Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 7: A Vampire's Snack. As the middle-aged man got ready for bed, he heard a knock at his bedroom door, and upon answering it, he was met by a sight both expected and unexpected. For standing in his doorway is a young-looking girl, clearly the girl he had earlier that evening, thinking her a runaway, invited into his home and shared his dinner with, and who he was planning to drive to the local social services office in the morning, but there were several details that were quite different. For starters, her hair, which had been tangled with twigs when he had found her in his backyard was now immaculate and voluminous to the point of looking like it defied gravity and had shifted from pitch black to a supernatural purple. At the same time, her skin had turned pale as a china doll's, her eyes had darkened to a midnight violet, and when she smiled, he could swear her canines had gotten longer. Though perhaps strangest of all was what she was wearing. Instead of the puffy, pink pajamas he had offered her, claiming his niece had left them behind the last time she visited or the frayed and faded t-shirt, jean shorts, and sneakers combo she had been wearing when he found her, she was wearing a dress that she hadn't had on her when he found her and which didn't match any of the clothing he had in the house. It was mostly purple, a shade halfway between her hair and eyes with trim of a light tone around the neck, cuffs, and hem, just enough of a v-neck to hint at non-existant cleavage, voluminous sleeves that hung to her knees, and a slit straight up to her hips on both side, the front of the skirt little more than a pointed loincloth to protect her modesty. and glancing down, her feet were bare, and at first glance, she looked to be standing on her tip toes until he realized that there were actually a few inches of empty air between her toes and the carpet. "What's going on here?" Asks the man, taking a step back at the realization the girl he took in isn't quite what she seemed. Letting out a girlish giggle, she floats forward as she replies, "Good sir, I merely wish to show my appreciation for your hospitality... and perhaps enjoy a midnight snack." "That's really not necessary, and if you want something to snack on, I have some Pop-Tarts in the pantry." "Oh, I'm in the mood for something much sweeter." replies the girl before dropping the bombshell, "Oh, and thank you for inviting me into your home unprompted. You see, vampires such as myself can't enter another's home without invitation, and it doesn't count if we ask to come in." "You expect me to believe you're a vampire?" asks the man, sure the neighborhood kids are somehow playing an elaborate trick on him, and with it nearly being Halloween, its the season for such things. "Whether you believe reality or not is none of my concern, but I've seen into your heart and I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement." "You've seen into my heart?" asks the man skeptically, "What's that supposed to mean?" "For starters, I know you don't have a niece and never married, yet you picked this neighborhood because of how many families with young children live here and that you own several closets filled with clothes for little girls... and that the reason for all of this is that, instead of being attracted to women your own age, or even men, your tastes run towards young girls of an age humans of this era would consider it not only scandelous or immoral, but outright abominable for you to act upon your attraction to them... In short, while you would never harm any of your neighbor's children and would give your life to defend them from anyone who would, you are a pedophile, or as you prefer to call yourself, a lolicon. You wish you could take one or more lovely, little ladies as your little wives, have them share your bed, and dote upon them like an overprotective father and older brother rolled into one, and the closets full of little girl clothes is because you can't help purchasing every cute outfit you wish you had a little girl to gift it to who would be happy to model it for you." There is a solid minute of silence before the man gets over his shock to reply, "So, you really are a supernatural being that can read a person like a book... So what now? Are you going to threaten to tell everyone my secret unless I agree to being your servent and help you capture people to drain of blood?" Snorting, the girl replies, "Hardly, you humans have some twisted morals, condemning loving relationships just because there's a few decades difference in age, assuming the elder human is the criminal when a youth forces themselves upon an adult, and condemning a good man just because his ideal of beauty doesn't match society... It's all rather silly at best and sickening at worst. And for the record, exsanguinating a human is a taboo among most civilized vampires. Even when I was as young as I look, it was common for my kind to offer aid to those who would hunt vampires depraived enough to gorge themselves to the point of killing a donor." Placing a hand on his chest and with a surprisingly gentle push, she shoves him so he lands on his bed. Lifting a