Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 8: Daughter of Frankenstein It was a dark and stormy night as the scientist moved about his laboratory, various machines sparking and reams worth of notes and diagrams scattered about the various work tables and other flat surfaces. But in all this chaos, it was the thing laying upon the stone table in the middle of the room that drew the unhinged mad genius's attention. At first glance, it appeared to be a human girl, sleeping peacefully, but if one looked closely, faint stitching could be seen in the creases of skin at the joints, and small electrodes had been implanted right below the figure's ears. For this was no girl of woman born, but of a mad man crafted. A deadly plague had ravaged the land in recent months, claiming many children, and while it had been a tragedy for many families, it had been a boon to the mad doctor, providing him a treasure trove of fresh corpses to pick from in search of the perfect tissue samples. He had painstakingly examined every body he exumed, taking only the finest bits of each child, discarding any sample with the slightest blemish or sign of lingering infection from the plague and taking advantage of grieving families to learn as much as he could of the demeanor the girls he took brain samples from had had in life. And his finest work layed before him, no sign of the deformities that had plagued earlier prototypes, the suturing straight and neat, nearly invisible to the casual observer. All that remained was to imbue this perfect little girl made by taking the best from many with the spark of life and the rolling thunder told him it was nearly time, and had he been a man of superstition rather than science, he might have thought it being both All Hallows Eve and the night of a full moon to be a particularly auspicious date for what he was about to do. Donning thick, vulcanized gloves, he carefully attaches heavy cables to the electrodes on the child's neck, the other ends leading to the leads of a nearby switch. Walking over to the wall next to the switch, he turns a ratcheted wheel, a thick rope winding around the axle as a nearby pulley lifts a heavy, solid bronze lightning rod towards the ceiling, a skylight opening as the wires holding it closed are no longer held under tension by the rod's weight. Once the lightning rod is in place, the mad scientist grabs the wooden handle of the switch and waits for the flash of light from lightning hitting the rod. When the flash comes, the doctor flips the switch, completing the circuit between the lightning rod and the electrodes, the seemingly sleeping child's eyes suddenly popping open and her bolting upright, her hair frizzing in the process. "Alive!" cries the scientist in triumph, "She's alive!" as he lifts the switch, breaking the circuit. Jerking her head in his direction at the sound of his voice, the reanimated corpse conglomeration asks, "Where am I? Who are you?" Closing the distance between them as she throws her legs over the side of the slab, he removes the cables from the electrodes as he says reassuringly, "My dear child, you're in my laboratory." before patting her on her head, trying to smooth her hair from its electrification and adding, "As for me, I made you and gave you life, so in a sense, I am your father." At that last word, the corpse girl lets out a childish cry of "Daddy!" as she glomps on to her creator, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his chest as she nuzzles his collar bone. Smiling at her reaction, he pats her head again and declares, "Yes, I am your daddy. What do you say we leave this grimey lab for more comfortable surroundings?" At her nod, the mad scientist slides a hand under her rear to help support her weight and to cop a feel of the perfectly plump, little rump he had sculpted for his little masterpiece. Departing the lab, he descends a spiraling staircase away from the tower he had converted specifically for the purpose of easily accessing lightning and carries the girl, contented to quietly snuggle against him down several corridors before arriving at his bed chamber, the room dominated by a four poster bed with silk sheets and a nearby fireplace crackling with a warm glow to keep the chill of an autumn's night from reaching the occupants of this drafty, old castle, a pleasant scent wafting from a pot hung over the fire. As they approach the bed, the girl asks, "What are we going to do on the bed?" "Daddy is going to show his little girl how much he loves her." Comes his reply as he lays her on the bed. "Now, why don't you get undressed and show daddy that cute body of yours?" "Okay, daddy!" cries the girl excitedly, crawling to the center of the large bed, swaying her hips in an adorably seductive manner, the simple dress of white silk he had dressed her in for her revival just long enough to cover her rear and just short enough to not get caught under her knees. Once in the center of the bed, she rocks back on her heels, making sure not to let her dress get stuck between her feet and butt before she slowly lifts the garment, exposing her perfect half-moons, devoid of any underwear, the graceful arc of her spine, the barest hint of stitching visible along the centerline of her back and ultimately pulling the garment over her head and tossing it asside. Now naked, she turns around, revealing a slight pinkness to her pale cheeks, perky, pea-sized nipples