Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 17: Flonne and nether eggnog Laharl and Etna aren't sure how Flonne managed to talk them into letting the fallen angel transform the castle from its usually gloomy appearance into a festive wonderland, so many boughs of holly decking the halls the overlord and his right hand vassel would swear the celestial exile must have stripped an entire forest to import so much of the non-native plant, so much snow having been brought in to decorate that Jotunheim was reporting it's warmest days on record and every Red and Green mage among the castle maids having to reincarnate as Blue mages to keep it from melting, and a dozen evergreen trees nearly as tall as the stone throne lining Laharl's throne room making it feel more like a forest grove than where an Overlord intimidates his subjects. They also didn't know how Flonne had managed to wear them down on their insistance that demons didn't celebrate Christmas to allow her to host a Christmas party and invite what seemed like half of the netherworld's diverse dinizens, but while neither the Overlord nor the self-proclaimed Beauty Queen would say it aloud, they had to admit to themselves that they were actually enjoying the festivities. Admittedly, a big part of their enjoyment was watching how the non-demons in attendence reacted to netherworld eggnog. Among demons, teetotalism was highly frowned upon, so any human beverage that was frequently alcoholic was almost always alcoholic in the netherworld, and usually harder than the hardest stuff available in the human world, and the eggnog made by the royal mix master was no exception. Jennifer was holding her liquor nearly as well as most of the demons, but she spent most of the party trying and failing to keep her husband from making a fool of himssself, or more of a fool than usual. Captain Gordon might have married his supermodel, genius girlfriend sidekick, but the Defender of Earth retained all the camp and ham of any self-respect lacking space ranger hero from the pulpiest of space westerns claiming to be science fiction, and being drunk off his ass only turned his outlandish antics so far past 11 the knob had spun clean off and achieved escape velocity. But perhaps even more entertaining was the effect the nether eggnog was having on the fallen angel responsible for bringing the yuletide spirit to the netherworld. Apparently, alcohol was completely unheard of in celestia, and while angels shared most of the enhanced resilience that demons had over humans, angels were clearly even more vulnerable to the intoxicant than humans. The already incredibly bubbly and airheaded angel had spent most of the party drunkenly dancing back and forth in the air, her wings the only thing keeping her from faceplanting on the stone floor, spilling as much of her eggnog on herself as down her gullet, the fallen angel's bright red leotard translucent and clinging to her a-cups, the blonde constantly giggling and not seeming to notice as she loses the pieces of her outer dress. At some point, the fallen angel stumbles over to where the pair of demon lords have been observing her antics with amusement, asking with a slur, "Enjoying the hic party?" "Not as bad as I thought it would be." replies Laharl, unwilling to admit just how much he's enjoying himself, but Flonne doesn't seem to hear him as she glomps on to the overlord and starts peppering his face with kisses. All too aware of the subtle curve to the blonde's hips and chest, especially since the only thing the angel is still wearing is that leotard and he can feel her hardened nipples pressing against his bare chest, the blue-haired boy cries out, "What are you doing, you Love Freak?" "Oh, hic I'm just trying to hic show my love!" replies the drunken angel, wrapping a bare leg around his waist and starting to hump his hip. "I knew IT!" cries Etna, bursting into laughter at her nominal boss's predicament, "I knew our little fallen angel had a crush on you, Prince! Looks like it just took a little booze to get her to confess!" "No need to hic get jealous, Etna." replies Flonne, her tail whipping out to wrap around Etna's waist and pull the demoness in close. "I hic have plenty of hic love to go around!" and before Etna can respond, Flonne is kissing the younger girl full on the lips as the fallen angel's tail snakes its way under the demoness's skirt to prod Etna's pussy through her panties. Laharl is a bit weirded out by Flonne's suddenly amorous behavior, yet turned on by the sight of the two girls making out, and he is soon tenting his shorts... or would be if his erection wasn't pinned between him and the Love Freak's thigh. Noticing him poking her thigh, Flonne breaks the kiss to tease, "Does Little hic Laharl want attention?" before sticking a hand down his shorts and starting to stroke him. "Wow!" comments Etna with a seductive,,,,,,,,,,,, "Who would have thought a little booze would turn the innocent angel into such a perv? And one willling to be so lewd in public!" Blushing briefly to match her leotard, Flonne replies, "Oh hic my, you're hic right... We should hic go somewhere more hic private!" and with that ,Flonne lets go of the pair only to grab their wrists and start dragging them off. Due to its proximity to the throne room, the trio ends up in Laharl's bedroom, the blonde dragging the redheaded girl and the blue-haired boy towards the coffin that doubles as the overloard's bed. Though the space inside isn't nearly large enough for the trio to lay down comfortably, Flonne is undeterred as she starts pawing at Laharl's shorts and Etna's skirt as she pulls them in for a threeway kiss, the pair of demons enjoying the drunken angel's aggressive, if clumsy, advances more than they would have guessed had such a scenario been described to them before hand, Etna deciding to help out, unclipping her training bra while her tail unzips her high boots. Once Etna is naked and Laharl is stripped to just his scarf, Flonne wastes no time, pushing the overloard into his coffin bed before climbing in after him, straddling his waist, and pulling her leotard aside to sink down on his erection. As Flonne starts to bounce on Laharl's cock, her little, bat-like wings flutter and her tail swaying back and forth, Etna decides to climb in the coffin as well, straddling her prince's face before leaning forward to clasp hands with Flonne and give the angel, eyes glazed over with lust,, a passionate kiss. Quite enjoying the way Flonne's hot, little cunt is squeezing his cock and enjoying the scent coming