Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 3: Succubus The room was lit by the light of the full moon as a creature of the night emerged from the shadows to gaze upon the room's occupant, a young girl laying in the fetal position upon her bed, covers kicked aside to reveal her short nightie and her panty-clad posterior. Avoiding the candy wrappers strewn upon the floor, the shadowy figure approaches the bed silently, taking in every detail of their quarry's youthful form, from the tousled tresses and the thumb sucking to the cute way her tiny toes curl and uncurl as she sleeps. Spooning up behind the sleeping girl, the figure proves to be not much taller than their quarry as they hug the girl from behind and start roaming their hands over the unconscious child while grinding against that cute butt. The creature's hands eventually find their way to the sleeping girl's mouth and panties, the one pulling the child's thumb from that sucking orifice with a soft pop before replacing it with its own, the creature purring happily as their quarry continues to suck upon the invading digit, never missing a beat. The creature's other hand slips inside the cotton barrier protecting the child's innocence to tease at the untouched treasure within. Though tempted to simply have its way with the sleeping sweetheart and leave without any trace,, or at least, without any that could be pinned on this night or the creature's visit, it quickly decides it wants this girl to be conscious for what's to come. The thumb of one hand exploring a tiny mouth, finding several gaps from baby teeth not yet replaced and the other exploring virgin folds soon coated with dew for the first time, the creature patiently awaits for its quarry to awaken. At first, the girl shifts from deep sleep to groggy half-wakefulness, moaning around the thumb in her mouth from the unfamiliar, yet pleasant tingling coming from her kitty, but before long, her eyes shoot open as she realizes its not her own thumb she's sucking on, that the tingling is from a stranger's hand in her undies, and that she's being held tightly against another body. As the girl takes in a deep breath to scream, the shadowy creature moves at inhuman speeds, rolling the girl on her back, climbing atop her, and locking lips with the child, the girl forced to look deep into glowing, violet eyes with vertical slits for pupils. As the creature makes out with the panicked girl, the child flails out an arm, managing to find her bedside lamp and flooding the room with a warm, incandescent light just as the creature's hypnotic gaze takes hold, calming the girl. Breaking the kiss, the creature sits up, letting their quarry get a good look at them as they speak, "Sorry if I startled you, cutie." their tone equal parts adorable innocence and husky seduction. For the most part, the creature looks human, and like they could be one of the other girls from the child's school but in addition to glow-in-the-dark eyes, there are purple black horns protruding from their violet hair, a long, whip-like tail tipped with a heart-shaped barb swishing behind them, and in addition to the latex dress, the same color as their horns, they're wearing having a heart-shaped cutout over their flat chest, the short hemn not only exposes a bald kitty, but the base of something tenting the front of the garment. "Who are you and why are you in my room?" asks the girl as she finishes her inspection of the intruder. Now that there's light and their quarry is awake, the creature can see that the nightie and panties are a bubblegum pink, those tousled locks are like spun gold, and that the child has chubby, freckled cheeks and sapphire blue eyes, the bulge in their dress twitching as they take in just how adorable the child is. "Who I am is unimportant," comments the creature in that same mix of cute and sexy, "All you need to know is that I'm a succubus and I'm here to make you feel good in a way beyond your wildest imagineing." With that, they reach out a clawed finger, and hooking it on the trough of the nightie's collar, they drag it down, barely touching the girl's skin, the child shivering from the light touch as her nightie is cut cleanly down the center, turning it into a silken robe. The girl has no idea what a succubus is, but puts up no resistence as the creature grabs the halves of the bisected garment and throws them aside, exposing the child from her collar bone to the waistband of her panties. Licking her lips, the creature declares, "What a delicious looking flat chest!" before diving down and latching those same lips around one of the girl's nipples, the little nub quickly hardening under the succubus's tongue as the girl moans from the unfamiliar sensation, her back arching in a way to pin that strange bulge between the pair's tummies. The succubus keeps up her assault for a minute or so before letting her quarry drop to the mattress panting from the experience, but only letting the girl half catch her breath before claiming the opposite nipple, sucking even harder on this one. When the succubus is