hand to her collar and sliding it off one shoulder, she continues, "No, I'm offering myself to be the lovely, little, loli lover you've always wanted." sliding her dress from her other shoulder, she lets the garment pool at her feet, revealing a lack of any underwear and revealing that, in addition to the other changes to her appearance, her slim body is even more lithe than it had been in her human guise. As she climbs naked upon the bed, she lets out another giggle as she comments, "I just hope you don't mind that I'm really 700 years old." "Funny, you don't look a day over seven." comments the man, not sure if this is real or a dream and if he's about to live out his wildest fantasies or be drained dry. "Let's just say, the bastard who turned me had a thing for draining children to the point they would slowly die from blood loss if not turned and then like to pretend he scared off the one who attacked us and offer us our salvation... I had 48 coven brothers and sisters by the time someone took him out, most of us eternal children because of how young we were when we were turned." With that explanation that leaves the man with more questions than answers, she frees his member from the confines of his pajama pants, his six incher already at full mast. "Hmmm... not anything to write home about, but still plenty big enough to give my little, loli lovehole a nice stretch." comments the vampire as she straddles his hips and lines up his tip with her opening, sinking down on him like a seasoned pro. "Yes, you fill me quite nicely." she declares with a nearly feline purr as she starts to gyrate her hips. And although her movements are practiced, but not too practiced, the tightness of her twatty is more what one would expect of a virgin than a seasoned seductress and the combination of supreme skill and superb snugness nearly has him undone in seconds. "Oh my, your cock is twitching like crazy inside me." she purrs, "Has it really been so long since you've felt the flesh of a female? Or perhaps you realized you had no interest in women your own age earliy enough that you've remained a virgin... or am I just that good?" Leaning forward and licking at his collar bone, the highest point she can reach given their height difference, she adds "Either way, feel free to cum whenever you like." "But what about pregnancy?" asks the man torn between trying to throw the vampire off and just giving in to long suppressed desires. "No need to worry about that." she replies, continuing to lap at his collar bone, "For a human and a vampire to concieve a Dhampir, both must want it in their heart of hearts... and Besides, it's not so much blood, but vital energies in general that vampires feed on, and a human's seed is nearly as nourishing as a human's blood, to the point vampires sometimes call it white blood." Regardless of what he thinks about any of that, it isn't long before the vampiress sliding her snug, slippery snatch up and down his shaft is making him erupt inside her, and it is at that moment that she chooses to bite down on his collar bone. And though he can feel her fangs sinking into his flesh and her sucking out his blood as her snatch sucks out his seed, there is no pain from the bite... if anything, the bite feels nearly as good as the orgasm. When he recovers from his climax, she comments, "By the way, both your crimson and white blood are delicious, so I hope you don't mind if I stick around for a while. "Um... I'm not going to turn into a vampire, am I?" he asks, bringing his hand to where she bit him, only to find no sign of a bite. Giggling, she replies, "Oh, I'd be happy to turn you if you so wish, but it takes more than a vampire just biting a human to do it... it requires a mutual exchange of blood, and the blood has to be willingly taken on both sides... My bastard of a sire showed it didn't need to be truly imformed on the human's part, drinking a vampire's blood thinking it was your only option for survival while not knowing they were the reason you were at death's door was enough, but if I just force fed you some of my blood, the most it would do is give you a tummy ache... and before you ask, vampire saliva is a potent anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral with both analgesic and healing properties, as long as a vampire properly licks the spot to be bitten both before and after feeding, it's literally impossible for blood borne illnesses to spread through vampire bites, the bites will never cause the donor pain, and no mark will be left." Leaning back down and nuzzling against his chest as she clenches around his softened shaft, bringing him to erection once more, she asks, "So, want to keep me around as the little wife you've always wanted?" And as her pale posterior starts bouncing once more, she adds, "And if my bedroom skills aren't worth having me around and donating a mouthful of blood every other day or so, this isn't the only wifely skill I have centuries of experience at." The man still isn't convinced this isn't the most vivid wet dream of his life, but as he grabs her hips and starts thrusting up into the loli vampire, he asks, only half joking, "Will you marry me, my lovely, little lady of the night?"