Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 6: Demon Summoning The quintet of preteens had pushed the furniture of the basement rec room they had gathered in for their sleepover against the walls, and upon the concrete floor they had used sidewalk chalk to draw the largest circumscribed pentagram they could manage and had placed thick candles, one each of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet in the gaps between the pentagram itself and the outer circle, the bottoms melted to help them stick to the slab. Each of the girls light one of the candles before stripping out of her sleepwear and stepping naked into the point of the pentagram opposite the candle she lit. Once all five girls are in place, they start chanting, none of them knowing the meaning of the words they speak, the incantation being in a language none of them recognized when they had found the book containing it, but which had been written out phonetically to allow speakers of modern English to recite it. As their chanting continues, the basement beyond the circle becomes pitch black and the orange flames atop the candles change to match the color of the candle as each girl stares into the flames they lit. Suddenly, each girl's view of her flame is obstructed as a figure appears in the central pentagon, roughly humanoid with skin a bright, almost glowing red and every aspect of his build thick and muscular, bare arms as thick as any of the girls' torsos ending in hands large enough to crush a human skull, fingers tipped with claws of obsidian, and equally thick thighs tapering to cloven hooves, a loincloth held by a belt with a skull buckle the only article of clothing upon the creature's form. The girls barely come to the figure's waist and it's full height of ten feet is such that it has to distort the space around it just to avoid smashing the horns upon its head against the exposed beams of the open frame ceiling. In a booming baritone that leaves the girls quivering in both fear and what they don't yet understand to be lust, the demon addresses his summoners, "Greetings, fair maidens, for what purpose do I enjoy the privilege of being surrounded by such lovely, little ladies as yourselves?" His flattery leading to the fear quickly giving way to the unfamiliar sensation coursing through their nubile bodies. Eventually, the bravest of the girls walks up to the line separating her from the demon, careful not to let even a finger or toe over the line as she cranes her neck in an effort to make eye contact with the towering figure, "We want you to make us adults. We're sick of everyone looking down on us for our youth and treating us like little kids. We don't want to wait years to finish growing and to be respected." Glancing around and seeing the other girls nodding in agreement, the demon rubs his chin in apparent contemplation. Accelerating a human girl's physical growth was something he could do, but it was costly in power expenditure, especially to make it permanent, and even if he doubled their physical age, he could do nothing to give them the life experience or maturity to go with it. Besides, as he examined each of the girls, he quickly decided they were already at or near the peak of their physical beauty and that just giving them adult bodies was tantamount to defacing a work of art. He was bound by the summoning to help these girls, but he had more than enough flexibility to determine how best to do so and to determine the reasons for their stated desire, and peering into their hearts, he could tell that, while these girls thought becoming adults would solve their problems, what they really needed was to feel appreciated as they are, the confidence to be proud of themselves in the face of a world that promoted an unattractive and unrealistic ideal, and to have someone they could confide in other than each other and who wouldn't come across as dismissive of their feelings. And the demon knew of a mutually beneficial way to achieve most, if not all of those. Reaching for his skull buckle, he speaks again, "I'm sorry, but I can't just turn you into adults," and as he sees their expressions fall, he adds, "but there is something I can do to help you be more adult in the ways that matter." With that, he undoes his buckle and lets his loincloth fall to the ground. The girls' eyes go wide as saucers at the sight that greets them, for protruding from the demon's crotch is a shaft, as thick as any of the girls' waists at it's thickest and extending nearly two feet before tapering to a spear-like tip, and covered in overlapping helices of wicked looking barbs, a pair of cantaloupe-sized balls dangling in a sack at its base. Eventually, one of the girls lets their curiosity overflow as she blurts out, "What's that?" Taking his shaft in hand, the demon replies, "This, dear maiden, is a cock. It is what makes a man, a man." Pointing a clawed finger at the asker's crotch, "that slit between your thighs, that is a cunt. It is what makes a woman, a woman." looking around at all of the girls, he continues, "I propose that each of you, in turn, step forward and join with me in a ritual most primordial, the union of man and woman in which a woman takes a man's cock into her cunt and he pours a measure of his essence into her so it may mix with a measure of her own, and by doing so, you maidens shall take an important step towards womanhood. He lets the girls digest his words for quite some time before one of the girls speaks up shyly, "Um... Mister Demon sir..." "Yes, dear maiden?" he responds,, encouragingly. "Um, well,... it's just that your... cock is so big and our... cunts are so small." she says, blushing and tripping over the unfamiliar and naughty sounding words. "Wouldn't you just rip us apart if you managed to get it inside?" "Yeah," interjects another girl, "and those spines look like they would cut us to ribbons