Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 18: Hana-chan gets tied up in garland Hana-chan was excited for Christmas, even more than she got excited over a Witch apprentice exam, pudding, or a new episode of Battle Ranger. It wasn't her first Christmas, but it was the first where she was able to take an active part in decorating the MAHO-Dou for the season. She had gone overboard with weaving red and green ribbon into long braids and making ribbon flowers similar to the ones she had given her Mamas on Mother's day to adorn the long strands of garland she had made, and having been left unsupervised on account of Majorika having decided it was too cold to stick around the MAHO-Dou and ditched her responsibilities in favor of visiting the hot springs, and the other Ojamajo running late due to various errands related to the holiday, Hana-chan was running around the shop, hanging garland just about everywhere and looking absolutely adorable in her Christmas finery that resembled her apprentice uniform, only red with white trim instead of white with pale yellow trim, a double-pointed santa cap atop her golden tresses. In her excitement, she fails to notice an ornament had rolled into the middle of the walkway, and when she steps on it, her balance is thrown off, causing her to go into a spin, the strands of garland trailing behind her wrapping around her and getting tangled in her limbs, and by the time her world stops spinning, she has crashed to the floor, her eyes all swirly and her butt up in the air in a way to give anyone entering the MAHO-Dou a great view of her panties, which are a very frilly pair of snow white adorned with an array of blue snowflakes. though she tries to untangle herself from the garland, if anything, her movements only make things worse, tangles tightening into knots, slack eaten up as she pulls against the garland leading away from her, and her movements becoming more restricted as she becomes more thoroughly bound. As she gives up on physically freeing herself, her mind goes to using magic, only for her to notice the bulge in one of her dress pockets where her compact should be isn't there, and looking around, she spots her compact under a nearby cabinet. With how she's tied up, it's a struggle to close the distance, only able to make small wriggling motions and with her arms effectively tied behind her back. She isn't quite able to reach the cabinet before the strands of garland anchored nearby are pulled taut, but she does get close enough to realize that, even if she wasn't effectively chained to several parts of the shop,she would need a freed arm to have any chance whatsoever of retrieving her compact from the narrow space under the cabinet. Not knowing what else to do, the toddler turned preteen cries out for help, "Please! Someone help Hana-chan! Hana-chan is all tied up and Hana-chan can't get free!" She continues crying out, hoping someone will hear her and come to help to no avail, and just as she's starting to go hoarse from yelling so much and about to break down in tears, she hears someone open the front door and call out, "Hey, Dojimi!" "Is that you, Kotake?" calls Hana-chan in return, once more squirming in a futile attempt to loosen the garland binding her. "Huh? What's up Makihatayama-san?" replies Kotake as the boy walks towards the source of the girl's voice, only to go silent upon seeing the shape she's in. "Doremi and the others aren't here, but could you help Hana-chan get untied?" as the naive girl, unaware of the kind of effect seeing a girl in such a compromising position, practically kissing the floor, her panties on display, and completely defenseless, inadvertantly shaking her butt would have on the typical adolescent boy. Part of him wishes it was Doremi in front of him, only for another part of him to wonder why he's thinking of her at the moment, but as the blonde moves in a way to make the snowflakes on her panties look like they're dancing on a winter wind, he can't help thinking how cute the girl in front of him is, even with all of her perplexing behaviors, and he can soon feel his boyhood starting to stiffen in his Jeans as an urge to do more than just look comes over him. Ignoring her pleas for help and finding her cute, little butt mesmerizing, Kotake closes the distance between them and kneels behind her, but instead of trying to undo any of the knots holding her, his hands come down on her cotton-clad half moons and he starts kneading them. Letting out a moan under his touch, the girl asks, "Why are you touching Hana-chan's butt?" only for the boy to ignore her question as he grabs the waistband of her panties and pulls the snowflaked patterned fabric to her knees, "Why did you pull down