Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 4: Possession A young girl, not long returned from trick-or-treating, is sitting on the floor of her bedroom, still in the tattered, black dress of her witch costume as she sorts through her candy haul. Suddenly, she feels a chill that makes her drop the candy bar she's holding and hug herself as she shivers, but just when she's about to disregard the moment as the result of aleaky window letting in the cool air of an autumn night and resume organizing her treats, her body, seemingly of its own accord, rises to its feet. The girl starts to panic as, unbidden, her hands begin to hike up her dress and remove her undies, leaving her naked under her dress as her feet, equally unbidden, walk away from her half-sorted pile of candy and other treats. Having no idea where her body is taking her, she is surprised when it stops in front of her teenaged brother's door, and without so much as knocking, grabs the doorknob, and finding it unlocked, barges in. Her brother is sitting in an overstuffed easy chair, reading manga when he looks up at the sudden disruption to his evening, grumpily asking, "What do you want, squirt?" Cheeks heating up, the girl tries to apologize, "So-sorry, big brother, bu...but my body isn't listening to me." the claim so outrageous as to sound fake even to her own ears as whatever force puppeting her makes her close the door, making sure to lock it this time and close the distance before kneeling in front of her brother's chair. As her hands reach for the fly of his jeans, he cries out, "Hey, what are you doing!?" Nearly in tears at the situation, the little sister cries, "I swear, I'm not doing this myself!" as her hands unzip his fly and fish out his cock, the touch of a girl, even his own sister bringing the hormonal teen to a throbbing erection almost immediately. "Okay, that's enough joking around, little sis." Declares the brother as she opens her mouth with an ah and lowers her mouth towards his erection, but just as he's about to push her away, he experiences the same chill that had come over his sister minutes earlier, and instead of pushing her away as he wants it to, his hand comes to rest on the back of her head, pushing her forward, and encouraging her to take his cock in her mouth and down her throat. It's her first time giving a blowjob, heck, she doesn't even know that the act she's being force to perform is called a blowjob, but between it being his first time recieving a blowjob and whatever force is controlling her clearly knowing what to do, he can't help moaning as her tongue dances up and down his shaft and her head bobs, partially thanks to whatever is controlling her, and partly due to the force preventing him from doing the right thing and push her away, the young man disgusted that his traitorous cock is enjoying his sister's mouth. Despite both siblings wishing they could stop what's happening, the situation is completely out of their control, and it isn't long before the young man is erupting in his sister's mouth. Though she finds the taste repulsive and wants nothing more than to yank her head away from her brother's cock, the force controlling her has her burying her nose in his pubes, forced to inhale his scent as she swallows around his spewing tip, incestuous semen pooling in her stomach, and though he wants to push her away, the force controlling him has him holding her head in place, his hand fisted in her hair as he cums down his sister's throat. As his ejaculation trickles to a halt,, the forces controlling the siblings let him let go of her scalp and let her pull away from his member as she exclaims, "That was disgusting!" and wipes her tongue on the sleeve of her costume in an attempt to get rid of the bad taste in her mouth. But before either sibling can fully gather their wits, whatever is puppeting her body makes her rise to her feet, hike up her dress, and thrust out her bare butt towards her brother, hips swaying seductively for emphasis. "Wh-where are your underwear!" cries the teen at the sight of his sister's naked ass, his cock quickly regaining its erect state despite him knowing that he shouldn't be finding such a young girl sexy, and especially not his own sister. "Whatever's controlling me made me take them off before I came in here." replies his sister, blushing at being so exposed in front of her brother even as she can feel the heat in her face also racing down to her pussy, her glistening folds just visible between her thighs from her brother's perspective. But her embarrassment at the situation does nothing to prevent what happens next, the girl's booty backing up on its own accord and her knees bending until, "Oh god! Is...Is that big brother's thing pressing against my kitty?" He wants to shove her away, but his arms stubbornly lay atop his armrests as he feels the warmth of his sister's virgin opening pressing against his tip, a trickle of pussy juice running down his shaft. "I...I'm afraid so, sis." She wants to run away, to lock herself in her bedroom and bury her head under her pillow, hoping she wakes up to find this was all a bad dream, but she's as helpless as her brother as