side heads whimper in need, the young witch is overwhelmed by the feeling of being fucked by an animal, though her initial sex drunk trance doesn't last long as the whimpers of the side heads soon turn to growls and the two cocks she's not impaled on start whipping against her hips. Realizing what it is the side heads want, she reaches her hands back to start stroking the two upper cocks, the middle head's panting soon joined by its brothers as the girl figures out how to please the creature's other two thirds. However, just as she's getting used to having one cock in her pussy and jacking off two other cocks, the cerberus gives a particularly hard thrust to her as she feels the base of the cock inside her suddenly swell up just inside her as something warm and gooey spews from the tip deep in her belly. Knowing nothing about a canine's cock, she tries once more to escape, only for the knot to hold her fast by the pussy as the canine cum pouring into her starts to make her belly bulge. And while this gets the middle head to calm down, the side heads only become more insistant in their urging for her to resume stroking their members, and by the time the knot in her pussy has deflated, the other two cocks are spraying their own loads all over the girl's back. The hellhound backs away, saited for the moment and deciding to give its new bitch a chance to recover, and as she regains her senses, she can't help but scoop up some of the goo coating her, giving it a sniff and then a taste. Glancing back and forth between the trio of still erect dog cocks and her own cum encrusted body, the wannabe witch soon gets an idea. Her original plan to bind the creature to her will might be a bust, but if she proves a willing caregiver for its carnal urges, perhaps she can convince it to be her guard dog after all. Shakily climbing to her feet and using the rags that were once her robe to wipe as much of the canine cum from her skin as she can manage, she turns to the three-headed dog and musters her most cutesy tone as she requests, "Hey there, big boy, roll on your back and I think I can take care of all three of those red rockets you have there." Somewhat to her surprise, the dog complies and discarding her ruined clothing, she walks over and lowers herself into a half-sitting position hovering side saddle over the beast's lower belly. Though she's sure she could nestle her butt in the gap between the three cocks, she instead lines up the upper pair with her ass and pussy before sinking down with a grunt, their knots fortunately having already deflated enough to let her take them to their bases. Once fully seated on the pair of cocks, she twists her upper body so she can bow her head and lick the tip of the cock that has already fucked her before taking it in to her mouth. Starting to bounce her butt and bob her head, she reaches her hands down to cup the beast's massive balls, her hands too small to hold more than two of the three nuts at a time. Meanwhile, all three heads are panting like an ordinary dog enjoying a good belly rub, clearly pleased with their new bitch's initiative and ministrations. In fact, the trio are so pleased with her ministrations that the girl is surprised when all three cocks start erupting in unison, the swelling knots in her butt and pussy trapping her as her womb is bloadted with another load of doggy jizz and her bowels are flooded, and not wanting to displease the middle head, she does her best to swallow all of the cum pouring into her mouth, even as she starts to get a tummy ache and struggling to breathe. When the three cocks are done trying to turn the girl into a cum balloon, she pulls her mouth off the bottom cock with a loud and deep breath before turning to look up at the three heads of the beast she's got knotted in both her holes. "So boys, if I continue taking good care of you, do you agree to be my guard dog and scare off any boys who try to sneak in and mess with my experiments?" And when she gets a trio of lazy nods from the cerberus, she can't help thinking that perhaps she didn't mess up the summoning after all and has to fight back the urge to let out a maniacal laugh as she tries to imagine the looks on those shrimpy dicked boys the next time they sneak in and find her new friend waiting for them.