Loli Advent Calendar by Imouto Kitten Day 16: Poppu makes Gingerbread As a timer dings, Poppu dons oven mitts and removes a tray of gingerbread men from her family's oven, smiling as this is by far the best looking batch she's made thus far, a personal triumph as she's still fairly new to baking sweets. Sitting the tray on a low table, she grabs the patissiere Poron she borrowed from Doremi, and as she turns the crank, she declares, "May the recipient of these treats feel great passion and affection for the baker." Motes of magic raining down upon the cookies as she does so. Smiling at her handiwork, she grabs her tap, intending to use magic to ensure nothing interferes with her plans. "Pretty Witchy, Poppu-chi! Pipito Purito Puritan Peperuto! Shock my sister if she tries to steal any gingerbread men!" and as the magic forms an invisible barrier, Poppu heads off to her room to get ready while the gingerbread cools. ### Sonatine Kindergarten was holding a Christmas party, and had invited recent alumni to return for the event, and while most of her classmates had declined the invitation, Poppu couldn't resist taking advantage of the event to show off to Jyunichi-sensei how much she had matured since graduation. In addition to the homemade gingerbread men she intended to give him as a gift, she had dressed to the nines in a dress similar to the one she wears for her piano recitals, though instead of being teal with faded red accents, this one was a holly red with holly green accents to fit the season. Throughout the party, she helped her old teachers keep the rowdier kids under control and to clean up the numerous small messes that are inevitable with a room full of kindergarteners hyped up on cookies, soda, and other party foods, and when the party winds down and the children are sent home, she offers to help with the post-party clean up. It is when she's finally alone with her former gym teacher that Poppu makes her move, calling out to the young man as he's sweeping the floor, "Jyunichi-sensei!" Looking down at the pinkette who barely reaches his waist and looking absolutely adorable in her Christmas dress, he replies, "Poppu-chan, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm no longer your teacher. You can just call me Jyunichi-kun." Accepting the invitation to be less formal, she continues, "Jyunichi-kun, I have a gift for you." as she presents a small gift bag of sparkly, red-and-green foil to him. Taking the gift from her and opening the folded top, he finds the sweets she had baked earlier that day. "Wow, gingerbread men! Did you make these yourself?" "Sure did!" chirps Poppu with pride as he takes one of the person-shaped cookies from the neat stack in the bag and bites off the head. ""Not bad," he comments as he finishes the first gingerbread man before giving her a pat on the head and adding, you did a really good job." Soaking up the praise, Poppu watches as he eats a couple more of the treats, her gaze trailing to the front of his pants every so often until she spots what she's waiting for. Reaching a hand out, she cups the tent forming in his pants, the teacher freezing as she caresses his growing erection. Spluttering around a mouthful of gingerbread, Jyunichi asks, "Po-poppu-chan, what are you doing?" Though she knows intellectually its the effects of the magic, the spell she cast on the cookies essentially making them an aphrodisiac with anti-inhibitory effects, she can't help teasing her former teacher, "Jyunichi-kun, is my baking that good?" and before he can think of a reply, she adds, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." before pulling down his zipper and fishing out his cock. Even still semi-flaccid, his cock is rather impressive and looks even bigger as Poppu's small hands stroke it, and by the time its fully erect, Poppu is certain it's as thick as her thigh and just as long, the youngest Ojamajo patting herself on the back for having the foresight to use magic to make all of her passages as stretchy as they need to be while being able to stay super tight. "Wow, Jyunichi-kun's cock is bigger than I imagined!" cries the girl before, confident her magic will let her effortlessly handle it, she stretches her lips over his bulbous glands, her tongue going to work, darting all over his cock head with skill no first grader should have, the teacher moaning loudly as his former pupil gives him the best head of his life. However, he soon recovers from his initial surprise, declaring firmly, "Poppu-chan, we shouldn't be doing this." but her only response is to take a step forward, swallowing hard as his tip prods at the entrance to her throat, soon slipping past her tonsils and down her esophagus as her nose is buried in his well-trimmed pubes and her chin bumps into his balls, her throat visibly bulging from the thick member. Now buried balls deep in a first graders throat, any further protests die on Jyunichi's tongue, the man moaning uncontrollably as the pinkette's esophagus massages his glands and her tongue caresses the base of his shaft. Raising her hands, she takes a testical in each hand, gently rolling the sensitive orbs in her palms as she repeatedly swallows around the mid section of his shaft. He has no clue how such a young girl got so good at sucking cock, but it isn't long before he can feel his climax approaching, and glancing down to meet her eyes, he runs a hand through her hair and declares, "Poppu-chan, if you keep this up, I'm going to cum!" but instead of pulling away, she shifts to fondling both of his balls with one hand so she can flash him a peace sign with the other as she redoubles her sucking. Hearing the unspoken order to cum loud and clear, Jyunichi unloads what feels like a full liter of semen straight into his former student's stomach, the enchanted gingerbread having also enhanced his production. Wishing to taste