Loli Advent Calenda r by Imouto Kitten Day 21: Chibiusa under the Mistletoe As she stepped into the ballroom, Chibiusa scanned the crowd for one person in particular. She and the other senshi had been invited to a Christmas ball, and while being able to wear a fancy dress without either having to deal with the courtly affairs of Crystal Tokyo or facing down the latest eldritch abomination was nice, she had another reason to be excited for the evening. Spotting Haruka towering over most of the crowd in her tuxedo, Chibiusa heads over, soon spotting Michiru and Setsuna. "Chibiusa!" the pinkette hears the one she's looking for call out to her before she sees them, Hotaru running up to meet her, the two apparent preteens embracing each other. Though the time she had spent with Helios while he had been trapped in his pegasus form had relieved Chibiusa's loneliness, it had not made up for the loss of her best friend in the final battle against Pharaoh 90, and though Hotaru only regained her memories of her pass life upon gaining her current body, Chibiusa had been the one bright spot in those memories, and Hotaru had felt their prolonged separation upon regaining her memories quite profoundly. As such, the two were nearly ecstatic at the prospect of spending the evening together, especially since this party marked the first time the pair had been able to meet up outside of battle since Hotaru's reawakening. "Hotaru!" cries the pinkette in joy as she hugs the dark-haired girl tightly. As a waltz starts playing, the two youngest senshi take each other's hands, the pair dancing along side the many older couples present, lost in their own world and largely ignored as they are just about the only children in attendance. As they drift across the dance floor, both girls gaze longingly into the others eyes, hearts beating rapidly, both overjoyed at their reunion though neither quite realizing that the other is feeling the same strong emotion as herself. As the song comes to an end and there's a pause in the music, the pair can't help sharing a giggle over how much fun they are having, neither willing to let go of the other's hand, when Hotaru spots something just on the edge of her vision. Looking up, the Senshi of Death and Rebirth points out where exactly the pair endded up, "Look Chibiusa, Mistletoe!" Following her friend's gaze, Chibiusa spots the sprig of the plant hanging over them, replying, "So it is..." before trailing off. A companionable silence falls between them as they avert their gaze from the mistletoe to once more gaze into each others' eyes. Neither could say who leaned in first, but before either girl knew it, their lips had met in an electric kiss, unclasping hands only to wrap their arms around each other, neither wanting to break the embrace. But while both girls wish their kiss could last an eternity, eventually they need to break for air, and when Chibiusa is the first to catch her breath, her first thought is, "Wow, that was amazing." "It sure was," replies Hotaru before getting a mischievious smile and suggesting, "Want to sneak away and see if we can find somewhere more private?" Nodding in agreement, Chibiusa takes Hotaru's hand once more as the pair head for the nearest archway out of the ballroom, the pair barely slowing down as they notice the more responsible of the older senshi dealing with their less responsible teammates who have clearly gotten into the harder drinks they shouldn't have. After several minutes searching among the rooms off the ballroom, the young couple find a closet of cleaning supplies, and after locking themselves in, they are soon crashing their lips together once more, and instead of merely hugging one another, both girls let their hands roam over the other's body. However, the formal dresses both of them are wearing prove rather restrictive in their mutual desire to touch and be touched, and before long, the pair pull apart, and through silent agreement that their formal wear would be way too much hassle to get out of and then put back on before returning to the party, they retrieve their respective crystals. "Pink Moon Crystal Power!" calls Chibiusa. "Saturn Crystal Power!" returns Hotaru. "Make-up!" they cry in unison, their formal gowns vanishing in a shower of sparkles, though the bulk of their Sailor garb fails to materialize, both girls wishing to show themselves off to her girlfriend. As the glow of their magic fades, Sailor saturn is standing in front of Sailor Chibi Moon, both senshi wearing nothing but their knee high boots and their elbow length gloves. Leaning on her glaive and taking in the pinkette's functionaly nude form, Saturn comments, "You're very beautiful, Chibi Moon." Cheeks slightly pink, Chibi Moon replies, "You're quite lovely yourself, Saturn." Leaning her glaive against the wall, Saturn pins Chibi Moon to the wall, capturing the pinkette's lips once more, their nipples rubbing against each other as their bodies press together. In return, Chibi Moon starts roaming her gloved hands over Saturn's sides and back, the silky fabric feeling sinfully sensual on Saturn's skin. Eventually, Chibi Moon's hands come to rest on Saturn's perky posterior where they proceed to knead the supple flesh, making the dark-haired girl moan into the pinkette's mouth. In retaliation, Saturn presses a knee between Chibi Moon's thighs, the senshi of destruction rubbing her own thigh against her lover's crotch. Chibimoon lifts her own leg, both to pull Saturn more firmly against the pinkette's pussy and to return the favor, the two girls soon grinding against each other's thigh. Breaking the kiss, Chibi Moon spins them around so Saturn is the one pinned to the wall before the pinkette starts trailing kisses across her girlfriend's cheek and down her neck, sucking at the dark haired girl's collar bone, Chibi Moon wanting to leave a mark of her love upon Saturn's flesh, albeit in a place that will be easy enough to conceal if needed. Continuing down, Chibi Moon wraps her lips around the nipple upon one of her lover's budding breasts, a hand coming up to massage the other, the most recently reincarnated senshi moaning softly under the pinkette's ministrations. After a minute or so, Chibi Moon switches breasts, and after giving the other nipple a good sucking, the time traveller continues trailing kisses down Saturn's trim tummy. Once she's fully kneeling, eye level with Saturn's snatch, Chibi Moon comments, "You have a very yummy looking pussy." before leaning in and burying her tongue in the dark haired girl's folds, Saturn's moans becoming much louder, Saturn bringing a gloved hand to her mouth to try and muffle herself. Before long, Chibi Moon is bringing her girlfriend to climax, Saturn screaming into her palm as her legs tremble and nearly fold up under her, the purple senshi leaning against the wall behind her for support. "Wow, that was amazing, Chibi Moon." comments Saturn once she's recovered, and when she glances down to meet the pinkette's gaze, Chibi Moon flashes a smile before rocking back on her heels and letting herself fall to the floor on her back, arms and legs spread in invitation. Dropping to her knees, Saturn considers repeating what Chibi Moon did to her, but instead decides to push the Pinkette's knees up towards her chest and straddle her pelvis, lowering her own snatch to the pinkette's pussy. As Chibi Moon starts to moan from being tribbed by her fellow senshi, Saturn leans forward, adding friction between their nipples to the sensations and capturing the other girl's lips in a kiss. It isn't long before the pair are sharing a simultaneous climax, swallowing each other's cries of ecstacy as they spray their juices all over each other and the floor. The pair lay basking in afterglow for several minutes before Chibi Moon speaks up, "That was wonderful... we really should do this again." Pushing herself up to hands and knees, Saturn replies, "I agree...I kind of want to keep going, but we should probably get back to the party before Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama start wondering where I got off to." with that, she grabs hold of her glaive and using it like a walking staff, she climbs to her feet, her legs still a bit wobbly. "Yeah, I'm sure Usagi is drunk, but Rei or Ami are probably going to wonder where I am eventually." replies Chibi Moon, accepting Saturn's hand to help her to her feet before the pair undo their transformation. Leaning in to kiss Hotaru's cheek, Chibiusa declares resolutely, "I love you, Hotaru." Kissing Chibiusa's forehead in return, Hotaru returns, "And I love you, Chibiusa." And with that, the young looking couple return to the party, walking hand-in-hand.