Thirteen Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten Night 2: Seed of Frog, Womb of Witch. Autumn leaves crunched under boot as the young witch hiked through the woods, foraging for ingredients useful in the brewing of potions, a wicker basket in one arm clanking from the vials within. Samhain was not far off and the little witch was quite pleased with her progress towards collecting what she needed for her plans on that most magical of nights, but there was one ingredient that still eluded her, a rare variety of moss that her late mother's notes said could be found near the edge of the various small bodies of water that dottted the forest landscape. As the spots of sky peaking through the canopy turn from blue to orange with the coming dusk, she's about ready to give up when, upon cresting a small ridge overlooking a large pond, she spots the elusive plant growing upon the steep side of the hill. Eyes Sparkling at her find, she drives the butt of her staff into the ground near the edge, and retrieving a collection jar from her basket, she squats down, stretching to try and grab hold of the moss growing but a foot or two below her feet. However, she doesn't have quite enough reach, and the ground is slippery from a recent rain, and as her fingers come within a few inches of the long searched for plant, she loses her balance, and her attempts to correct herself are foiled by her booted foot slipping out from under her, and her weight proves more than enough to yank her staff from the ground when she reaches for it reflexively. Unable to stop her fall, she finds herself sliding down the not quite vertical slope before making a big splash in the pond below. Fortunately, the water isn't very deep, her torso fully out of it by the time she pushes herself up to hands and knees, though her pointed hat and robes are completely soaked, the algae-infested water darkening the indigo-dyed fabric several shades. Spluttering and gagging from the taste of the water, she jams her staff into the muddy pond bed to help herself stand. Grabbing a handful of her robes, she proceeds to do her best to wring out the excess water permeating her clothing. This causes the hemn of her robes to rise up, exposing slender legs, well-toned from a life of foraging, coming out of the shin-deep water, and thanks to the witch's lack of undergarments, a pair of perfectly round and plump half-moons, and between her slightly parted thighs, the smallest peak of a hairless, prepubescent pussy. Unconcerned or unaware that she's showing off her backside, and too preoccupied with trying to dry her robes to pay attention to her surroundings, she is unaware of a presence coming up behind her and taking in the view until she feels something long, slender, cool, and slimey suddenly swipe along her bottom, running all the way from her clit, along her slit and up her buttcrack, the girl letting out a moan at the weird, yet pleasant sensation. Glancing over her shoulder, the witch spots a Kaeru, one of the frog-like monsters that inhabit the forest, it's bright pink tongue a sharp contrast to its neon green skin as it dangles from the creature's mouth. Her cheeks go redder than that tongue as she realizes what she felt must have been a lick from the rotund creature and that her molester is the perfect height to stare at her exposed half moons, but before the witch can react to the situation, the frog Curls its lips into a lecherous smile, and with a laugh that sounds like "Geru geru!" to the girl's ears, the creature grabs her by the hips, its finger pads sticking to her skin like glue and buries that tongue deep in her most precious place. "He-hey!" cries the girl as her body is wracked with waves of unfamiliar sensation, barely able to speak through her moans as the pink appendage wriggles within her. "St-stop th-that, yo-you... pervy slimeball!" She tries to kick the creature away, but when her legs refuse her command, she realizes too late that either the Kaeru's saliva, the slime seeping from its skin, or, most likely, both contains a paralytic poison, and a impressively fast acting one. Muscles locked up, the witch can only endure as the kaeru repeatedly thrusts that tongue into her tight twat, the virgin's mind nearly going blank from the intense pleasure that shoots up her spine and down to the tips of her fingers and toes, steadily growing stronger and stronger, something tightening deep in her belly like the main spring of an overwound clock before it suddenly snaps and her eyes roll back before she passes out from the overwhelming sensations.
