Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 25: Iris and the scarf Although the weather had been growing colder since she and Hilda had started exploring the Giant chasm, the sudden blizzard still catches Iris off guard, and the dragon tamer is quite greatful when the pair locate a cave, allowing them to get out of the wind and snow. Unfortunately, while the cave provides shelter,, it isn't much warmer than the weather outside, and Iris's teeth chatter audibly as she tries to rub her arms to generate heat and Hilda enters the cave behind her. Glancing at her travelling companion, seemingly unbothered by the cold despite having added no winter gear to her usual t-shirt, vest, and shorts combo beyond a scarf, Iris can't help asking, "Ho-how aren't you fr-frozen solid?" The older girl merely shrugs before speaking, "I've just never been bothered by the cold... but I can see you're clearly having a rough time of it." "D-d-dragons d-d-don't h-h-handle c-c-cold v-v-very w-w-well," replies Iris, shaking like a leaf and her teeth chattering getting so bad she can barely talk, "a-a-and n-n-neither d-d-do I!" Closing the distance between them and unwrapping her scarf from around her neck, Hilda replies, "It's not much, but here, take my scarf." and as she wraps it around the shorter girl's shoulders, she leans in to whisper in Iris's ear, "But I can think of another way to help you warm up." "H-h-huh," asks the dark-skinned girl, "Wh-wh-what a-a-are-?" but before Iris can finish her question, Hilda's lips have crashed upon the dragon tamer's and the more developed trainer has trapped the violet-haired girl in an embrace. Taking full advantage of Iris's surprise and that she caught the younger girl with her mouth open, Hilda wastes no time sliding her tongue into the moka-skinned girl's mouth to make contact with Iris's tongue and lure it out, which is quite easy withhow much warmer Hilda's mouth is by comparison. As Hilda starts sucking on Iris's tongue as if slurping up a particularly thick lasagna noodle, the shorter girl returns the embrace, her nearly violent shivers slowly subsiding as she clings to the older girl, Hilda's body heat like an oasis to the cold girl in this desert of snow and ice. When Hilda finally lets the violet-haired girl breathe, Iris's cheeks are sporting a definite blush that has nothing to do with the cold, "Wh-why did you kiss me?" she asks, teeth no longer chattering but her voice making it clear just how much the older girl's bold move has flustered her. Dropping to the smooth stone of the cave's floor and pulling iris into her lap, Hilda whispers in a husky tone, "Because you look as yummy and cute as a chocolate buneary." before lightly nibbling at Iris's earlobe and reaching a hand under the girl's skirt to squeeze a chubby cheek through her leggings, a shiver that has nothing to do with the weather running up Iris's spine at the touch. As hilda starts to knead her handful of little girl butt, she traces a trail of kisses along the line of Iris's jaw, her ruby eyes fluttering shut as soft moans escape her throat. Reaching the neckline of Iris's shirt where it barely pokes out from under the scarf, Hilda starts softly suckling at the skin, occasionally adjusting her position as she searches out the spot that causes the strongest reaction, a sudden gasp from Iris letting the scantily clad trainer know when she's found it. But instead of pressing her assault immediately, Hilda pulls her lips from Iris's skin to comment, "You know, you're more than welcome to touch me in return." before grabbing the younger girl's hand and guiding it to her denim-clad bottom, squeezing Iris's hand to encourage her to follow Hilda's example. As Iris starts fondling Hilda's ample booty, wondering how the older girl manages to squeeze into such tight shorts, Hilda returns to the spot on Iris's neck that got the strongerst reaction, sucking far more aggressively than before. But naturally, Hilda wants more than just touching each other's butts and leaving a hicky where Iris will need to be careful to hide it, and her hand slides up to the waistband of Iris's leggings before venturing beneath and discovering something she hadn't notice through the thick fabric. "Oh, feels like a naughty buneary forgot to put on panties this morning~" Teases Hilda as she removes her lips from Iris's neck, but before Iris has a chance to come up with a reply, Hilda has spun the shorter girl around, the older girl's breasts pressing into Iris's back. Hugging Iris tightly, one of Hilda's hands vanishes under the scarf to pinch a hardened nipple through the moka-skinned girl's top, the other making its way down the front of Iris's skirt and leggings to cup her girlhood. "Oh my, your nipples are hard as Gigalith crystals..." Teases Hilda, "Is that from the cold, or are you enjoying being played with?" Iris opens her mouth to respond, but all that comes out is a cry of pleasure as Hilda slides a finger along the shorter girl's slit before pushing it inside the dragon trainer. As Hilda continues to play with Iris's itty bitty tities and starts to finger fuck the girl in earnest, the purple-haired girl goes limp in the older girl's embrace, quickly