his seed, Poppu pulls back until only his cockhead is in her mouth, the hand not cradling his trembling balls stroking his saliva slicked shaft, the pinkette continuing to swallow. When his climax trickles to a halt, Poppu pulls her mouth off his tip with an audible pop, and looking up at him, she opens her mouth, showing off the last of his seed pooling on her tongue as she flashes another peace sign before closing her mouth and swallowing. "Did you like that, Jyunichi-kun?" asks Poppu, rubbing her stomach through her dress. "Ho-how did you get so good at that?" asks the man in return. She had been practicing with carrots, radishes, and any other phallic bit of produce she could get hold of for months, but instead of admitting that, she simply replies, "Guess I'm a natural, but it looks like Jyunichi-kun is still hard." and indeed, when he glances down, he realizes that his cock is still fully erect despite just shooting his load down the child's throat. Hopping up on one of the student desks, she lays back and spreads her legs, not only revealing that she's wearing stockings instead of tights, but that she's not wearing any underwear,, the teacher wondering how the pinkette hadn't flashed anyone during the party, especially with how often she had shown off her panties when running around in her kindergarten uniform the year prior. Parting her lower lips to show off a hole that looks like it would barely fit a pencil, she flashes him a saucy smile as she declares, "Jyunichi-kun, why don't you come over here and stuff your big cock in my little pussy?" "Poppu-chan, I really don't think this is a good idea." comes his reply as he closes the distance, only for the girl to grab his cock between her stockinged feet, stroking him as she pulls him closer, rubbing his tip against her tiny opening. "Come on, Jyunichi-kun," she declares in her sweetest tone, "Just stick it in!" Unable to resist any further, he grips the sides of the desk Poppu is laying on and pushes forward, half expecting to either slip or to seriously hurt the young girl, only to be surprised as the seemingly way too small hole expands, letting his cock head pop inside Poppu's precious place, his surprise only growing when she lets out a gasp of pleasure instead of ascream of pain. Her magical preparations were paying off, her passage stretching to accomodate the impossibly large penetration, even her hymen elastic enough to let him pass without tearing, but as wonderfully full as she felt from just having his tip inside her, she wanted the whole thing. "Deeper!" cries the girl in her lust, and with another thrust of his hips, Jyunichi's peehole makes contact with the child's cervix, Poppu's mind nearly going blank from having her tiny twatty stretched tight around his cock, but opening her eyes to see that only about half of his length is inside her, she repeats herself, "Deeper!" He pushes once more, but at first, her cervix holds firm, but at a third cry of "Deeper!" from the pinkette, Jyunichi bears down even harder, and eventually, her cervix starts to spread until, with a second pop, his cock penetrates her womb, finally letting him slam balls deep, said balls bouncing off her butt with a resounding smack. For several minutes, the pair simply savor the sensations, Poppu of being so completely filled with the man's cock, Jyunichi of being so snuggly sheathed in his former student's snatch, both of them certain that there would be a visible belly bulge if they were to look under her dress. But eventually, the urge to move becomes overwhelming, and Jyunichi partially withdraws, the ridge of his cockhead catching on her cervix serving as a natural signal to push back in, and before long, the teacher is pounding Poppu's pussy in earnest, the pinkette moaning loudly as her first fucking wracks her tiny body with intense waves of pleasure. "YES!!" She screams in ecstasy, "Fuck me! Pound my pussy! Pound it until I can't walk straight!" and while there's still a part of him whispering this is wrong on so many levels, he can't help telling that part to take a hike and give in to the little girl's demands, especially with the delightful way Poppu's pussy seems to suck him back in every time he pulls his hips back. With how tight she is, and despite how recently he came down her throat, it isn't long before Jyunichi can feel his climax approaching, "Po-poppu-chan, I'm...I'm going to cum again! Sh-should I pull out?" "NO!!" she cries in response, hooking her short legs over his hips and fisting both hands in his shirt in an effort to pull herself closer to try and hug him. "Cream my cunny! Flood my womb! I don't want cum stains on my dress, so you better cum inside!" Hugging the small girl to himself, Jyunichi reaches for Poppu's puny posterior, pistoning her on his prick a few more times before slamming her down as he goes balls deep one last time and explodes in her depths, her immature womb quickly expanding like a water balloon as his second load proves more voluminous than the first, the child's first creampie sending her over the edge as well, Poppu trembling in his embrace as her belly bulges out like the beginnings of a baby bump. As she comes down from her climax, Poppu reaches up to his shoulders to pull herself up to give him a hug around the neck and a kiss on the lips, his member pulling out of her with an audible pop and a cascade of overflowing semen in the process. Though she would love to go another round, exhaustion from wrangling the younger kids and their activities catch up with her and she lets out a yawn as she breaks the kiss before declaring, "That was wonderful, Jyunichi-kun... We should do something like this again." and before he can think of a response, she's drifted off in his arms, leaving the teacher to wonder how he's going to get them both cleaned up and the pinkette home without raising suspicions.