Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 5 Werewolf's First Heat "What do you mean I can't go Trick-or-Treating!?" Cries the young girl with a horror strickened expression on her face as she looks up at her grandmother, the elderly matron rather imposing with her steel gray hair and leaning on a rough hewn oaken staff looking ready to smack someone over the head with said implement if need be. Returning the child's glare, the elderly woman replies, not unkindely, but with authority, "All Hallow's Eve falls on the night of the full moon this year, a once in a generation occurance." "But-but" protests the child. "No buts, young lady, unless it's yours getting whacks from my walking stick!" bellows the elder, "You are still young, but you know full well of the change all of your kin undergo at every full moon once they take their first step towards adulthood, and while the change doesn't rob us of our senses and render us mindless man-eaters like in many a fairy tale, nor is Selene's sacred Seal so easy to confer on another as to simply bite or scratch someone during the change, it is still ill-advised for someone of the Lupus Clan to venture out among the humans when Mother Luna is at her peak." "But I haven't even had my first change yet!" cries the girl, on the verge of openingly sobbing as she falls to her knees. "I said no buts! Or are you that eager to be put across my knee?" retorts the matriarch, brandishing her staff threateningly. "Come now, Mother," cuts in the girl's father, a mane of shaggy black hair looking more like fur adorning his head, "She's only eight, none of her sisters or female cousins had their first change before they turned ten, what are the chances she'll prove so much more precocious than the others?" Patting his youngest daughter on the head, "Besides, she's always so mopey spending the Full moons alone in this house while the rest of the clan enjoys the change, never allowed to visit friends or to have them over and not having anyone else too young to undergo the change for company." "I suppose you have a point, son of mine." admits the elder grudgingly, "But be it on your head if my worries prove vendicated come the Dawn of All Hallows!"
Come the big night, the little girl was excited as a hyperactive puppy as she met up with her three closest friends, all of them boys as she was the sole tomboy in the neighborhood and didn't get along well with girls her own age. The quartet had decided on an adventuring party theme, and as such, she was dressed in an oversized white houserobe and carrying a pine staff fashioned from an old broom handle to fulfill her role as the party's healer. Among her friends, one boy wore crude armor clearly crafted from tin cans and carried a sword cut from a slat of balsa and painted silver with a gold hilt, a chivalrous knight to lead them into battle, another wore a black robe similar to her own and carried a staff of his own, his made from an old mop, the wizard to blast enemies from afar, and the thirdwore an all black outfit of tight fitting jeans, a matching long-sleeve tee, and a scarf worn to conceal his head except for his eyes, a pair of narrow garden trowels stuffed in his belt to represent daggers, the parties sneaky thief who wouldn't draw attention if the party needed someone to gather information in the bad part of town. With each equiped with a burlap sack for collecting their evenings loot, the party ventures forth on their quest to amass a treasure horde's worth of candy. However, They've only made it a few houses, when the boys' attention is drawn to the only girl in their midst by her suddenly becoming uncharacteristically quiet. When the trio turn back to ask if she's okay, they find her standing stock still and staring up at the recently risen moon, bright and full as her grandmother had predicted. As the boys watch their friend, they see her eyes turn from blue to amber and her hair darken from auburn to a dark brown as a semi-circular arc appears on her forehead, and first looking like it was drawn with a white colored pencil, but soon turning into a creasant moon and then expanding to a half disc, gibbous, and finally a white circle as full as the moon above. As the Sacred symbol of her clan's patron goddess forms fully, the girl throws her head back, letting out a lupine howl as her fingernails elongate into claws, fur to match her hair bursts forth from every visible patch of skin on her body, and her lower face stretches out to form a muzzle, her teeth becoming sharp and pointed. When the girl lowers her head to meet the gaze of the onlooking boys, they can tell right away that their best female friend has just transformed into a werewolf straight out of a classic monster movie, and while none of the boys recognized the look she was giving them, the primitive part of their brains knew instinctively that they had just become prey and that escape was impossible. Speaking in a voice far huskier than that of her human form, the newly minted werewolf comments, "You boys smell sweet and look delicious." before in a flash of brown and white, she tackles all three boys into the alley they had been passing when her change had hit her. Something her grandmother had neglected to tell the girl turned wolf cub is that 'first step towards adulthood' was a euphemism for puberty, that boys of the clan would change for the first time come the first full moon after their first ejaculation, and that, since girls of the clan have their cycles in sink with the moon, their periods always running from the night of the new moon until the first quarter, their first change would coincide with their first ovulation, and every change from then to menopause would be accompanied by subsequent ovulations unless outside forces disrupted her cycle. As such, when the change hit, females of the clan often experienced symptoms very similar to a wolf or other canine going into heat, and it was for this reason that most of the clan secluded itself from humans and even from their own prepubescent children during the monthly change, for while they retained their human intelligence unlike many of the stories inspired by their kind, instinct and emotion were still stronger during the change, and when a female werewolf wants to mate, a human male has little choice but to go along with her desires. A fact the friends of the clan's youngest and most precocious member were quickly learning. For as soon as she had the three boys pinned to the alley wall, her instincts satisfied they had sufficient privacy, she dropped to her knees, and reached her hands for the flies of the knight and thief while pushing her muzzle under the wizard's robes, pleased to find he opted to wear only boxers underneath. Barely