Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 23: May and Hot Chocolate A blizzard had plunge Hoenn into one of the coldest winters the region has had in living memory, and Little Root Town was buried under two feet of snow as Caroline Maple bustled about the kitchen of one of the sleepy town's small homes. Her son and husband were waiting out the storm up at the gym in Petalburg, so it was just her and her daughter there to wait out the snow, sleet, and hail as she carefully blended warm Moomoo Milk, combee honey, Cocoa powder and a blend of spices on the stovetop, humming to herself as she does so, a snow white apron over her creme-colored winter dress, and adding a few extra special ingredients in hopes of some mother daughter bonding. Done preparing the steaming beverage, she pours it into a pair of large mugs and dropps a handful of mini marshmallows in each before sitting them on a tray with some freshly baked cookies and carrying them into the living room, where May is bundled up in fluffy, pink pajamas and huddled in front of the fireplace, trying to warm her hands. "May darling, you look like you could use some hot chocolate." calls Caroline to her daughter as she sits the tray on an endtable and spreads an extra large quilt over a recliner and taking a seat, "Why don't you come over here and we can enjoy a nice treat together." Standing up, May pads over in socked feet and nestles between her mother's thighs, the child shaking like a leaf from the cold in spite of her thick Pajamas, teeth chattering as Caroline hands her one of the mugs and wraps the quilt around both of them, "Th-thank you, mama." "You're welcome, May." replies her mother, wrapping an arm around her daughter's midsection as she takes a sip from her own mug. As May snuggles into her mother's embrace, sipping at her hot chocolate and nibbling on cookies, her shivering tapers off as a warmth spreads through her, the girl practically melting into her mother's embrace. "How's the hot chocolate, sweetie?" AsksCaroline, sitting her half-empty mug down to run her fingers through one of May's pigtails. "It tastes a bit different than usual," answers May honestly as she takes another sip, her upper lip tinted brown with the beverage as she continues, "But its still delicious." "That's good," replies Caroline, patting her daughter on the head, "drink up." By the time May has finished her mug of hot chocolate, she has nearly forgotten the cold, but in addition to the full-body warmth that usually comes from snuggling up with a steaming mug, she feels an extra heat in her chest and between her legs, the young girl starting to squirm as an unfamiliar sensation falls over her. Smiling at her daughter's reactions, Caroline asks, "Is everything okay, dear?" "Mama, I feel strange." replies May, rubbing her thighs together and pressing herself against her mother." "Strange?" asks Caroline, knowing exactly what her daughter should be feeling right now. Blushing, May admits, "My jigglypuffs and my skitty feel all warm and tingly. "Is that so?" Asks Caroline as one of her hands brushes against the fabric covering one of May's breasts, the girl letting out an involuntary moan at the brief contact, "Did that feel good, dear?" "Ye-yes," replies May uncertainly, "It was like a jolt from a plusle or minun, but it felt kinda nice..." "How about this?" asks the mother to her daughter, cupping both of the younger woman's breasts, Caroline marveling at just how endowed her first born is for her age, May turning to pudding in her arms as she starts to knead them. "Ma...mama... that feels really nice... I never thought having my jigglypuffs played with could feel this good." comments May, nearly overwhelmed from having her mother massage her mammaries, face flushed and her thighs rubbing together more vigorously as she adds, "But my skitty..." "Does my baby girl need some attention down there?" Asks Caroline as her daughter trails off, the sensations so unfamiliar she lacks the words to describe them, but before May can reply, her mother drops a hand to the girl's waistband, and sliding past the elastic, Caroline strokes her little girl's privates through her already soaked panties. "MAMA!" cries May as she bolts upright in her seat, the jolt shooting up her spine from her crotch making the touches to her chest feel like a Pichu's nuzzle compared to a Raichu's thunder. "Are you okay, sweetie?" Asks Caroline, feigning concern while fully knowing what her daughter's answer will be. "Ye-yes, you just startled me is all." replies May as her mother expected before relaxing into the older woman's embrace and adding, "I'm not sure what you are doing, but please keep doing it." "Of course sweetie." replies Caroline to her daughter, continuing to rub May through her