reduced to a mewling mess under Hilda's ministrations. Head swimming in new found plesure, Iris isn't sure what to make of the tightening she feels in her tummy or the girl inflicting these unfamiliar sensations upon her, though she can sense she's building towards something even if she doesn't quite know what. And then it happens, the coil tightening in Iris's tummy snaps, the dark-skinned girl trembling in Hilda's embrace as her very first orgasm washes over her, the girl seeing stars even as she drench's the older girl's hand in her juices. As she lets her little playmate ride out her climax, Hilda withdraws her hand from within Iris's leggings, licking her fingers clean before commenting, "mmm, you taste even yummier than you look, makes me want to unwrap you and taste every little bit of you." Letting out one final shudder, part aftershock of her climax, part shiver at the thought of Hilda following through on that idea, and part shiver from the cold, Iris manages to finally find her voice, "Pl-please... please don't undress me." "No worries," replies Hilda, "I don't want my cute, little buneary turning into a fudgesicle, so getting a proper taste of all of you will have to wait for when we aren't waiting out a blizzard." Iris likes the thought of doing more like this once they're somewhere warm and cozy, but before she can voice that, Hilda is laying her out on the ground, the purple-haired girl letting out a scream as her back touches the cold stone, "Aiieee! Damn that's cold!" "Oops, replies Hilda as she shimmies out of her shorts, "Was so excited to give you a taste I didn't think about how cold the stone must be." Now naked from the waist down, Hilda lowers herself over Iris, snaking her arms under the shorter girl's butt and showing off impressive flexibility by sliding her legs under Iris's shoulders, the younger girl sighing in relief as she's no longer in contact with the cave floor. Swaying her hips, Hilda asks, "Are you just going to stare or return the favor?" "Huh?" replies Iris before realizing that Hilda's bare pussy is staring her in the face, the intoxicating aroma emminating from there making her insides do backflips. "Or maybe you need a lesson?" comments Hilda, taking Iris's lack of proper response as cluelessness rather than still being a bit dazed from the cold and the earlier climax. Spreading Iris's legs from beneath, Hilda admires the way the soaked leggings cling to every nook and cranny of the chocolate cunny concealed within, the older girl licking her lips before dropping her head and digging in. Even with the leggings in the way, the sensation of Hilda's tongue against Iris's hidden treasure is far stronger than when the brunette fingered her, the moka-skinned girl immediately clamping her thighs around Hilda's neck and crossing her legs atop the taller girl's head as her cries of ecstasy fill the small cave. Pleased with the reaction but wanting more, Hilda slides her hands down the back of Iris's leggings to knead the smaller girl's butt as she pulls her mouth away from the delicious pussy she's eating to speak, "Come on Iris, show me how much you've learned." her words slightly muffled by the fact she keeps her tongue pressed to Iris's folds. Though overwhelmed by how good Hilda is making her feel, Iris manages to lift her hands to sink them into the older girl's ample ass, the soft flesh indenting easily under Iris's dainty digits. Lifting her head, Iris sticks out her tongue to give Hilda's pussy a tentative lick from clit to taint, and liking the taste, the dragon tamer buries her tongue in the older girl's folds. Quite pleased that her young lover is catching on, Hilda increases the intensity of her oral assault, making Iris moan loudly into her pussy, and before long, the two girls are in a race to see who can bring the other to climax first. Though Hilda has a clear advantage in experience, Iris's enthusiasm is nothing to scoff at, and even muffled against each other's muffs, the cave is soon filled with the sounds of their mixed moans. Hilda isn't sure who is sent over the edge first, but when Iris's tongue brings her to that point, it's all she can do to keep herself propped up on knees and elbows to not crush the smaller girl trembling in her own climax beneath her. When Hilda comes down from her climax, she can't help but praise Iris, "Wow, it's been a while since anyone ate me out that good... you sure you haven't done any thing like this before?" and its only when the still girl beneath her fails to respond that Hilda glances down to realize the moka-skinned girl has fallen asleep, clearly exhausted from their activities. "Even fast asleep, she's cute as a buneary." With that, Hilda untangles her limbs from Iris and quickly redresses before summoning her Emboar and commanding it, "Warm up this cave, I don't want my girlfriend freezing to death." and as the fire-type does its trainer's bidding, Hilda takes a seat against a wall, cradling Iris in her arms, wrapping the scarf snuggly around the smaller girl and hoping Iris won't be angry she didn't summon her fire-type immediately and that she's not being too presumptive by referring to the sleeping girl as her girlfriend.