When the witch wakes, she finds herself laying upon a giant lilypad in the middle of an enclosed space, a rough dome built of sticks and moss overhead, and water pooling around her makeshift bed. Her body is completely bare, her hat, robes, boots, staff, and basket of ingredients nowhere to be seen, her limp limbs spread out to expose her recently violated vulva and her nearly flat chest, the nipples topping her budding breasts hard as pebbles under the cool air of the damp chamber, the poison rendering her incapable of even the most meager of efforts to restore her modesty. A chorus of "Geru geru!" draws her attention to the fact that she is now surrounded by an entire army of the creatures, and while she is unable to get a good look at her surroundings, her neck is unaffected by the paralysis enough to let her count at least a dozen Kaeru encircling her and to notice that they all have long, tentacle-like appendages protruding from between their legs. The witch knew that mating among mundane frogs generally consisted of the male hugging a female from behind and ejaculating upon her eggs as they are laid, and while the books she inherited from her mother said nothing about the reproductive habits of the Kaeru, the girl, despite her youthh, was smart enough to realize she was gawking at their genitals and that them having external genitals at all suggested their mating was nothing like the mating of ordinary frogs... and as curiosity won out over fear, she noticed the phallic appendages were of two different shapes, some having a rounded tip with a relatively small opening while others had a more flared tip with an opening that looked wide enough the witch could fit not only her fist, but her whole forearm down those channels. A cry of "Gero gero!" at her feet draws the girl's attention to the fact that one of the flared tipped kaeru has approached her and is now standing upon the lilypad between her legs. Staring in a mixture of fascination and fear, the witch watches as the kaeru comes even closer, uses the suction cups on its thumbs to part her petals and brings the tip of its genital tube to her virgin opening. Just as the girl realizes that she's been dragged into these creatures mating rituals, another surge of unfamiliar pleasure washes over her as half of the reproductive organ wriggles deep inside her, the opening at the tip latching onto her cervix and starting to suck upon it like a newborn at its mother's teet. Before long, the witch can feel her cervix starting to open up, becoming nearly as wide as the opening of the thing invading her most precious place. And just when the girl is wondering what the purpose is for what the creature is doing to her, she sees it, a white, ovoid object slide from the kaeru's belly into the part of the tube not inside her, bulging the translucent appendage that the witch now realizes is an ovipositor and that the kaeru violating her must be a female intending to use the womb of a warm-blooded creature to incubate her eggs, the paralyzed girl helpless to stop it as the egg slides along the tube and pushes into her pussy. And while the egg bulges the ovipositor to nearly twice its diameter and stretches the girl's passage to an extent that she would have thought impossible, there is no pain as the egg is forced up her birth canal and deposited in her womb, nor as the Kaeru pushes out another half dozen eggs. As the creature withdraws its ovipositor, it is soon replaced by another, and as the witch's womb swells with dozens of eggs, the witch struggles to keep count, the sensation of being made into a living incubator for these creatures far more pleasant than it should be, though she's sure her belly is bloated with at least 5 or 6 score, if not a full gross by the time the last of the female kaeru withdraws her ovipositor. But as the girl rests upon the lilypad, her egg-filled womb now more massive than her entire body, she isn't able to marvel at the sensation of being so full for long as the creatures aren't quite done with her. Though she can't see beyond her bloated belly, she can tell the latest kaeru to prod at her pussy is one of the round tipped ones, and when it pushes inside her, only to immediately withdraw and push back in, she quickly realizes this must be a male and that the eggs she's filled with are unfertilized, a notion that seems to be confirmed as, after a few minutes, the creature's penis sprays out cool, thick slime that reminds the witch of the descriptions of semen from her mother's texts on animal reproduction. At least as many males take turns inseminating the witch as females took turns laying their eggs within her, and when the last male has finished, the entire swarm descends upon her, massaging her titanic tummy filled with sperm and eggs, apparently to ensure every egg gets fertilized. Eventually, the creatures retreat, leaving the girl, now exhausted from the day's events to wonder how long she'll be playing incubator to frog spawn and whether the incubating tadpoles will hatch inside her and she'll have to give live birth or if she'll end up laying the eggs shortly before they hatch before sleep claims her.