if it did fit." Letting out a deep chuckle, the demon replies, "Your concerns aren't unreasonable. My cock is rather intimidating, far larger than any a human man would ever possess, and it must be even more so to ladies as petite as yourselves, but I assure you, the inherent magic of the ritual will ensure you are left unharmed by the process and will feel nothing but pleasure." Letting out another chuckle, he adds, "You have my word that not only will you enjoy it, but if I cause any of you any pain, may it be returned upon me ten thousand fold... Besides, hurting little ladies as lovely as you is the last thing I'd want to do and I'd sooner offer you an ax with which to chop off my cock and balls than willingly cause any of you pain." A silence falls over the room as the demon lets the girls absorb that declaration, but eventually, the bravest of the girls steps forward, a blue aura surrounding her as she crosses the line into the central pentagon, passing through an invisible barrier that prevents the demon from reaching the girls. reaching a hand out, the brave girl runs her hand up and down his shaft, and despite looking like black enameled fishhooks, the barbs turn out to feel more like the bumps on the rougher style of massage ball. "SO, how do we proceed?" Asks the girl, having to crane her neck and arch her spine to make eye contact with the demon while standing so close. "How about you turn your back to me and let me pick you up so the others can get a good look at you once I have you in the throes of ecstasy." Doing as she's told, the girl turns her back on the demon, and with surprising gentleness, he wraps his hands around her chest, effortlessly lifting her off the floor. Taking a step back, the demon's presence distorts the diagram, the corner of the pentagon opposite the point the girl had previously stood in stretching as the points compress as if he's standing on the back half of a decagram and the girls in the forward facing points. With the other girls now all in front of him, he lowers the brave girl until the spear-like tip of his member is grazing her slit, and then, to the onlooker's wide-eyed amazement, he lowers her further, her crotch somehow managing to accomodate the impossibly large intrusion, the look of tensing for impact on the girl's face soon melting into a look of dilirius pleasure as she is impaled. Soon enough, she finds her self impaled balls deep on his member, the demon withdrawing his hands to leave her supported purely by his prodigious prick, an outline thereof visible upon her torso even as the tip seems to vanish into her ribcage, her legs looking like toothpicks next to oranges as her thighs straddle his balls, her feet dangling by his knees. Rumbling contentedly at wearing the panting girl like a living onnahole, he makes a suggestion, "Why don't you tell your friends how it feels?" As her scrambled brains try to put how she's feeling into words, the first thing out of her mouth is "Oh god, it's huge!" "Hey!" interjects the demon, "No need to bring that sanctimonius arse into this." "Sorry..." replies the girl, fearful she offended the demon before she glances at her friends and comments, "It's fucking huge, it feels like he's replaced all of my insides, but it doesn't hurt a bit! In fact, it feels fucking amazing!" "And that's just from penetration." declares the demon with a chuckle before wrapping a hand around her torso and starting to slide her up and down his shaft, literally using the girl like he would a pocket pussy that was sized for one of his endowment. And indeed, despite all logic telling her she should have been torn apart by now, actually being fucked by the demon makes the delight of being his cock sheath feel like nothing by comparison, the girl unable to do anything other than scream her pleasure. "Oh sweet Lucifer! It feels fucking amazing! Those spines are like a million fingers massaging my insides and scratching every itch that's just out of reach ever! I love it, I love it , I LOVE IT! Please, Mister Demon! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme! Fuck me forever!" The experience is so intense and mindmelting that the girl isn't sure if it lasts mere minutes or for a thousand lifetimes, but either way, she's gone hoarse from screaming by the time the demon slams her down on his cock for the last time, loosening his grip on her as his cock erupts like a firehose, quickly bloating the girl's entire body, the demon soon having to shift to a two handed grip to keep her steady as he turns the girl from a living onnahole into a living cum balloon. By the time he's done, her belly is bigger than any exercise ball the other girls have ever seen, and to add another surprise, when he pulls out, her pussy has shrunken back to its original size, and despite possibly having a literal ton of cum inside her, not a drop comes pouring out. Carefully rolling her into her point of the diagram to sleep off her first sexual experience, her limbs limp like short pieces of spaghetti stuck to the top of a jumbo meatball, he turns his gaze to the other girls and asks, "WHo's next?" As the next girl steps forward, the demon sits cross legged upon the stone floor, commenting, "You look like you have strong legs, want to give riding me a shot?" "I am the best runner and jumper in our class." Boasts the girl at his compliment before stepping into the valley between his thighs, his erection reaching to her navel even with her standing while he sits. Showing off that she's no slouch in upper body strength, she reaches up, and hooking her fingers on his collar bone, she does a pull up to lift her up so she can line up with his cock before letting herself fall upon it. With her butt resting on his balls, the athletic girl wastes no time finding handholds among his many muscles and shifting her legs into a squatting position, a foot to either side of