Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 24: Kuro the angel Kuro kagami, along with her closest friends, Rin Kokonoe and Mimi Usa, had been cast as angels in the nativity play their class was performing as part of their school's Christmas celebrations, and had Kuro been thinking straight, she would be quite greatful that she and Mimi had little to do other than stand nextt to Rin and pretend to play the harp while Rin had all the lines related to delivering the message of Jesus's birth. Kuro had long held feelings for her closest friend, and watching Rin standing mere feet from her in those angelic robes, the taller girl's long hair out of its usual twin tails and nearly dragging the floor, a ring of gold toned plastic suspended atop her head to represent a halo was quite distracting for the raven-haired girl. Kuro couldn't help thinking Rin made a perfect angel and that the only role that would've been a better fit for Rin would be to portray the Sun Goddess Amaterasu if they were doing a play inspired by Shinto rather than Christianity. Letting her mind drift as she watches her best friend giving her lines, the next thing Kuro knows, the trio have been ushered off stage and to what passes as the dressing rooms for school plays, and though Mimi was there with them on stage, the bespectacled girl is nowhere to be seen, nor is anyone else as the diminutive girl finds herself with Rin in front of her, the de facto ringleader of their little trio pressing her palms against the wall to either side of Kuro's head as the raven-haired girl's back makes contact with the sheetrock. "Kuro-chan looked really cute out there." Comments Rin as her face approaches Kuro's, the two girls staring into each other's eyes. "Ri-rin-chan looked far prettier on stage." replies Kuro before adding self-deprecatingly, "I was like an ugly duckling to-" Only to be cut off as Rin's lips meet her own, and as Rin takes advantage of Kuro's parted lips to slide her tongue into the smaller girl's mouth, Kuro's eyes roll back, her fluttering heart skips several beats, and her toes scrunch against the soles of the sandles that are part of her costume, all thought driven from Kuro's mind, even the one of "Oh kami! Rin-chan is kissing me!" Just when Kuro is about to pass out from lack of oxygen and her brain being fried from an overdose of pure joy, Rin breaks the kiss, but before Kuro can catch her breath, Rin has dropped to the floor, lifted the hem of Kuro's outfit to stick her head underneath, and pulled Kuro's panties aside to bury her tongue in the shorter girl's folds. Trying to dig her fingertips into the drywall, Kuro's eyes squeeze shut and she tilts her head back as moans escape her lips in a perverse parody of angelic choirsong "Does it feel good, Kuro-chan?" asks Rin, pausing in her ministtttrations, her words slightly muffled "Ri-rin-chan's' tongue feels amazing!" cries Kuro shortly before she feels Rin's fingers hook into her waistband and pull her panties to her ankles. As Rin's hands slowly slide up Kuro's legs, sensual shivers run up and down the raven-haired girl's petite form, from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head and down to the tips of her fingers. Eventually, Rin reach's Kuro's small, but perky half-moons, and it is only as she is kneading that angelic ass that Rin finally returns her tongue to Kuro's juicy pussy, lapping up the cascade of cunny cream issuing from the shorter girl's feminine folds, Rin's oral assault leaving Kuro mewling like a kitten. When Rin withdraws her tongue once more and drops a hand from Kuro's butt, the rich girl only has a few seconds to try and catch her breath before Rin's tongue returns, this time focused on Kuro's tiny clit, and if that new sensation wasn't enough, it's followed shortly by Rin sliding a dainty finger up Kuro's virgin passage. And just when Kuro thinks she's getting used to having her clitty licked and her pussy fingered, Rin moves in to wrap her lips around Kuro's kiddy clitty and curls her finger into the moaning girl's g-spot, and as Rin starts to tickle Kuro's insides, she takes the little bundle of nerves between her teeth,, nibbling on it like she might a pencil eraser, edging dangerously close to the line between pleasure and pain but staying just this side of it. Kuro has never had an orgasm before, but with her precociously perverse sense of humor,, she can guess what is happening as she feels a tremendous tension tightening in her tummy even if she is nearly insensate from Rin's ministrations, crying out as Rin's finger and teeth edge Kuro closer and closer, "Ri-rin-chan! If...if you keep this up...I...I'm going to--!" But before Kuro can finish her declaration, a scream of pleasure cuts her off, the tautness in her tummy releasing explosively, her every muscle spasming as her vision goes white, her world shattering into a million points of pleasure, and her bladder giving out, the wall behind her and Rin's firm grip on her hips the only things keeping the trembling girl from crashing to the floor. And as Kuro trembles in climax, Rin drinks down the liquid gold gushing out of her, continuing