Hana-chan's undies?" Kotake continuing to ignore her inquiries as she hears a zip, and feels him parting her petals with his thumbs and something pressing to her opening, "What's that poking Hana-chan's pee pee?" the boy ignoring her for a third time as he thrusts his hips forward, burying his preteen prick balls deep in the toddler turned preteen's pussy, shredding Hana-chan's hymen in the process, the girl crying out as her virginity is ripped away, "OWWIE!! It hurts! Get it out of Hana-chan!" the girl nearly thrashing as she tries to get away from the intrusion in her girlhood, Only for Kotake to slap a hand over her mouth and hug her tight to his chest as he leans over her and starts to relentlessly hump at her tight twatty. The blonde is initially reduced to tears, feeling like she's being split apart, but eventually, the pain of her torn maidenhead fades to be replaced by a pleasure she doesn't have the words for, her struggles giving way to her doing her best to push back against Kotake in time with his thrusts. Noticing the change in her demeanor, he removes the hand covering her mouth, and sitting up, grabs hold of her hips and redoubles his efforts at pounding her pussy, the girl moaning loudly as she cries out, "Hana-chan feels incredible! Hana-chan doesn't know what you're doing to Hana-chan, but please, keep doing it to Hana-chan!" the boy more than eager to fulfill her demands. "You're really cute, Makihatayama-san," comments Kotake, "And your pussy feels amazing! I'm going to squirt soon!" Hana-chan doesn't quite understand everything he's saying, but she's too lost in pleasure to really care at the moment, and she can soon feel something building up deep in her belly, an unfamiliar sensation coiling ever tighter, until, with a scream of pleasure, it snaps and the girl is overwhelmed by her very first orgasm, her whole body trembling and her cozy cunny clenching up around Kotake's cock, the boy spilling his seed in response to her internal muscles milking him for all he's worth. Having experienced a few climaxes previously, though this was the first not brought on by a wet dream or his own hands, Kotake is the first to recover, pulling out of Hana-chan's pussy before knee walking around and pressing his tip to her lips and ordering, "Suck it!" the girl too dazed to do anything other than reflexively open her mouth and accept his member, soon sucking like a baby at her bottle. Before long, the boy is flooding her cute, little mouth, and after he withdraws, she swishes the strange, slightly salty stuff for several seconds before swallowing and asking, "What was that weird goo? and was Hana-chan just sucking on Kotake's pee pee? It looks so different from Hana-chan's pee pee and Hana-chan's Mamas' pee pees." A bit flustered by the naive girl's barrage of questions and a heavy weight of guilt for what he did to such an innocent girl settling in the pit of his stomach, Kotake tries to distract her, "Do you still need help getting free?" "Oh, yes, please untie Hana-chan!" replies the blonde, the boy's distraction seeming to work. He starts trying to undo the knots that bind her, but it quickly becomes apparent that she's pretty thoroughly tangled up. Deciding that properly untying her is hopeless, Kotake announces, "I think I'm going to have to cut you free." before looking around for a pair of scissors, finding one among several empty rolls of ribbon scattered on a nearby table. Cutting the long strands of garland connnnecting the girl to where she had attached it to the walls and other structures proves easy enough, but removing what's wrapped around her still takes some time, especially with Kotake needing to be careful not to cut Hana-chan herself or her dress, not helped by the girl seemingly being unable to sit still. When the final bit of ribbon falls away, Hana-chan pumps her fists in the air to celebrate, crying out, "YAY! Hana-chan is free! Thank you for helping Hana-chan!" before turning around and giving the boy a kiss on the cheek. While the boy is blushing from just being kissed by a girl, even such a chaste one, Hana-chan proves she hasn't totally forgotten about earlier. "Hana-chan doesn't know what game that was you played with Hana-chan, and it really hurt at first, but Hana-chan was having tons of fun by the end! Let's go to Hana-chan's room and play some more!" and before the boy can reply, the girl is skipping off to the spiral staircase leading up to her room. As he starts to climb to his feet, he notices that her snowflake panties, which neither of them bothered to pull up after he gave her her first creampie, had fallen to the floor when she stood up, and picking them up, he calls out, "Hey, Makihatayama-san! YOu dropped your undies!" But