nearly ready to move on, she lightly takes the nipple she's sucking on between her teeth, making the girl gasp and beg, "Please, Miss Succubus, don't bite off my nippy!" Giggling at the child's reaction, the succubus replies, "No need to be so formal, Sweetie... and don't worry, I only bite when I know the one bitten will enjoy the pain." With that, the succubus starts trailing kisses down to the girl's belly, soft with the last remnants of baby fat, encouraging the otherworldly being to pause in her kissing to occasionally rub her cheek against the child's supple flesh or to blow a raspberry, making the girl giggle. Soon enough, she reaches her destination, and hooking her fingers inside the girl's panties, the succubus starts to pull the garment, visibly damp with girl juice, down the child's slender thighs. Holding up her prize for the little girl to see, the succubus takes a deep breath with her nose to the gusset before declaring, "Such a sweet scent, definitely a keeper." and stuffing the pilfered undies through the heart-shaped window in her dress. That distraction taken care of, the succubus looks down at her quarry, the child having pressed her thighs together and put her hands over her cunny. "Oh, no need to be shy, sweetie" declares the succubus teasingly as she first pulls the girl's hands away and then parts the child's thighs, exposing the hidden treasure within. With hearts in her eyes, the succubus exclaims, "Oh my, what a pretty, little pussy you have, sweetie!" Glancing up to meet the girl's gaze, the child's cheeks as pink as her nightie from the compliment, "Do you know what happens when I see such a pretty pussy?" Shaking her head, the girl replies, not fully understanding the creature's words, "No, what happens?" "I want to fuck it." Replies the succubus almost matter of factly with heavy emphasis on the f-sound as she lifts the front of her dress, letting the rest of the thing forming that strange bulge slide out from under the nearly black latex, the child's eyes going big as saucers at the sight. The newly revealed bit of the succubus's anatomy reminds the child of her daddy's dangly bits from when he used to take baths with her, but the thing now pointing at her was not only quite rigid instead of dangly and several times larger than her daddy's, but the creature still had a kitty between her thighs instead of a dangly sack with a pair of grapes inside, contradicting what the girl's daddy had told her about the differences between boys and girls. "Huh? are you a boy or a girl?" blurts out the girl in surprise at finally learning what the mysterious bulge was. Stroking herself, the succubus replies, "In a sense, I am both and neither, but that's not important right now. What's important is that I want to take my throbbing girlcock and stuff it straight up your sweet smelling snatch, to pound that pretty pussie of yours until you're addicted to succubus shlong and I cream your cozy cunny." Kneeling between the child's thighs and parting her petals with the tip of her prick, the succubus adds, "And the way your girlhood is glistening, I bet I don't even need to use my tongue to prepare you." Noticing that the phallus pressing against her opening is at least as long and thick as her thigh, the child cries out, "Wait, will that big thing even fit inside me?" "Don't worry, cutie, it'll definitely fit." cooes the succubus reassuringly, "You might be ruined for boys your own age with their shrimpy dicks, but my magic will ensure mine not only fits, but that you'll love every minute of it!" and with that, the succubus grabs the girl's hips and in a single thrust, hilts herself in the little girl's passage, the child's tummy bulging from the sudden intrusion in much the same way the creature's dress had, the child gasping from the sudden sensation of being stretched in the most delightful of ways and the wonderful feeling of warmth and fullness that results, the succubus sighing in contentment at being sheathed in a super snug snatch, the little girl even tighter than she expected. "Oh my," purrs the succubus, "Cutie's cunny is even cozier than I expected, you're going to milk me in no time!" The creature pulls her hips back, her shaft slowly emerging from the girl's clenching cunny until the child's nether lips are wrapped around the collar of the succubus's cock and then driving back in, repeating the motion several times, the little girl moaning at the sensation of fullness alternating with emptiness and coating the invading member in her sweet juices. Soon enough, the succubus decides her newest lover is properly warmed up and picks up pace, soon pounding the little sweetheart's snug snatch with utter abandon, the child moaning loudly under the assault. "Oh sweetie, but you have the sweetest, little sexpot I've had the pleasure of churning up in a long time," coos the succubus, leaning over her latest conquest, practically folding the child in half, "I look forward to seeding your womb and watching that trim, little tummy of yours turn into a big belly!" "Huh?" the girl manages to say