to lap away at the raven-haired girl's folds, wanting to prolong her friend's pleasure for as long as possible. When Kuro finally starts to come down, nearly boneless in afterglow, all she can manage to pant out is, "Ri-rin-chan, th-that was incredible." "Kuro-chan was quite tasty." comes Rin's reply followed by a request, "Why don't you lift your dress and turn around, Kuro-chan?" Not sure what Rin has in store for her, but sure she'll enjoy it immensely, Kuro nearly trips over her own, still rubbery legs as she pulls up the dress of her angel costume, hooking the back hemn over her shoulders as she faces the wall, presses her palms to it and stics out her now bare bottom. "I've never seen such a lovely moon," jokes Rin before placing her hands on Kuro's butt, massaging the shorter girls cheeks once more for quite some time before spreading them. Rin's tongue makes contact with Kuro's clit, the little bundle of nerves still overly sensitive from the earlier treatment, but when Rin starts licking up her friend's slit, instead of stopping at Kuro's entrance, Rin continues across the raven-haired girl's taint to rest her tongue against her puckered rosebud. "Ri-rin-chan, th-that's my bu-" retorts Kuro, only to be cut off by a squeal as Rin's tongue suddenly pushes past her sphincter and deep into her rectum, seeming to probe deeper than when Rin ate her pussy. As the pink appendage starts wriggling inside her, Kuro is so overwhelmed she is unable to utter full sentences, "Oh KAMI!... Rin-chan's... in my butt... too good!" Naturally, Rin doesn't let Kuro get used to this, continuing to tongue fuck the girl's ass as she plunges two fingers into her pussy and starts rubbing her clit between thumb and forefinger of her other hand, the triple assault quickly causing the tension in Kuro's tummy to return stronger than before. "Ri-Rin-chan!... again... I'm going to..." but before she can careen over that precipice once more, Rin withdraws her tongue and hands, denying Kuro release at the last possible moment. As Kuro glances over her shoulder and whines, "Rin-chan, why did you stop!?" she can see Rin pulling her own dress over her head to reveal that, instead of wearing panties, Rin has been wearing a strap-on all evening, and one with not one, but two phalluses protruding away from the wearer, and instead of being human shaped, they are tapered and colored a bright red, resembling a pair of dog dicks... or rather, a pair of fox cocks. Instead of answering Kuro's question, Rin simply flashes a vulpine grin as she grips Kuro's hips, lines up the pair of fake cocks with her anus and pussy, and bucks her hips forward, sinking both pseudo pricks deep inside Kuro, the girl letting out a gasp of mixed pain and pleasure as her cherry is popped and both of her holes are filled more deeply and stretched more widely than Rin's tongue and fingers could manage. But Rin gives Kuro no time to adjust, pulling back her hips then driving the twin dildos back inside Kuro once more and before long, Rin is fucking the shorter girl at a frantic pace, reducing her to a moaning mess. Rin pushes Kuro's dress up and over the raven-haired girl's head before grabbing her knees and lifting the smaller girl off her feet before shifting their position so Kuro is facing a full-length mirror, Rin bouncing Kuro on the strap on as she pushes her hands and feet against the smooth glass. Reaching up to play with Kuro's nipples, Rin comments, "Kuro-chan is making such a lewd expression!" and looking at her reflection, Kuro knows Rin's statement to be true,, her eyes glazed in lust, a trail of drool dripping from her open mouth, her usually straight hair tousled, the plastic halo askew. And Kuro feels too good to care that her appearance isn't as neat as usual as Rin pounds her pussy and batters her bowels, eyes rolling back as the tip of one of the vulpine dildos hammers at Kuro's cervix. Kuro is so worked up she doesn't notice as Rin releases her nipple and reaches for her crotch, and when Rin pinches Kuro's clit and gives it a good twist,, a second orgasm rips through the small girl, somehow managing to be even stronger than the first as her pussy gushes around the fake cock inside it. In fact, the orgasm is so strong that Kuro passes out from sensory overload, the last thing she feels before losing consciousness being the base of the dildos expanding just inside her holes and something warm and gooey shooting from their tips. ### When Kuro comes to, she is lying on an exercise mat, her costume back in place and her appearance once again immaculate with both Rin and Mimi looking down upon her with concern. As memories flood back, Kuro can feel her cheeks warm as she asks, "What happened?" "You passed out." answers Mimi, "I think it might have been from the hot stage lights." "Are you okay, Kuro-chan?" Asks Rin, looking perfectly presentable as well and not like someone who just fucked her best friend into unconsciousness. Starting to question whether it really happened or if it was just a very vivid daydream turned fevered halucination, Kuro replies, "I'm fine." as she accepts Rin's hand to help her sit up.