panties as she starts to unbutton the girl's pajama top to cup a breast directly. For several minutes, the only sounds in the small house are the crackling of the fire and the soft moans escaping May's lips as Caroline continues her ministrations. Feeling herself grow aroused from playing with her little girl, Caroline asks her daughter, "May, mind doing something for Mama?" "Huh, what's that?" replies May through her haze. "First, turn around." instructs Caroline, and as May shifts under the quilt, her mother reaches behind her self to unzip her dress just enough to let her pull it down to expose her own breasts and her lack of a bra. Guiding May's hands to her bosom, Caroline coos out, "Why don't you play with mine like I did yours?" As her daughter starts to massage her mammaries, Caroline runs a hand through May's hair and to stroke a finger up and down the younger woman's spine, first through the fluffy pajama shirt, but then reaching under to caress silky skin directly. Wanting more, Caroline places her hand on the back of May's head and guides the girl's lips to one of her nipples, and as May starts suckling, a sense of nostalgia washes over the mother as she thinks its been far too long since she nursed one of her children, and that the breast pump she had to use several times a week thanks to never drying up after Max was weened, or even the rare occasions when her husband pulled himself away from the gym to pay her some attention couldn't compare to her daughter's delightful mouth. Caroline's milk isn't as warm or sweet as the hot chocolate was, but after the initial surprise that her mother still lactates, the flavor and the extra warmth it sends spreading from May's belly is more than enough to keep May drinking, the whispered encouragement to "Drink up, baby girl." and the hand held to the back of her head unnecessary. Sliding down May's spine as she continues to enjoy nursing her daughter like an overgrown baby, Caroline continues past her waistband, this time not only of the pajamas, but May's panties as well, cupping one of May's cheeks and giving it a squeeze, making the girl moan around her mouthful of breast. But Caroline doesn't linger on her daughter's plump rump for long before reaching further to slide a finger along the slit of May's bald cunny, letting the girl's juices coat her fingers before sliding a dainty digit inside. "Mama!" cries May at the jolt of electricity that shoots up her spine as her mother's finger sinks into her virgin passage. "It's okay, honey," comments Caroline, starting to slide her finger in and out of May's pussy as she leads the girl's lips to her other nipple, "Just relax and let Mama make her baby girl feel good." And feel good May does, moaning into her mother's mammary as the finger inside her slides in and out, tickles every square millimeter of her immature pussy, and is soon joined by a second and then a third, Caroline slowly increasing the rate at which she finger fucks her daughter. Before long, Caroline can feel May's passage clenching up around her fingers, and pulling her index and ring fingers apart to stretch her baby girl as much as possible, Caroline withdraws her middle finger to rub May's clit, and within seconds, the mother is rewarded for her efforts as her little girl careens over the edge into her first ever orgasm, completely drenching her mother's hand and her panties as she screams around her mouthful of tit. As May's climax passes, the girl goes limp in her mother's lap, panting heavily as she lays her head between her mother's breasts. Smiling at her handiwork, Caroline withdraws her hand to lick her fingers clean of her daughter's girl cum. By the time she's done enjoying her treat, Caroline can hear that May's breathing has evened out, and glancing down, spots that the girl has fallen asleep, no doubt exhausted from her first sexual experience and looking absolutely adorable, especially with how she's started sucking her thumb in her sleep. Though still feeling quite aroused from her own half mug of aphrodisiac-laced hot cocoa and the oral stimulation her breasts recieved from her daughter, Caroline can't bring herself to wake her little princess, and considering that, even if the storm passes in the night, it'll be days before anyone bothers clearing roads to a town as small as Little Root and that not traversing the snow covered country with their young son will make a perfect excuse for her husband to not visit home, she decides that having more fun with May can wait for tomorrow, and carefully shifting the girl in her lap, Caroline rises to her feet, her sleeping daughter cradled in a princess carry as the mother heads for bed, looking forward to snuggling her baby girl all night and of what she hopes the next day will bring.