off of his vassel's twat, Laharl decides to give Etna what she clearly wants, grabbing her hips tightly and burying his tongue in her folds. After some time, Flonne breaks the kiss to ask, sounding a bit less drunk, "Etna, could you please turn around, I have a surprise for you." and feeling too good from Laharl's tongue thrusting into her demon twat, Etna doesn't suspect a thing as she turns around before Flonne equips something. As Laharl shifts to sucking on Etna's clit, and Flonne places her hands on the redhead's hips, Etna suddenly feels something large and flat pressing against her nether lips, and glancing over her shoulder, she spots something very long, very hard, and very thick protruding from the angel's pubic mound. Eyes widening in a mix of shock, arousal, and terror, Etna cries out, "Wa-wait! Is that the-" only to let out a blood curdling scream as the suddenly extremely hung futa Flonne yanks back on Etna's hips, hilting the horse wiener the blonde just equipped deep inside the demoness's belly, stretching cunt and womb near the point of tearing, pushing several other organs out of the way and forming a very prominent bulge that extends all the way to Etna's flat chest. Unequipping her leotard and hugging Etna to her chest as she plays with the demoness's nipples, a now drooling Flonne comments, "Oh my, Etna's cunny is even cozier than I imagined! So warm, so wet, so wonderful, it's better than even a limited edition, imouto-model onnahole!" Kissing up and down Etna's neck, Flonne resumes bouncing on Laharl's cock while also bouncing the demoness on the horse wiener, the redhead still too stunned from the prodigious penetration to do more than moan incoherently as the fallen angel uses her like a living onnahole. Meanwhile, Laharl simply lays back, enjoying the sensation of Flonne's fuckhole wrapped around him and the sight of the fallen angel fucking his right hand vassel, both enjoying the show itself and thinking its about time his often uppity and borderline treasonous general got taken down a notch or two. For several minutes, the only sounds in the Overloard's bed chambers are the moans of the two girls, the squelching of cocks going in and out of pussies, and the creaking of the wood of the coffin and it's pedestal, but eventually, Flonne breaks the relative silence, "Can you feel me twitching inside you, Etna? I'm going to cum soon... is it okay to cum inside?" Were Etna in her right mind instead of nearly mind broken from being fucked with a horse wiener, she might have protested at Flonne's question, but all the redhead can manage are the same incoherent moans she's been making since being made into the fallen angel's fuck sleeve, Flonne picking up speed as she takes that lack of protest as consent. Soon, the delirious demoness can feel the cum vein along the underside of the shaftstretching her insides starting to bulge near the base, the bulge slowly sliding up as Flonne continues to fuck Etna's extrremely stretched snatch, extreme pressure fighting against extreme constriction. When the bulge finally reaches the flared tip, gallons of cum erupt deep in Etna's womb, the hollow organ suddenly blowing up like a balloon held over the top of a champagne bottle that was violently shaken until the cork popped. The sight of Flonne pumping Etna so full of cum the demoness looks ready to pop out an entire legion of crotch goblins is more than Laharl can handle, shooting his own, much more conservative load into Flonne's pussy. Eventually, Etna's womb reaches its limit, but the pressure continues to build as Flonne continues spewing copious quantities of cum, and with the fit too tight to let any escape, the building pressure eventually forces Etna off the horse wiener, a deluge of cum issuing from her gaping pussy to drench both Flonne and Laharl as her passage is unplugged. As her insides do their best to resettle into their proper places, Etna can finally start to think straight once more, fire in her eyes as she turns on the blissed out on afterglow fallen angel, "How dare you stuff that thing inside me without warning like that! I'm going to be walking bow legged for weeks while my tender nethers recover!" "I can heal you, Etna." Flonne tries to protest, but Etna doesn't hear her as the redhead grabs the horse wiener and uses a bandit's hand, yanking it clear off of Flonne, the angel reverting to a normal girl as a result. equipping the pilfered phallus herself, Etna flies around to kneel behind Flonne as she declares, "I think a doese of your own medicine is in order." "What are you going to do?" Asks the fallen angel, only for her eyes to widen in fear as she feels a pair of hands spreading her butt cheeks and something round, flat, and slimey pressing against her rosebud, "Wa-wait, I've never had anything up my butt! You're more than welcome to use my kitty, I stuff the wiener up there all the time, but please don't stick it in my butt!" "Huh?" comments Etna, "Who would've thought the seemingly innocent, little angel would be a size queen in the cunt but a total virgin in the ass?! Surprised you can feel anything from the Prince's comparatively shrimpy dick after using this," Etna prods the horse wiener at Flonne's backdoor for emphasis, "as a dildo... not that you being an anal vergin is going to stop me from destroying your cute, little ass!" and before Flonne can muster another protest, Etna has shoved the horse wiener up the angel's ass, straightening her sigmoid and pushing several organs out of place in the process. Pushing Flonne down into the pool of cum starting to congeal atop of Laharl, the overloard having apparently passed out after cumming in Flonne, Etna starts to relentlessly ravage the blonde's bowels, and Etna soon feels a climax of her own starting to build up, making her wonder just how much experience Flonne has using onnaholes and pocket pussies while having the horse wiener equipped, but saves that thought for later as she starts to blast the blonde's bowels with buckets of baby batter, the firehose like ejaculation powerful enough to not only flood the angel's colon, but to surge all the way up her digestive track until the angel is vomiting cum. Not yet satisfied with Flonne's punishment, but feeling rather exhausted, Etna decides she's going to sleep with the horse wiener equipped and use Flonne as a cock sleeve until morning, and while it's a tight fit, the Demoness manages to squeeze the trio into the coffin, Flonne sandwiched between the pair of demons, cocks buried in both of her holes as Etna closes the lid.