Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 22: Onpu under the Christmas Tree Onpu was far more excited than was usual for her given the time of year. On account of their busy schedules, it was rare for her to get to spend any quality time with her father, especially during the holidays, and while she had grown accustomed to spending Christmas alone, not only had her beloved Papa managed to get time off, it had coincided with a day she had off as well and came early enough in the season that they could work together to decorate the Christmas tree this year. Her mother was busy with organizing performances and public appearances for the idol for the coming weeks, so it wasn't truly a family activity, but as she thought about how she could bond with her Papa with it being just the two of them made Onpu's heart flutter and made her kind of glad her mother couldn't join them. For the occasion, she had chosen to wear a simple santa dress with long sleeves and a skirt that came to mid-thigh, a matching capelet covering her shoulders, and with snow white stockings underneath. As the father-daughter duo decorate the tree with multi-colored fairy lights, gauzy ribbon resembling snow, strands of crimson beads resembling holly berries, and an assortment of ornaments from baubles to icicles to various Christmas characters, Onpu does her best to act like an innocent if excited child even as she seductively sways her hips and occasionally stretches to hang an ornament just a bit higher than where she can easily reach,,, making her skirt ride up to expose just the tiniest bit of skin between the fur trim and the cuffs of her stockings. And though he tries to hide it, Onpu can see how her subtle seduction affects her beloved Papa, the bulge in his pants clearly visible to anyone looking for it. Deciding it's time to deliver the coup de grace in her plan to getttt the early Christmas present she wants most, Onpu stretches to hang a metallic purple bauble from a high branch before dropping it and kicking the plastic sphere so it rolls behind the tree in a way that looks accidental. "I'll get it!" she cries before dropping to her knees and crawling under the tree, all the while glancing at her father through her thighs and swaying her hips. She can see it on his face and in the way the tent in his pants jumps when he notices the last part of her outfit, or rather the lack there of, smiling to herself and grabbing the dropped ornament as he stammers outtt, "On-onpu,,,, wh-where are your underwear!?" And indeed, she isn't wearing anything under her skirt, her girlhood and half moons completely bare before her father's gaze as she replies, "I skip putting any on so I could show off for Papa." shaking her cute, little butt as she crawls backwards from under the tree, she adds, "Do you like what you see?" "Ye-yes..." replies her father uncertainly, knowing he shouldn't be having such feelings towards his daughter, yet finding the way she's practically presenting herself far more arousing than it should be. Dropping from hands to elbows and lowering her head to rest on crossed arms, Onpu sways her hips some more as she invites, "It's okay, Papa, feel free to plunge your prick deep in your little princess's preteen, popstar pussy if you like. Mama won't be home for hours, so we have plenty of time." Kneeling behind his daughter, he frees his cock from his pants, and placing his hands on her soft rear, brings his tip to her folds as he asks, "Are you sure about this?" Barely resisting the urge to throw herself backwards on to the cock that made her, Onpu replies, "Please Papa, please pop my cherry!" Unable to resist her invitation any further, he grips her hips and pushes forward, slowly sinking in to his little girl's cozy cunny, stretching her virgin barrier as he parts her folds until it snaps and he suddenly finds himself balls deep in his daughter. She squeezes her eyes closed and lets out a groan of pain into her crossed arms, but otherwise displays no outward signs of the pain of losing her virginity, but her father still sits still, rubbing circles over the red velvet covering her back as he lets her adjust to having him inside her. After a minute or two, the pain fades and Onpu lets out a needy whine, "You can start moving now, Papa." Returning his hands to her hips, he withdraws most of the way from her tight passage before pushing back in, the idol letting out a soft moan at the motion, encouraging him to repeat it, and before long, he is fucking his little girl in earnest. "YES! Please Papa, please pound my pussy!" cries Onpu in ecstasy as her father continues to plunge his prick into her passage over and over. Snaking an arm under her, he pulls her upright before rocking back on his heels, making her land on his lap, her entire weight forcing him even deeper inside her. Grabbing her knees, he starts pistoning her on his member, her moans growing in pitch and volume under his assault. "YES! Onpu-chan love Papa's prick! Please keep pounding Onpu-chan's pussy!" cries the child in her cutest tone, only for him to reach up to rub her nipples through her dress, "Yes, please play with Onpu-chan's itty bitty titties some more!" Between how her passage grips his shaft and her words of encouragement, it isn't long before he can feel himself getting close, crying out, "On-Onpu! I'm going to cum!" "Do it Papa!" cries his daughter in reply, "Pour all of your love inside me! Put a baby brother or sister in my belly!" He knows it's exactly for that reason he should pull out, but between her words and the way her cozy, little cunny clenches up around him, he can't help but hilt himself in his daughter, his incestuous seed flooding her womb and triggering her own climax, her walls milking him for all he's worth. Father and daughter sit there in mutual afterglow for several minutes before Onpu wriggles around to face him, declaring, "Thank you, Papa! I love you!" before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss, her father falling back to lie on his back as she leans into him. Feeling his semi-flaccid member growing to full erection once more within her, she breaks the kiss and asks, "Does Papa have more love to give Onpu-chan?" as she starts to bounce atop him. "I'll give my little princess as much love as I can." comes his reply as he reaches up the back of her skirt to knead her bottom, both father and daughter deciding the rest of the decorating can wait until later as they go for the second round of many.