she doesn't seem to hear him as she starts to skip up the stairs, a flutter of her skirt giving the boy a glimpse of the pale flesh of her bare bottom. Giving into baser urges, he brings the garment to his nose and inhales deeply of Hana-chan's scent before stuffing them in his pocket, hoping she doesn't notice their absence and part of him wishing they were Doremi's as he follows the hyperactive girl upstairs, relieved that, instead of being mad at him for taking advantage of her when she was helpless before him, the blonde seems to be eager for more. Reaching her bedroom, he finds her sitting on her bed, kicking her legs in anticipation. Even if she seems unbothered by what he did earlier, perhaps even too naive to understand how bad what he did was, he decides this innocent girl deserves his best effort at being romantic to make up for his rough treatment earlier. Deciding to play along with her calling it a game, he comments, "There's a lot more to that game than I showed you downstairs." "Really?" replies Hana-chan excitedly, "Please show Hana-chan everything!" "For a sweet, little cutie like you? Sure thing, now get over here and give me a hug." replies Kotake. As she approaches within arm's reach, he pulls her tight against him and lowers his lips to kiss her as a hand reaches under her skirt to cup one of her half moons. She melts into the embrace, but when his finger ventures further south to finger her cunny, gooey with the creampie he gave her, she lets out a moan, and he takes the opportunity to invade her mouth with his tongue. They make out for several minutes, Hana-chan following Kotake's lead as their tongues tango, but eventually, he grabs the hem of her skirt with both hands and pulls her dress over her head. As he gets his first look at her in all her glory, he can't help but comment, "Your very pretty, Makihatayama-san, I bet you'll be a real knock out when you grow up." Before making a request, "Would you mind holding your pigtails in front of you?" "Like this?" she asks, wrapping an arm around each of her giant pigtails and hugging them to her flat chest as if trying to hide behind them. Though Kotake is a bit disappointed that the girl seems incapable of getting embarrassed, even without a blush the pose is almost too cute for him to handle, and instead of a verbal answer, he nearly tackles her to her bed, throwing any further pretense of foreplay out the window as he throws her legs over his arms, aims his cock for her pussy, and plunges deep inside, fucking her even harder then he did downstairs, her bed creaking and the girl crying out in joy, enjoying the experience from the get go this time around. Reaching up, he rubs her nipples between thumbs and forefingers, the blonde writhing under his touch as she cries out, "YES! Hana-chan loves having Hana-chan's gumdrops played with! Hana-chan loves having Kotake's pee pee in Hana-chan's pee pee! Please! Don't stop playing with Hana-chan!" Despite her childish manner of speech, Kotake can't help be turned on by being atop a cute, naked girl as she encourages him to fuck her with all he has, and far sooner than he would like, he can feel himself approaching another climax, and with one final thrust, he shoves his cock as deep inside her as he can, pressing his tip firmly against her cervix as his seed shoots forth, straight into the witch's waiting womb. Collapsing atop her, he comments between pants, "That...was...amazing, Makihatayama-san!" "Hana-chan enjoyed it too," comes her reply, "but Hana-chan want more!" "Sorry, but I'm worn out." replies the tired boy, but seeing her ready to cry, he hastily adds, "But you could try being on top." "What's Hana-chan have to do?" Asks the girl, unshed tears drying up instantly. Standing up, Kotake strips off his clothes before laying on the bed, and pointing at his erect boyhood, he instructs, "Just straddle my waist and sit down so it slides up inside you." Getting into position, she asks, "Like this?" as she sinks down on his member, and feeling the now familiar sensation filling her tummy, the witch lets instinct take over, and is soon bouncing with wild abandon upon his cock. "Hana-chan loves being on top!" cries the girl in rapture, "Hana-chan's hips are moving on their own!" Hana-chan soon milks a fourth, thinner load from his preteen prick, but she's too lost in her own pleasure to notice or to hear the boy begging for a break as she rides his oversensitive boyhood through his refractory period, and by the time she's finally run through her stamina, Kotake has long since passed out, and deciding a nap sounds nice, she lets out a yawn before laying down atop him, both of them still naked and his now wilted member still plugging up her pussy.