his massive balls as she starts bouncing upon his shaft, her breathing heavy both from the exertion and the intense pleasure. When he comes again, the demon's load isn't quite as big, not wanting to crush the girl under her own cumflated belly, but it is enough to force the girl to lay back, sprawled out over his legs and immobilized by the gallons of cum inside her. The next two girls manage to drag their friend back to her point of the diagram where they leave her on her back, blissed out of her mind as she rubs her bloated belly. The pair play rock-paper-scissors before the winner steps forward, bending his cock down until the tip is low enough for her to bend over and push back before sitting in his lap. When the third girl proves too overwhelmed from being filled with demonic dick to move, the demon loops his thick arms under her legs, pinning her knees to her chest and her arms to her sides as he hugs her close and fucks her much like he did the first girl. When girl three has been turned into a cum balloon, the fourth girl bends over, standing on fingertips and tiptoes with elbows and knees locked out as she sticks her butt in the air and shakes it, prompting the demon to kneel behind her and take her cerberus style. And with four girls well fucked and bloated with demonic seed to the point of being completely immobilized, the Demon turns his gaze to the shyest of the girls, huddled in her point of the diagram. "So, are you going to accept the pleasure I've given your friends?" "I...I don't know." replies the girl. "I mean, they clearly enjoyed it, but it also seems to have been more than any of them could take..." "You don't have to, and I would think no less of you for it." declares the demon gently, "Though, if I know humans, they might start disregarding you as a child as well for not joining them in this journey." The demon watches calmly as the girl debates with herself, doing nothing to pressure her until finally, she declares, "How about you give me just the tip?" and with those words, she lays on her back, puts a hand under each knee to pull her legs up and scoots until her butt is just barely over the line. "Very well." declares the demon, kneeling before the girl and pushing his tip against her tiny twatty, spreading it as easily as he had the other girls, but going no further than filling her with his cockhead. As he starts stroking himself, stirring up the shy girl's insides in the process, she lets out a gasp of pleasure before crying out, "Oh my, it feels even better than I imagined watching the others... please, I need more!" I'd be happy to give you more," replies the demon, "But while I can push you girls through the barrier, I can neither pull you to my side nor pass through myself. If you want more, you'll have to crossover yourself." and to illustrate his point, he places his hand against the invisible barrier marked by the line under the girl's waist, and whereas it glowed blue whenever the girls cross through, the demon's hand is outlined in crimson light as even his impressive strength fails to let him push through. Half delirius and wanting more, the girl scoots forward, the base of her ribcage meeting the line as half the demon's shaft slides inside her and he starts fucking her in earnest, , her grip on her knees keeping her legs below the knee out of his reach as he starts to gently run his fingers over her thighs and lower torso. Before long, the desire to have all of that magnificent member inside her gets the better of her and she scoots fully over the line, the demon going balls deep and wrapping his index fingers around her ankles for leverage at the first opportunity, and soon enough, the shy girl is joining her friends in becoming a blissed out baby batter balloon. Standing back up and looking around at his handiwork, the demon comments, "Well, this has been a rather enjoyable evening ladies, would be a shame to make this a one time thing." Rubbing his chin in thought, he soon decides, "That should work, and with a snap of his fingers, the colored flames from the candles lift from their wicks and float over to the girl who had stood opposite them when the ritual began, and a stream of white emerges from each girl's pussy, their bellies deflating as the demonic cum flows into the flames and loops into a white hot ring. By the time this process halts, each girl's belly bulge has decreased to something that, while obvious in their nudity, will be easy to hide under clothing. As the last of the cum enters the flames, they condense into spherical gems that seem to have fire dancing within them, one each in red, yellow, green, blue, and violet as the molten cum solidifies into a pure white metal, shinier than silver. Fully formed, the rings float down to slide on to the girls' left ring fingers, sizing perfectly to their fingers as the demon comments, "I have forge the excess of our co-mingled essences into bands of purest lustrum and harvested the magical flames from the summoning ritual to create a portal gem tuned to each of your spirits. Shall any of you wish another taste of the pleasure I've given you on this night or merely desire to talk to someone who won't dismiss your concerns, you need but rub the gem and think of me... These rings will only work for the one I forged it for, will always be sized to fit perfectly, and if lost, will find its way back to you." Gazing upon each of the girls once more, noticing all are sound asleep and probably didn't hear a word of his explanation but knowing the magic of the rings will grant them intuition of how to use them, he merely says, "Sleep well, my lovely little ladies, and farewell until you next summon me to this plane." And with that, the demon vanishes, the space returning to its undistorted state with a sleeping girl curled up in each point of the pentagram and the candles reduced to burnt out puddles of melted wax.