recovered from the sudden change of locale, the boys have no time to react before their transformed friend has taken the wizrd's cock within her muzzle and the other two have a furry half-hand, half-paw stroking their immature stiffies, the three boys petrified by a mixture of newfound pleasure at having a girl they've secretly thought cute for quite some time playing with their privates and fear that if they do anything to displease her, she'll use those wicked sharp looking teeth and claws to render them without private parts. Not that she would ever consider such a thing, having thought the boys cute long before the change awoke her inner she-wolf, and while she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the taste of the cock in her mouth or the feel of the other two cocks against her pads, the heat radiating from between her legs demanded attention. Interrupting the blowjob and handjobs, she turns around, yanking her robe over her head, revealing that, similar to her wizard friend, she wore nothing but a pair of panties beneath her robe, a pair that had already been pushed halfway off her butt thanks to the tail that had sprouted from the base of her spine and had forced the white cotton out of the way so that it now wag freely like the tail of an excited puppy. Dropping to all fours and shaking her ass, her instincts bring one word to her mind, a word she nearly growls as she demands her friends to, "Mate!" Torn between wanting to jump at the opportunity and fearful to get close to their seemingly feral friend, the boys play rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first, and after three rounds of a three-way tie, the girl growls, "I don't care who does it! Just get over here and mate me!" Deciding courage is part of the character he's playing, the knight steps forward and finishes the removal of her panties, revealing a bright red slit, glistening and enflamed with arousal breaking up the brown of the fur covering her thighs and butt, and when he brings his stiffy to that slit and bucks his hips forward, sheathing his little prick in sweltering puppy pussy, she lets out a happy yip, and deciding that making her happy would be worth letting his cock melt inside her, he starts to buck his hips in the way he's seen dogs at the park do when one dog mounts another. She is soon reduced to a panting mess, nearly delirius from the mixture of relief and pleasure radiating from her core as her friend gives her what her body has demanded since the change took her. The knight leans over her, and wondering if she has other dog-like tendencies, he loops an arm under her, hugging her to his chest and starting to rub her belly, finding her fur surprisingly soft and locating several bumps similar to ones he's felt on female dogs before. His ministrations has her lifting a leg and shaking it in the air, and he uses his free hand to brace against the alley wall, fearful she's going to become too unstable to support their weight. Naturally, with both of them being virgins and neither having any prior solo experience, it isn't long before the pair reach their first orgasms, the young she-wolf throwing back her head and howling her pleasure to the full moon above and the boy proving just as precocious, a single jet of semen spurting out inside her as her juices drench the crotch of his pants. As the Knight sits hard upon the ground, leaning against the wall for support, the werewolf, still amorous, if saited enough to no longer be feral turns her attention to the remaining two boys, and the next thing either knows, the wizard is on the ground, a lapful of frisky, loli werewolf straddling him and bouncing on his stiffy in an effort to impale herself upon it, bending it uncomfortably everytime her weight lands on it without it hitting the spot. Wincing, he grabs her rear to stop her bouncing and requests, "Let me help." before using his other hand to line himself up with her opening and driving up into her, the girl resuming her bouncing as soon as her puppy pussy is filled once more. As she yanks open his robe and discards her own to let her furry chest and tummy rub against his hairless torso, her tongue lathing away at his collar bone, his hands come to rest on her furry bottom for lack of a better place to put them and he is soon alternating between kneading her buttocks and stroking her fluffy tail, and as the wizard lifts her tail and sudtly pulls her cheeks apart, the rogue notices something he finds surprisingly enticing, and between noticing how much the other boys seem to enjoy being inside their female friend, how much she seems to enjoy having them inside her, and that his role in the party is supposed to be the guy who sneaks aroun and does the dirty work, he can't help but kneel behind her, line up his tip, and while she and the wizard are totally in grossed in each other, stab his little dagger straight into the center of her rosebud, the wolfgirl letting out a howl as the third and final of her holes is penetrated for the first time. When he's not immediately eviscerated by his lycanthropic friend, the rogue starts bucking his hips, and soon the three have found a rhythm they all find quite pleasant, and before long, the wolf is trembling in her second climax of the evening as both boys blow their first loads within her. The three bask in after glow for some time, but eventually the girl glances at her watch, and realizing how much time has passed while she made her three closest friends fuck her, she jumps to her feet, nearly throwing both the rogue and wizard to the ground as she hastily throws her robe back on, not caring about her missing panties as she declares, "We got to hurry, or all the candy is going to be gone and we won't get any!" "But, whatabout your transformation?" queries the knight, first to gather his wits, having had the longest to recover. "Duh," she replies with a roll of her amber eyes, "If anyone asks, we say I'm a Wolfkin Cleric. It's halloween, which are people more likely to believe, that a real werewolf is at their doorstep, or that the little girl is just wearing a really good wolf mask and furry gloves?" And with that, the girl turned wolf grabs her two slower friends by the wrists and dashes out of the alley, the third struggling to keep up with her enhanced speed as she all but drags the slowest of their number. Before the night is through, she would drag the boys into another mini-orgy, and come the dawn, there would be plenty of I told you sos to endure from her grandmother, but her carnal urges had been saited for the time being and now the girl turned wolf craved what all little girls craved on Halloween, and nothing would stand between her and collecting her own weight in candy.