her knees bend further and her small hips drop. "OH GOD! It... It's...It's going in! My brother's thing is going inside me! Oh god! It's so thick! It's stretching me like a new pair of too small tights!" "Oh shit!" Hisses her brother through gritted teeth, "Sis, you're tighter than a nun's ass! Shit, my sister's cunt shouldn't feel this good!" Soon, both siblings are panting as the girl comes to sit balls deep in his lap, her preteen pussy stretched nearly to its limit around his member, her only saving grace being that she had torn her hymen horseback riding when she had gone through her pony phase, so there wasn't much pain on her part, though the fit was still tight enough for both siblings to feel the other's pulse through where they were joined. But they don't have long to comtemplate their position before whatever is controlling her body has her placing her hands on his knees for leverage as she pushes up until her nether lips are wrapped around the collar of his prick before dropping back down, both siblings unable to hold back moans as she repeats the motion several times. "Oh god!" She cries in ecstacy, her hips moving of their own accord as she picks up speed, "This is so wrong, but it feels so good!" "Shit," replies her brother, already feeling his climax starting to build in his groin once more as his sister's snatch slides up and down his shaft, "Sis, if you keep that up, I'm going to cum again!" Even as her body continues riding his cock, her blood runs cold at the realization of just how dangerous her current position is, a horrified whisper slipping pass her lips, "No..." before being replaced by panicked shouts, "No, no, no! You can't cum in me! You need to hold it in! For the love of god, you need to hold it in! I had my first period earlier this month, and Mom told me about all the horrors of pregnancy... and even if being pregnant wouldn't suck, Mom and Dad are going to ground me until I'm 80 if I end up a teen mom, no a preteen mom!" "What do you think they'll do to me?!" replies her brother, gritting his teeth in a futile effort to delay the inevitable. "I'll be lucky if dad just makes it quick and smashes my head in with a golf club! They already think all of my manga is actually porn, how do you think they'll take me fucking their little girl?" "Well, that's all the more reason for you to hold it in!" Shoots back his sister, even as she's powerless to do anything other than continue riding the dangerous dick buried in her preteen pussy, bringing it ever closer to its eventual eruption. Naturally, there's only so much a teen boy can do to hold off his impending climax when he's being squeezed by a snug snatch, even if it belongs to his sister, and all he can do is whimper a hollow apology as he loses the impossible battle, "Sis, please forgive me!" Feeling something warm and sticky blooming deep in her belly, the girl cries out, "No! Nononononono! Don't cum in me! Stop cumming in me!" right before her own climax takes her over, her panicked protests giving way to incoherent cries of unwanted pleasure. As the siblings come down from their orgasms, the girl is on the verge of tears even as whatever is controlling her body has her lean back and twist around to throw an arm around her brother's neck as he leans down against his will to capture her lips in a kiss far more passionate than siblings should ever share. After several minutes of making out and giving his seed time to marinade in her womb, another chill runs through them, and realizing they now have control over their own bodies again, they break the kiss and she lunges away from his lap, landing hard on her rear before pulling up her dress to examine the damage, quite a bit of his seed seeping from her well fucked and inseminated pussy.
As one set of siblings worry about the reprecussions of what just happened and how their parents will react, another fade into view high above the house they just left, looking very similar to the pair they just visited aside from being made of silvery, translucent mist instead of flesh and blood. "Did you enjoy yourself, little sis? Replies the elder of the two ghosts, a splatter of darker silver upon his chest resembling a knife or gunshot wound hinting at a grisley death as he tries to cup the younger girl's cheek, the two intangible even to one another. Sighing, the younger ghost, hand-shaped bruises upon her somewhat crooked neck, replies, "It was nice, but I don't think our hosts enjoyed it much..." Glancing down at the house below, a forlorn expression on her pale face, she adds, "I wish we didn't need to possess people to enjoy some semblance of physical affection like what we shared before that man went crazy... or that it wasn't so hard to find compatible hosts who would be willing participants." "I wish we didn't have to draw others into our shared suffering either," replies her brother, "But what else is there for a couple of forsaken spirits such as ourselves?" "I guess you're right," replies the girl, doing her best to take her brother's offered hand, "But let's try to find a girl who's already in love with her brother next." and with that, the two fly off into the chilly, October night.