through her pleasure-induced haze, "What are you talking about?" "Oh, I'm just going to pump you full of the stuff that makes babies and then return every night to have more fun with you as my baby grows in your belly." declares the succubus, nuzzling against the girl's cheek. "Bu-but Mama said I'm too young to have a baby." replies the girl, confusion mixing with her euphoria. Giggling, the succubus replies, "Oh, sweet, naive child, there's no such thing as too young when it comes to a succubus mating with a human... I could seduce an expectant mother, cum all over her unborn child, and the baby would come out with a plump, little baby bump of its own... Anyways, are you ready to recieve my seed, sweetheart?" "NO! I'm not ready to be a mama!" cries the child, squirming in a way that only increases the stimulation between the child's cunny and the succubus's shaft, and truth be told, the seductress could just let things play out until the girl's struggles sealed her fate... But any succubus worthy of their horns doesn't need to force themselves upon a human, and the succubus merely declares, "As you wish." before withdrawing completely from the girl's passage. Suddenly feeling profoundly empty, the child props herself up on her elbows and asks, "Why did you stop?" "Because you told me too, of course." replies the succubus, "As much as I want to turn that tiny tummy of yours into a big, beautiful baby bump, I'm not going to force you to bare my spawn... Though, it would be a shame to end the night without either of us reaching completion...what do you say to sucking my cock and me licking your pussy in return?" Intrigued by the idea, the girl soon finds her self laying atop the succubus, her glistening and gaping girlhood in the creature's face as the child gets up close and personal with the cock that had come close to blasting her belly with baby batter. At the Succubus's coaching, the child wraps her mouth around the head of the creature's cock while her small hands glide up and down the shaft, still slick with the child's cunny juice while the succubus buries her tongue in the cunny she had been so close to creaming. Although the child shows great enthusiasm as she gives head for the first time, enthusiasm is no match for centuries of experience, and while the succubus enjoys the sensation of a young mouth on her glands, there's no way the child is going to make the succubus cum anywhere but where the succubus wants to shoot her seed. At the same time, the succubus knows just how to work a recently deflowered pussy with her tongue to keep a girl on a razor's edge, the child on the brink of her very first orgasm but never allowed to go over the edge. And just as the succubus plans, it isn't long before the child can no longer stand the sense of being on the verge of something wonderful only to be held back, and despite what the creature had told the child earlier, the urge to feel that cock inside her once more gets the better of her, and the girl suddenly lunges forward before slamming herself down upon the succubus's shaft, the fullness from the sudden reunion sending the child into full bodied convulsions, her pussy spasming wildly from the girl's very first climax, the child's cozy cunny clenching around the source of the overwhelming pleasure wracking the young girl's body. And of course, the Succubus chooses that moment to stop holding back, her tip erupting like a geyser right against the child's cervix, the succubus savoring the sensation of a snug snatch squeezing her shaft as her seed shoots up into the child's womb, quickly filling the hollow organ and soon causing it to expand. By the time the childcomes to her senses and the succubus's semen stream slows to a trickle, the girl's formerly flat tummy is bloated to the size of a basketball. Turning around, the cock within her still rigid enough to stay in place as she does so, the child accuses, "Hey, you said you wouldn't squirt in me!" "No," replies the succubus, reaching a hand up to caress the child's cum balloon belly, "I said I wouldn't force you to bare my spawn." Smiling and adopting a more teasing tone, she adds, "I can't help it if some sweet, little thing who's too cute for her own good decides to impale herself upon my cock when I previously told her I was about to erupt." Sitting up, the succubus places her hands under the child's armpits and effortlessly lifts her off the creature's cock, "Now, sweet child, the hour grows late, and you need your rest, both for your own sake and that of the new life we just created. I cannot linger here much longer, but I shall return as you have me far too smitten to leave you alone to raise our child." With that, the succubus waves her hand, instantly restoring the child's clothing, and laying the child down and placing a kiss to her forehead with a wish of "Sweet Dreams." the Succubus's newest lover is asleep once more and the creature itself melts back into the shadows, the only sign it was ever there that the sleeping girl now has a noticeable pot belly peeking out from under her pink nightie.