upon her flat chest, and a trim, little tummy leading down to where she has her thighs pressed together. "My dear child, but what a lovely creature you are. Certainly a beauty to make the likes of Aphrodite, Parvati, and Freya green with envy!" Rubbing her thighs together, the girl comments with a slight whimper, "Daddy, I feel strange." He knows what effect the fumes from the concoction simmering above the fire should be having on his little girl, but he pretends to not know as he asks, "Strange? How so?" "I feel all tingly here," with that, she points at her chest before adding, "and down... there." "Down there?" he asks, knowing what she means, but wanting to tease the demure girl a bit, "Why don't you show me so I can take a look?" Her cheeks going a bit pinker, she slowly parts her thighs, exposing her glistening girlhood to his gaze, covering her eyes with one forearm as her other hand points at her pussy. "I feel tingly there." Discarding his lab coat and kicking off his loafers to leave himself in only a polo and slacks, the doctor climbs on the bed and positions himself over the girl, gently nudging her arm away from her face to stare into sapphire orbs, "No need to be shy, dear child, you are a beauty beyond compare, there is nothing about your body you should be ashamed of." and before she can voice any protests, he captures her lipsin a searing kiss. But he doesn't spend long on her mouth, eager to taste the rest of his masterpiece and he is soon trailing kisses down to her nipples, the girl letting out a gasp as his tongue grazes first one nipple and then the other and he asks, "Does that help with the tingling?" " feels nice... but it just makes the tingling between my thighs that much worse!" cries the girl. "Oh my, this sounds serious!" exclaims the doctor as he lowers his head to his creation's cunny. "I'm going to have to examine the source directly!" And with that, he parts her nether lips and takes a deep breath, commenting like a doctor performing a health exam, "Hmmm... your lady parts are a healthy looking pink, and the fragrance is quite pleasing... Let's see how you taste." And with that, he buries his tongue in her folds, the girl thrashing as squeals of pleasure are drawn from the composite child's throat." When he pulls away, the girl collapses panting upon the silk sheets, her flat chest heaving in a rather enticing fashion as he delivers his verdict, "Your taste is within expected bounds for a healthy, little girl, and clearly, all of your muscles, including your lungs are functioning properly... has the tingling gone away?" "No," comes the expected reply, "it's tingly as ever!" Then I have no other choice." he declares as he removes the rest of his clothing, revealing a lean figure and exposing his cock to the child's widening eyes. "Daddy, what's that?" Asks the child, pointing at the man's member. "This, my dear, is a cock." he replies, giving himself a few strokes as he tells her, "It produces a medicine I think might be able to help you. Now, you could wrap your cute, little mouth around it and suck out the medicine, but I believe it will be more effective if I apply it directly to the affected area, or rather inside the affected area... Now, which would you prefer?" "Direct application." replies the girl spreading her legs further. "That's a good girl." replies the mad doctor as he presses his tip to her opening and pushes inside her. Not wanting to cause her pain, he had omitted a hymen from her construction, but had constructed her vagina so it would be perfectly tight around his cock while still accepting his girth and just the right length to let him kiss her cervix while going balls deep, and soon he was doing just that, the little girl squirming beneath him, her eyes half lidded and her mouth forming a wide smile, the girl clearly euphoric from having her daddy fill her. Wasting no time, He pulls back his hips until only his tip is still within her and then pushes back in and is soon fucking the perfect, little girl he made specifically for this purpose in earnest, the child letting out incoherent cries of ecstasy as she clings to him, her little legs wrapped around his thin waist and her finger nails digging into his back. Naturally, having anticipated the moment of consummation with his greatest work and with her being a virgin in all the ways that matter, it isn't long before the two are sharing a climax, his warm seed erupting right against her cervix, flooding her little womb even as her internal muscles try to milk him for all he's worth. He is the first to recover and gazing deep into those sapphire orbs, shimmering with love and adoration, he asks the little girl, "Did you enjoy that, my dear?" "Th-that was amazing, Daddy... can we do that again?" comes her reply before she lets out a yawn. "We can do it whenever you like," comes his reply before he adds, "Though it sounds like my lovely, little lady needs some rest before we go another round." Her only reply to that is another yawn before snuggling against his chest, her breathing soon evening out as she falls asleep. Deciding its getting rather late and imagining all the fun he's going to have with his perfect, litle girl, he carefully lifts her up, making sure to neither wake her or slide from her snug passage as he turns down the sheets and climbs into bed, leaning down to kiss his creation upon the forehead before letting sleep claim him as well.